T h e Mo n t h ly Bu l le t i n o f t he G r ee k O r th o dox C hu rc h of th e A s s um p t i o n Volume 19, Issue 12 December, 2014 GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF THE ASSUMPTION 1804 13th AVENUE SEATTLE, WA 98122 Rev. Fr. Dean Kouldukis Rev. Fr. Michael Johnson Altar Servers Nick Cosmakos (425) 742-2308 Camp Agape NW Kristina Mehas (206) 232-8690 Parish Office Hours Chanters Evangelos Pampoukas (206) 246-7573 M-TH 10:30 am - 5:30 pm Telephone 206-323-8557 assumptionseattle.org Choir Chris Kouldukis (425) 691-7610 Parish Office Manager Jillian Chandler 206-323-8557 parishoffice@ assumptionseattle.org Greek Dance Groups Voula Xenos (206) 784-7644 Parish Office Bookkeeper Gina Nunan Parish Accounting Office 206-323-7230 Church School Rachael Pamboukas (425) 432-2786 accounting@ assumptionseattle.org St. Catherine Philoptochos Kristina Mehas (206) 232-8690 Parish Events Manager Corinda LeClair (206) 432-1801 Parish Council Penny Peppes, President (425) 823-3031 Parish Treasurer Demetrios Geokezas (206) 617-4716 Assumption Bookstore Leslie Scott (206) 232-4597 Fellowship Hour Ingrid Papahronis (206) 932-8085 Today, the Virgin bears Him who is transcendent, and the earth presents the cave to Him who is beyond reach. Angels, along with shepherds glorify Him. The Magi make their way to Him by a star. For a new child has been born for us, the God before all ages. St. John the Almsgiver Basil Papahronis (206) 923-0449 Stewardship Nick Cosmakos (425) 742-2308 Youth Ministry Fr. Michael Johnson (206) 420-1728 YOPOS Steven Miller (406) 696-0057 WITH THANKSGIVING by Rev. Father Michael Courey T hanksgiving Day is my favorite national holiday. I love Thanksgiving because its seems to me to be the only holiday that has not become over commercialized, nor has our society, for the most part, lost the meaning or the purpose of this day. Even the popularity of football during this season cannot compete with the power of people gathered together to give thanks to God for the abundance of the blessing He has bestowed upon us. Recently, in social media, there has been a challenge that I have enjoyed watching develop. The challenge is to post your favorite Bible verse. For me this first chalFR. MICHAEL COUREY lenge is quite difficult, because there are so many verses in the Bible that I love, and so to pick a favorite one is a difficult task. If, however, I may take the liberty to St. Katherine Greek Orthodox modify this challenge to my favorite Bible verse for the Church – Redondo Beach, CA. month of November, or to narrow the scope down even further, for the feast of Thanksgiving, the task becomes quite simple. My choice is Philippians 4:6, “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.” This verse is part of a greater passage read every year in the Orthodox Church on Palm Sunday (Philippians 4:4-9), and is one of my all-time favorite Bible passages: “Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice. Let your gentleness be known to all men. The Lord is at hand. Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God: and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy-meditate on these things. The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, these do, and the God of peace will be with you.” I have been making a conscious effort to make every morning a type of Thanksgiving Day. In my private prayers and meditations I speak to God and thank Him for the wonderful outpouring of grace that I have received from Him. I thank Him for the family and PAGE 2 THE GOOD NEWS - DECEMBER 2014 friends He has blessed be with. Finally, I thank Him for the challenges and difficulties that He has allowed me to experience in my life, for through every trial and tribulation, He has never left me nor forsaken me, and for this I am eternally grateful. May we give thanks to God every Thanksgiving Day, every month, every day, every minute, with every breath that we take! CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE TO START AT 4:30 PM T he Liturgy we celebrate in our Orthodox Church on Christmas Eve actually starts with Vespers, which is an evening service. This year, we are returning to a more ancient practice by starting Liturgy just after the early winter sunset. This beautiful service includes seven Old Testament readings that prepare us to understand the real meaning of Christmas. We hope our GOYA kids will volunteer to read them. The service ends with the placing of the Christmas icon at the front of the church. Then the youngest child present (who can hold a taper) lights a large candle beside the icon, representing the star of Bethlehem. The service will be over by about 6:30 PM giving our people plenty of time to enjoy Christmas Eve afterward with family. (Those wishing to receive Communion should fast strictly after their midday meal.) THE GOOD NEWS - VOLUME 19, ISSUE 12 PAGE 3 DECEMBER WORSHIP SCHEDULE 8:45 am Matins 10:00 am Divine Liturgy 6:00 pm Vespers Tues., December 2 10:30 am Prayers at the 3rd Hour Epistle: II Timothy 1:8-18 Gospel: Mark 2:23 - 3:5 Thurs., Dec. 4 / St. Barbara 8:45 am Matins 10:00 am Divine Liturgy Epistle: Galatians 3:23 - 4:5 Gospel: Mark 5:24-34 Tues., December 16 10:30 am Prayers at the 3rd Hour Sat., Dec. 6 / St. Nicholas 8:45 am Matins 10:00 am Divine Liturgy Epistle: Hebrews 13:17-21 Gospel: Luke 6:17-23 6:00 pm Great Vespers Sun., Dec. 21 / Sunday before Nativity 8:45 am Matins 10:00 am Divine Liturgy Epistle: Hebrews 11:9-10, 32-40 Gospel: Matthew 1:1-25 Saturday, December 20 6:00 pm Great Vespers Sun., Dec. 7 / 10th Sunday of Luke 8:45 am Matins 10:00 am Divine Liturgy Epistle: Ephesians 5:8-19 Gospel: Luke 13:10-17 Tues., December 9 / Conception of the Theotokos 8:45 am Matins 10:00 am Divine Liturgy Epistle: Galatians 4:22-27 Gospel: Luke 8:16-21 Fri., Dec. 12 / St. Spyridon 8:45 am Matins 10:00 am Divine Liturgy Epistle: Ephesians 5:8-19 Gospel: John 10:9-16 Sun., Dec. 14 / 11th Sunday of Luke 8:45 am Matins 10:00 am Divine Liturgy Epistle: Colossians 3:4-11 Gospel: Luke 14:16-24 Mon., Dec. 15 / St. Eleutherios 8:45 am Matins 10:00 am Divine Liturgy 4 Tues., December 23 10:30 am Prayers at the 3rd Hour Wed., Dec. 24 / Nativity Eve 2:30 pm Royal Hours of Christmas 4:30 pm Vesperal Divine Liturgy Epistle: Hebrews 1:1-12 Gospel: Luke 2:1-20 Thurs., Dec. 25 / HOLY NATIVITY 8:45 am Matins 10:00 am Divine Liturgy Epistle: Galatians 4:4-7 Gospel: Matthew 2:1-12 Fri., Dec. 26 / Synaxis of the Theotokos 8:45 am Matins 10:00 am Divine Liturgy Epistle: Hebrews 2:11-18 Gospel: Matthew 2:13-23 Saturday, December 13 6:00 pm Great Vespers PAGE Sat., Dec. 27 / St. Stephen 8:45 am Matins 10:00 am Divine Liturgy Epistle: Acts 6:8-15; 7:1-5, 47-60 Gospel: Matthew 12:15-21 Sun., Dec. 28 / Sunday after Nativity 8:45 am Matins 10:00 am Divine Liturgy Epistle: Galatians 1:11-19 Gospel: Matthew 2:13-23 THE GOOD NEWS - DECEMBER 2014 COMMUNITY DINNER TO FOL- LOW PASCHA LITURGY USHERS & READERS Sunday, Dec. 7 HOLIDAY OUTREACH A chance for our church family to help a family in need this Christmas. Specialist Jesse Heels and his beautiful family and wife Bethany are facing challenges right now. Dad has done three tours in Afghanistan with the 101st Airborne as a helicopter mechanic specialist and has served for over nine years in our military. He continues to serve and is in a fairly new marriage with two step children under the age of six plus they just had a newborn. Dad also suffers from PTSD. They live meagerly at Fort Lewis and are in need of help this season. We currently have a Giving Tree set up in the hall with gift ideas for this family’s needs. Please take a card and bring it back with your gift by Sunday, Dec. 21st. Anything you can do will be greatly appreciated. Some ideas on the tree include: Safeway gift cards Target gift cards McDonalds gift cards Diapers for a girl aged 6 mos: size 1 x 6 Toys for girls ages 2 & 5 Disney or Family Movies Cozy snuggling blanket for the family Girls: Board books age 2 (x4), Books for age 5 (x4), Christmas Books, Children’s board Bible books, puzzles, board games (x2), color forms, dress up stuff (x2), play jewelry. THE GOOD NEWS - VOLUME 19, ISSUE 12 Ushers: Ron Delarose, Demetrios Geokezas & Gus Mehas Close: Ron Delarose Reader: Christopher Sayles Sunday, Dec. 14 Ushers: Niko Pamboukas, Penny Peppes & Leslie Scott Close: Demetrios Geokezas Reader: Straton Spyropoulos Sunday, Dec. 21 Ushers: John Prekeges, Girma Bulbula & Ron Delarose Close: Gus Mehas Reader: Stephanie Stafford Sunday, Dec. 28 Ushers: Demetrios Geokezas, Gus Mehas & Niko Pamboukas Close: Steven Miller Reader: Sophia Watson PAGE 5 DOLLAR-A-DAY PROGRAM I want to thank everyone who has signed up for our Dollar A Day loan servicing plan. As discussed at our General Assembly, we need more families to participate. With more people giving to the Dollar A Day, we will be able to use our parking revenue to off-set the deficit in our yearly budget. Without it, our budget cannot be balanced. If you haven't signed up yet for the Dollar A Day program, please call Gina in the bookkeeping office at (206) 323-7230 and let her know you can participate. Penny Peppes Parish Council President ANDERSON, Larry & Kate ANTONAKOS, Jetta APOSTOLOU, Elias & Stella ARGERES, Peter & Diana ATHAN, Steve & Anna ATHANS, Eleni & Geo. Bariames BARBAS, E. Anthe BARTON, Roger & Mary Lou BASS, Steve & Stella BENIS, Helen BRATSANOS, James & Leslie BRATSANOS, Steve & Rose BUEHRER, Lee & Florence CAVE, Robert CHACHARON, Alex CHARONI, Tim & Rene CHRISTOU, Ted & Barbara CONOM, Madeline COSTACOS, Jerry & Eva DELAROSE, Ron & Teresa DELIMITROS, Katherine DENOS, Thalia DIAFOS, Pauli DIMITRIOU, Ted & Kiki DURHAM, Patrick & Margarita ECONOMOU, Christina & Gene Kneeland EVANS, Jr., Peter & Anna FARMER, Joanna FIDLER, William & Alia PAGE 6 FLY, Larry FRANGOS, Christian FRANGOS, Olivia FRANKS, John & Athanasia GEOKEZAS, Demetrios & Eryn GEOKEZAS, Meletios & Theodora GIANETSAS, Xenia GIBBONS, Nick & Maria GRAY, James & Andrea GREENE, Marke & Angela HOWE, William & Maro HULBERT, Mike & Jodie ILES, Catherine ILIAKIS, Bernardino & Pinar INNIS, Connie JEWELL, Emily KAZAKOS, Georgia KEHAYES, Naya & Philip Head KOHNKE, Ioanna KOKKONIS, Nick & Jennifer KOUKOUSOULA, Ourania KOULDUKIS, Fr. Dean & Pres. Val LAZAROU, Christina LIVIAKIS, Lea & Sam Nadler LOTAKIS, Greg LOTAKIS, Paul & Michele LUCAS, Greta MEHAS, Gus & Kristina MESAGNO, Nicholas & Carolyn MILLER, Steven MITCHELL, Cameron & Sofie MOORE, Georgia NICKOLAS, Nick O’NEIL, Katie PAMBOUKAS, Chris & Glyka PAMBOUKAS, Niko & Sonia PAMPOUKAS, Evangelos & Tasoula PAPAHRONIS, Michael & Ingrid PEPPES, George & Penny PIERIDES, Voula PISHUE, James & Lisa Roberts POLIMANAKOS, Vasilios & Carole RITCHIE, Joe & Natalie ROGERS, Alexandra SARANTINOS, George & Athena SCOTT, Leslie Sophia SIATERLIS, Dimitrios & Christina SMETHERAM, Sofia ST. CATHERINE PHILOPTOCHOS STAFFORD, Stephanie Pulakis TEKLE, Selam & Amanuel Abraha THOMPSON, Charles & Niki TZIOTIS, Yiannis & Katerina XYDIS, John & Janice ZANIDES, Frances ZARKADES, Joanne THE GOOD NEWS - DECEMBER 2014 COMMUNITY DINNER TO FOL- AIGNER, Rob & Tina Pappas ALEX, Rev. Dn. Peter & Catherine ALEXANDROPOULOU, Maria ALLAMANO, Eugene & Ann ANDERSON, Larry & Kate ANDREWS, Rothopi APOSTOLOU, Elias & Stella APOSTOLOU, K.G. & Kostoula ARGERES, Peter & Diana ARGUE, Cliff & Theodora ATHAN, Steve & Anna ATHANS, Eleni & George Bariames ATHANS, Emmanuel ATHANS, John & Stella ATTIAS, Anna AVGERIS, Christine BARBACHAN, Hugo & Popee BARBAS, E. Anthe BAROKAS, Marie BAROKAS, Vasso BARTON, Roger & Mary Lou BASS, Steve & Stella BEKRIS, Chris & Diamando BEKRIS, Fr. Nicolas & Pres. Stella BENIS, Chris & Penny BENIS, Helen BLACKSTONE, Cleo BLACKWELL, Neena BRANNIAN, James BRATSANOS, James & Leslie BRATSANOS, Steve & Rose BUEHRER, Lee & Florence BUELL, Keith & Maria BULBULA, Girma & Alemitu Wakene BURKE, Mark & Maria CARDARAS, Vlasios & Voula CARDARAS, Yianni CASTAS, Nick CAVE, Robert CHACHARON, Alex CHACHARON, Andrew CHACHARON, Claire CHARONI, Alex CHARONI, Nancy CHARONI, Tim & Rene CHRISTOFILIS, Asimas & Dora CHRISTOU, Ted & Barbara CONOM, Madeline LOW PASCHA LITURGY COOLIDGE, Trilby CORTES-JOHNSON, Alexia COSMAKOS, Nick & Cheryl COSTACOS, Constantine & Terry COSTACOS, Jerry & Eva COZZA, Bernardo & Michelle CUMMINS, John DELAROSE, Ron & Teresa DELIMITROS, Katherine DEMENEGAS, Emmanual & Sapfo DENNIS, Ryan & Demetra DENOS, Thalia DERDEVANI, Maria DIAFOS, Pauli DIAMOND, Maria DIAMOND, Nitsa DIEL, Angeliki DIMITRIOU, Ted & Kiki DIMOS, Gabriella DODD, Voula DURHAM, Patrick & Margarita ECONOMOU, Christina & Gene Kneeland EMMONS, Tom & Nancy ESTEP, Charles & Lina EVANS, Jr., Peter & Anna EXARHOS, Helen & Arianna FARMASONIS, Petros & C.R. FARMER, Joanna FIDLER, William & Alia FLY, Larry FOURNARAKIS, Bill FRAGGIAS, Efthemia FRANGOS, Christian FRANGOS, Olivia FRANKS, John & Athanasia GABRIEL, Laura & Tim O’Donnell GELLER, Michael & Carolyn GEOKEZAS, Demetrios & Eryn GEOKEZAS, Maria & David Howard GEOKEZAS, Meletios & Theodora GEORGE, Nicholas GEORGES, Helen GIANETSAS, Xenia GIBBONS, Nick & Maria GOULOUMI, Dora Roula GOVETAS, Eleni GRAY, James & Andrea GREENE, Marke & Angela THE GOOD NEWS - VOLUME 19, ISSUE 12 HADJIMICHALAKIS, Michael HENRY, Eleni HEUER, Helen HOWE, William & Maro HOWER, Rob & Kiki HULBERT, Mike & Jodie HUNT, Christopher & Cheryl HUNT, Kelsey HUNT, Madeleine ILES, Catherine ILIAKIS, Bernardino & Pinar INNIS, Connie JANJIC, Barbara JEWELL, Gavin & Emily JOHN, Maggie JONES, Duane & Despina Crocou KALASOUNTAS, Helen KARIS, Terry & Anna KAVADAS, Janet KAZAKOS, Georgia KEHAYES, Naya & Philip Head KEICH, Karl & Erica KLAPAKI, Nektaria KOEMAN, Constantijn KOEMAN, Henriecus & Heleni KOHNKE, Ioanna KOKKONIS, Nick & Jennifer KOLIOS, Alexandre & Leta KOSTAKIS, Constantine & Ann KOULDUKIS, Fr. Dean & Pres. Valerie KOULDUKIS, William & Betty KOURTIS, Angelo & Aphrodite KOUTROULIS, Stavros & Leslie LACKIE, Randy & Athena LARIMER, Robert & Billie LAZAROU, George & Christina LEE, Nancy LEMONIDIS, Daniel & SaNni LENES, George & Rita LENTGIS, Dean & Kathleen LEONIDAS, Diane LIMANTZAKIS, Johnette LINARDOS, Jim & Jan LING, Maria LIPPMAN, Margeaux & Jonah Hoskins LIVIAKIS, Lea & Sam Nadler LORD, Timothy & Debby LOTAKIS, Greg PAGE 7 ( continued ) LOTAKIS, Paul & Michele LUCAS, Dean LUCAS, Greta LUCAS, Ida LUCAS, Maria MACRIS, Eugenia MALLOS, Christine MALLOS, Steve & Sophia MANAOIS, Collin & Demetra MANN, Philip & Andrea MANOLIDES, Andrew & Anastasia MANOLIDES, Nancy MANOLIDES, Steven MANZIERIS, Chris & Kathy McCARTY, Vasilki McMillan, Michael & Elizabeth MEHAS, Gus & Kristina MERCOURIADIS, Pipena MESAGNO, Nicholas & Carolyn MICHAELIDIS, Michael & Elaine MINADAKIS, Irene MITALAS, Panayiota MITCHELL, Cameron & Sofie MOORE, Georgia MORRIS, James & Vickie NATSIOPOULOS, Elias & Nancy NEWTSON, Michael NICKOLAS, Nick NICON, John & Joann OHMER, Ronald & Jennifer OJEDA, Ted & Vicky O’NEIL, Katie OSBON, Joymarie PAMBOUKAS, Chris & Glyka PAMBOUKAS, Kosta PAMBOUKAS, Niko & Rachael PAMBOUKAS, Niko & Sonia PAMPOUKAS, Evangelos & Tasoula PANAGAKIS, Alice PANTAGES, Tarsi PAPADIMITRIOU, Mihail PAPADOPOULOS, Erasmia PAPAHRONIS, Basil PAPAHRONIS, Michael & Ingrid PAPANDREW, David & Karen PAPANICOLAOU, Stathis & Joanna PAPANTOS, Spero & Tina PAGE 8 PAPPAS, Christina PAPPAS, George & Ann PARALIS, Panagiotis & Asimo PAVLOS, George & Pam PEPPES, George & Penny PEPPES, Steve & Popi PERLMAN, Brian & Jamie PIERIDES, Voula PISHUE, James & Lisa Roberts PLUMIS, Paul & Pam POLIMENAKOS, Peter POLIMENAKOS, Vasilios & Carole POPOVICH-SCHMIDT, Boyanne POULOS, Pete PREKEGES, Jr., John PULAKIS, Joanna RAKUS, Anna RAKUS, Tom RIGOPOULOS, James & Marianne RITCHIE, Joe & Natalie ROGERS, Alexandra RONDOS, Sam SABATH, David & Dalia SARANTINOS, George & Athena SAVVIDES, Spiro & Katherine SAYLES, Katerina SCOTT, Leslie Sophia SEBOK, Evangelia SERPANOS, George & Meropi SIATERLIS, Dimitrios & Christina SIDERIS, Panagiotis & Voula SIROTKINA, Irina SKANDALIS, John & Laurie SKEPETARIS, Evanthia SKEPETARIS, Tom & Teresa SMETHERAM, Philip & Carol SMETHERAM, Sofia SMITH, Darin & Christina SOLOMON, Karen SORENSON, Maria SOUKAS, George & Ritsa SOURAPAS, Steve SPENCER, Melodee SPOTTS, James SPYROPOULOS, Straton STAFFORD, Stephanie Pulakis STAMATOYANNOPOULOS, Geo.& Thalia STOCKER, Bill & Georgi TAGIOS, Constantinos & Sophia TALERICO, Joyce & Ed TARLSON, Popi TAYLOR, Valerie Ann TEKLE, Selam & Amanuel Abraha THOMPSON, Charles & Niki TOLIAS, Christto & Dorothea TOMASIDES, Chris & Mary TOURAS, Antonios & Antonia TRAPALIS, Eleni & Dina TREMBANIS, Sophia TRUMAN, Jerry & Adair TSAKOS, Maria & Ricardo Cervantes TSALAKY, Magdaline TSALAKY, Tony TSCHIDA, Stephanie & Thomas Carns TSITSIS, Nikolaos & Stacy TZIOTIS, Dometios TZIOTIS, Ourania TZIOTIS, Yiannis & Katerina VASILATOS, Katheryn & Julia WATSON, Rob & Katherine WEST, Joann WILSON, David XENOS, Spiro & Voula XYDIS, John & Janice YEAMANS, David & Alysha ZAFIROPOULOS, John & Andreanna ZANIDES, Frances ZARKADES, Joanne “I am the VINE; YOU are the branches.” THE GOOD NEWS - DECEMBER 2014 BOOKKEEPER’S SUMMARY GENERAL FUND OCTOBER YTD REVENUE Oct. Stewardship Collected $17,224 Other Revenue 10,928 TOTAL REVENUE 28,152 TOTAL EXPENSES ( 40,035 ) NET LOSS (11,883 ) YTD REVENUE (through 11-20-14) $356,738 YTD EXPENSES (through 11-20-14) ( 380,726 ) YTD NET LOSS ( $23,988 ) GINA NUNAN Assumption Bookkeeper STEWARDSHIP REPORT Number of Steward Families: 268 2014 Budgeted Stewardship Stewardship Pledged (through 11-20-14) Pledges needed to meet Stewardship Goal $260,000 254,261 5,739 Stewardship Collected (through 11-20-14) Regular Stewardship Pre-Paid $215,863 7,200 Contributions Over Pledge 935 Other 256 Total Stewardship YTD Collected 224,254 Budgeted to Date 231,110 Unpaid Pledged Stewardship Balance $32,212 THE GOOD NEWS - VOLUME 19, ISSUE 12 PAGE 9 YOUTH & FAMILY EVENTS St. Nicholas visits an Orthodox home on his feast day ASSUMPTION FAMILIES TO PREPARE FOR CHRISTMAS SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6th H ere’s a chance for you and your kids to prepare together to celebrate the true, spiritual meaning of Christmas. What better time than on St. Nicholas Day? After all, isn’t St. Nicholas the original Santa Claus? Luckily, this year, his day falls on a Saturday. We’ll start with Liturgy on December 6th, then enjoy lunch together, and finish off with an active 90-minute session showing us how Christmas is truly the birth of Christ, the “sun of righteousness” in the darkness of winter. The whole family will be together some of the time, but there will also be break-out sessions for grown-ups, teens and younger kids. All members of our parish family are welcome as well. Families will leave for home with a greater sense of closeness, plus lots of ideas on how to put Christ into Christmas. On November 20th, Fr. Dean and Fr. Michael held a “dry run” of the program at church with Straton Spyropoulos and his daughter, Leone plus Marianne Bratsanos and Trilby Coolidge. It worked out great. The photos on the following page will give you some idea of how things will go December 6th... PAGE 10 THE GOOD NEWS - DECEMBER 2014 YOUTH & FAMILY EVENTS Leone and Straton shared an opportunity for kids and parents to grow closer by doing projects together. Leone was obviously proud of the finished product that she and dad completed together – a votive candle holder, complete with an icon of St. Nicholas! Leone enjoyed getting advice from Marianne, who has lots of experience with projects for kids. THE GOOD NEWS - VOLUME 19, ISSUE 12 PAGE 11 GOYA A polio victim in Nigeria is literally lifted up from the dust, to a new life of dignity and hope “PHOTOS WITH FR. CHRISTMAS” SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7th! V isit “Father Christmas” in his colorful “workshop” upstairs in the hall following church school. Your professional photo showing yourself and/or family will be emailed to you in about a week! (If you don’t have email, you can pick up your photo after Liturgy December 14.) The only charge for the photos is your cash donation or check made out to “Wheelchairs for Nigeria." Even if you don’t want a photo, you can still make a donation! Any amount is welcome. But remember that a gift of just $150 could act as “your hand” lifting a polio victim to a new life of hope and human dignity. So far our parish has raised over $1,000 for this worthy cause! PAGE 12 THE GOOD NEWS - DECEMBER 2014 G.O.Y.A. Assumption Kids join other enthusiastic GOYAns for a Group Photo O n the weekend of November 21-23, four of our Assumption kids joined teens from throughout the region for an unforgettable GOYA retreat at Camp Angelos near Portland, Oregon. Representing our parish were Paulette Argeres, Stefanos Pampoukas, Kassie Peppes, and Christina Thompson. Steve Miller accompanied them as a young-adult adviser. Steve filed the following report on the many activities – Campers shared the experience with other Orthodox teens from the Seattle and Portlandarea churches, and spent the weekend either playing sports—including a muddy game of football and many a fast-paced contest of "bucket ball"—board games and/or exploring the lush forests nearby, as well as enjoying a few spontaneous Greek dances. But the real heart of the weekend were the discussions on choices and financial responsibility. Although the topics were targeted at teens, camp counselor and Assumption YOPOS member Steve Miller remarked that the themes were very timely and relevant even for those in their mid-to-late 20s. The busy Saturday was book-ended by services—Orthros in the morning, with Vespers and a midnight Divine Liturgy coming later, that served as a fitting closer to an activity-filled, Christ-centered weekend. THE GOOD NEWS - VOLUME 19, ISSUE 12 PAGE 13 PAGE 14 THE GOOD NEWS - DECEMBER 2014 75th ANNIVERSARY DINNER A SUCCESS! THANK YOU! T he Assumption Greek Orthodox Church 75th Anniversary dinner Saturday evening was a beautiful celebration of our community, past, present and future. The Church founders and first families were well represented by their descendants, the hall was filled as young and old gathered together to commemorate "75 Years of Bearing Witness to God's Kingdom" and honor the sacrifices that were made to establish our Church. The reception hall was beautifully decorated by the gala committee who worked together to make the event an elegant affair. Guests were treated to delicious appetizers hand-crafted by Adair Tsalaky Truman, Jimmy Marinopoulos, Thalia Denos and Kiki Dimitriou. Followed by a sit-down dinner served by members of the church youth. Our Young Orthodox Professionals of Seattle (YOPOS) provided wine service during both the social hour and dinner. These wonderful young professionals...HOW TO EXPLAIN WHAT YOPOS IS? Parish President Penny Peppes presented a program featuring special speakers; Stephanie Stafford, Jerry Costacos, Niko Pamboukas and Stephen Peppes, who shared the church history as well as their own personal reflections on what the Assumption church has meant to them. Following remarks by Fr. Dean Kouldukis, a commemorative video, created by George Peppes, was presented with images gleaned from 75 years of worship, fellowship and joyous celebrations in the church. Each guest received a copy as a parting gift. We would like to thank everyone who attended as well as those who donated their time, and talents to make this event possible. "...our Church and its progress depends on each individual and what they put into it. What spiritual strength they get from their Church...how much they are willing to give of themselves." - a Founder If you were unable to attend, but would like a copy of the DVD, please contact (Penny Peppes [email protected]). THE GOOD NEWS - VOLUME 19, ISSUE 12 Program Speakers Rev. Father Dean Kouldukis Penny Peppes, Parish President Stephanie Stafford Jerry Costacos Niko Pamboukas Stephen Peppes 75th Anniversary Committee Andrea Gray, Event Chair Mary Lou Barton Kiki Dimitriou Thalia Denos Paulie Diafos Katie O'Neil Penny Peppes Alexa Iles Skarpelos Joanne Zarkades Event Volunteers Ted Dimitriou Jule Fayen Abby Gray Elizabeth Gray Matthew Gray Maro Howe Michael Howe Lea Liviakis Greg Lotakis Elissa Kouldukis Christopher Kouldukis Jimmy Marinopoulos Steve Miller Cristina Pappas George Peppes Kassie Peppes Popie Peppes Stephen Peppes John Prekeges Athena Sarantinos Evan Sarantinos Diana Skylacos Christopher Sayles Adair Tsalaky Truman Parish Staff Jillian Chandler Corinda LeClair PAGE 15 F rom February 7 to May 31, 2015 the GreekAmerican Historical Museum of Washington State will proudly present an exhibit titled “A Place at the Table: 100 Years of Greek Restaurants, Culture and the Entrepreneurial Spirit.” The exhibit will be hosted by the Museum of History & Industry (MOHAI) at South Lake Union in Seattle, Washington. The exhibit will be held in the Community Focus Gallery and will include photos, memorabilia and video segments documenting over 300 restaurants in Washington State owned or operated by Greeks since the early 1900s. “A Place at the Table” will follow “Shalom! Open for Business,” the current exhibit of the Washington State Jewish Historical Society. As a prelude to the event, MOHAI’s History Café will present holiday stories from the Greek and Jewish communities on Thursday, December 18. On the third Thursday of every month discussions on local history are held in the History Café. Each month features a different topic, and history enthusiasts are invited to come together and share what they know. Waterfront views and delicious treats at the Compass Café encourage lively dialogue. Light fare, coffee or a glass of wine combined with lively presentations make this an opportunity to share personal histories with each other. The Greek portion of the evening will feature two holiday traditions. First, Fr. Dean Kouldukis from Seattle’s Greek Orthodox Church of the Assumption will speak on the vasilopita, (St. Basil’s bread) and share pieces with members of the audience. Secondly, under the direction of Yvonne Hunt, children from the Greek community will sing the kalanda, the holiday carols. It will be an enjoyable and educational evening to which the public is always invited. Read more about Greeks in Washington at www.greeksinwashington.org and about MOHAI and the History Café at www.mohai.org PAGE 16 THE GOOD NEWS - DECEMBER 2014 MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM THE ALL SAINTS CAMP BOARD I s there someone on your Christmas list that has everything? Are you looking for worthy causes for your end of year donations? Give a donation in a loved one’s honor and help All Saints Camp with their Christmas Wishes…. $25 – buys a new chair for our Arts & Crafts area. (We need 40 of them!) $100 – buys a new sink & faucet for the upper cabins $500 – buys new ceiling fans & installation for the Chapel Save the Date! Save the Date! Save the Date! Save the Date! Saturday, February 7th, 2015 St Demetrios Hall www.allsaintscamp.com THE GOOD NEWS - VOLUME 19, ISSUE 12 PAGE 17 PAGE 18 THE GOOD NEWS - DECEMBER 2014 $25.00 PERFECT FOR HOLIDAY GIFTS AS A WEDDING GIFT FOR SPECIAL OCCASIONS Available in the Assumption Bookstore Contacts: Mary Lou Barton [email protected] Joanne Zarkades [email protected] Brought to you by the St. Catherine Philoptochos. Thank You for your support! THE GOOD NEWS - VOLUME 19, ISSUE 12 This handsome 264 page cookbook is filled with authentic, traditional Greek Recipes and many historical anecdotes from Seattle’s Greek mothers and grandmothers. It has a convenient spiral binding allowing the book to lie flat when open and includes 241 recipes, illustrated instructions for handling and folding fillo, cookies, and other foods, and a glossary describing ingredients not commonly found in non-Greek households. PAGE 19 FELLOWSHIP HOUR P lease join us for refreshments after Liturgy. All are welcome.! “THANK YOU” to our friends and families who hosted a Fellowship Hour in November - you made it so nice to sit and visit with a friend: St. Catherine Philoptochos; Kritikos Pelagos Chapter of Seattle, Kostas Kostakis, and the Greek Dance Group Ministry. Thank you to our friends who have volunteered to host in December and January: * December 07: The Pamboukas Family ** December 14: Parish Council & Carolyn Mesagno for OCMC (Missions Food & ** December 21: All Saints Camp December 28: Stella & Louie Apostolou and family; George, Emmanuel & Paul Flemetakis and their families in memory of Maria Flemetakis. Grocery Fundraiser) In January, there is one Sunday available to host: January 04: January 11: January 18: January 25: Philoptochos Vasilopita Luncheon to benefit St. Basil’s Academy Andrea Gray and the Daughters of Penelope Church School, St. Catherine Philoptochos & Andrea Mann HOST NEEDED * Fast Day: Fish Allowed ** Fast Day: Wine & Oil Allowed Thank you for planning your food offerings within the fasting guidelines For more information on hosting a Fellowship Hour please view the Guidelines at the Assumption home website, assumptionseattle.org. If you would like to host a Fellowship Hour, please contact me at (206) 932-8085, or via email at [email protected] . Thank You for serving! Ingrid Papahronis Coordinator - Fellowship Hour A Side Note About Scheduling a Fellowship Hour and a Memorial in the Church Just to be clear on this…. A Memorial is not a date that is reserved for one family. Memorials happen in the church and any number can happen on any given Sunday. Fellowship Hour is another thing entirely. Placing a request for a Fellowship Hour in memory of a family member does not automatically place you in the Liturgical schedule. It simply reserves Fellowship Hour for a particular family. Another thing to keep in mind is that it is not necessary to “marry” a Memorial and the Fellow- ship Hour. Memorials are scheduled all the time without Fellowship Hour and Fellowship Hours are reserved in a person’s memory without a Memorial that day. Many thanks, everyone, for your love of your family and our church! PAGE 20 THE GOOD NEWS - DECEMBER 2014 ST. CATHERINE PHILOPTOCHOS NEWS P lease join us for our annual December Lenten Potluck (Wine and Oil allowed) and meeting on Saturday, December 13th at 11:00 AM at the home of Catherine Iles 2802 Boyer Ave E Seattle, WA 98144 (206) 323-8454 We currently have Georgia's organic Quince Jam for sale $10 a pint. The jam was made by Laki Kazakos. Please make your checks payable to St Catherine's Philoptochos. The latest edition of PHILANTHROPY WITNESS, the newsletter of the Greek Orthodox Ladies Philoptochos Society can be downloaded at http://philoptochos.org/assets/ files/newsletter/National%20Newsletter%2011.14.pdf Events At a Glance: Membership Meeting and Christmas Potluck Luncheon on Saturday, December 13th at the home of Catherine Iles. With Sisterly Love, Kristina Mehas President Stella Bass, Vice President Teresa Delarose, Recording Secretary Alysha Yeamans, Corresponding Secretary Joanne Zarkades, Treasurer THE GOOD NEWS - VOLUME 19, ISSUE 12 Janice Xydis, Assistant Treasurer Mary Lou Barton, Advisor to the Board Board Members: SaNni Lemonidis, Rose Bratsanos, Carole Polimenakos & Popi Tarlson PAGE 21 PAGE 22 THE GOOD NEWS - DECEMBER 2014 THE GOOD NEWS - VOLUME 19, ISSUE 12 PAGE 23 PAGE 24 THE GOOD NEWS - DECEMBER 2014 THE GOOD NEWS - VOLUME 19, ISSUE 12 PAGE 25 THANK YOU . . . . . . . . B arbara Janjic wants to share her thanks with everyone for your thoughts, calls, and prayers for Philip. She says she went home to check her mail and found there was a big envelope from the Church School kids with a bunch of hand-made ‘Get Well’ cards for Philip!! She says she was very touched! Philip loved them... Here, also, is a picture of Philip with his favorite football player, Russell Wilson, of the Seattle Seahawks, who came to visit him. ANNOUNCEMENT . . . . . . . . T he Consulate General of Greece in San Francisco, in order to facilitate the translation of public documents for Greeks who live in our area, is in the process of creating a list of private translators. Those who wish to be included in this List are requested to send by Post to the Consulate General (Address : Consulate General of Greece, 2441 Gough street, San Francisco, CA 94123) by 12.31.2014 the following documents : A) Brief CV. (Please indicate if the applicant is a notary public) B) Sample of translation from English to Greek (e.g. Birth Certificate) and a sample of markup translation Apostille. C) Sample of signatures and seals. D) (Optional) Indicative price list per service (e.g. if the charge will be per page or depending on the type of document) Since the jurisdiction of the General Consulate in San Francisco extends to the States of Alaska, California (zip codes 9400 and up), Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington and Wyoming we express our wish to locate translators who work in each of these States. PAGE 26 THE GOOD NEWS - DECEMBER 2014 GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF THE ASSUMPTION DECEMBER 2014 Sun Strict Fast Wine/Oil Allowed Fish Allowed Mon Tue 1 10:30 am Tsourekia - Assemble & Bake 7:00 pm Greek Dance Rehearsal 2 Wed 3 10:30 am Tsourekia - Assemble & Bake 10:30 am Tsourekia - Assemble & Bake 10:30 am Prayers at the 3rd Hour 6:30 pm AHEPA Meeting 11:00 am Bible Study 7 8 10th SUNDAY OF LUKE 8:45 am Matins 10:00 am Liturgy Memorial: Lyman Geis, John & Kathy Shay Church School 12:00 pm Assumption Bake Sale 12:00 pm Photos with “Fr. Christmas” 12:30 FDF Dance Rehearsal 14 CONCEPTION OF THE THEOTOKOS 7:00 pm Greek Dance Rehearsal 15 11th SUNDAY OF LUKE 8:45 am Matins 10:00 am Liturgy Church School Parish Council Elections 12:00 pm OCMC Greek Food & Grocery Fundraiser 12:30 FDF Dance Rehearsal 21 SUNDAY before NATIVITY 8:45 am Matins 10:00 am Liturgy Church School Vasilopita Pick-up 12:30 FDF Dance Rehearsal 28 ST. ELEUTHERIOS 8:45 am Matins 10:00 am Liturgy 10:30 am Vasilopita - Assemble & Bake 7:00 pm Greek Dance Rehearsal 22 7:00 pm Greek Dance Rehearsal 29 16 30 8:45 am Matins 10:00 am Liturgy 9:00 am St. John the Almsgiver-Cooking 4:00 pm Bake Sale Packaging 6:30 pm All Saints Camp Board Meeting 7:00 pm Byzantine Chant Classes 7:30 pm AA Meeting 11 6 12:00 pm Assumption Bake Sale PARISH OFFICE CLOSED 12 18 Sat ST. NICHOLAS 8:45 am Matins 10:00 am Liturgy Pre-Christmas Family Event 1:00 pm Assumption Bake Sale 6:00 pm Great Vespers 13 ST. SPYRIDON 8:45 am Matins 10:00 am Liturgy PARISH OFFICE CLOSED 10:00 am OCMC Greek Food & Grocery Fundraiser 11:00 am Philoptochos Meeting & Potluck at the home of Catherine Iles 2:30 pm GOYA Outing 6:00 pm Great Vespers 20 19 7:00 pm Byzantine Chant Classes 6:00 pm Great Vespers PARISH OFFICE CLOSED 7:30 pm AA Meeting 11:00 am Bible Study 11:00 am Bible Study 5 7:30 pm AA Meeting 17 Fri ST. BARBARA 7:00 pm Byzantine Chant Classes 10:30 am Prayers at the 3rd Hour 23 4 9:00 am St. John the Almsgiver-Cooking 10:30 am Vasilopita - Assemble & Bake 10:30 am Prayers at the 3rd Hour 7:00 pm Greek Dance Rehearsal 10 8:45 am Matins 10:00 am Liturgy 12:00 pm Bible Study 7:00 pm Parish Council Meeting 10:30 am Prayers at the 3rd Hour SUNDAY after NATIVITY 8:45 am Matins 10:00 am Liturgy Church School 12:30 FDF Dance Rehearsal 9 Thu 24 NATIVITY EVE 2:30 pm Royal Hours of Christmas 4:30 pm Vesperal Divine Liturgy of St. Basil 25 26 HOLY NATIVITY 8:45 am Matins 10:00 am Liturgy 7:30 pm AA Meeting PARISH OFFICE CLOSED 27 SYNAXIS OF THE THEOTOKOS 8:45 am Matins 10:00 am Liturgy PARISH OFFICE CLOSED ST. STEPHEN 8:45 am Matins 10:00 am Liturgy 6:00 pm Great Vespers 31 NEW YEARS EVE PARISH OFFICE CLOSED 11:00 am Bible Study MATINS GOSPEL & TONE SCHEDULE PARISH OFFICE HOURS: M—TH 10:30 AM—5:30 PM ~ (206) 323-8557 (Parish Office is CLOSED on Fridays) Sunday 7 14 21 28 Gospel 4 5 6 7 Tone First Second Third Fourth T HE M ONTHLY B ULLETIN OF THE G REEK O RTHODOX C HURCH OF THE A SSUMPTION NON PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID SEATTLE PERMIT NO 7412 GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF THE ASSUMPTION 1804 13th Ave Seattle, WA 98122-2515 POSTMASTER : DATED MATERIAL PLEASE EXPEDITE Visit, Like and Follow the Assumption Church on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/assumptionseattle
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