ST. MARY OF THE ANNUNCIATION PARISH 46 MYRTLE STREET, MELROSE, MA 02176 PARISH WEBSITE: PARISH OFFICE: 781-665-0152 Fax: 781-665-2750 Hours: 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM Monday—Friday PASTORAL STAFF Rev. Mark E. Ballard Pastor Rev. Sean M. Maher Parochial Vicar Sr. Mary Samson, S.H.C.J. Pastoral Associate [email protected] Mrs. Marie Sweeney Pastoral Associate [email protected] Rev. John Nazzaro Weekend Assistant EUCHARISTIC LITURGY 4:00 PM 7:30, 9:30 and 11:30 AM 9:00 AM Ms. Marge Keohane Operations Manager [email protected] Saturday (Vigil) Sunday Monday through Saturday Mrs. Cynthia Boyle Principal, St. Mary’s School 781-665-5037 Saturday, 3:00 to 3:45 PM or call the Parish Office for an appointment. Mrs. Angela Wrinkle Director of Religious Education 781-665-0152 ext. 22 [email protected] Mrs. Karen Barrows Parish & Rel. Ed. Secretary [email protected] Mrs. Jaclyn Meehan Confirmation Coordinator 781-665-3707 [email protected] Mr. Eric Anderson Music Director 617-974-5948 [email protected] Mr. Joseph Tucceri Maintenance Director SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Baptisms are celebrated on the second and fourth Sundays of each month at 1:15 PM. A Baptism class is held for all new parents and godparents on the second Wednesday of each month at 7:30 PM in the Parish Center. To schedule your Baptism or for more information, please call the rectory. SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY Please call the Parish Office to schedule an appointment to begin the preparation process and to confirm a date and time for your wedding. This process should begin at least six months in advance of the desired date. SACRAMENT OF THE SICK If you would like to receive the Sacrament of the Sick prior to hospital admission or any other reason, please contact the rectory. The Sacrament of the Sick is also offered after the 4:00 Mass on the First Saturday of each month. MISSION STATEMENT: St. Mary’s is a Roman Catholic Christian Community centered around the Eucharist, welcoming all, while growing through faith and stewardship. ST. MARY’S PARISH WELCOME TO ST. MARY’S! If you are visiting and looking for a spiritual home, we welcome you to St. Mary of the Annunciation Parish. We hope that you find the worship and liturgy uplifting and an encouragement to your faith. Please introduce yourself to one of the priests after Mass. We want to know you and serve you; we welcome and invite you to become an active member of the St. Mary’s Parish Community. If you would like more information about our parish, please contact Marie Sweeney at 781.665.0152 ext.16 or [email protected]. [email protected]. FOODPANTRYCOLLECTION February 7th & 8th This might sound premature, but Easter is April 5th this year. For the Food Pantry, that only gives us February 7th & 8th and March 7th & 8th to provide for the Food Pantry Easter collection. As usual our aim is an Easter meal collection. Suggestions for February and March will be the same: 2 pound hams Scalloped boxed potatoes Canned corn, green beans or Asparagus Sliced or chunk pineapple tube rolls Brownie or cookie mix God bless your service to our less fortunate sisters and brothers! PROJECTRACHEL “During the retreat, I realized the impact of forgiveness… Through the depth of my pain, I began a lasting relationship with God…” Many women ache with the pain of a past abortion. The Project Rachel ministry of the Archdiocese of Boston extends an invitation for post-abortion hope and healing through its one-day “Come to the Waters of Healing” retreat. Upcoming retreat dates will be February 21st, March 28th and April 25th. Retreats are limited to 10 women and are held at a confidential location. For registration information, contact Project Rachel at 508.651.3100 or [email protected]. Trust in the tender mercy of God! EARLYBULLETINDEADLINE Due to the Presidents’ Day holiday, the deadline for announcements for the February 22nd bulletin is Thursday, February 12th. Please submit your items to Sue Regan at [email protected] by 5:00 pm. 2016WORLDYOUTHDAYINKRAKOW The Archdiocese of Boston will once again be leading Boston Pilgrims to be with Pope Francis and hundreds of thousands of others for World Youth Day in Krakow, Poland (Summer 2016). Due to the tremendous feedback we have received we will be offering 3 tracks for Youth, Young Adults and Families. Youth leaders, interested pilgrims and parents are all invited to an informational gathering on Wednesday, February 11th at St. George Parish Hall in Framingham. To contact us for more information, please visit: or email Kathy Stebbins at [email protected]. MARRIAGEPREPARATION (PRE-CANA) All engaged couples are invited to a Marriage Preparation Program (Pre-Cana) at St. Eulalia Parish in Winchester. This program consists of an introductory small group session in a host couple’s home and a two-day weekend program at the church. The Opening Session will be held on Sunday, March 1st, and the Weekend Program will be Saturday, March 7th from 1:00 to 6:30 pm and Sunday, March 8th from 1:00 to 7:00 pm. The cost is $100 per couple. To sign up, or for more information, please call St. Eulalia Church at 781.729.8220. Space is limited. PADREPIOPRAYERGROUP The Padre Pio Prayer Group will meet on Wednesday, February 4th at 7:00 pm in the Lower Chapel. We will begin our preparations for the Lenten season. Please join us. ST.MARY’SISONFACEBOOK Like us at St. Mary of the Annunciation, Melrose, MA MELROSE, MA Please pray that God will watch over and safeguard our men and women serving in the military: SGT. PAUL C ONSOLI, US A RMY MAJOR MARTIN FORREST, USMC LT. C OL. STEVEN GERARDI, US A RMY C PL. MATTHEW GREGORIO, USMC SGT. DANIEL GOODHUE , USMC LT C OL. VALERIE HACKETT, USAF PVT. MICHAEL BUTLER, USMC L/C PL DANIEL MORELLI, USMC LT. SHELBY NIKITIN, US NAVY L/C PL ROBERT O’K ONIEWSKI, USMC SGT. B RIAN C RAWFORD, US ARMY MAJ. DARCY SAINT-A MANT.US A RMY LT C OL B ERNARD B ANKS, US A RMY CPL B RIDGET C ORSO, USMC CPL MATHEW C ORSO, USMC MAJOR E RIC B ERG, USAF H.C. E VAN C ARROLL, US NAVY PVT. JONATHAN C AMMARATA , USMC LT. JOHN R MORESCHI JR. USN SPC B RADFORD SAUNDERS, US A RMY MAJOR. E RIC DINOTO, US A RMY SPC JOSEPH RITCHIE , US A RMY AFC DEVON E MERY, USAF MS PATRICK TAGAN US NAVY E NS. SHAWN TAGAN, US NAVY LT. PATRICK FORREST, USMC C PL. MARK GREGORIO, USMC AFC JOHN GOODHUE , USAF L/C PL JARED WIMBERLY USMC A1C JULIE FORBES, USAF LT.C OL CHUCK MC GREGOR, USMC TSGT. SCOTT FORBES, USAF SPC JAMES LA C ROIX, US ARMY WO JAMES PAPPA , US ARMY SS JESSICA RAINWATER, USAF JUSTIN E. O'BRIEN, S/F, U.S. A RMY LT. J/G QUINCY K ING, II USAF Knights of Columbus Present BEATLEJUICE It’s All Beatles All Night with New England’s best Beatles band! BeatleJuice will be at Memorial Hall on Friday, February 13th. The Knights of Columbus is once again proud to sponsor this event to benefit The Knights of Columbus Food for Families Fund. Doors open at 6:00 pm and the show starts at 7:30. This is a show for all ages. The evening will include cash bar, raffle prizes, pizza, and more. Tickets are $20 ($25 day of show), or reserve a table of 10 for $250. They are available at Sexton & Donohue Real Estate (29 Essex St.), City Hall Mayor’s Office, and Wakefield Bowl (92 Water St.); or send a check payable to Melrose K of C to: Melrose K of C, P.O. Box 760828, Melrose MA. 02176. For more information call 781.662.9154 or visit and click BeatleJuice. MALDENCATHOLICWOMEN’SDAY HOSPITALEQUIPMENTLOANPROGRAM Moms, grandmothers, aunts, friends! You are invited to the Malden Catholic Lancers Association's annual Women's Day of Recollection on Sunday, February 8th at 11:00 am. Mass will begin the day, followed by a catered luncheon and presentation by Cheryl Amari. Her message will be positive and upbeat. She will share with us how to take care of ourselves after experiencing all types of loss, without losing faith. She will focus on how faith can help us regroup, and keep our families and ourselves strong! If you are in need of a wheelchair, hospital bed, Hoya lift, bathroom helps, etc., they are loaned free of charge with the expectation of return when no longer needed. Please call Anne Hackett at 781.665.8118 for information. Please invite anyone who might like to be part of this special day. Beautiful raffle baskets will be on display. The event will conclude around 3 pm. Tickets are $25 per person. Mail checks to: Malden Catholic High School, Women's Day Event, 99 Crystal Street, Malden, MA 02148. For more information email [email protected]. An instruction on how one can more deeply encounter Christ in the Mass and receive more fully all the graces that God wants to give us through the Sacrament of the Eucharist will be given by Fr. Jurgen Liias on Monday, February 2nd from 7:00 - 8:30 pm at St. Patrick's Church in Stoneham (Our Lady of Providence Hall). The Mass is "the source and summit" of our Catholic faith. H.E.L.P. DEEPCATHOLICISM WHY CATHOLIC? Journey through the Catechism Lent 2015 Live: Christian Morality Christian Morality looks at biblical justice and presents the principals of Catholic social teaching. We will focus on the Beatitudes, on our freedom and responsibility, conscience, virtues, moral law, sin, mercy, grace, and the Church. Registration is currently open for this session Please contact Marie at 781.665.0152 ext. 16 or [email protected] to register, or for more information. Groups begin the week of February 15th and run for 6 consecutive weeks, one meeting per week for 1½ hours We offer many days and times, to meet everyone’s needs! Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday 7:00-8:30 pm, Thursdays 10:00-11:30 am Specific groups: Wednesday 7:00-8:30 pm (women), Friday 10:00-11:30 am (moms), and Saturday 7:00-8:30 am (men) We hope you can join us for this exciting program! FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Saturday, January 31 4:00 pm Please pray for those in our parish who are ill. Paul Ryan and Nicholas Amirault Sunday, February 1 7:30 am 9:30 am 11:30 am St. Mary’s Parishioners Domenic DeAngelis Pamela Smith Tiburzio Monday, February 2 9:00 am Michael Castellano Friday, February 6 9:00 am Amedeo Pilla Saturday, February 7 4:00 pm Elizabeth & Joseph Considine Sunday, February 8 7:30 am 9:30 am 11:30 am John R. Rice Salvatore Solimine Richard Comeau ADORATIONOFTHE MOSTBLESSEDSACRAMENT Adoration is held every Thursday from 6:00 to 9:00 pm in the Lower Church and on Saturday from 9:30 am to 2:45 pm in the Parish Center Chapel. Please join us. We are committed to having at least two persons present at all times of Adoration. If you can commit to one hour on one evening a month, please email [email protected]. ROSARYFOR CONVERSION&VOCATIONSFOROUR YOUNGPEOPLE Please join us on Wednesdays at 7:00 pm in the Parish Center Chapel to pray the Rosary for the conversion and vocations for our young people, and for their spiritual and physical protection. Robert Weadick Marion Gianino Jean Riley Nicol Frank Zinck Rosemarie Johnson Dorothy Pinkam Please pray for the deceased. Karen Ryan Virginia Garofalo Michael Walsh Patricia Buchan Edward Laskey Debra Ford Leslie Coholan Our Sanctuary Lamp is lit in memory of Domenic DeAngelis. We pray in a special way for all those who are unable to be with us, for whatever reason. We pray for all those who are lonely, all those who have no one to pray for them, and we pray for one another. SCOUTSUNDAYATTHESEMINARY Calling All Scouts St. John Seminary in Brighton, together with the Catholic Committee on Scouting, will be hosting Scouts from all over the Archdiocese of Boston on Sunday, February 8th from 2:00 – 3:30 pm. Please join us at St. John’s Seminary (127 Lake St., Brighton) for a talk by Seminarians, prayer and snack. To save a spot contact Kathy Stebbins at [email protected] or 617.746.5811. BIBLESTUDY We will resume Bible Study on Monday, February 2nd, at 6:30 pm in the Parish Center Dining Room. Our subject will be the Beatitudes as the basis for developing spiritual character. PRAYTHEROSARY! Radio Station WPLM-FM 99.1 broadcasts the Rosary every morning, Sunday through Saturday at 5:30 am. What a great way to start your day! Thank you for your generosity. Offertory 1/18 Offertory 1/25 $6,420.00 6,677.00 FEBRUARY 1, 2015 ST.MARY’SSCHOOL&PTONEWS MAKEITAFAMILYAFFAIR! WINETASTING &SOCIAL Next Sunday, February 8th from 3:00-6:00 at The Cellar, Main Street, Melrose, we will be hosting a Wine Tasting & Social. Cost is $15/person. Send your check into School. Also, St Mary’s will receive 10% of all wine sales at the event. For more information, please contact Sean O’Brien at [email protected]. TUESDAYTOURSATST.MARY'SSCHOOL Every Tuesday through February 10th, from 9:00 am to 11:00 am, tours of St. Mary's School will be offered for prospective families. Come in and see all the wonderful things going on! No reservations needed. For more information please call 781.665.5037 and visit the school website at REGISTRATIONFOR2015-2016 We are now accepting registrations for the 2015-2016 school year. If you would like to register a new student please download the registration form from the website and return the completed form with a registration fee of $200 and a deposit of $400 to be applied to next year’s tuition. (These fees are non-refundable). This deposit will hold your child’s space for next year. Tuition for next year will be established by the end of January. PreK usually fills up quickly, so if you have a PreK child coming next year, please register him/her to secure a space for the . school year. SAVE THE DATE! OPENHOUSE St. Mary's School is having an open house on Sunday, March 1st from 1:00 to 2:30 pm for interested families for the 2015-2016 school year. St. Mary's offers a faith-based education and a rich history of academic excellence for students in PreK through Grade 8. We offer a full- and half-day 3 year and 4 year old Prek, a full day Kindergarten, and a Before and After School Program. Registration is now open for the next academic year. A birth certificate, registration forms, and a deposit are needed to preregister and hold a spot. Tours will be available. Please call 781-665-5037 or visit our web site for more information. We need kids and/or families to bring the Gifts to the Altar at the 9:30 Family Mass. Please just “take our fish” and let an usher know you will bring the Gifts to the Altar. This will let everyone know that someone is already set to bring the Gifts to the Altar. When you go back to get the Gifts just return our Fish! Please make sure you return our Fish! This is an especially great idea for our young people who have recently received the Sacrament of Reconciliation, and will be receiving Holy Eucharist or Confirmation this year as they can play another important role and be more actively involved in the Celebration of the Mass. COMEDYNIGHT&SILENTAUCTION On Friday, March 20th at the Jackson Suite in Malden, we will be hosting a Comedy Night and Silent Auction. Please stay tuned for more details. If you have an item you would like to donate to the Silent Auction or if you are interested in helping, please contact Debi McInnis at [email protected]. UNIFORMCONNECTION Thanks to many generous uniform donations over the past two months, we have many boxes of uniforms. Please contact Lisa Youssef at [email protected] if you are in need any uniforms for your children. TEACHERAPPRECIATIONLUNCHEON Last Friday, January 30th as part of Catholic Schools Week, the PTO sponsored a Teacher Appreciation Luncheon. We took over the Art Room and turned it into a little “bistro” complete with linen tablecloths, napkins and fresh flowers, along with homemade chowder and desserts to open and close the meal. Thank you so much to our Luncheon Committee including all its bakers. STORMCLOSINGS If there is NO School at St. Mary’s School due to weather, you will receive notification through our phone system. We usually follow the Melrose Public Schools. St. Mary’s School is on Facebook. Please follow us and like us as we spread the good news of the many happenings here at St. Mary’s School in Melrose.
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