Thursday, February 5, 2015 6:30 - 7:15 Sheraton Pool Wake Up! Warm Up! Start your day with an invigorating workout in the water. Dianne Rappa, NHAHPERD Executive Director ALL 8:00 – 9:15 Worthy Practical Yoga ALL This invigorating class will help you to restore your body to its natural alignment, find balance, and promote deep concentrated awareness that can be found on and off the mat. Heidi’s unique yoga style integrates components of corrective exercise, a variety of movement practices, and self-care. All of which come together to create a class focused on exploration, inquiry, and witness consciousness. Students of all levels are welcome to attend. Heidi Knapp, Sodus Central School District, NY 8:00 – 9:15 Highland Teaching Strategies for the Unique Learner PE Unique learners are capable of more within the physical education classroom than we expect. With the proper instructional support and visual aids, students can learn and incorporate fitness activities in the classroom and at home. Alfred Chavira, Any Baby Can of San Antonio 8:00 – 9:15 Charles Bringing CrossFit to Your School: Part 2 ALL This session will expand on the session given at the 2014 National Convention when participants were introduced to CrossFit, its philosophy and how it can be incorporated into K-12 school setting. Participants will examine current examples of how schools and colleges have incorporated CrossFit into their physical education and physical activity offerings and its impact. Issues and questions raised by 2014 program attendants will be addressed. Participants will also have the opportunity to experience a CrossFit style workout. Steven Dion, Salem State University, MA 8:00 – 9:15 King Edward EW Build Capacity by Forming a Cadre of Professional Developers PE There’s only one of you and you are stretched to your limit. In this session, the founder of the nation’s first state-based Cadre of Physical Education Trainers will describe how the group was established, and how it flourishes today making a positive impact on the quality of physical education teaching across an entire state. The intended audience for this session is state leaders in physical education and health education. Jean Mee, Connecticut State Department of Education 8:00 – 9:15 Longford RESEARCH Best Practice Undergraduate Research & Writing Experience in Health Science & Sport Management This session will be divided to two parts. The first part will share the experience in a Summer Undergraduate Research Program in health science; and the second part will share promoting students’ critical thinking skills through case studies and research projects in sport and human resources management courses. Anita Lee, Eastern Connecticut State College, Polly M. Silva, Connecticut Health & Life Science Career Initiative Program Coordinator, Eastern Connecticut State University, Mei-Lin Yeh-Lane, Assistant Professor, American International College, John Rogers, American International College 8:00 – 9:15 Ballroom South Student Centered Approach to Dance and Rhythmic Activities PE/D This session will explore using dance and rhythmic activities that students design for the warmup portion of class. Participants will be able to identify and use simple steps that students can learn quickly and creating movement sequences in small groups. Presentation of how to facilitate students using their own dance routine as a warm-up prior to any activity, and/or rotate teaching their classmates the routine their group designed. Promote dance and rhythmic activities in your lessons by having your students invested in the process! Jennifer L. El-Sherif, Salem State University, MA 8:00 – 9:15 Mahogany Fitness for Life – Elementary & Common Core PE The session is designed to support national standards for physical education, nutrition, and health. Learn how activities and resources are aligned with Common Core standards in Math & Literacy/Language Arts, and are a ready match for reinforcing Common Core standards while teaching Physical Education. Debra A. Ballinger, East Stroudsburg University of PA, Jan Bishop, Central CT State University 8:00 – 4:00 SAM Meeting Kilkenny OPENING GENERAL SESSION 9:30 – 11:00 Grand Ballroom KEYNOTE SPEAKER – Shannon Miller – Lifestyle ALL During Shannon’s keynote she will discuss her perspective as an athlete, the causes she fights for in her professional life, how she view’s the importance of physical education and physical educators in the fight against childhood obesity and healthier happier children. How the use of technology can encourage kids to move and have a safe, motivating environment to stay active in physical education will also be presented. 11:15 – 12:30 Ballroom North Achieve! Physical Education & Before/After School Curriculum PE This curriculum is an effective, standards-aligned program for grades K-8 that features a sequential, noncompetitive approach to skill development and fitness. We will take a closer look at some of the unique teacher tools in this hands-on session. Jesse Stapp, Gopher Sport 11:15 – 12:30 Ballroom Center Improving Curriculum Instruction: Assessment with technology! PE There are plenty of tech-savvy teachers, presenters and consultants randomly blogging about their favorite fitness applications or re-tweeting the hot buzzwords of tech in PE. But what good is this information, if teachers do not apply it in transformative ways? Forget the random information! Get ready to see what tech integration in PE truly looks like in practice! My session will guide participants through a tech-integrated class, unit, semester and school year that has been aligned with NASPE goals and standards, and has been framed for standards based grading assessment. Laura B Fitzgerald, Concordia International School, Shanghai 11:15 – 12:30 Highland Ready, Go! PE/H - CECH Engaging Activities for Elementary Physical Education and Health Education Springfield College pre-service teachers in physical education and health education will demonstrate standards-based activities with local elementary school children. Attendees are invited to participate in these creative, engaging, learner-centered tasks. Come see best practices in action while enjoying the responses of the children! Michelle Moosbrugger, Kristen Mullady, Springfield College, MA 11:15 – 12:30 Charles High School Physical Education Assessment: It's Time to Get to Work! PE For many high school programs, the reality still exists that teachers assess based only on what they see in class: Is a student present & dressed? Participating? Showing an effort? We must take on the responsibility of demonstrating evidence that students have learned. Participants will discuss a myriad of helpful rubrics for their classroom. Judy LoBianco, South Orange-Maplewood School District, NJ 11:15 – 12:30 King Edward EW Pasta, Porcupines and Pipelines: Infusing Meaningful Initiative Activities into the Health Curriculum H/PA - CECH Looking for creative, low-cost ways to present the same old content? Participants in this session will be introduced to a myriad of engaging, student-centered cooperative activities that are sure to make your students think about health long after they’ve left the classroom. Jeffrey A. Heath, University of Rhode Island/Rhode Island College 11:15 – 12:30 Longford MARGARET PAULDING LECTURE It's Time to Change the Game: Creating Equitable and Engaging Games in Physical Education Dr. Karen Richardson, Bridgewater State University, MA 11:15 – 12:30 Ballroom South Martial Arts: An Alternative to Traditional Physical Education PE/PAR Designed specifically to meet the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) requirements for 6th grade physical education, this presentation offers an interactive exploration of the martial arts as an alternative to traditional physical education. Participants learn developmentally appropriate exercises through a world history of martial arts, including Karate and Capoeira. Shane Staats, Springfield College, MA 11:15 – 12:30 Mahogany Expanding Opportunities in Health Education H - CECH In this time of change, SHAPE America prioritizes health education. This session will provide an overview of current health education products and services that are currently being developed or are in future plans. Participants will have an opportunity to provide feedback and share interests on the development of future projects. Joe Halowich, SHAPE America Senior Program Manager 12:45 – 2:00 Ballroom North Polar Activity Session 12:45 – 2:00 Worthy PASS: Creating Physically Active School Systems PE/PA This workshop will provide participants with useful information, resources and hands-on activities to effectively meet the needs of students and provide them with sufficient time to “move in school.” Presenters will provide physical activities that can be integrated throughout the curriculum, connecting physical educators with other subject area teachers to reinforce classroom concepts, Common Core, and 21st century learning skills. This workshop will prepare participants to join the PASS movement. Marybeth H. Fede, Carol M. Ciotto, Ellen A Benham and Amy Gagnon, Central CT. State University/PASS 12:45 – 2:00 Highland KIN-BALL® sport PE/APE This sport is played with 3 teams at the same time and uses a very light 4’ ball. KIN-BALL is an excellent activity to develop cooperation, aerobic capacity, feet-hand skills, and sportsmanship. It is totally non-conventional and accessible to all. Participants will experience a series of educational exercises to learn how to use progression tools. Eric Garand Raymond, International Kin-Ball Federation 12:45 – 2:00 King Edward NS Update on Technology: H - CECH New and Exciting Strategies to Integrate Technology into the Health Education Curriculum This workshop will shine a spotlight on new applications of technology that can be used to enhance the health education curriculum. Emphasis is on the use of several innovative teaching strategies and the Internet within the context of teaching heath content and behaviors. Participants will review and share successful approaches, strategies, and techniques for effective student engagement, motivation, and achievement of performance outcomes. Participants will discuss major issues, new developments, and trends. This workshop is appropriate for educators with any and all levels of experience in integrating technology into the curriculum. Come join in a lively discussion and workshop on technology. Walk away with assignments you can implement in your own courses! Shannon Whalen, Springfield College, MA 12:45 – 2:00 Longford RESEARCH RESEARCH KEYNOTE PE Using Video Technology to Facilitate Motor Skill and Social Skill Learning in Physical Education The speaker will review video-based instructional strategies used with diverse learners (including those with disabilities) to promote learning of motor skills and social skills in physical education. Discussion will include benefits and challenges, the ideal learner profile, and ways to integrate each of the strategies in physical education. Presenter: Iva Obrusnikova, Associate Professor, University of Delaware Presider: Elizabeth M. Mullin, Springfield College, MA 12:45 – 2:00 Ballroom South D/PAR Traditional Barn Dances with Calls & Fiddling Dance to live fiddling and calling; learn dances of all levels to teach in school. Circles, squares and longways country dances including "Portland Fancy," "Virginia Reel" and more. Methods with variations for all ages included, as is the history. This is a natural collaboration with music teachers. Audience invited to practice calling the dances. A discussion of how to host a barn dance in your school or community will take place. Text and CD’s will be available through Human Kinetics. Dudley & Jacqueline Laufman, Canterbury, NH 12:45 – 2:00 Mahogany Using the Danielson Framework (2007) to Focus Teacher Reflection PE This presentation provides an example of how teachers can use the Danielson Framework to reflect on planning, learning environments, instruction, and professional responsibilities and fits into teacher education. Multiple opportunities will be given for participant’s questions and input regarding the use of the Danielson Framework in schools and universities. Eric J. Carpenter, Joel Feldmann, Fitni Destani. Keene State College, NH 2:15 – 3:30 Ballroom North Brain Break: Let’s Refocus our Attention and Move PE Wanted: Students motivated to learn 100% of the time! Educators are always looking for ways to refocus students and keep them on task. Join this session and participate in a variety of quick and easy brain break games to enhance student learning. Mara Manson, Joseph Magaraci and Michelle Zangari, Adelphi University, NY 2:15 – 3:30 Worthy Creating an Environment for Success at the High School Level PE High school students can be a challenge to motivate. Learn how to create a positive environment conducive to learning. Remarkable activities and instructional strategies will be shared! You will walk away with resources and ideas that can be implemented immediately. Be prepared to move during this highly active session. Tony Loomis, Naugatuck High School, CT, 2013 CT and 2014 Eastern District & National HS Teacher of the Year 2:15 – 3:30 Highland Tech It Out! PE Heard about using technology in PE but want to see it in action? Come tech it out with me! In this session you will see how QR Codes, Coaches Eye, Ubersense, Google Docs and Socrative work in your PE classroom. Piper Cronin, Rye NH, 2012 NHAHPERD and 2014 Eastern District Middle School Teacher of the Year 2:15 – 3:30 Charles It's a Game Changer: H - CECH New MRI Science on the Teen Brain - We Need to Acknowledge It and Teach To It New discoveries show that the pre-frontal cortex, the part of a teen’s brain that controls impulse suppression, future planning, setting priorities and weighing consequences, isn’t finished developing until the mid-twenties! Be empowered with turn-key activities, demonstrations and teaching strategies to encourage healthy bodies and emotional wholeness. Learn how to help students “connect the dots” in sexual decision making, setting boundaries and making smart and healthy choices. Peggy Cowan, NJ Physicians Advisory Group 2:15 – 3:30 King Edward EW Empowering Students and Driving Decisions with Data ALL An ideal way to motivate and capture a student's imagination, while enhancing their health autonomy is through technology in PE. Be inspired by the IHT “Spirit System” and “PE 3” Curriculum, which are revolutionizing PE with the simplest, most innovative heart rate, curriculum and assessment technology in the educational market. Jen Ohlson, Interactive Health Technologies 2:15 – 3:30 King Edward NS Festivity Manager: A New Sport Education Role ALL The presenters created a new Sport Education Role to contribute to the festive environment which is associated with the Sport Education Model. The new role, termed Festivity Manager, provides students with the opportunity to use their creative, musical and/or artistic skills to create an exciting and fun environment in the gymnasium. Matthew R. Martin, Ryan Zimmerman, Amy Gagnon, Central CT State University, CT 2:15 – 3:30 Longford RESEARCH Inquiry, Practice and Professionalism: Engaging Engaging undergraduate students in research is a vital component to increasing interest in our professions. Students improve critical thinking, oral and written communication, and understanding of best practices. Panel members will discuss the importance of integrating research into the undergraduate curriculum and developing students in the practice of scientific inquiry. Panel Members: Michelle Fisher, Professor, Montclair State University, Kimberly Kostelis, Associate Professor, Central Connecticut State University, Tracey Matthews, Dean of the School of Health, Physical Education and Recreation, Springfield College, Kathy Sigailis, Professor, William Paterson University Moderator: Elizabeth M. Mullin, Assistant Professor, Springfield College, MA 3:00 – 5:00 OFP Registration Mahogany 3:45 – 5:00 Ballroom North Teaching Caring and Empathy Through Game Play PE You will participate in a series of games/activities that teach empathy and caring. Take back to your program the ability to add to or design activities that teach students to care for one another, put themselves in other’s shoes and practice through play on being thoughtful of others, especially those different from themselves. Jan Bishop Central Connecticut State University, Connie Kapral, CAHPERD Ex. Director, Gina Mascolo, Central Connecticut State University, CT 3:45 – 5:00 Ballroom Center Enabling Physical Literacy through Active Learning ALL Incorporating movement into the learning process helps differentiate instruction and prepare students' brains for learning. Learn to apply the latest advancements in educational neuroscience and best practices to create an environment where all students can learn. Examples of successful active learning interventions will be shared in this high energy, interactive session. Martha L Harris, Fizika Group, LLC and Kathy Cleary, Bournedale Elementary, MA 3:45 – 5:00 Worthy PE Teaching Movement Concepts and Skill Themes in Elementary Physical Education This activity session is designed to provide K-3 physical education teachers with teaching progressions and strategies to effectively teach movement concepts and skill themes in their classes. Standards-based assessments will be provided. Be ready to move and be active!! Lynn V. Johnson, Plymouth State University, NH 3:45 – 5:00 Highland PE Be Active to the Core! Games and Activities: Connecting Physical Education and the Common Core Standards. This activity session will help you connect physical education games and activities to the common core standards. The session will include tips on individualizing equipment, writing in physical education classes, using math and science in K-6 physical education and creating lessons and units that include assessment for students of all ages and abilities. John Smith, FlagHouse 3:45 – 5:00 Charles Promoting Physical Activity through University Partnerships ALL It is a challenge to create fit children and fit communities. One strategy to promote health and fitness is to create partnerships between universities and K-12 schools. Attendees will learn how to create opportunities to collaborate in their own settings. Suggestions for incorporating student assignments and assessments will be provided. Lynn Pantuosco-Hensch, Westfield State University, MA 3:45 – 5:00 King Edward EW Engagement and Motivation: Why and How PE/H - CECH Physical Education and Health Education lessons need the teacher to plan for "Engagement" and "Motivation" in order to be successful. Attendees will find out why these elements are necessary and how to develop them in any lesson. Elaine Lindsay, Executive Director Maryland AAHPERD Presider: Chris Hersl, Maryland State Education Department 3:45 – 5:00 King Edward NS RESEARCH Tactical Games Model: Outcomes and Effectiveness in the Urban Settings Researchers examined the effectiveness of the Tactical Games Model using an authentic skill assessment tool, pedometers to examine students’ PA levels, and student/teacher interviews to gain perceptions of the model. Attendees will leave with a strong understanding of the model and learn key findings from the study. Presenters: Michael Hodges & Ismael Flores-Marti, Assistant Professors, William Paterson University, NJ 3:45 – 5:00 Ballroom South APE Be Prepared, Be Patient, Be Persistent: Guidelines for Teaching Students with Behavioral Challenges This session will provide techniques to help teachers deal with students with challenging behaviors, including students with autism, intellectual disabilities, and other disabilities, as well as any student with behavioral difficulties. Teachers will leave the session with ideas for using visual supports such as schedules, visual timers, first/then cards; determining the motivation behind the challenging behavior and what might work implementing a reinforcement system. Also collaborating with related staff and how to make it all work in your PE class! Deborah Marcus, Anne Arundel County Public Schools, MD, 2012 Maryland AHPERD and 2014 Eastern District Adapted PE Teacher of the Year 4:00 – 6:00 Stonehaven Springfield College Social Unwind after a full day of sessions by attending the Springfield College Alumni Social. Connect with Springfield College faculty, staff and fellow alumni and friends of the College while enjoying complimentary hors d’oeuvres. A cash bar will also be available.
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