Global Massachusetts 2024 - Mass Insight Global Partnerships

Winning the Competition for Talent and Innovation
If you have the talent, the jobs will come. With Baby Boomers retiring and the number of high school
graduates declining, we are entering an era of significant talent shortages where successful organizations and regions will develop innovative partnerships to meet talent and innovation challenges.
Convening Hosts
Global Massachusetts 2024 will establish 1) a vision for 2024 technology and sector opportunities for global leadership and 2) the talent, innovation, science and technology partnerships to make
Massachusetts a global education center in the focus areas and bring jobs to the state..
Joe Alviani
Tuesday, January 27th, 2015 • Hyatt Regency, Boston
Main program 9:00 AM – 5:30 PM
Global Boston: Gateway for Innovation Reception 5:30 – 7:30 PM
Welcome and Opening
Robert Caret, President, University of Massachusetts
Talent, Technology and University-Industry Partnerships
Clay Deutsch, President and CEO, Boston Private Financial Holdings
William Guenther, Chairman, CEO and Founder, Mass Insight Global Partnerships
Tripp Jones, Managing Director, New Profit, Inc.
Ron O’Hanley, Former President of Asset Management, Fidelity Investments
Opportunities for Global Leadership: Research Centers of Excellence
Big Data Analytics
Opening Presentation:
Andrew Lo, Director, MIT Laboratory for Financial Engineering
Comments and Discussion
Joe Alviani, Vice President for Government Affairs, Partners Healthcare
Victor S.Y. Lo, Vice President, Managerial Finance & Analytics, Fidelity Investments
11:00am Break
11:15am Cybersecurity
Opening Presentation:
Art Coviello, Executive Chairman, RSA, the Security Division of EMC
Jack Wilson, President Emeritus, University of Massachusetts
Jack Goldsmith, Henry L. Shattuck Professor of Law, Harvard University
VP for Government Affairs, Partners HealthCare
Tripp Jones
Managing Director, New Profit, Inc.
Gloria Larson
President, Bentley University
Financial Services
Life Sciences/Health Care
Introduction: Gloria Larson, President, Bentley University
Keynote: Governor Charles Baker
Special Recognition: Mike Widmer, President, MA Taxpayers Foundation
Talent and Technology Agendas: Working Group Sessions
• Research Centers of Excellence
• Financial Services
• Technology/Big Data
• Life Sciences/Health Care
• Advanced Manufacturing
IPN Research Partners:
City/State International Strategy: A Public-Private Partnership
Opening remarks:
Mayor Martin Walsh, City of Boston
The Honorable William Weld, Former Massachusetts Governor
William Guenther
Tom Glynn, President and CEO, Massachusetts Port Authority
Anthony P. Monaco, President, Tufts University
James Rooney, Executive Director, Massachusetts Convention Center Authority
5:30 – 7:30pm Reception: Global Boston: Gateway For Innovation (see page 2)
Co-Hosted by Mayor Martin Walsh, William Weld
18 Tremont Street, Suite 1010, Boston, MA 02108 (617) 778-1500
To become a sponsor, please contact Hal DeCoursey - [email protected]
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