Inclusive Peace Initiative - The Graduate Institute, Geneva

 Peacebuildiing (CCDP)) of the Grad
The Centrre on Conflict, Develop
pment and P
duate Instittute of Internatio
onal and Deevelopmentt Studies is llooking to ffill two posiitions of Project A
Assistantt (37,5%)
for the prreparation o
of the “Inclu
usive Peace Initiative”. ne: 6 Februa
ary 2015 at 66pm Applicatiion deadlin
Start datee: 15 Februaary 2015 Duration
n: 4,5 month
hs (until end
d of June 20 15) About the project: nia Paffenho
olz, the CCD
DP has been
n exploring the functio
oning of 9 Under thee coordination of Than
models off inclusion iin political n
ns resulting in a peace a
agreement oor political transition arrangem
ment, by gath
hering data
a through in
nterviews an
nd desk research on 400 case studie
es following
g a unified rresearch framework. Th
he main ressearch phase of the prooject was fin
nalized at the end of 2014, appllying both q
qualitative aand quantittative data a
analysis. Th
he next phasse involves p
preparing th
he set‐up off an initiativ
ve for resea
arch‐policy ttransfer as w
well as the fine‐
tuning an
nd publicatiion of researrch results. Moreover, the project has been assked to give
e inputs into a num
mber of hig
gh‐level UN review pro
ocesses thatt take place in 2015 on p
peacebuildiing operation
ns, its archittecture, and
d Women, P
Peace and Seecurity (UN
NSC Res. 13225). The inittiative also givess inputs into
o current pe
eace proces ses, in coop
peration witth a networkk of partnerrs. ks and resp
ponsibilities: Main task
‐ Co
onduct back
kground ressearch on sp
pecific them
mes in particcular in relaation to the above‐
mentioned po
olicy processses; ‐ Su
upport dataa analysis; ‐ Asssist in the drafting of reports and
d policy pap
pers; ‐ Ed
dit project d
documents iin English;
‐ Su
upport even
nts conducte
ed with parrtners; and
‐ Asssist the pro
oject coordiinator with other project‐related m
matters. d qualificatiions : Required
‐ So
olid knowleedge in interrnational reelations, parrticularly in
n peacebuild
ding or related fields;
‐ Fluent in Eng
glish, and go
ood knowleedge of Fren
nch preferre
ed; ‐ Ab
bility to wriite concisely
y and accurrately; ‐ Sttrong desk rresearch and
d analyticall skills; ‐ Co
ommitmentt and interest to engagee and learn quickly in a dynamic w
work environment; ‐ Prroficiency in
n MS Word and PowerrPoint; ‐ Prroficiency in
n MS Excel, NVIVO, SP
PSS (or similar) is an assset; and ‐ Ab
bility to wo
ork in a team
m as well ass independeently. Applican
nts must be enrolled in
n a Master p
e of the Gra
aduate Instiitute. To apply,, please add
dress a 1‐page letter of motivation
n with attach
hed CV to T
Thania Paffe
enholz and send it by email to [email protected] by Friday 6 February 20155 at 6pm. In
nterviews will be heeld on the 10 February 2015.