Throughput Part 2 Effective Capacity & Throughput Leverages Based on the book: Managing Business Process Flows. Capacity Waste and Theoretical Capacity Effective capacity of a resource unit is 1/Tp. Unit load Tp , is an aggregation of the productive as well as the wasted time. Tp includes share of each flow unit of capacity waste and detractions such as Resource breakdown Maintenance Quality rejects Rework and repetitions Setups between different products or batches We may want to turn our attention to waste elimination; and segregate the wasted capacity. Theoretical capacity is the effective capacity net of all capacity detractions. Throughput-Part 2 Ardavan Asef-Vaziri Feb-2014 2 Capacity Waste Factor and Theoretical Capacity An operating room (a resource unit) performs surgery every 30 min, Tp = 30 min. Tp includes all the distracts. We also refer to it as the Unit Load. Effective capacity is 1/30 per min or 60/30 =2 per hour. On average, 1/3 of the time is wasted (cleaning, restocking, changeover of nursing staff and fixing of malfunctioning equipment ). Capacity Waste Factor (CWF) = 1/3. Theoretical Unit load = Tp*(1-CWF) =30(1-1/3) = 20 min. Tp = Unit Load = ThUnit Load /(1-CWF) = 20/(1-1/3) = 30 Theoretical Capacity = c/ThUnit Load Effective Capacity = Capacity = c/Unit Load. Theoretical Capacity = 1/20 per minute or 3 per hour. Effective Capacity = Theoretical Capacity (1-CWF) Throughput-Part 2 Ardavan Asef-Vaziri Feb-2014 3 Problem 4. Problem 5.1 in the book A law firm processes (i) shopping centers and (ii) medical complexes contracts. The time requirements (unit loads) for preparing a standard contract of each type along with some other information is given below. In November 2012, the firm had 150 orders, 75 of each type. Assume 20 days per month, and 8 hours per day. Capacity Waste factor at the three resource-s are 25%, 0, and 50%, respectively. Paralegal Unit Load Shopping Unit Load Medical No. Of (hrs /contract) (hrs /contract) Professionals 4 6 4 Tax lawyer 1 3 3 Senior partner 1 1 2 Throughput-Part 2 Ardavan Asef-Vaziri Feb-2014 4 Problem 4. Problem 5.1 in the book a) What is the effective capacity of the process (contracts /day)? Paralegal: Theoretical Unit Load (50%Sh 50% Med): 0.5(4)+0.5(6) = 5 hrs Theoretical Capacity = 1/5 per hr Capacity Waste Factor (CWF) = 0.25 Unit Load = Tp = 5/(1-0.25) = 20/3 hrs Effective Capacity = Capacity = 1/(20/3) = 3/20 per hr Tax Lawyer: Theoretical Unit Load 0.5(1)+0.5(3) = 2 hrs CWF = 0 Theoritical Unit Load = Tp = 2 hrs Theoretical Capacity = 1/2 per hr Effective Capacity = Capacity = 1/2 per hr Throughput-Part 2 Ardavan Asef-Vaziri Feb-2014 5 Problem 4. Problem 5.1 in the book Senior Partner: Theoretical Unit Load 0.5(1)+0.5(1) = 1 hrs. Theoretical Capacity = 1/1 = 1 per hr CWF = 0.5 Unit Load = Tp = 1/(1-0.5) = 2 hrs Effective Capacity = Capacity = 1/2 per hr ThUnit Load SH (hrs) ThUnit Load MD (hrs) Unit Load 50%SH 50%MD Teoretical Capacity of a Resource Unit /hr Unit Load CWF 50%SH 50%MD Capacity # Of of a Resourse Resource Units Unit /hr Th Capacity of the Resource Pool/hr Capacity of the Resource Pool/hr Paralegal 4 6 5 0.2 0.25 6.667 0.15 Tax lawyer 1 3 2 0.5 0 2 Senior partner 1 1 1 1 0.5 2 Cap of Th Cap of R- the RPool / day Pool / day 4 0.8 0.6 6.4 4.8 0.5 3 1.5 1.5 12 12 0.5 2 2 1 16 8 b) Compute the cycle time? 4.8 units in 8 hours. Cycle time = 8/4.8 = 1.67 hours Throughput-Part 2 Ardavan Asef-Vaziri Feb-2014 6 Problem 4. Problem 5.1 in the book c) Compute the flow time. Vey Theoretical Flow time = 5+2+1 = 8 !!!!!! Theoretical Flow Time 6.67+2+2 = 10.67 Flow Time = 10.67 + Waiting times d) Compute the average inventory. RT=I R= 4.8 per 8 hours or 0.6 per hour T =10.67 hours I = 0.6(10.67) = 6.4 e) Can the company process all 150 cases in November? 150/20 = 7.5. The effective capacity of 4.8 /day is not sufficient. f) If the firm wishes to process all the 150 cases available in November, how many professionals of each type are needed? Throughput-Part 2 Ardavan Asef-Vaziri Feb-2014 7 Problem 4. Problem 5.1 in the book Demand per day = 150/20 = 7.5 # of paralegals required = 7.5/1.2 = 6.25 # of tax lawyers required = 7.5/4 = 1.875 # of tax lawyers required = 7.5/4 = 1.875 These could be rounded up to 7, 2 and 2 We need 7, 2, 2. We have 4, 4,4. We may hire 3 additional paralegals. Alternatively, we may hire just 2 and have 6 paralegals. They need to work over time for 0.25 paralegal who works 8 hrs /day. That is 1.5 hours 1.5/8 = 22.5 minutes over time. Throughput-Part 2 Ardavan Asef-Vaziri Feb-2014 8 Setup Batch and Total Unit Load Setup or Changeover: activities related to cleaning, resetting and retooling of equipment in order to process a different product. Qp : Setup batch or lot size; the number of units processed consecutively after a setup; Sp : Average time to set up a resource at resource pool p for a particular product Average setup time per unit is then Sp/Qp Sp/Qp is also included in Tp Throughput-Part 2 Ardavan Asef-Vaziri Feb-2014 9 Setup Batch Size What is the “right” lot size or the size of the set up batch? Lot Size or ? The higher the lot size, the lower the unit load and thus the higher the capacity. The higher the lot size, the higher the inventory and therefore the higher the flow time. Reducing the size of the setup batch is one of the most effective ways to reduce the waiting part of the flow time. Load batch: the number of units processed simultaneously. Often constrained by technological capabilities of the resource. Setup batch: the number of units processed consecutively after a setup. Setup is determined managerially. Throughput-Part 2 Ardavan Asef-Vaziri Feb-2014 10 Capacity Analysis; Multiple Products - Single Stage Product Mix: 50%-50% Set-up time 30 min per product Working hours 8 hours/day 10 min/unit A B 20 min/unit Operation 1 machine 100% available Compute the effective capacity under min cost strategy. Two set-ups each for 30 min = 60 mins An aggregate product takes (10+20)/2 = 15 Production time = 8*60-60 = 420 mins Capacity = 420/15 = 28 aggregate units Each aggregate unit is 0.5 A and 0.5 B (total of 14A and 14B) Throughput-Part 2 Ardavan Asef-Vaziri Feb-2014 11 Capacity Analysis; Multiple Products - Single Stage Compute the capacity 10 min/unit under min flow time A strategy. Operation In a minimum inventory B strategy, we produce 20 min/unit two product at a time 1 machine then switch to the other. 100% available Product A: 2(10)0+30 = 50 Product B: 2*(20)+30 = 70 An aggregate product takes (50+70)/2 = 60 = 1 hour Capacity = 8/1 = 8 aggregate units. Each aggregate unit is 0.5 A and 0.5 B (total of 4*2A and 4*2B) 8A and 8B need 4*30*2 = 4 hours + 8*10+8*20 = 4 hours Throughput-Part 2 Ardavan Asef-Vaziri Feb-2014 12 Throughput Improvement Mapping Throughput ≤ Effective Capacity ≤ Theoretical Capacity Throughput << Capacity – External Bottleneck External blockage (demand) - ↓prices, ↑quality, ↓time ↑variety ↑sales efforts, ↑ advertising budget, ……. External starvation (supply of input) - identifying additional suppliers, more reliable suppliers, modifying the supply chain. Throughput = Capacity – Internal Bottleneck Increase financial capacity - modifying the product mix. Increase physical capacity - ↑ c ↓ Tp if Capacity ≈ Theoretical Capacity If Capacity << Theoretical Capacity. Throughput-Part 2 Ardavan Asef-Vaziri Feb-2014 13 Increasing Resource Levels ↑ c Capacity ≈ Theoretical Capacity Resources are efficiently utilized; increase the theoretical capacity. Increase the level of resources. ↑ c. buy one more oven Increase the size of resource units - Larger load batch - more loaves in the oven Increase the time of operation – ↑ Scheduled Availability, Overtime Subcontract or Outsource Technology- Speed up the activities rate - Invest in faster resources or incentives for workers. Throughput-Part 2 Ardavan Asef-Vaziri Feb-2014 14 Reducing Resource Capacity Waste ↓ Tp Capacity << Theoretical Capacity resources are not utilized effectively; eliminate of waste; ↓ Tp or ↑ Net Availability. Eliminate non-value-adding activities. Avoid defects, rework and repetitions – These two are exactly the same as what was stated for flow time reduction. For flow time we focus on activities along the critical path. For flow rate we focus on activities performed by bottleneck resources. Increase Net Availability – Reduce breakdown and work stoppage by improved maintenance policies and effective problem-solving, to reduce the frequency and duration of breakdowns and maintenance outside of working hours. Reduce absenteeism. Throughput-Part 2 Ardavan Asef-Vaziri Feb-2014 15 Reducing Resource Capacity Waste Reduce setup time – setup time per unit is Sp/Qp. Decrease the frequency of changeovers, reduce the time required for each setup and manage the product mix to decrease changeover time from one product to the next. Move some of the work to non-bottleneck resources – This may require greater flexibility on the part of nonbottleneck resources as well as financial investments in tooling and cross-training. Reduce interference waste – Eliminate starvation and blockage among work-stations. Methods improvement. Training. Management. Throughput-Part 2 Ardavan Asef-Vaziri Feb-2014 16 Total Unit Load for Product mix Compute the unit load and the total unit load for each Load batch of Regular tile, Jumbo tile and a product mix of 75% Regular and 25% Jumbo . Load Batches are 4 and 9 for regular and jumbo, respectively. Set-up Batches are 300 and 100 for regular and jumbo, respectively. Product L -Batch S-Batch Cutting time Setup time Regular 4 units 300 L-batch 2 min/L-batch 30 min/S-Batch Jumbo 9 units 100 L-batch 1 min/L-batch 30 min/S-Batch Unit Load (Tp ) Sp/Qp Total unit load Throughput-Part 2 Regular 2 30/300=0.1 2+0.1=2.1 Jumbo 1 Mix (2×0.75)+(1×0.25)=1.75 30/100=0.3 (0.1×0.75)+(0.3×0.25)=0.15 1+0.3=1.3 (2.1×.75)+(1.33×.25)= 1.9 Ardavan Asef-Vaziri Feb-2014 17 Effective Capacity of a Resource Unit Theoretical Capacity of a resource unit = (1/Unit Load) × Load Batch × Scheduled Availability Scheduled Availability – the scheduled time period during which a resource unit is available for processing flow units. Availability factor = Net Availability/Scheduled Availability Effective Capacity of a resource unit = (1/Total Unit Load) × Load Batch × Scheduled Availability Effective Capacity of a pool = (c/Tp) × Load Batch ×Scheduled Availability Throughput-Part 2 Ardavan Asef-Vaziri Feb-2014 18
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