MEMBERS OF THE BOARD BOARD OF SUPERVISORS COUNTY OF MADERA MADERA COUNTY GOVERNMENT CENTER 200 WEST FOURTH STREET / MADERA, CALIFORNIA 93637 (559) 675-7700 / FAX (559) 673-3302 / TDD (559) 675-8970 Agendas available: BRETT FRAZIER DAVID ROGERS RICK FARINELLI MAX RODRIGUEZ TOM WHEELER TANNA G. BOYD, Chief Clerk of the Board ANY INDIVIDUAL WITH A DISABILITY MAY REQUEST SPECIAL ASSISTANCE BY CONTACTING THE CHIEF CLERK TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AMENDED AGENDA for Regular Meeting of the Madera County Board of Supervisors Tuesday, February 3, 2015 9:00 AM MADERA COUNTY SERVING PEOPLE TO BUILD A BETTER WAY OF LIFE Meetings of the Board of Supervisors shall convene in the Board of Supervisors Chambers, Madera County Government Center, 200 West Fourth Street, Madera, California. The Board of Supervisors meets simultaneously as the Board of Supervisors, the Board of Directors of all Dependent Special Districts governed by the Board, and the Governing Body of each and every other public entity for which the Board of Supervisors serves as the Governing Body. “Supporting documents relating to the items on this agenda that are not listed as „Closed Session‟ are available through the County of Madera website at These documents are also available at the Office of the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, 200 West Fourth Street, Fourth Floor, Madera, CA 93637. Supporting documents relating to the items on this agenda that are not listed as „Closed Session‟ may be submitted after the posting of the agenda and are available at the Office of the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors. Please visit the Office of the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors for updates.” 1. INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CHAIRMAN’S COMMENTS 3. CONSENT CALENDAR 4. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: Items identified after preparation of the Agenda for which there is a need to take immediate action. Two-thirds vote required for consideration. (Government Code Section 54954.2(b)(2)) 5. PUBLIC COMMENT – The first 15 minutes of each regular session is set aside for members of the public to comment on any item within the jurisdiction of the Board, but not appearing on the agenda. Items presented under public comment may not be discussed or acted upon by the Board at this time. For items appearing on the agenda, the public is invited to comment at the time the item is called for consideration by the Board. Any person addressing the Board under public comment will be limited to a 3 minute presentation to ensure that all interested parties have an opportunity to speak. Also, all persons addressing the Board must state their name and county of residence for the record. 6. SUPERVISORS AND STAFF REPORTS 7. PENDING LEGISLATION – DISCUSS, SUPPORT OR OPPOSE LEGISLATION PRESENTED BY SUPERVISORS AND/OR STAFF 8. SOCIAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT Discussion and consideration of approval of a Resolution appointing Donna Allen-Foster as a Retired Annuitant to the position of Office Assistant Supervisor I (Extra Help), waiving the 180 day wait period, pursuant to California Public Employees' Pension Reform Act of 2013. 9. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Second hearing to consider an Ordinance amending Title 13 of the Madera County Code, requiring the Installation of water meters and elevation measuring devices in new water wells and well replacements only. 10. Technical Standards for Water Meters. a. Hearing to consider approval of an Emergency Ordinance amending Chapter 13 of the Madera County Code to add sections for Water Meter and Groundwater Level Measuring Device Standards. b. Discussion and consideration of approval of a Standard Drawing (Drawing No. W-7H) for Typical Water Meter and Sounding Tube/Port Installation. 11. BOARD OF DIRECTORS SPECIAL DISTRICTS/MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 43, MIAMI CREEK KNOLLS/PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Water System Improvements Project. a. Discussion and consideration of approval of a Resolution of Necessity for the acquisition of an easement interest in real property located at 45545 Dillon Drive, Ahwahnee, APN 055-141-025 by Eminent Domain, for Maintenance District No. 43, Miami Creek Knolls Water System Improvements Project. b. Discussion and consideration of approval to authorize County Counsel to prepare and prosecute, or retain counsel to prepare and prosecute, in the name of the County of Madera, the condemnation court proceedings that will follow. c. Discussion and consideration of approval to authorize the Public Works Director to perform any other actions necessary to accomplish the acquisition of the easement. 10:00 A.M. HEARING 12. COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Hearing to discuss possible applications for funding under the State Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program and to solicit citizen input on possible activities to be included in the applications, and to discuss Program Income programs, accounting and program guidelines. a. Discussion and consideration of approval of the Madera County Program Income Reuse Plan; b. Discussion and consideration of approval to authorize the Planning Director to sign the Program Income Reuse Plan; c. Discussion and consideration of approval to establish a Revolving Loan Fund account for Housing Acquisition and a Revolving Loan Fund account for Housing Rehabilitation program income funds receipt and use; d. Discussion and consideration of approval to establish a Revolving Loan Fund for Economic Development for Microenterprise Financial Assistance funds receipt and use; and e. Discussion and consideration of approval of the Housing Rehabilitation for OwnerOccupied and Owner-Investor, Homebuyer Assistance, and Microenterprise Program Guidelines as presented. THE FOLLOWING ITEMS WILL BE DISCUSSED ON A NONAPPOINTMENT BASIS, NOT NECESSARILY IN THE ORDER LISTED 13. CLOSED SESSION: a. Request for Closed Session: Conference with Labor Negotiator, pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6, County Negotiator: Adrienne Calip, Employee Organization: All Units b. Request for Closed Session: Conference with Real Property Negotiator, pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8, Negotiating Party: Eric Fleming, County Administrative Officer, Assessor's Parcel Number: 066-010-022 c. Request for Closed Session: Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation, pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9 (d)(1) County of Madera vs. Continental Estates (Madera Superior Court Case MCV 040316) d. Request for Closed Session: Public Employee Performance Evaluations, pursuant to Government Code Section 54957, Title of Position: Director of Behavioral Health Services e. Request for Closed Session: Public Employee Performance Evaluations, pursuant to Government Code Section 54957, Title of Position: Director of Public Health f. Report by County Counsel on Closed Session Items. 14. ADJOURNMENT ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER CONSENT CALENDAR ARE CONSIDERED TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION CONSENT CALENDAR A. Consideration of approval of Minutes for January 27, 2015. B. Consideration of approval of Minutes for Special Joint Meeting of January 27, 2015. C. AUDITOR-CONTROLLER DEPARTMENT. Consideration of entering into Agreement with Bartel Associates, LLC, in an amount not to exceed $18,000.00, to provide Actuarial Services of the County's retiree healthcare plan as of June 30, 2013 as required by Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) Statement No. 45, for use in the County's 2013-2014 and 2014-2015 financial statements. D. AUDITOR-CONTROLLER DEPARTMENT. Consideration of entering into Agreement with Robert Sesnon, CPA PC, in an amount not to exceed $18,200.00, for professional services to evaluate the current General Ledger structure of the County's IFAS financial software and financial reporting needs. E. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS DEPARTMENT - DISTRICT NO. 3. Consideration of approval to correct the term of appointment of Nancy Meyers on the Civil Service Commission for a term ending February 2018. F. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS DEPARTMENT - DISTRICT NO. 5. Consideration of approval to appoint David Dutton as the District 5 Representative on the Civil Service Commission, for a term ending February 3, 2019. G. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT. Consideration of entering into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the North Fork Rancheria of Mono Indians for snow removal along road segments on Wah-Up-Way and Kunugib Way. H. VETERANS SERVICE DEPARTMENT. Consideration of approval of Receipt of Unanticipated Revenue No. 14-048, in the amount of $12,629.00, to be appropriated to Veterans Service Office, Office Expense and Equipment < Fixed Asset Limit. 4 Votes Required I. BOARD OF DIRECTORS SPECIAL DISTRICTS/MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 6, LAKE SHORE AND MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 7, MARINA VIEW/PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT. Specialized Technical Services for Pilot Study Protocol. 1. Consideration of entering into Agreement with Water Remediation Technology, LLC, in an amount not to exceed $24,249.00, for professional technical services in the Pilot Study Protocol for the treatment of uranium to Maintenance District No. 6, Lake Shore and Maintenance District No. 7, Marina View. 2. Consideration of approval to authorize the Public Works Director to issue the Notice to Proceed. 3. Consideration of approval to authorize the Auditor-Controller to issue payments for contingencies up to 10% of the contract award amount per established County policy. 4. Consideration of approval to authorize the Public Works Director to solely issue and approve Contract Change Orders in accordance with Public Contract Code, not to exceed authorized contingencies. J. BOARD OF DIRECTORS SPECIAL DISTRICTS/MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 6, LAKE SHORE AND MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 7, MARINA VIEW/PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT. Specialized Technical Services as set forth in Pilot Study Protocol. 1. Consideration of approval of three (3) separate contracts for the services outlined in the Pilot Study Protocol for the treatment of arsenic and manganese to Madera County Maintenance District No. 6, Lake Shore and Maintenance District No. 7, Marina View, a total amount of $39,300.00, to the following three lowest responsive and responsible proposers: a. Pureflow Filtrations Div., in an amount not to exceed $13,200.00; b. Filtronics Inc., in an amount not to exceed $9,100.00; and c. Loprest Water Treatment Company, in an amount not to exceed $17,000. 2. Consideration of approval to authorize the Public Works Director to issue the Notice to Proceed. 3. Consideration of approval to authorize the Auditor-Controller to issue payments for contingencies up to 10% of the contract award amount per established County policy. 4. Consideration of approval to authorize the Public Works Director to solely issue and approve Contract Change Orders in accordance with Public Contract Code, not to exceed authorized contingencies. NEXT MEETINGS: FEBRUARY 4, 2015, BOY SCOUTS CIVICS DAY FEBRUARY 10, 2015, REGULAR CALENDAR FEBRUARY 17, 2015, NO BOARD MEETING FEBRUARY 24, 2015, NO BOARD MEETING MARCH 3, 2015, REGULAR CALENDAR MARCH 10, 2015, REGULAR CALENDAR MARCH 17, 2015, REGULAR CALENDAR MARCH 24, 2015, REGULAR CALENDAR MARCH 31, 2015, NO BOARD MEETING APRIL 7, 2015, REGULAR CALENDAR APRIL 14, 2015, REGULAR CALENDAR APRIL 21, 2015, REGULAR CALENDAR APRIL 28, 2015, REGULAR CALENDAR
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