1 Arrowhead Task 1.6: Case: Mining industry condition monitoring Mika Karaila, D.Sc. (Tech.) Research Manager [email protected], +358 40 761 2563 www.arrowhead.eu 2 WP 1.6 Participants (FINLAND) - Metso Automation (task leader) - Outokumpu - Laurentiu Barna, Veli-Pekka Salo, Pasi Tuominen Tampere University of Technology - Erkki Jantunen, Ventä Olli, Määttä Kalle Wapice Ltd. - Petri Vuolukka, Pasi Lassuri VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland - Mika Karaila, Yiqing Liang David Hästbacka, Seppo Kuikka University of Oulu Esko Juuso, Antti Koistinen, Jouni Laurila 3 Outokumpu Multiple challenges in mining: Optimal and correct system operation o Reduced risks o Remote control Large number of devices from different vendors o Cost-effective on-time maintenance o Maintenance strategy o Condition monitoring of devices and equipment ERP integration Kemi Mine 4 WP 1.6 Demonstration condition monitoring data (from the Kemi mine) Automation System Metso DNA Condition monitoring Condition and stress indexes Vibration analysis WAPICE REMOTE MANAGEMENT (WRM) Beckhoff OPC UA Server Beaglebone Black OPC UA Server OPC UA Servers / Clients Generic Data Model & Databases Terminal Communication REST API VPN, Security Gateway WRM TERMINAL (WRM247+) Data Acquisition Device Control Accelerometer, GPS RS-232, RS-485, USB Digital I/O, Analog Output 1-Wire, CAN Ethernet, GPRS, 3G OPC UA process and control data (e.g. from/to the Kemi mine) STAVANGER KEMI OULU process and control data (e.g. from/to the Kemi mine) TAMPERE WRM Desktop ESPOO Information Services for Condition Monitoring and Maintenance Data Aggregation and Unified Access Information Model and Interoperability Events and Notifications OPC UA Client/Server Architecture OPC UA (alarms & events) Generic Information Model VTT Node (Acceleration Sensor) Acceleration Data MIMOSA OPC UA process and control data (e.g. from/to the Kemi mine) Enterprise Applications and Mobile Clients condition monitoring data (from the Kemi mine) VAASA User Interface (web based) Grinding mill (Kemi) Wear part monitoring Hoisting rope damage Fine concentrate machine vision 5 Demo session: Metso Cloud: Big Data Windows: OPC UA client Beckhoff PLC: OPC UA server BeagleBone Black: OPC UA server Node-red: Sensortag OPC UA client Raspberry PI: Camera Node-red: Cloud storage 6 Demo session: Wapice Wapice Remote Management (WRM) System, OPC UA 7 Demo session: Tampere University of Technology OPC UA based aggregation of heterogeneous device data for maintenance information systems Consolidating information model e.g. for device, segment or site level services (i.e. Arrowhead framework) Adaptation of legacy system structures for improved interoperability Built-in support for information security for a multi-vendor environment Dynamic system structure enables scalability to data gathering and propagation of event notifications from a multitude of devices OPC UA information modeling for declaring data relations and semantics as well as views for different purposes 8 Demo session: VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Cloud: Big Data Windows: Mimosa Maintenance centre: Wear plate diagnosis CMMS: Registry Work management VTT Little Node: Vibration acceleration data Wear plate monitoring 9 Preliminary results from the first test NaturalFreq uencyOF_Averag edFTT kHz 1.08 1.06 1.04 1.02 1.00 0.98 0.96 0.94 0.92 0.90 0.88 0.86 0.84 0.82 0.80 0.78 0.76 0.74 0.72 0.70 0.68 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 10^3 Change of natural frequency (1050 -> 710 Hz) of a wear plate during a 2 month period 19.4–24.5.2014 10 Demo session: VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland • • • Wireless data acquisition system using BT-LE sensor nodes, smartphones and gateway units. Intelligent distribution of data pre-processing in node, in phone and in gatewaynodes to optimize energy, bandwidth and capacity usage Use case/next steps: Implementation of distributed data analyzing system for wear plate analysis utilizing distributed WSN architecture Distributed analysis in WSN Smartphone data analysis 11 Demo session: University of Oulu, Overview • On-site data processing • FFTDerivationIFFTNorms and describing indices Location and setup Matlab demonstration Finding the degrees 12 Thank you! www.arrowhead.eu
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