The Weekly Church Bulletin NEWARK CHURCH OF CHRIST Clinton Avenue and S. 14th Street Newark, NJ 07108 Volume Number 53 5 Sunday, February 1, 2015 WHEN TRUTH HURTS Eugene Lawton Minister Church Office 973 374-4563 Fax 973 374-6704 Church Calendar Sunday Bible School 10:00 a.m. Worship Services 11:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m. Thursday Bible Classes 7:00 p.m. RADIO PROGRAM Sunday at 2:30 pm WMCA 570 AM What is truth? This is a philosophical question. G.E. Moore argues the correspondence theory of truth. F.H. Bradley conjectures the coherence theory of truth. William James Advocates the pragmatic theory of truth. Mr. Webster says that truth is conformity to knowledge, fact, actuality or logic. Let me sound my trumpet, truth is objective and eternal. Its validity does not depend upon you or me because it is outside of us. No wonder the poet penned, "Truth crushed to the earth will rise again, the eternal years of God are hers. No lie can live forever." There are times when this objective source of information crushes the mind and heart to pieces. Sometimes truth causes pain and tears to be shed. Truth sometimes stirs up wrath and makes enemies out of best friends. Truth causes husbands and wives to break up a marriage of many years. Some people do not like the truth, but would rather pretend. Truth will elevate you or deflate you; it will magnetize you or repel you; it will satisfy you or disturb you; it will make you shouting glad or fighting mad. Socrates said, "Do not be angry with me if I tell you the truth." TRUTH HURTS WHEN IT SHATTERS TRADITIONAL IDEAS. The Master said, "I am the way, the truth and the life." (John 14:6) Jesus' home folks were hurt by the truth that he was the Messiah. (Luke 4:16-24) Even though the truth might hurt sometimes, you need to understand that you can do nothing against the truth. (2 Cor. 13:8) You ought to let God be true and every man a liar. (Roman 3:4) Some religious ideas that have been taught for a long time are wrong, and when you tell people the truth it hurts. Calling the preacher REVEREND is not according to the truth. (Psalm 111:9) God does not hear and answer the sinner's prayer. (John 9:31, I Peter 3:12) Baptism is not sprinkling or pouring but a burial in water. (Romans 6:4) God does not have any WOMEN PREACHERS. (I Cor. 14:34) Instrumental music should not be used in the worship service of the church. (Eph. 5:19) Christ has ONLY ONE CHURCH and that church is THE CHURCH OF CHRIST. (Matt. 16:18, Romans 16:16) The Bible is right, but somebody is wrong. Dr. Eugene Lawton 47th NORTHEASTERN YOUTH CONFERENCE April 17-19, 2015 Theme: CHOICES THAT YOU CANNOT CHOOSE! Gal. 6:7 Get ready young people for a great time in the Lord! Support SOUTHWESTERN CHRISTIAN COLLEGE Attend the 46th Annual NATIONAL DINNER DAY SUNDAY, MARCH 1, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. KRISTOPHER DARDAR, Guest Speaker NEWARK CHURCH OF CHRIST Clinton Avenue & S. 14th St., Newark, NJ Eugene Lawton, Minister; Iris Kuku Coordinator Donation — $40.00 BROTHER KRISTOPHER DARDAR A FACULTY MEMBER AT SOUTHWESTERN CHRISTIAN COLLEGE, Terrell, Texas will be our speaker. Our goal is to raise $30,000.00 and the tickets are $40.00 per person. Sister Iris Kuku is the coordinator. Church, we must WORK HARDER and GIVE MORE in order to reach this goal. Plan to attend this event. HAPPY WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Stanley & Lois Carter - 11th. Dear Church Members: FEBRUARY Harriett Boone 1 Jeremy Toney 2 Weston Paton 4 Wanda Brown 6 Felicia Mensah 6 Henrietta Thweatt 8 Keevin Thompson 11 Gwendolyn Thomas 12 Andre Hart, Jr. 12 Kwasi Manu 13 Nicole Barnes 14 Benjamin Johnson 14 Lois Carter 15 Portia Askew 18 Sean Betts 18 Juanita Lane 21 Phyllis Grayer 21 Shyea Wallace 22 Hazel Brown 23 Stanley Carter 25 Bettie Mitchell 25 Charles Ryan 25 Josephine Samuel 25 Stanley O. Jordan 28 Constance Woodard 29 CHURCH, SOUL WINNING IS EVERY MEMBER’S BUSINESS! ARE YOU INVOLVED IN TRYING TO WIN SOMEONE TO THE LORD? On Sunday, March 1, 2015, at 2:00 p.m., the National Dinner Day for Southwestern Christian College will be held all over the United States. At the same time, interested lovers and supporters of Christian education will be convening for the purpose of raising funds to strengthen the foundation of the college. Inflation is taking its toll on Southwestern. The basic physical facilities have been obtained such as the dormitories, a physical education complex, the dining hall, the library, the auditorium and the student center. On December 11, 1984, Southwestern became accredited as a four year college. The new Fine Arts building was dedicated during the lectureship on November 19, 1989. This was constructed with federal funds. A recording studio has been installed in the new Fine Arts Building with $45,000.00 worth of equipment. My heart rejoiced when I saw it during the lectureship in November, 1991. The ladies of the national brotherhood are to be commended for having raised nearly $500,000.00 for Southwestern by the National Dinner Day in 1992. I was present at the dedication of the new Science Building on November 24, 1996 during the lectureship. It was uplifting to be present for the dedication of four new buildings on November 18, 2007 during the 70 th Annual Southwestern Christian College Lectureship. The buildings were the Office Annex Building and three cottages for students’ housing. On Sunday, November 23, 2008, after the Founder’s Day Program, we had a tour of the recently completed Office Annex Building. This new Office Annex Building was a great blessing in view of the fire which destroyed the old Evans Administration Building on January 28, 2008. I saw the new, almost completed Jack and Patricia Evans Fine Arts Building on November 21, 2011 during the SWCC Lectureship. This million dollar building is paid for and that is good news. The Carrie Woodard Memorial National Dinner Day for Southwestern Christian College for New Jersey and Area will be at the Newark Church of Christ on Sunday, March 1, 2015, and brother Kristopher DarDar, Sr., A Faculty Member at Southwestern Christian College, Terrell, TX will be the guest speaker. It will be a distinctive honor and most coveted privilege to hear this outstanding professor and great gospel preacher of Southwestern. You may help by attending and encouraging others to attend this fundraising dinner. The donation is $40.00 per person, which is income tax deductible. If you cannot attend this dinner, your contribution or donation of any amount will be appreciated greatly. The dinner-coordinator is Mrs. Iris Kuku of the Newark Church of Christ. This is her eigth dinner; succeeding sister Exzora Hall, who did an outstanding job of 20 dinners before moving to Florida. My plea to you is that you can help build a greater Southwestern. Do so by attending the Carrie Woodard Memorial National Dinner Day for Southwestern Christian College in Newark, on March 1, 2015. Our goal is to raise $30,000.00 on this day. Your money should be turned in to Mrs. Iris Kuku, 725 Leland Ave., Plainfield, New Jersey, 07061; 908 754-0675 on or before February 15, 2015, in order that adequate preparation can be made. Yours for a Greater Southwestern, Eugene Lawton, Minister THE FOODBANK ITEM IS A CAN OF MEAT FOR THIS MONTH. 2 PRISON MINISTRY Any church member who is interested in being a part of this ministry, is requested to submit his name to brother Brian Coleman or sister Tracey Godbold in order to attend the next Member Orientation Meeting, on Saturday, February 7, 2015, at 9 am, at the Essex County Youth Detention Center as soon as possible. 29th ANNUAL LADIES DAY IN ROOSEVELT, NY The date is Saturday, March 14, 2015. The theme will be: A Moment In Time. Registration starts at 8:30 a.m. and the program begins at 10:00 a.m. The guest speakers will be sister Sharon Odwin, Queens, NY and sister Brenda Adams, Roosevelt-Freeport, NY. Brother Walter Maxwell is the host minister. BLACK HISTORY PROGRAM Carter G. Woodson started Black History Month in 1926 and it has been used as a great tool to educate people about the great contributions that Black people have made in this country. Sister Gillis is in charge. BROTHER EUGENE LAWTON HAS BEEN PREACHING THE GOSPEL FOR 60 YEARS AS OF JANUARY 20, 2015. I thank God for His love and mercy to allow me to preach His glorious gospel. Pray that He will give me health and strength to preach for many more years. Members Who Are SICK LIST AT HOME Rosalie Naylor, Denise Henderson, Arizona Greenlee, Philip Grayer SICK HOSPITALS Edna Wiley—Hamilton Park Health Care Facility, 525 Monmouth St. Jersey City, NJ; Catherine Taylor—Springhills at Somerset Assisted Living, Somerset, NJ; Mamie Greenwood— South Mountain Reh. Center, Vauxhall, NJ; Edith Ward—Park Cresent Health Care & Rehabilitation, 480 N. Walnut St., East Orange, NJ; Bertha Kornegay—Brother Boniventure Nursing Home, 655 E. Jersey St., Elizabeth, NJ Ann Ward —Waterview Center, 536 Ridge Road, Cedar Grove, NJ; Howard Lightfoot— New Vista Nursing Home—300 Broadway, Newark, NJ; Joshua Butler— JFK Hospital, Edison, NJ; Leon Godbold—Capital Medical Center— Pennington, NJ; Brunish Mountainside Hospital, Montclair, NJ SICK VISITATION Group 1: W. Gardner, C. Holley Best— OUR CHURCH THEME FOR 2015… LIFT THE SAVIOR UP! John 12:32 THE AREA-WIDE SINGING FELLOWSHIP will be here at Clinton Avenue on Sunday, February 15, 2015 at 3:00 p.m. Everyone is encouraged to be present to hear some great gospel singing. RESTORED LAST SUNDAY C. Lockhart, G. Jones, M. Rauson, D. Durham and F. Broughton were restored. P. Richardson, S. Trent, I. Cansler, Z, Peterson and S. Carter requested prayer. RESPONSES FOR 2015 2 Baptized, 41 Restored/Prayer Requests Brother R. C. Jackson will preach here tonight. You must be present to hear this man of God. LADIES BIBLE CLASS WORKSHOP The date is THIS Sunday, February 1, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. in the church dining hall. The theme is: LIVING FOR GOD—BODY, MIND & SPIRIT, Phil. 2:14, 15. Sister Lois Carter will be the keynote speaker. The sisters are in for a great time in the Lord and every sister is urged to be present. Sister Mikki Taylor is in charge. CHURCH LIBRARY Is open every Sunday for 20 minutes immediately after 11:00 a.m. service. MINISTERS’ CLASS will meet on Friday, February 6, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. Brother Lawton is the teacher. NEW CONVERTS’ DINNER Will be Sunday, February 22, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. at the Ramada Plaza Hotel. This is designed for the 40 persons who were baptized in 2014. you must register for this dinner with sister Gail Jackson or call the church office. Every person baptized in 2013 is urged to attend this complimentary luncheon. NEXT YOUTH DEVOTIONAL Will be Friday, February 27, 2015. Every youth is encouraged to be present to share in fun, fellowship, and an inspirational message. Brother Terrance Wood is in charge. CONDOLENCE We extend condolence to sister Inell Best and Family who lost her sister, who was funeralized in Newark on January 29, 2015. We extend condolence to brother Mark Rauson and Family who lost his father last week. Pray for both families. WELCOME VISITORS, WE ARE SUPER DELIGHTED TO HAVE YOUR WITH US TODAY, DO COME AGAIN SOON. THERE IS NO PLACE LIKE THIS PLACE! 3 COMING EVENTS ORDER OF WORSHIP SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 2015 A.M. THE 71st ANNUAL NATIONAL LECTURESHIP Will be in Chicago, P.M. INVOCATION M. Canady SONG DIRECTOR And. Hart And. Hart SCRIPTURE B. Johnson T. Wood PRAYER R.C. Jackson R. Johnson SERMON E. Lawton R. C. Jackson LORD'S SUPPER B. Coleman E. Mitchell NARRATIVE W. Gardner 1-C. Ward, 2-Q. Ford 3-A. Burch, 4-S. Toney, 5-E. Mitchell 6-H. Blanding FRONT RIGHT PEWS--E. Mitchell, E. Coleman, W. Paton FRONT LEFT PEWS—J. Benyarko, E. Mensah, J. Toney, K. Williams REAR RIGHT PEWS—L. Godbold, A. Burch REAR LEFT PEWS—Ca. Smith, O. Coney ELEVATOR--B. Shipman NIGHT SERVERS--B. Johnson, M. Canady, S. Carter, Q. Ford OFFERING B. Coleman R.C. Jackson ANNOUNCEMENTS N. Bourne T. Wood BENEDICTION L. Godbold K. Williams USHERS W. Gardner B. Johnson INSIDE USHERS J. Hines N. Bourne OVERFLOW AUD. USHERS G. Hunt T. Wood M. Coleman Z. Peterson IL at the Hyatt Regency, McCormack Place. The date is April 5-9, 2015 in Chicago, IL. The theme is: Celebrating The Covenant. The hotel rate is $139.00 per night. The early bird registration fee is $185.00. If you wish to register online, go to www.churchesofchristnationallectur THE TEACHERS’ MEETING Will be NEXT Sunday, February 8, 2015, at 5:00 p.m. and every teacher of the church is encouraged to be present. THE AREA WIDE SINGING FELLOWSHIP Will be here at Clinton Avenue on Sunday, February 15, 2015 at 3:00 p.m. Everyone is encouraged to be present to hear some great gospel singing. CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE— YOU WILL FIND IT INFORMATIVE AND INSPIRATIONAL. TELL YOUR FRIENDS ABOUT IT.
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