2015 Assessment Cycle STAAR Accommoda ons At-‐a

2015 Assessment Cycle STAAR AccommodaCons At-­‐a-­‐Glance Individualized Structured Reminders Amplifica6on Devices Projec6on Devices Manipula6ng Materials Oral/Signed Administra6on Spelling Assistance Math Manipula6ves Calcula6on Devices Basic Transcribing Supplemental Aids Extra Time Large Print RtI, 504, Special EducaCon Dic6onary In the case of an ELL with a disability, the decision Braille should be made by the applicable group (RtI 504 or Special EducaCon Commi;ee, 504 Commi;ee, ARD Commi;ee) in conjuncCon with the student’s LPAC. Complex Transcribing Special EducaCon *ARF – AccommodaCon Request Form Math Scribe UnCl Type 2 accommodaCons are approved by TEA, all paperwork should read “pending TEA approval.” Photocopying Extra Day Adapted from the 2015 Accommoda6ons Triangle. For full descripCons and parameters for each accommodaCon please Other consult the triangle at the following link:
Created by Erin Kelts h;p://tea.texas.gov/Student_TesCng_and_Accountability/TesCng/