Process Flow

Hiring Manager Digest
(For Staff and Student hires)
[email protected]
Process Flow
STEP 1 Access Request to Kenexa BrassRing
My ASU > Service > Tools and Resources > Self Support > Access Requests > PeopleSoft – Submit a
New Request for Access
Enter UserID and Continue.
Enter “Purpose for Access Request” and “Supervisor UserID” and Continue.
Click “Add Role.”
Check the box on “2xB Hiring Manager” and click “Save & Return.”
NOTE: Different PeopleSoft roles are needed for parts of the process.
i. HCM Dept Position Manager can create/edit Positions.
ii. HCM Dept Financial Mgr can create/edit Position, create/edit Position Management
Accounting and start the workflow for the Position.
iii. PTR Approver roles are needed to approve the workflow.
e. Click “Save and Submit.”
f. Online training and testing must be completed prior to access approval. An email will give you
direction to the training and testing site.
g. Supervisor will receive email to approve.
h. HR Data Trustee & Final Security to approve.
i. After all approvals are complete, 2xB access will be available the next day.
j. You must disable your browser’s popup blocker for 2xB (
STEP 2 Confirm Job Code is in Base
List of Base Jobcodes
STEP 3 Position Management
a. Creating or Modifying a position number
ASU Customization>ASU Position Management>Create/Modify Positions
i. Click Modify Existing Position and enter position number if modifying
or Click Create New Position.
ii. Complete fields and check “Ready for Recruitment” checkbox.
iii. Open Recruitment Data tab and fill out appropriate information.
iv. Click Save and go to PM Accounting.
b. Enter accounting if new position or review current accounting on an existing position.
c. Click “Save and Start workflow.”
d. Use Position Cross Reference or Work List to view workflow.
ASU Office of Human Resources | Recruitment and Selection RV 01.28.15
Hiring Manager Digest
(For Staff and Student hires)
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[email protected]
Hiring Manager Digest
(For Staff and Student hires)
[email protected]
STEP 4 Position Integration times
a. Times of day when position will integrate to Kenexa – 7:00AM, 12:05PM and 5:00PM.
i. Position must be fully approved to integrate to Kenexa.
ii. Other factors, including the payroll cycle and effective date used on the position, should
be considered when determining if a position will be integrated to Kenexa.
b. Best Practice
i. Use Current Effective dates for positions.
STEP 5 Screen Set-up – Kenexa
Kenexa Home page > My Open Reqs panel > Click on number in the Total column of Req to view all of
your applicants.
a. Edit columns by using Display drop-down > Edit Columns > Click and hold on field in Available
column and bring over to Selected Column and Save.
b. Please refer to the Browser Setup document to verify your setup,
c. Helpful guides located on the OHR Recruitment page,
STEP 6 Creating a Requisition
My ASU > BrassRing icon > Reqs > Add new req > Staff or Student/Grad
a. Select Job Code and Continue.
b. Select Department ID then Position Number.
NOTE: If your department code or position number is not listed contact
[email protected]
c. Student Recruitment Type – only on student REQ
d. Job Title – Can edit to be working title
e. Recruiter – Dan Klug - Staff, Erika Fehr - Student, Kent Blaylock - Grad
f. Hiring Manager – One who will create and/or work in this job the most
g. Requisition Team – Other department hiring managers who will work on this job
h. Salary Range – Best practice is “$minimum salary - $approved maximum per year/hour; DOE”
i. Job Description – Introduction to Essential Duties
j. Working Environment – Core of critical duties that define this job (lifting, use equipment, etc.) –
ADA uses to determine if applicant can perform duties
k. Essential Duties – Duties & responsibilities of this job
l. Desired Qualifications – Knowledge, skills and abilities you want applicants to possess.
These are qualifications that applicants will be asked in the application questions.
i. Recruiter will form and score questions from your DQs.
ii. Default scores, MQ = 200 points and DQs = 10 points each
iii. You can choose appropriate questions at and view “Find
Screening Questions.” Send your question choices to your recruiter.
m. Department Statement – Information about your department (your website)
n. Close date
i. Must be a minimum of (Staff=5 or Student=2) calendar days out from posted date.
ASU Office of Human Resources | Recruitment and Selection RV 01.28.15
Hiring Manager Digest
(For Staff and Student hires)
[email protected]
ii. Rolling deadline language – Nov. 25, 2013, is the initial close date. Applications
will continue to be accepted and considered every two weeks until the search is
closed. Most effective use of rolling deadline is for multiple hires on one REQ.
Instructions to Apply – You may edit this field.
Background Check & Fingerprinting – Selected in Position Management section
Underutilized Job? – Contact OHR Recruitment & Selection if “Yes”
Save and Continue
Requisition in “Approved” status for Recruiter to review, “Open” and post to ASU website
Hiring Manager will receive an email once completed.
STEP 7 Request Advertising – Staff REQ only
a. An email to complete the Advertising Request form will be sent to the Hiring Manager if “Will this
position be advertised” is “Yes” on the Req.
Reqs menu > View my reqs > Approved
i. Click on Requisition ID.
ii. In Req template, click “Forms.”
iii. Drop-down field – Advertising Request, click “Add Form.”
iv. Complete fields and Save.
v. Email goes to the Recruiter.
STEP 8 Posting REQ to Talent Gateway – Recruiter Process
STEP 9 Applicants Apply on Talent Gateways
IMPORTANT NOTE: Steps 10-21 must be completed in order if they apply to your candidate type.
STEP 10 Evaluating Applicants
Kenexa Home page > My Open Reqs panel > Click on the number in the Total column of Req
a. Sending Resume to others
i. Printing to PDF
 One or Multi Applicants – Check box(s) to the left of applicant(s)
 Actions drop down > Print Resume/CV
 Click “View in PDF” and print.
ii. eLink
 One or Multi Applicants – Check box(s) to the left of applicant(s)
 Actions drop-down > Send eLink
 Enter “To” and “Your Message” and Send.
b. Reviewing Resume
i. One Applicant
 Click name of applicant > Review Resume/CV.
 View resume in talent record of applicant
ASU Office of Human Resources | Recruitment and Selection RV 01.28.15
Hiring Manager Digest
(For Staff and Student hires)
[email protected]
ii. Multiple Applicants
 Multi Applicants – Check box(s) to the left of applicant(s)
 Actions drop-down > Browse Multiple Candidates
 Click through resumes and talent records of multiple applicants
iii. Speed Browse
 One or Multi Applicants – Check box(s) to the left of applicant(s)
 Actions drop-down > Speed Browse
 View resumes of multiple candidates in column format
c. Reviewing TG scoring – (Staff REQ’s only)
i. Click on “TG score” column header to put in rank order.
d. Rolling Deadlines & Reviewing Applicants (Follow the example’s guidelines carefully and
pay close attention to each applicant’s application date.)
i. Example: “August 1, 2014 is the initial close date. Applications will continue to be
accepted and reviewed every two weeks thereafter until the search is closed.”
ii. First review – review all applicants who applied through initial close date August 1st
and do NOT review those whose resumes are submitted after.
 If hire is made, reject applicants that who applied after the initial close date as
“Hire Made in Prior Pool”.
 Procedure below:
 Check box(es) of applicant(s)
 Action drop down > Add Form > Disposition Form > Hire made in Prior Pool
 Check box(es) of applicant(s)
 Action drop down > Update Status > Declined-Resume Review (this status
indicates the stage of the process where the applicant was declined, not that you
reviewed the resume).
 If hire is not made in this pool of applicants move each one into either a
declined status or Min/Desired Quals Met, then move to second review pool.
iii. Second review – review all applicants who applied during the next two weeks,
Aug. 2 -15. You may still consider all applicants not declined in first review.
 If hire is made, reject applicants in who applied after the initial close date as
“Hire made in Prior Pool.” See above to reject.
 If hire is not made in this pool of applicants, move each one either to a
declined status or Min/Desired Quals Met, and move to third review pool.
iv. Third review – continue as above with all applicants from Aug. 16 - 29.
You may still consider all applicants in the first and second review.
e. Rejecting Candidate(s)
i. For “Declined- Min Quals Not Met,”
 Click on HR status
 Change to desired reason and save.
ii. For “Declined- Desired Quals Not Met” or “Declined-Resume Review” – Hiring
Manager must complete the Disposition Form first.
 Check box(es) of applicant(s)
ASU Office of Human Resources | Recruitment and Selection RV 01.28.15
Hiring Manager Digest
(For Staff and Student hires)
[email protected]
 Action drop down > Add Form > Disposition Form
iii. Rejecting Multiple Applicants
 Check boxes of applicants and change HR status.
 Action drop down > Update HR Status > Choose new HR Status
 All applicants must be in the same HR status. A form may need to be completed
before changing the HR status. Multiple forms may be completed at the same
time if the reasons are the same.
iv. Rejecting Multiple Applicants in Speed Browse Area
 Click desired applicants > Actions drop-down > Speed Browse
 Click boxes of applicants desire to reject
 Action drop down > Update HR Status > Choose new HR Status
 All applicants must be in the same HR status. (A form may need to be
completed before changing the HR status. Multiple forms may be completed at
the same time if the reasons are the same.)
f. Emails to Rejected Applicants
i. Once an applicant is in one of the initial “Declined” statuses, they will automatically
receive an email stating they are no longer eligible for consideration for the position.
g. Changing HR Status/Disposition Applicants
i. Click current HR status in “HR Status” column, choose appropriate disposition and save.
ii. If you want to move forward with the applicant you should change them to “Min/Desired
Quals Met.”
iii. To move more than one applicant to “Min/Desired Quals Met,” check boxes of
applicants, change HR status to “Min/Desired Quals Met” and save.
STEP 11 Interviewing Applicants
Kenexa Home page > My Open Reqs panel > Click on the number in the Total column of Req
a. Scheduling Interview
i. Change HR status of applicant to “Primary 1st Interview” and save.
b. Evaluating Interview
i. Check the box for the applicant.
ii. Action drop down > Add Form > Interview 1 – Evaluation Form
iii. Complete the evaluation (put in notes to support decision) and save.
 Only one (1) evaluation form can be completed for the applicant.
 Optional – Attach interview notes and other scanned documents to the applicant.
iv. Change HR Status to “1st Interview Successful” or complete the Disposition Form and
change HR status to available “Declined” status.
v. If appropriate, repeat sections “b” and “c” for Interviews two (2) and three (3).
c. Emails
i. Once an applicant is “Declined,” a manual email stating that the candidate is no longer
eligible for consideration for the position must be sent by the Hiring Manager.
ASU Office of Human Resources | Recruitment and Selection RV 01.28.15
Hiring Manager Digest
(For Staff and Student hires)
[email protected]
STEP 12 Reference Checks
Kenexa Home page > My Open Reqs panel > Click on the number in the Total column of Req
a. Record Results
i. Change HR status of candidate to “Reference Check.”
ii. Check the box for the applicant.
iii. Action drop down > Add Form > Reference Check Results.
iv. Complete the form and save.
v. Change HR Status to “Reference Check Successful” or complete the Disposition Form
and change HR status to available “Declined” status.
b. ASU Personnel File Checks for current ASU employees
i. Action drop down > Add Form > Request to View Personnel File.
ii. Complete the form and Save. Note will be sent to Human Resources who will
contact Hiring Manager.
c. Emails
i. Once an applicant is “Declined,” a manual email stating that the candidate is no longer
eligible for consideration for the position must be sent by the Hiring Manager.
STEP 13 Additional Hire
Kenexa Home page > My Open Reqs panel > Click on the number in the Total column of Req
a. If this applicant will be an Additional Hire, proceed to the Waiver & Additional Hire Digest
STEP 14 PeopleSoft Validations
Kenexa Home page > My Open Reqs panel > Click on the number in the Total column of Req
a. Hiring Manager changes HR Status to “PeopleSoft Validations Check” and saves.
b. HR Status will automatically update to either “PeopleSoft Validations Required” OR “PeopleSoft
Validations Not Required.”
c. If Not Required: Proceed to Conditional Offer-Staff/Student request. (External and past ASU
d. If Required (Only required for Internal ASU Staff, Students and Grads)
i. Hiring Manager will check the box for the applicant.
ii. Action drop down > Add Form > Personal Data Form
NOTE: This Personal Data Form does not replace the form completed with the New
Hire Packet required of all new employees.
iii. Complete the form and save.
iv. Hiring Manager changes HR Status to “PeopleSoft Validations” and saves.
NOTE: A popup window will appear for exporting the applicant. If the popup doesn’t appear,
contact [email protected] for assistance.
ASU Office of Human Resources | Recruitment and Selection RV 01.28.15
Hiring Manager Digest
(For Staff and Student hires)
[email protected]
v. The HR Status will automatically change to PeopleSoft Validations Passed or Failed once the
applicant’s information has returned from PeopleSoft. An email also will be sent to the Hiring
vi. If Passed: Review “PeopleSoft Validations Form” for current job information.
vii. If Failed: Review “PeopleSoft Validations form” for failure message. Take appropriate action
and change the HR status to “PeopleSoft Validations” again or complete the Disposition Form
and change HR status to available “Declined” status.
e. Emails
i. Once an applicant is “Declined,” a manual email stating that the candidate is no longer
eligible for consideration for the position must be sent by the Hiring Manager.
STEP 15 Conditional Offer request (Verbal Offer)
Kenexa Home page > My Open Reqs panel > Click on the number in the Total column of Req
Check the box for the applicant.
Action drop down > Add Form > Offer Form- Staff/Students
Complete form and then “Save and continue.”
Smart Approval Window opens – click “Start Workflow.”
Hiring Manager changes HR Status to “Conditional Offer for Staff/Students” and saves.
i. Status must be changed before Recruiter approves the offer.
f. Recruiter will receive email notification to review offer request.
g. Once offer is approved by Recruiter, HR status will update to “Conditional Offer for Staff/Students
Approved.” An email will notify the Hiring Manager that a verbal offer can be made to candidate.
If this is a current ASU employee, please reply to this email confirming the following:
o You have informed the Dean or the Vice President (or designee) of the unit currently
employing an internal ASU candidate with your intention to offer the open position to this
candidate (including disclosure of the salary that will be offered to the internal ASU
o You have made a demonstrated effort to obtain job-related reference information for current
ASU employees who are finalists for a position. Such efforts should include a review of the
official Office of Human Resources personnel file and a detailed discussion of the finalist’s
performance with his or her current supervisor (or department representative who has direct
knowledge of the employee). This discussion should include a review of recent performance
appraisals and, if applicable, recent disciplinary notices.
h. If the candidate declines the verbal offer, work with your Recruiter to edit the Offer Form- Staff/Students
and obtain approval again OR complete the Disposition Form and change HR status to available
“Declined” status.
i. Once an applicant is “Declined,” a manual email stating that the candidate is no longer
eligible for consideration for the position must be sent by the Hiring Manager.
ASU Office of Human Resources | Recruitment and Selection RV 01.28.15
Hiring Manager Digest
(For Staff and Student hires)
[email protected]
If the candidate accepts the verbal offer, Hiring Manager will change HR status to “Conditional OfferStaff/Students Accepted.”
i. If External or Past Employee: Proceed to Personal Data Request.
ii. If Internal, the HR Status will automatically be changed to “BGC (Background Check)
Required,” “BGC Not Required” or “Fingerprints Required.”
iii. If “BGC Required” or “Fingerprints Required.” Proceed to Background Checks.
iv. If “BGC Not Required.” Proceed to Final Offer.
2. Graduate Conditional Offers
Check the box for the applicant.
Action drop down > Add Form > Offer Form- Grad
Complete form and then “Save”
Hiring Manager changes HR Status to “Conditional Offer for Graduates” and saves.
If the candidate accepts the verbal offer, Hiring Manager will change HR status to “Conditional
Offer Accepted.”
The HR Status will automatically be changed to “BGC (Background Check) Required,”
i. “BGC Not Required” or “Fingerprints Required.”
ii. If “BGC Required” or “Fingerprints Required.” Proceed to Background Checks.
iii. If “BGC Not Required.” Proceed to Final Offer.
IMPORTANT – At the point of candidate acceptance it is best practice to let the candidate know that
they may be receiving a series of emails regarding personal data, background checks, and an offer
letter that will require them to supply information and their electronic signature.
STEP 16 Personal Data Request (External or past ASU employees only)
Kenexa Home page > My Open Reqs panel > Click on the number in the Total column of Req
a. If External or Past Employee
i. HR Status automatically changes to “Personal Data Requested.”
ii. Personal Data form will automatically be sent by email to the candidate.
iii. Candidate will verify existing data and provide required data on the form and save. (SSN,
marital status, gender and birth date)
iv. The hiring manager will automatically receive an email notification of its completion.
v. HR Status will automatically be changed to “BGC (Background Check) Required,” “BGC Not
Required” or “Fingerprints Required.”
vi. If “BGC Required” or “Fingerprint Required”: Proceed to Step 17 .
vii. If “BGC Not Required”: Proceed to Final Offer.
STEP 17 - Background Checks & Fingerprinting
Kenexa Home page > My Open Reqs panel > Click on the number in the Total column of Req
If Fingerprints Required: Staff Recruiter will change HR Status from “Fingerprints Required” to
“Fingerprints Initiated.” Proceed to Final Offer.
ASU Office of Human Resources | Recruitment and Selection RV 01.28.15
Hiring Manager Digest
(For Staff and Student hires)
[email protected]
If BGC Required: Staff Recruiter will receive email to change HR Status from “BCG Required” to “BGC
If BGC and Fingerprints Required: Staff Recruiter will change HR status to Fingerprints Initiated, and
then change HR Status to BGC Initiated.
a. Hiring Manager notifies candidate to expect email from HireRight to complete consent and disclosure
form. Remind candidate to check spam/junk mail folders.
b. HireRight sends email to candidate to initiate BGC
c. HireRight will process the BGC.
d. HireRight will send results to Staff Recruiter.
e. Staff Recruiter will complete Background Check Result Form.
f. If pass, Staff Recruiter will change HR status to “BGC Meets Policy.”
g. If fail, Staff Recruiter will complete adverse action procedure.
i. If issue resolved: Staff Recruiter will change HR status to “BGC Meets Policy.”
ii. If issue not resolved: Staff Recruiter will complete “Background Check Result Form”
and change HR status to “Declined-BGC Does Not Meet Policy” and send a manual
email to the candidate.
STEP 18 Final Offer – Create Offer Letter
IMPORTANT: Review the online offer letter workshop at before
starting the offer letter.
Kenexa Home page > My Open Reqs panel > Click on the number in the Total column of Req
a. Create the Offer Letter document / Packet / Email
Check the box for the applicant.
Action drop down > Create Document.
 For Staff, select “NEW Staff Offer Letter”
 For PRN Staff, select: “NEW Staff Offer Letter – PRN”
 For Students, select “Student Worker Offer Letter – I to IV”
 For Students, select “Student Worker Offer Letter V (Stipend)”
 For Grads, “Grad Offer Letter – Interns or GSA”
 For Grads, “Grad Offer Letter – TA or RA at .25 - .49 FTE”
 For Grads, “Grad Offer Letter – TA or RA at .5 FTE"
Enter a name for the document (Offer Letter, Name, REQ#).
Expand the Blurbs and Edit (Insert cursor before the blurb text & use delete key to remove
Preview and verify for accuracy.
Click “Save as PDF.”
Want to post this Document and/or Item(s) to the Candidate Portal? – click GO
Post a document packet – click Display all link
Check either “NEW Staff Offer Letter Packet” OR “Student/Grad Offer Letter Packet”
ASU Office of Human Resources | Recruitment and Selection RV 01.28.15
Hiring Manager Digest
(For Staff and Student hires)
[email protected]
Click Create a document packet
Set the Removal date.
Select the correct offer letter from list and Add.
Click “Post to Candidate portal.”
Select a communications template > Offer Letter > Go
Expand the Blurbs/Edit (optional). (Insert cursor before blurb; use delete key to remove
Verify email address.
Preview and then Send.
b. Hiring Manager changes candidate’s HR Status to “Final Offer.”
Status must be changed before candidate accepts.
c. When Candidate accepts offer letter, HR Status will automatically change to “Final Offer Accepted.”
STEP 19 I9 Required
Kenexa Home page > My Open Reqs panel > Click on the number in the Total column of Req
a. This status is informational only: the authorized I-9 document and the new hire paperwork must be
completed and submitted to the Office of Human Resources for every employee new to ASU.
b. HR Status will automatically change to “I9 Required” or “I9 Not Required”
For Staff, it is set by the Candidate Type
For Student/Grad, it is set by the Additional/Replacement field on the Personal Data Form
STEP 20 Ready for Hire
IMPORTANT: Please ensure your popup blocker is off.
Kenexa Home page > My Open Reqs panel > Click on the number in the Total column of Req
a. Check the box for the applicant.
b. Action drop down > Add Form > New Hire Form
 Hiring Manager complete fields on form and save.
c. Hiring Manager changes HR Status to “Ready to Hire.”
NOTE: A popup window will appear for exporting the applicant. If the popup doesn’t appear, contact
[email protected] for assistance.
d. Courtesy affiliate process is triggered by the change to Ready to Hire.
e. Verify the export of the candidate on the Hiring Manager’s PTR Worklist.
i. If successful, transaction will appear on the worklist, will be processed automatically and
Hiring Manager proceeds to Hired and Closing the Req.
f. If transaction does not appear on PTR work list, Hiring Manager reviews new hire form for errors.
i. If a low confidence match or multiple matches are made, the New Hire form will be updated
with a message.
 Hiring Manager will need to identify the affiliate ID to use.
 Add the affiliate ID to the “New Hire form” and save.
 Undo the HR status to previous HR status.
ASU Office of Human Resources | Recruitment and Selection RV 01.28.15
Hiring Manager Digest
(For Staff and Student hires)
[email protected]
 Change the status to “Ready to Hire” to retrigger the process.
Error messages can be researched via Candidate Management FAQ & Error Handling
If any assistance is needed contact [email protected].
STEP 21 Hired and Closing the REQ
Kenexa Home page > My Open Reqs panel > Click on number in the Total column of Req
a. Once processed, the candidate’s HR status will automatically be changed to “Hired.” The Hiring
Manager will receive an email when the status has changed.
b. After the candidate status updates to “Hired,” Hiring Manager will complete the Disposition Form
and change HR status to available “Declined” status for remaining candidates.
c. A manual email stating that the candidate(s) is no longer eligible for consideration for the position
must be sent by the Hiring Manager.
Kenexa Home page > My Open Reqs panel
a. Check the box next to the Requisition ID.
b. Action drop down > Close (or Cancel if closed without hire).
c. Click Yes and then OK.
ASU Office of Human Resources | Recruitment and Selection RV 01.28.15