St. John’s Sunday Bulletin October 12, 2014

Birthdays This Week
- Isaiah Ray
– Paul Gillquist
– Evie Tolosa
– Greg Gillquist
October 15 – Dn. Joseph Ray
October 16 – Kylie Williams
October 19 – Danielle Alvarez
Y E A R S !
St. John’s Reading Group
Wednesday Readers: 10am to 11:30am in Reading Room.
2nd Sunday (10/12) – No Coffee Hour Due to Wedding
3rd Sunday (10/19) - ‘L’ through ‘R’
Hosting – Lewis & Macalino
Clare House Meal
Fourth Saturday of Each Month
For the Month of October our scheduled meal is October 25. – Sign up on the
Downstairs Bulletin Board.
Saint John Orthodox Cathedral
P.O. Box 771108 18936 Monastery Drive Eagle River, Alaska, 99577
(907) 696-2002 Fax: (907) 696-5555 Website:
Diocesan Website:
Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese Pastor: Fr. Marc Dunaway
Assistant Priests: Fr. John Downing / Fr. Robert Polson
Fr. Thomas Frizelle / Fr. John Rogers
Schedule of Regular Services: Saturdays: Great Vespers-7:15pm
Sundays: Matins-9am/Divine Liturgy-10am
Wednesdays: Vespers 7:15pm / Thursdays: Divine Liturgy 8:15am (On School Days)
Wednesdays and Fridays 6th Hour Prayers – 12:00 noon (On School Days)
Confession Times: Fr. Marc, Fr. Robert & Fr. Thomas after Great Vespers on Saturdays
St. John’s Sunday Bulletin
October 12, 2014 ✤ 18th Sunday after Pentecost
Holy Father of the 7th Ecumenical Council
Titus 3:8-15 ✤ Luke 8:5-15 ✤ Tone 2
Reader: Bill Cook
Homily by: Dn. Joseph Ray
Wedding Today at 4:30pm
Veronica Temple & Zachary Hoxie
Reception Potluck to Follow
Veronica Temple and Zach Hoxie will be having a partial potluck for their wedding
reception. They are providing meat, and have asked for the community's help in
bringing side dishes. Some ideas would be salads, rice, potatoes, fruit, vegetables,
etc. The wedding is today at 4:30pm, and food can be dropped off in the church kitchen
before the ceremony. If you have any questions, please ask Kh. Christine Rogers or
Rhonda Clodfelter. Thank you! (No Coffee Hour Today due to Wedding).
Saint James House ‘PFD’ Fund Raiser
This year all tithes and donations on the PFD will go towards a renovation of
the common areas of the Saint James House. This house was built in 1961
and it is time for the living room, dining rooms, kitchen and guest bath of the
House to see some renovation.
The Parish Council has set a target budget of $80,000.
Please donate something this year from your 2014 PFD.
Mark your check in the memo as ‘PFD’ or
Select ‘PFD Tithe’ from “Make a Donation” at d
St. John’s Wednesday Family Night
6:00pm - Dinner in the Church basement.
6:35pm – 8:00pm Classes for all ages
Atrium Ages 3-6 – Level One in the “Atrium” off the Nave.
Atrium Ages 6-9 – Level Two
Grades 4, 5, 6 – This class will meet upstairs in St. John’s School
Teen Youth Group – Teens (Jr. High and High School) at nearby homes, led by
Fr. John Rogers.
Adults – Bible Study on the Book of Acts at Saint James House
8:15pm - Vespers (or Other Prayer Service) at the Cathedral
(For a full description – see the flyer posted on the Bulletin Board).
Divine Liturgy – Thursday Mornings – 8:15am
Catechism Class – Saturdays – 6-7pm – Church Basement
St. John’s Bazaar – October 18 – This Coming Saturday!
There are several areas in which we still need your help.
Country Store Donations: We are still looking for new/gently used household items for
our Country Store. As you are cleaning out those cupboards and closets, please keep us
in mind. All donations can be dropped off to the Rogers' or Tolosa's house any time
before Thursday, October 16.
Bake Sale: We are featuring a bake sale this year, with lots of homemade
goodies. Baked goods, canned jellies, etc. are all welcome!
Cake Walk: Please bring those delicious cakes for the cakewalk! Last year we ran out,
and there were many disappointed kids. Cakes need to be delivered to the church
basement Saturday the 18th before 11 am.
Pie Contest: We will be having our third annual Pie Bake Off this year! Entry fee is
$10, and after being judged, the pies will be sliced and sold in the country store. Pies
need to be delivered to the church basement by noon, and judging will be at 1 pm.
Judges: We need three highly qualified and capable individuals to judge our delicious
Volunteers: There are so many areas of the bazaar that need help--the country store,
silent auction, kids' activities, etc. This is not limited to women! If you are able and
willing to help, we would love to have you.
If you have any questions, or would like to volunteer for anything, please contact Kh.
Good Works Basket - Project for October through
November 23
Our Annual Thanksgiving Stuffing Collection
Needed: 400 Boxes of Chicken or Turkey Stuffing before November 23. That’s right
400 Boxes!
There are 16 local churches helping collect specific items for the assembly of
Thanksgiving Dinner Preparation Boxes for 350 local families! Our job is to collect the
400 boxes of stuffing. So let’s get Stuffing☺
We will deliver the boxes after Liturgy on November 23 to Joy Lutheran Church in
Eagle River. Thank you —Sisters of Mary and Martha
Liturgy Baby-sitting Available
Today: Helen G. & Tia B. / Next Week: Rose F. & Sloan M.
St. John’s School – 6th Annual Fall
You are invited to join us on Oct. 30th for our 6th Annual Fall
Dinner. For your dining pleasure, this year we will feature delicious
Italian cuisine ~ from appetizers to dessert your taste buds will be in
heaven. ☺
Michael and Savannah Smith will provide our evening entertainment.
We will also have both a silent Auction and Dessert Auction with
items for you to bid on.
Tickets will be available beginning today during coffee hour. Tickets
may be paid for today or reserved for payment at the door. You won’t
want to miss this great event that helps out our school so much!!
Local Community News
and Personal Notes
St. Yakov Netsvetov Icon School
Oct. 20-24, 9am to 4pm at St. Innocent Cathedral Basement
Icon: St. Michael the Archangel for beginners
Material list: 8X10 Museum grade gesso-ed board 1-#6 Round brush 1-#1 Round
brush 1-set Acrylic (yellow ochre, raw umber, basic colors) preferred. 1-carbon paper.
Gold leaf, and gold leaf adhesive. (Discounted at Blaine’s Arts Supplies, when
mentioning St. Yakov Netsvetov Icon School student).
Cost: $350 per Student - $50 discount if class is more than 10 students (income scale
negotiable). Of the $350- $115.50 make checks payable to St. Innocent Cathedral for
work space; $234.50 make checks payable to Fr. Yakov.
Contact: Fr Yakov at 907-757-2528 or [email protected]
Remember: You Can Now Donate Online to St. John’s
You can now pay tithe and make other donations to St. John’s online using your Visa or
Master Card. See the Church website at
Tear Off Here & Place in Tithe Box to Update Email
Address / and or phone numbers
Name: _______________Email address: ___________________________Phone_____
Or just email the church office at [email protected] to get on the list or to update
your information.