EASTERN ORTHODOX CHURCH OF THE ANNUNCIATION Please Pray For….. Lizzie; Linda; Sandra; Gordon; Steven; Simsun; Dee; Carole; Anthony; Kirk; Matthew Sheree; Chris; Zachary; Casey; Nadya; Jo Anna For those in the Armed Services: Brook; John; Michael; Travis; Zachary; Scott; Brady; Paige; Greg; Daneel; Alyssa; Lane; Tony For those expecting: Theophana; Matea; Lily; Gina; Olga; Adrienne; Bridget 13515 SE Rusk Road, Milwaukie OR 97222 Tel: 503 659 3646 Fax: 503 659 1119 V. Rev. Fr. Matthew Tate, Rector Associate Clergy: V. Rev. Fr. Kevin Lien V. Rev. Fr. Nicholas Letten, Ret. V. Rev. Fr. John Mancantelli, Ret. Rev. Fr. Athanasius Shaw Fr. Dn. John Jensen, Fr. Dn. Cuthbert Downs www.annunciationorthodoxchurch.org Thu Feb 5th Fri Feb 6th Sat Feb 7th Sun Feb 8th For the catechumens: Sandy; Mariah; Elizabeth; Sara; Anna; Tina; Joseph; Molly February 1st 2015—February 8th 2015 TONE ONE For the reposed: Hieromonk Athanasios; Rodger; Lloyd; Fawzi; Mildred; Kyle; Tatiana; Leslie; Audrey, Jacob Prayer requests: Prayer Warriors, please keep the Serrill family in your prayers as they deal with the court system regarding placement of the granddaughter they've had custody of for over 10 years since her mother (their daughter) died. Thanks, Kris & Joey Brugman Please pray for the soul of my Aunt Audrey, who passed away Tuesday morning. Also pray for peace and comfort for her family. Thank you, Cindy Olson I would like to request prayer for my sister, Lyn in Arizona who has been in remission from ovarian for 6 months. Her recent blood work does not look good, and she has a PET scan scheduled for this Monday at 2:00 (AZ time) and is scared and stressed. Thank you! Blessings to ALL in Christ, Connie Lemen ‐ Office Manager Fr. Nicholas' surgery went well and he is now resting. Thank you for helping with your love and prayers. Maria Nash Please pray for us as Aaron looks for a job that will provide for our family. Thank you. Emily Reynolds Dear Friends: Please pray for the soul of Jacob, a family friend, who took his own life today. We also ask for prayers for Jacob's parents and siblings during this extremely difficult time. In Christ, Keith & Cheryl Wood th 34 Sunday after Pentecost—Publican and the Pharisee Forefeast of the Meeting of our Lord in the Temple Martyr Tryphon St. Brigid of Kildare (Ireland) Martyrs Perpetua, and the catechumens Saturus, Revocatus, Saturninus, Secundulus, and Felicitas at Carthage (202‐203). St. Peter of Galatia, hermit near Antioch in Syria (ca. 403). St. Vendemianus, hermit of Bithynia (ca. 512). St. Seirol, abbot of Penmon (Anglesey) (6th c.). Martyr Elias the New of Damascus (779). Sts. David (784), Symeon (843), and George (844), confessors of Mytilene. St. Basil, archbishop of Thessalonica (895). St. Tryphon, bishop of Rostov (1468). St. Tryphon of Pechenga or Kola (1583). New Martyr Anastasius at Nauplion (1655). New Hieromartyr Archpriest Peter Skipetrov of Petrograd (1918). Epistle: 1 Timothy 4:9‐15; 1 Corinthians 12:7‐11 Gospel: Luke 19:1‐10; John 10:9‐16 A Warm Welcome to all our Guests! We are very pleased you have joined us for worship today and hope that you will join us for coffee hour after the service. Please note that reception of the Holy Eucharist is only for baptized members of the Orthodox Church who have prepared with prayer, fasting, and periodic confession. You are encouraged to receive the blessed bread that is offered at the end of the service and which may also be offered to you by one of your neighbors during Communion. Sun Feb 8:00 am Matins 10:00 am Divine Liturgy This Week’s Services and Events 1st 6:30 pm Great Vespers Mon Feb 2nd Tue Feb 3rd Wed Feb 4th Meeting of our Lord Jesus Christ in the Temple 8:00 am Matins 9:00 am Liturgy 6:00 pm Vespers Holy and Righteous God‐bearer Simeon and Anna the Prophetess Mission Deanery Retreat 5:45 Matins 6:00 pm Vespers Ven. Isidore of Pelusium; Rt. Blv. George, Great Prince of Vladimir Mission Deanery Retreat 8:30 am Matins 5:30 pm Vespers Holy Martyr Agatha of Palermo Repose of St. Theodosius, Abp of Chernigov Mission Deanery Retreat 9:00 am Hours 9:30 am Liturgy 6:00 pm Vespers 7:00 pm Catechism St. Bucolus, Bp of Smyrna; St. Photius, Patriarch of Constantinople 5:45 am Matins 6:00 pm Vespers Pan‐Orthodox Clergy Meeting at Annunciation St. Parthenius, Bp of Lampsacus; New Hieromartyrs Vladimir, Met. of Kiev; Peter, Archbishop of Vorónezh; and Vasily (Basil), Bishop of Priluk 7:00 pm Great Vespers 35th Sunday after Pentecost—Prodigal Son 8:00 am Matins 10:00 am Divine Liturgy Matins (Tone 1) After “God is the Lord…” Troparia: Resurrection (twice)…Glory…Martyr…Now and ever…Forefeast Exapostilaria: Resurrection—1…Glory…Martyr…now and ever… Forefeast Gospel Stikheron—1 Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom Prokeimenon, (Tone 1): Let Thy mercy, O Lord, be upon us / as we have set our hope on Thee. vs. Rejoice in the Lord, O ye righteous! Praise befits the just! Alleluia: Tone 1 Tone 1 Troparion The celestial choir of heavenly Angels bends down to the earth and sees the First‐born of all creation being carried into the Temple as a babe by a Mother who has not known man, and in amazement they sing along with us// a hymn of the forefeast. Tone 4 Kontakion Let us free from the pride of the pharisee, and let us learn humility from the publican’s tears. Let us cry to our Savior: Have mercy on us, // O only merciful one. Tone 6 Kontakion The Word unseen with the Father, now is seen in the flesh, ineffably born of the Virgin, and is given into the arms of the priest and Elder.// Let us worship Him, our True God. Acolyte Schedule: February 1 Samuel S, Nataneem S, Stefan S, Elijah S, David J February 8 Stefan S, Elijah S, David J, Samuel S, Edward M February 15 Brandon E, Elijah P, Lawrence R, Samuel S, Timothy G February 22 Samuel S, Nataneem S, Stefan S, Elijah S, David J March 1 Stefan S, Elijah S, David J, Samuel S, Edward M ANNOUNCEMENTS Young Adults Get‐Together Feb. 6 The next Young Adults get‐together (and the last before Lent) will be Friday, Feb. 6th at 6 pm at the Jensen home at 1604 SE Linn St., Portland, 97202. This will be a fast‐free Friday potluck and discussion. Church of the Annunciation members, catechumens, and all others who might be interested (roughly 20s‐30s) are warmly invited. We'll be reading the last section of St. Innocent's Indication of the Way Into the Kingdom of Heaven. Bring a dish to share. RSVP to Lori or to Dn. John at [email protected]. Cappella Romana presents GOOD FRIDAY IN JERUSALEM Following its recent tour to Trinity Wall Street New York, Cappella Romana presents GOOD FRIDAY IN JERUSALEM in concert and as its 20th CD release. These ecstatic chants reflect the deep pathos and cosmic drama of Good Friday, sung in procession to Jerusalem's most sacred Christian sites. Stelios Kontakiotis (Tinos, Greece) is principal soloist. Free pre‐concert talk one hour prior to concert by Rev. Dr. Stefanos Alexopoulos, assistant professor of Eastern Orthodox Liturgy at Catholic University of America. TWO PERFORMANCES: 8pm, Saturday, February 7, Trinity Cathedral at NW 19th and Everett 2pm, Sunday, February 8, St. Mary's Cathedral at NW 18th and Couch. Tickets start at $22 with discounts for seniors and students. Visit cappellaromana.org or call 503‐236‐8202. SAVE 25% in Sections A and B with coupon code "ORTHODOXCHANT". IOCC again offering summer internships This year's internships are available in the US and in Greece. The IOCC internship program provides a unique opportunity to gain firsthand exposure to the operations of a faith‐based international humanitarian relief and development organization. The application deadline is February 28, 2015. For more details on eligibility requirements and how to apply, please visit iocc.org/internships At first reading, we might think that he is saying that they defame the angels who do God's will. But in fact, he is accusing them of doing something even more serious. The "glorious ones" here are the powers that work against God. By slandering them, or disrespecting their power, the false teachers do something that even God's angels fear to do: "The angels, though greater in might and power, do not bring against them a slanderous judgment from the Lord." The false teachers "slander what they do not understand," and in so doing they bring a terrible penalty not only on themselves but on those they can lure into following them. The Threat of the Glorious Ones On February 4th we read the entire third chapter, verses 1 to 18, of 2 Peter. The letter was probably written between the years 80 and 90. Part of the second chapter, verses 9 to 22, is read on February 3rd. Here we find a strong warning against false teachers. These are people who, though they accepted the Christian faith themselves, are now finding it difficult to adhere to Christianity's strict moral teachings while living in a far more permissive pagan society. So they are attempting to downplay those teachings, minimizing their importance. They are working to convince other Christians to go along with their ideas. The words Peter uses to describe them and their efforts are unequivocal. They are "waterless springs and mists driven by a storm," and they speak "bombastic nonsense." He compares them to a sow that is washed, only to wallow in the mud. They are "blots and blemishes, reveling in their dissipation." The danger of their malicious behavior is that they "entice unsteady souls." To emphasize the danger, Peter writes of them that "bold and willful, they are not afraid to slander the glorious ones." In describing their fate, Peter reminds his readers of the story, in Numbers 22, of a soothsayer named Balaam. He is hired by the Moabite king to pronounce a curse on the Israelites. Balaam is riding on his donkey and doesn't see the angel of the Lord standing in his path with a sword. But the donkey sees the angel three times, and stops. Balaam strikes the animal, still failing to see the angel blocking his path. Finally God makes the donkey speak, and makes Balaam realize that he is to bless, not curse, the people of Israel. In the letter's third chapter, Peter writes that some scoff at God because they don't see the fulfillment of the "promise of His coming." But Peter says that God is not slow. Rather, He is patiently giving all of us time to repent. We can trust Him to know when the "Day of the Lord" should come. There are still "glorious ones" in the world that beckon us with power beyond our ability to understand. Scoffing at that power is still mortally dangerous. But God will always try to save us, even by the embarrassing strategy of making a donkey smarter than we are.
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