Spring Hill United Methodist Church Sunday, December 1, 2013 1st Sunday of Advent—Hope Welcome to the community of faith at Spring Hill Church. Enter to praise and worship, and listen for the voice of God among us. We are glad you are here! 1 Gathering & Praise Please sign the fellowship pad located in the pewback. Welcome & Announcements Mr. Timothy Best, Ministry Associate We Enter to Worship Lo! How a Rose E’re Blooming BAKER Greeting Mr. Best Lighting of the First Advent Candle Chris, Michelle, Brooke & Blake Vuncannon *Song of Praise O Come, O Come Emmanuel, #211 HELMORE *The Psalter Psalm 122, #845 *Celebration of Community Listening Children’s Time Mrs. Susie Buchanan Children’s bulletins and Busy Bags are available on the hearth in the Sanctuary Overflow Room. Children’s Church is available for children (who are out of diapers) age 3 through 1st grade. Parents are encouraged to accompany “first-timers” to introduce them. *Song of Preparation Emmanuel, Emmanuel, #204 McGEE Prayer for Illumination Mr. Brian Elwell, Children & Youth Minister Worship Through Rose of Bethlehem Sermon Hope? SELAH Isaiah 2: 1-5; Matthew 24: 36-44 Mr. Best Responding Invitation to Christian Discipleship We’ve a Story to Tell to the Nations, #569 NICHOL Prayer of Confession and Assurance of Pardon Unison Assurance of Pardon Prayers of the People Mr. Best Invitation to the Offering Offertory That Beautiful Name *Doxology Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow, #95 *Prayer of Thanksgiving Mr. Elwell TAVENER OLD 100TH Sending *Parting Song God Be With You Till We Meet Again, #672 *Benediction Mr. Best *We Depart to Serve the World Seek Ye First LAFFERTY *Please stand as you are comfortable standing. 2 Prayer concerns may be identified through our Fellowship Pads. Requests will be published for two weeks unless indicated private. Katelyn & Adam Andrews David & Margaret Bass Lawrence Black Edith Brownlee Billy Ray Brown Chris Brown Bertie & Ann Butler Donna Cameron Mary Eunice Chandler Kendra Coats Cathy Collins Trey Cox Emogene Currin Tim & Libby Currin Robbie Davey Hazel Dickens Mildred Dill Ashley Elwell Tracy Farrell Margaret Faull Judy Grant Billy & Janice Harrington Frances Harrington Lee Harrington Melissa Harris Edith S. Head Kimberly Hendrick Helen Holder Mike Holder Matthew Holland Julie Hurr Connie Mack Johnson Mary Lib Lasater Gray Leaird Tamara Lee Mary McPhail Noreen McPhail Elaine Mason Foster & Rachel Mason Gladys Mason Ken & Pat Matthews Jennifer Mattison Julia Melton Sid Miller Bonnie Myatt Elmer & Pauline Myers Magdline O’Quinn Mike O’Quinn Pat & Una O’Quinn Otis Patterson Ricky Patterson Stevie Plew Bailey Pope Erica Powers Danny Roberts Velma Rogers Lori Rothermund Wayne & Janet Salmon Hazel Simpson Allison Smith Brenda Smith Lee Smith Ray Smith Tracy Spaulding Jaylyn Spitzer Lisa Ray Spitzer Helen Stewart John Stewart Kendall & Faye Stewart Bryant Strickland Bill Taylor Bobbie Jean Upchurch Darlene Usry Clara Wade Leona Wagner Dottie West Neill West Heather Wicker Blanche Withers Jimmy Withers Georgie Womack Justin & Samantha Womack Dianne Womble Family of Faye Yow Military Personnel & their families The flowers in the sanctuary are given to the Glory of God and in loving memory of William & Lettye O’Quinn by Carolyn, Heather, John & Dale Rice. Serving Today: Greeters: Sandra Patterson & Claudia Smith; Kevin & Lorna Anderson Family Acolytes: Andrew Kelly & Connor Smith; Crucifer: Myra Holder Advent Readers: Chris & Michelle Vuncannon Family Children’s Church: Leader: Terri Holder; Helper: Bruce Clarke Ushers: Bobby Hamilton, Bertie Butler, Dwight McNeill and Randall Holder Organist: Robbie Davey Pianist: Johnny Holder The Chancel Choir under the direction of Mary Lib Lasater Serving Next Week: Greeters: Lorie Parker and Tracy O’Quinn Acolytes: Maddie Stephens & Hailey O’Quinn; Crucifer: Ryan Currin Children’s Church: Leader: Jeanna Morrison; Helper: Carol Holder Advent Readers: Hoey & Alpha Holder Ushers: Bertie Butler, Dwight McNeill, Randall Holder & Robbie Brafford Attendance Last Sunday: Christian Formation: 93; Children’s Message: 34; Worship: 187 Offerings Last Sunday: General Fund: $3,557.53; UMM: $10.00; Outreach : $909.00; Other: 446.97; Total: $4,923.50 We have received donations: In memory of Edith Brownlee by the Fellowship Sunday School Class. A NURSERY is provided for infants, toddlers, and two’s downstairs. A pager for parents is provided. WORSHIP BAGS for children’s use are in a basket on the hearth in the Sanctuary Overflow room. Please return after the service. ASSISTED LISTENING DEVICES are available upon request from the ushers or sound booth. AUDIOS from past sermons may be downloaded from our website @ www.connect2springhill.org 3 Poinsettias have been placed this Advent Season In Memory Of Neill West by Keith, Terri, Chase, Kendall and Kaylee Holder Jane, Dad, Mom and Len by Frank Stewart Lillian West by Keith, Terri, Chase, Kendall and Kaylee Holder Jim Hamilton by Sam and Robbie Davey Frank Parker by Grace Parker Alice Davey by Sam and Robbie Davey Michelle West Barbour by Candace Barbara Howdy (Hamilton) by Sam and Robbie Davey Raymond and Beulah Holder by Johnny and Linda Holder Ed Davey by Sam and Robbie Davey Clyde and Beatrice Strickland by Johnny and Linda Holder Barbara Roberts by Terry, Laura and Ryan Currin Joe and Ruth O’Quinn, Joe Bailey, Cecil and Earl by Pat and Una O’Quinn Pop Pop Charles Armacost by John Wilson Grandma Wilson by John Wilson Our Beloved Family who have gone before us by The Wilson Family Raymond and Beulah Holder and Clayborn by Pat and Una O’Quinn James (Buddy) Bullard by Shirley Bullard Bobby Stone by The Stone Family Tommy Womble by Joyce Womble Jack Currin by The Stone Family Lloyd and Mary Stewart, Jane Stewart and Len Stewart by Bobby and Norma Hamilton Waylon Chandler by Shannon Patterson Waylon Chandler by Mary Chandler My Children, Kaye & JR by Mary Chandler Lloyd and Mary Stewart, Jane Stewart and Len Stewart by Vernon and Gwen Cox Mary Thomas by Brenda Patterson Freeman Mason by Lynda Bryant and Susie Buchanan Waylon Chandler by Susan Bryant Janice H. Womble by JoAnne S. Thomas Tommy Womble by Deanna, Christian and Blake Ray Clara Mason by JoAnne S. Thomas Grandma Holder by Mitchell, Phillip and Collin Edwards Flowers by Chris and Michelle Vuncannon Syvada Holder by Hannable & Beth McGarity Delano Holder by Katelyn and Matthew Stephens Lloyd, Mary, Len and Jane Stewart by Billy, Janice and William Harrington Linda Stephens by Katelyn and Matthew Stephens William and Lettye O’Quinn by Carolyn, Heather, John and Dale Rice Wade and Hassie Mason by Kay and Bennie Upchurch My mother and my brother by Francis Harrington 4 Poinsettias have been placed this Advent Season In Honor Of Dottie West by Keith, Terri, Chase, Kendall and Kaylee Holder Tim and Christina Best by Terry and Jane Williams Brian Elwell and Elizabeth Ritz by Terry and Jane Williams Meme and Papa by Chase, Kendall and Kaylee Holder Una O’Quinn by Johnny and Linda Holder Emogene Currin by The Stone Family Ben, Jennifer, Noah and Cameron Fueston By Terry and Jane Williams My wonderful, caring mother, Susan Bryant by Shannon Patterson Michael, Shelly, Mikayla and Britton Williams By Terry and Jane Williams Mary Chandler by Susan Bryant Guy and Virginia Williams David and Margaret Bass by Terry and Jane Williams Joyce Womble by Deanna, Christian, and Blake Ray Our Families by Mike and Tracy O’Quinn Robbie and Maria Brafford Will, Jennifer, Andrew and Kaitlyn Langdon By Vernon and Gwen Cox Mrs. Dollie Mason by The McGarity Family Mrs. Debbie McAliley by The McGarity Family Pastor Terry Williams by Brooke and Blake Vuncannon Billy and William Harrington by Janice Harrington Debby, Brad, Doug, and Greg by Frank Stewart Betty, Tammy and Dana by Katelyn and Matthew Stephens Cathy Jackson by Roger, Elizabeth, Christina and Andrew Tim Stephens by Katelyn and Matthew Stephens My Family by Jean Humke Kyler and Kamryn by Brad and Kimberly Cummings Tim and Libby Currin by Terry, Laura and Ryan Currin Our Loving Parents by Brad and Kimberly Cummings Danny Roberts by Terry, Laura and Ryan Currin Kimberly by Brad, Kyler and Kamryn Cummings Vernon and Gwen Cox by Robbie and Maria Brafford My Grandsons by Francis Harrington Gwen Cox by Vernon Cox Bobby and Norma Hamilton by Joey, Mary Lib, Hamilton and Stewart Lasater Ashley and Reena Stone by Doug and Dawn Stone Allison Smith by Kay and Bennie Upchurch Joey, Mary Lib, Hamilton and Stewart Lasater and John, Georgia Lee and Lea Grace Patterson by Bobby and Norma Hamilton Bobbie Jean Upchurch by Bill and Magdline O’Quinn Magdline O’Quinn by Bill O’Quinn Dollie Mason by Lynda Bryant and Susie Buchanan 5
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