This Week's Bulletin - Church of the Immaculate Conception

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February 1, 2015
February 1, 2015
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Rev. Joseph A. Scarangella
Parochial Vicar
Rev. Msgr. Paul L. Bochicchio
Weekend Assistant
Rev. Robert K. Suszko
In Residence
Rev. Frank J. Burla, Retired
Rev. Louis M. Pambello
Pastoral Associate for Catechetical Ministry
Ms. Mary Clinton
Organist and Director of Music
Mr. Preston L. Dibble
Pastoral Associate for Parish Life
Mrs. Yamilka Genao
Office Staff
Mrs. Bette Kuczek, Secretary
Ms. Marcie Alexander,
Bulletin Editor/Administrative Assistant
Plant Maintenance
Mr. Joseph Mulford
Mrs. Joan Moriarty
Mrs. Ceil Zimmermann
Phone: 973-744-5650 30 No. Fullerton Ave. Email: [email protected]
Fax: 973-744-7936 Montclair, NJ 07042 Website:
Pastoral Council
Mrs. Seton Feeney, Chair
Immaculate Conception High School
Mrs. Celia Triggs Honohan, President
Mrs. JoAnn Degnan, Principal
Immaculate Conception Cemetery
973-744-5939; [email protected]
Ms. Lisa Hayducka, Secretary
A Roman Catholic parish family since 1864, our call is to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ in word and deed, in all our
relationships and responsibilities. We encourage our members to embrace a lifestyle marked by Stewardship of Time, Talent and
Treasure, engaging in active support of our ministries of the Word, Worship and Service. We welcome visitors and all who wish to
join us as new members; registration forms are available at church entrances and at the Parish Office.
Sacraments of Initiation
The Eucharist
Sundays: 5:30 PM (Sat.), 8:30 AM, 11:00 AM Adult Baptism, Confirmation & Eucharist
or Reception into the Catholic Church: call
(choir) and 12:30 PM.
about Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults.
Weekdays: Monday—Friday 7:30 AM (Held in
St. Gianna Molla Chapel–lower level of Parish Infant Baptism: celebrated monthly (except
Center), and Monday—Saturday 12:10 PM in Lent); call for information about preparation
process for parents.
Holy Days: 7:30 AM and 12:10 and 7:30 PM
First Eucharist: generally celebrated in Grade 2;
(Church has barrier-free access; limited
call for information about preparation process
handicapped parking is available.)
for candidates and parents.
Confirmation: generally celebrated in Grade 9;
Rite of Penance with Individual Confession: call for information about preparation process
Saturday at 12:45 PM and 6:30 PM; Seasonal for candidates, parents and sponsors.
Communal Services as announced; Confession
Anointing of the Sick
any time on request.
Those seriously ill or confined at home may
call anytime for the Sacraments of Confession,
Arrangements should be made in person with a Eucharist and Anointing of the Sick. Call for
priest at least one year in advance. At least one times of communal celebrations. Please call to
partner should be a registered parishioner.
notify us of those who are hospitalized.
Novena to Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal:
Monday after 12:10 PM Mass (September–May)
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: In rotation
with our cluster parishes on First Fridays from 12:30
to 2:00 PM. (September –May)
Prayer Group: Wednesday, 8:00 PM
Faith Formation
Religious Education: Pre-School to Grade 8
Sunday at 9:30 AM to 10:45 AM (Tegakwita Hall).
Family-Based Religious Ed.: contact parish office.
Adult Formation: see Bulletin for programs.
Parish Office
The Office is located at 1 Munn St. and is
Open: Monday & Tuesday: 9:00 AM ‒ 6:00 PM
Wednesday & Thursday: 9:00 AM ‒ 4:00 PM;
Saturday and Sunday: 9:00 AM ‒ 1:00 PM;
Friday: Office is Closed. Call the Rectory for
emergencies, 973-744-5650 follow instructions.
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February 1, 2015
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Did you miss DISCOVERING CHRIST last fall?
Dear Parishioners:
Happy Super Bowl Sunday!
As I type the column for the bulletin, there is a potential for
a Blizzard on the way! I hope and pray that, if the
prediction comes true, that you will all be safe and kept
warm in the comfort of your homes and that this will pass
without any harm to anyone. Let’s hope that as we
approach Ground Hogs Day we will NOT have any extra
days of winter weather!
Next weekend we will have our Women’s Cornerstone
Retreat here at Immaculate. Please keep in your prayers
the women on retreat as well as those on the team that the
Lord will touch all of them in a special way.
Also, Discovering Christ will be back again by popular
demand. Beginning February 10, you will have the
opportunity to participate in this wonderful program.
What a great way to celebrate the Lenten Season.
Enjoy the game!
Sincerely in the Lord,
Fr. Joe
First Friday Devotions
Friday, February 6th is the First Friday of the month.
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament will follow the
12:10 PM Mass concluding at 2:00 PM with devotions to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Benediction
of the Blessed Sacrament. All who can be present are encourage to
spend some time in prayer before the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament.
All are invited to some exciting recitals on Sunday afternoons in the coming weeks. On February 8, 15 and
March 1, 15 we will feature local talent in some 30-40 minute programs beginning
at 4:00PM and each event will also be
FREE. Our first recital, on Sunday, February 8,
will be by our Chancel Choir’s Kristin Roney
in a vocal recital entitled: Love Notes. Kristin
has crafted a recital around pieces which were
written about or dedicated to their loved ones. What better
way could there be to break the shackles of winter than appreciating some great local talent right before dinner?!? Please plan now to not miss these varied programs,
including Opera Theater of Montclair, viola, classical guitar
and vibraphone. Please see for
more information on each event.
Emergency Collection for MESH
Montclair Emergency Services for the Homeless (MESH) has
run out of supplies to support their service of providing weekly
showers for our homeless brothers and sisters. Items needed:
—Bars of Soap
—Skin Cream
—Tooth Brushes
*men’s or women’s
—Shaving Cream in sizes: medium,
—Wash Cloths
large or x-large.
Please bring your donations to Church or the Parish Office by
this Sunday, February 1st. Thank you.
It’s Back! Join us for this Lenten Opportunity
Tuesday nights from February 10 to March 24
We invite our parishioners to participate in the upcoming
DISCOVERING CHRIST program co-sponsored by Immaculate
Conception and Our Lady of Mt. Carmel parishes. It will take
place on seven consecutive Tuesday evenings from 6:45-9:15 PM
in Madonna Hall from February 10th—March 24th, 2015, with
a retreat day on Saturday, March 7th. This program is an experience of spiritual renewal that focuses in on one’s relationship
with the person of Jesus Christ through the fellowship of a meal,
prayer and song, a weekly presentation and discussion in small
groups. Forms are available on our websites and on tables in
both churches and parish offices. In Fall close to 80 people participated. If you have any questions, please contact Msgr. Paul or
Jim & Seton Feeney at [email protected] or 201-819-3073.
Adoration – Tuesday evening
Pray for the Success of Discovering Christ
We invite our parishioner and committee members to
come and pray before the Blessed Sacrament for the success of this program next Tuesday evening February 3
from 6:45 to 7:30pm there will be Exposition of the Eucharist,
Time for private prayer and Benediction of the Most
Blessed Sacrament in Church.
Women’s Cornerstone Retreat
next Friday and Saturday
February 6 & 7
The team members of Cornerstone 2 extend an
invitation to the women of Immaculate Conception Parish to participate in a faith based
retreat exclusively for women given by women entitled “Here
I Am, Lord”. This is an opportunity to renew your relationship with God, whether it has been an on and off or a consistent one, within a nurturing community of parish women.
Friday evening thru Saturday, February 6-7, 2015. Registration forms/brochures available in the back of church at the
parish office or online at For more
information contact Ceil Zimmermann at 201-245-7397.
Stewardship Reflection:
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
February 1, 2015
“Brothers and sisters: I should like you
to be free of anxieties.” —1 Corinthians 7:32
How much anxiety do we bring upon ourselves by constantly
worrying about not having enough or attaining more things?
God won’t necessarily give you everything you want, but He
will provide everything you need. Try this— use the word
“pray”. Instead of the word “worry” in the future.
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February 1, 2015
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Coordinators needed for stewardship projects
We have two stewardship projects coming up that we are
looking for Coordinators to spearhead.
1.) Operation Rice Bowl—overseeing the distribution
and collection of this Lenten tithing program sponsored by Catholic Relief Services.
2.) Organizing the collection of gently used and new
First Communion outfits for our inner city parishes
and catholic families in need. Sponsored by the Archdiocese Office of Development and Stewardship.
If interested in heading up one of these two programs,
please contact the Parish Office at 973-744-5650 or email [email protected]
Rosary Society annual
Valentine Celebration and Communion Mass
Saturday, February 14th—12:10 PM
Luncheon and meeting to follow the Mass in Parish Center. We
have an ongoing request from Nancy Minton @ Birthright for
diapers to replenish their supply. Therefore the Rosary
Society is sponsoring a "Diaper Drive" for parishioners to help with this effort. Baskets will be placed in
the entrance of the church for diaper donations sizes
1,2 & 3. We will collect these on Saturday & Sunday, Feb. 7th &
8th and also the following weekend of February 14th & 15h.
Please call Nancy Clutterbuck at 973-746-3457 with questions.
Sponsors Needed
Our Parish RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is
in need of parishioners to be sponsors for those entering the
Catholic faith or completing their sacraments through the
RCIA process. For more info. please contact Deana Campion
at 973-509-9036 or email [email protected].
Do you have questions about the Catholic Faith?
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA):
Is the formation process which guides people inquiring
about our faith as well as Catholics seeking full
initiation. Please contact Mrs. Deana Campion
for more information at (973) 509-9036.
Religious Education
Snow Closing Notification
In the event of a snow closing of Sunday Religious Ed. Classes
or other program events, please call the parish center phone #
973-744-5650—ext. 118. This is Mary Clinton’s phone and
she will update her message 45 minutes prior to event start
time. We will also post snow closings on the Home Page of
the Parish website
Consider the E-Debit Option
With all the recent ice and snow, it's a good time for a reminder about the convenience of E-debit, our Electronic Giving
program, for making your parish contributions. When you
elect to use E-Debit your donations will automatically be
withdrawn for your checking or credit card accounts in a safe
and secure manner. If you are interested in joining E-debit,
please see the Parish Registration section of our parish website
( for a downloadable registration
form. If you have any questions, please contact our bookkeeper, Maureen Coleman at 973-744-5650 ext. 115 or via
email: [email protected].
We welcome all who are visiting the parish family of
Immaculate Conception in Montclair, and invite any who
would like to join our parish to fill out a registration form, found
on the tables in the back of church. Please complete both
sides and give to one of the priests or return to the Parish
Center. The registration form may also be found on the Parish
Web site at To all our parishioners, please advise us of any changes to your address, phone #
and email so that we can keep our files current.
Immaculate this Week at a Glance
Sunday, February 1
― Religious Ed. Classes PreK-Gr.8-School Bld.(9:30-10:45AM)
Monday, February 2
― Rosary prayed daily (after 12:10 mass)
Tuesday, February 3
― Rosary prayed daily (after 12:10 mass)
― Feast of St. Blaise Blessing of Throats after daily masses
― Adoration in Church for success of Discovering Christ (6:45 PM)
― Women’s Cornerstone meeting in PC (7:30 PM)
Wednesday, February 4
― Rosary prayed daily (after 12:10 mass)
― Cherub Recorders, Choir Room (3:30 PM)
― Cherub Rehearsal, Choir Room (4:00 PM)
― Chorister Rehearsal, Choir Room (4:30 PM)
― Chorister Handbells, Madonna Hall (5:15 PM)
Thursday, February 5
― Rosary prayed daily (after 12:10 mass)
― Chancel Choir Rehearsal in Choir Room (7:30 PM)
Friday, February 6
― Rosary prayed daily (after 12:10 mass)
― First Friday Devotions in church (12:30 PM—2 PM)
― Women’s Cornerstone Retreat begins (6:15 PM)
Saturday, February 7
― Rosary prayed daily (after 12:10 mass)
― Women’s Cornerstone Retreat continues (all day)
Sunday, February 8
― Religious Ed. Classes PreK-Gr.8-School Bld.(9:30-10:45AM)
― 1st Communion Parents’ Gathering #2 in MH (9:30 AM)
― 8th Grade Confirmation “Rite of Sponsors” (11 AM mass)
― 2nd Collection: Monthly Repair & Maintenance Collection
Vocational Exploration Retreat
The Mother Boniface Spirituality Center (run by the order of
Missionary Servants of the Most Blessed Trinity) are hosting a
Vocational Exploration Retreat entitled “The Next Chapter In the
Story of My Life”. This is for Young Adults (18-35 years old) on
Saturday, March 7th from 10:00am to 5:00pm at the Mother
Boniface Spirituality Center 3501 Solly Ave., Philadelphia, PA.
Cost is $10 (meal included). Join us for this one-day retreat consisting of prayer, activity and reflection to uncover what God has
been writing in your life story. For more info. or to register call
267-350-1835, email: [email protected], or go on line to: Registration deadline is March 1st.
For the latest news about happenings at
Immaculate Conception: follow us on Facebook at
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February 1, 2015
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
5:30pm (Sat.) John Hutchinson
8:30am Harold Ferguson
Joseph Billi
12:30pm Calvin Navatto
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
5:30pm (Sat.) Robin Holcombe, Karen Hockstein,
Ann Kraus, Nancy Juelis
Marty Kleber, Nancy Forte,
Robert Rowan, Carla Millien
Nancy Clutterbuck Marilyn Graham,
Ed Haas, Floater
12:30pm Dennis Reis, Maria & Robert Dyer, Floater
Altar Servers
5:30pm (Sat.) Massimo Esposito, Volunteers needed
James Creaser, Diana Creaser,
Henry McDermott, William McDermott
Brandon Rombough, Dylan Green,
John Green, Jessica Green, Mia Green
12:30pm Volunteers Needed
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
Sue Trapp
Rita Deas, Ana Dooley
Readings for the Week
Mal 3:1-4; Ps 24:7-10; Heb 2:14-18;
Lk 2:22-40 [22-32]
Tuesday: Heb 12:1-4; Ps 22:26b-28, 30-32;
Mk 5:21-43
Wednesday: Heb 12:4-7, 11-15; Ps 103:1-2, 13-14,
17-18a; Mk 6:1-6
Thursday: Heb 12:18-19, 21-24; Ps 48:2-4, 9-11;
Mk 6:7-13
Heb 13:1-8; Ps 27:1, 3, 5, 8b-9; Mk 6:14-29
Saturday: Heb 13:15-17, 20-21; Ps 23:1-6; Mk 6:30-34
Jb 7:1-4, 6-7; Ps 147:1-6; 1 Cor 9:16-19,
22-23; Mk 1:29-39
January 31
Helen Posteraro
February 1
(Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time)
For the People of the Parish
11:00 Emilia Villazon
12:30 Marie Nazzaro.
February 2
(The Presentation of the Lord)
Julia Healy
12:10 Mary Crisfield
February 3
(St. Blaise, Bishop & Martyr, St. Ansgar, Bishop)
Mary Crisfield
12:10 Isabelle Russell
Wednesday February 4
Daniel T. Nolan
12:10 Souls in Purgatory
Thursday February 5
(St. Agatha, Virgin & Martyr)
Souls in Purgatory
12:10 Samuel Ludden
February 6
(St. Paul Miki and Companions, Martyrs)
John Cafone
12:10 Roberto Fernandez
Saturday February 7
12:10 Clyde Frantz (living)
America “Rick” Giannetti
February 8
(Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time)
Mattie Marie Brown
11:00 For the People of the Paris
12:30 Hugh M. MacKenzie
Masses available to remember loved ones
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
In-pew donations
E-debit contributions (weekly)
Snow Removal Collection
$ 8,258
$ 7,017
$ 1,241
$ 2,786
Guidelines for Stewardship suggest contributing 5% of weekly income to parish support, and 5% to other charities (e.g.,
Archbishop’s Annual Appeal). Thank you for your continued
support of your parish. If you are not already doing so, please
use your envelopes each week — only contributions in your
numbered envelope (or an envelope indicating your name/
address & #) or E-Debit are recorded for documentation required by the IRS. Please contact Marcie Alexander at the
Parish Office if you are not receiving contribution envelopes.
Some people think that we should give until it hurts. However, true
stewards give until it feels right. Our giving feels right when we
know that we can stand before God when He comes in His glory
and say to Him, “Lord, I gave all that You asked me to give.”
There are Mass Intentions available to remember loved ones or
someone recently deceased. A beautiful card showing our
church’s Resurrection stain glass window can be sent in remembrance and sympathy and the name of the loved one is announced
at the mass and in the bulletin. Available at the Parish Office.
Rosary Intentions for the Week of Feb. 2
Mon.: For peace in the world. For World leaders, people in the military,
and people persecuted and tortured.
Tues.: For the Holy Father, Bishops, priests, religious brothers & sisters. For
vocations to the priesthood, religious life.
Wed.: For the respect of life from conception to natural death and the
sanctification of marriage and family.
Thurs.: For our conversion and conversion of people who do not accept
Jesus as their Savior and God. Fri.: For the Souls in purgatory and deceased member of our Parish.
Sat.: For the sick of our families, Parish and communities.
We invite you to join us in praying the rosary following the 12:10
mass for the intentions of families, the world, and the Church. “Say
he rosary every day” —Our Lady of Fatima 1917
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February 1, 2015
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Blessing of Throats on Tuesday
“To everything there is a
season, and a time for
every purpose under
––Ecclesiastes 3:11
“…… A time to be healed……”
Sick List: Michael Quinn, Sr. Cora Marie McGuire, Anita
Szarzinski, Flo Rusnak, Donna Valenti, Ronald Haegele, Rosemary Thomasberger, Gloria Reinhardt, Amy Brown, Pamela
Doffont, Jill Cerullo, Shelia Settle, Sr. Carol Jaresewski, Thomas
D. Sheen, Damion Regan, Barbara Regan, Stephen Bacino,
Edward Britt, Barbara Wisniewski, William Crum, Mary King,
Ann Bongiovanni, Joan Emerson, Baby Maisy Chapman, George
“…… A time to die……”
Deceased: Robert Cummings. May all the faithful departed
rest in peace.
Altar Bread and Wine in memory of
Roberto Fernandez.
Sanctuary Lamp burns for
Serena Bobrowsky.
Altar Candles burn for
Roberto Fernandez..
Memorial Candle burns in
memory of Gennaro Di Minico.
We pray for national and world leaders and for those
in the armed services, especially, Joshua Dibble, USN;
SGT. David Raggi; SrA Edward Walker, USAF.
Intercession for Life: For women and men who are
suffering in the aftermath of an abortion: that they may find
healing, consolation and strength through the sacraments and
prayer; We pray to the Lord.
Intercession for Vocations: That the faithful love of
God may be our anchor and give us the courage to serve, We
pray to the Lord.
The Holy Father's Intentions —FEBRUARY, 2015
Prisoners. That prisoners, especially the young, may be
able to rebuild lives of dignity.
Separated spouses. That married people who are separated
may find welcome and support in the Christian community.
We celebrate the Feast of St. Blaise on Tuesday,
February 3rd. St. Blaise is known as the Patron Saint
of Throat Illnesses. Saint Blaise’s protection of those
with throat troubles apparently comes from a legend that a boy
was brought to him who had a fishbone stuck in his throat. The
boy was about to die when Saint Blaise healed him. You will
have the opportunity to have your throats blessed after
the 7:30 AM and 12:10 PM masses. St. Blaise, pray for us
that we may not suffer from illnesses of the throat and pray
that all who are suffering be healed by God’s love, Amen.
An evening of faith, food and fun for all couples
Friday, February 13th 7:00 to 9:00 PM
Come and enjoy an evening to celebrate your marriage,
presented by Jim and Jill Cherrey. Jim and Jill Cherrey have
been in marriage ministry for 24 of their 26 married years, and
currently coordinate God’s Plan for a Joy-Filled
Marriage and Natural Family Planning for the
Archdiocese of Newark. Dinner will be served
and Babysitting available. This event will take
place here at Immaculate Conception Church in
Madonna Hall. For more information or to RSVP
please contact [email protected] or
Are you Celebrating your 50th, 25th or 5th
Wedding Anniversary this year?
We are honoring those couples in our Archdiocese who will be
celebrating 5, 25 and 50 years of Christian marriage in the year
2015. These anniversary liturgies will be celebrated by Archbishop John J. Myers in the Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred
Heart in Newark at 3:00 PM on:
Sunday, April 19th for 50th Anniversaries
Sunday, May 3rd, for 25 and 5 Year Anniversaries
Registration Deadline is: no later than Wed., April 8 for the
April 19th Mass and Wed., April 22 for the May 3rd Mass.
Please register early. Contact the parish office for additional
information and to register call 973-744-5650 or send an email
to parishoffice@mtcimmaculate.
Men & Women of the Parish you are Invited
Catholic Men’s Conference
Saturday, March 14th
Be Not Afraid...He is With Us! At Seton Hall University from
8am to 4pm. Breakfast and Lunch Included. Confessions available throughout the whole day! For more information and to register at or call 973-497-4545.
Women’s Commission Day of Reflection
Saturday, March 7th
Behold Your Mother! At Seton Hall University from 9am to
5pm (Registration at 8am) Includes breakfast and lunch. For
more info. and Registration go to [email protected] or
973-497-4545. Early Bird Registration for both programs until
February 1(get $5 off on-line registrations).
(Catered by the famous Thistle Restaurant)
This is a perfect family event and delicious way to mark the
Lenten Season in a traditional manner.
The 2nd collection next weekend is our monthly Repair &
Maintenance Collection, which we rely heavily upon for the upkeep of our many parish buildings. Thank you for your generosity!
8:30, 11am (choir)& 12:30pm
9 7:30am Mass in PC
of the Lord
7:30am Mass in PC
12:10pm Mass in Church
6:45-9:15pm in MH
Discovering Christ
Opera Theatre of Montclair
Winter Recital Series
4:00 PM in Church
School Building. 9:30-10:45am
8:30, 11am (choir)& 12:30pm
Religious Ed. PreK-Gr. 8 in
7:30am Mass in PC
12:10pm Mass in Church
7:30am Mass in PC
12:10pm Mass in Church
6:45-9:15pm in MH
Discovering Christ
7:30am Mass in PC
12:10pm Mass in Church
6:45-9:15pm in MH
Discovering Christ
╬ 12:10 PM Mass
╬ 3:30 PM Prayer Service
╬ 7:30 PM Mass
3:30pm Cherub Recorders
4pm Cherubs Sing
4:30pm Chorister Sing
5:15pm Choristers Handbells
Children’s Choir Rehearsal
7:30am Mass in PC
12:10pm Mass in Church
3:30pm Cherub Recorders
4pm Cherubs Sing
4:30pm Chorister Sing
5:15pm Choristers Handbells
Children’s Choir Rehearsal
12:10pm Mass in Church
Rehearsal in CR
4:00 to 5:00 PM
25 7:30am Mass in PC
Chancel Choir-Rehearsal
12:10pm Mass in Church
12 7:30am Mass in PC
Chancel Choir-Rehearsal
K of C Meeting: 7:30pm MH
12:10pm Mass in Church
5 7:30am Mass in PC
Chancel Choir-Rehearsal
K of C Meeting: 7:30pm MH
12:10pm Mass in Church
5 7:30am Mass in PC
Chancel Choir-Rehearsal
7:30am Mass in PC
12:10pm Mass in Church
Chancel Choir-Rehearsal
K of C Meeting: 7:30pm MH
12:10pm Mass in Church
Ashes Distributed at: 19
7:30am Mass in PC
╬ 7:30 AM Mass
Collection for Retired Priests
ICHS Prayer Service—1:40pm
Cherub/Chorister Choirs
5:15 to 6:00PM
Chorister Handbell Choir
Rehearsal in Church
4:00 to 5:15 PM
Cherub/Chorister Choirs
12:10pm Mass in Church
11 7:30am Mass in PC
3:30pm Cherub Recorders
4pm Cherubs Sing
4:30pm Chorister Sing
5:15pm Choristers Handbells
7:30am Mass in PC
12:10pm Mass in Church
Children’s Choir Rehearsal
7:30am Mass in PC
12:10pm Mass in Church
7:30am Mass in PC
12:10pm Mass in Church
12:10pm Mass in Church
20 7:30am Mass in PC
7-9pm in MH
Family Faith Event
“Celebrate your Marriage”
12:10pm Mass in Church
13 7:30am Mass in PC
Retreat—begins 6:15pm
MH and School Bldg.
12:30pm to 2pm
First Friday Devotions
12:10pm Mass in church
IC Fish Fry
(& chicken)
in M.H.
12:10pm Mass in church
5:30pm Mass (for Sunday)
Retreat (All Day)
7 Discovering Christ
9th Grade Confirmation
Lent Gathering 5-8pm in MH
5:30pm Mass (for Sunday)
Caldwell University Choir @
5:30pm Mass
ICHS Black History
Fundraiser Dinner 7:00pm-MH
5:30pm Mass (for Sunday)
12:10pm Mass in church
5:30pm Mass Children’s
Choirs to Sing
5:30pm Mass (for Sunday)
Mtg./Luncheon in PC (use
ramp ent.) following 12:10pm
IC Rosarian Valentine’s
14 12:10pm Mass in church
5:30pm Mass (for Sunday)
Retreat—continues to 8pm
Women’s Cornerstone
12:10pm Mass in church
7:30am Mass in PC
12:10pm Mass in Church
Women’s Cornerstone
Please Note: The Rosary is prayed in church each day following the 12:10pm Mass.
7:30am Mass in PC
12:10pm Mass in Church
Location Key: PC: Parish Center/MH: Madonna Hall/CR: Choir Room
2nd Sunday of LENT
RCIA Rite of Sending @ 11am mass
Confessions in Church for
Grades : 3,4,5 9:30-10:30am
Sch. Bldg. 9:30-10:45am
Religious Ed. PreK-Gr. 8 in
2nd Collection-for Religious Education
8:30, 11am (choir)& 12:30pm
22 1st Sunday of LENT
RCIA Rite of Sending @ 11am mass 8:00 AM Mass in Church Discovering
6:45-9:15pm in MH
Parish Office
Winter Recital Series
4:00 PM in Church
Bret Deubner, Violist
for President’s Day
School Building 9:30-10:45am
Religious Ed. PreK-Gr. 8 in
8:30, 11am (choir)& 12:30pm
“Love Notes” -Kristin Roney
Winter Recital Series
4:00 PM in Church
School Bldg. 9:30-10:45am
1st Communion parents mtg. #2 9:30am
in MH
8th Gr.Confirmation “Rite of Sponsors”
@ 11am mass
Religious Ed. PreK-Gr. 8 in
7:30am Mass in PC
12:10pm Mass in Church
7:15 pm in PC
Women’s Cornerstone meets
6:45-7:30pm Church
Discovering Christ
Feast of St. Blaise
Blessing of Throats after masses
12:10pm Mass in Church
3 7:30am Mass in PC
2 7:30am Mass in PC
12:10pm Mass in Church
2nd Collection-Repair & Maintenance 12:10pm Mass in Church
Registration-(all masses)
Last weekend to register!
Discovering Christ
School Bldg. 9:30-10:45am
Religious Ed. PreK-Gr. 8 in
8:30, 11am (choir) & 12:30pm
Parish email and website: [email protected] │
February 2015
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