Volume 34, Number 1 Gusher RED RIVER DESK AND DERRICK CLUB January, 2015 The January Program INSIDE THIS ISSUE: President’s Letter 2 Pictures 5 Pipeline Page 7 Calendar 8 Remember the Date 9 Recipe 10 Region III 12 ADDC 14 Committees 21 Officers / Advisers 22 Ten Territorial Games: Learning to Connect, when Instinct Says Protect by Annette Simmons Group Process Consulting January Membership Meeting SPECIAL POINTS OF INTEREST: Program Review Leadership Quotes In the News Janaury 27, 2015 5:30 PM The Petroleum Club, 15th Floor Mid-South Tower 416 Travis Street, Shreveport Chase Bank Parking Garage on Travis Street. $16.50 Red RiveR PResident’s LetteR Margie Steed 2015 President Let Your Get To The Party Before You Red River Desk and Derrick Club Board of Directors—2015 President Margie Steed Independent Contractor 1st Vice President Lauren Roberts ValveWorks USA 2nd Vice President Courtney Batts Miller Tubular Services Secretary Laura Havard Pumpworks 610, LLC Treasurer Susie Scasta Williams Immediate Past President Bonnie Fish MacFarlane Company USA, LLC Director Jean Cooper Regal Plastics Director Linda Edwards Hargrove Smelley Strickland & Langley Director Leigh Ann Hauser Valveworks USA Director Carol Lloyd Caddo Management, Inc. Parliamentarian Dorothy P. Semon Office of K. N. Bancroft & Est of J. Pat Beaird Dear Members, As I was reading numerous (past) President’s letters, my goal was to find opening words more profound than the last, more encouraging than the first, and as deeply sincere with motivation and enthusiasm as each one that I have read. However, instead of trying to top another’s words, I simply will reiterate what I’ve read because duplication, as I have learned in my more mature years, is best when you want the best to be remembered and continued. I encourage each of you to create a New Year’s Resolution that you can actually maintain and where it is preferred to “gain” something instead of the dreaded need to lose something. Be an active part of your club, and you are sure to gain higher knowledge of your industry while acquiring a few wacky friendships along the way. During 2014, Red River Desk and Derrick provided educational programs from a wide range of professionals sharing their knowledge and experiences. My hat goes off to Linda Edwards who did a fantastic job at lining up our guest speakers. Our January speaker will be keeping in line with another great choice by Linda. Annette Simmons with Group Process Consulting will be our speaker on Tuesday, January 27th. Her topic will be: Ten Territorial Games: Learning to Connect, when Instinct Says Protect. This topic will be a perfect kick off for our 2015 theme-“Let your integrity get to the party before you!” Fairly selfexplanatory, but we all need reminders. No matter where you are or what you are doing, you are always representing yourself and the way others will refer to you. More to come on this throughout the year! Thanks to everyone that volunteered to serve on a committee for 2015. I know from first hand experience it isn’t easy to step out of your hula hoop when you don’t have to. Volunteering is twice as hard as being volunteered but the payoff is far more liberating. We do have a few more committees that need a leader, so please do not hesitate to email me or call me with any questions or thoughts you may have about volunteering. We will work together to make your volunteering an enjoyable learning experience. And last but most definitely not least, we are less than three months away from OUR Region III Meeting. Sheryl Cole and Phyllis Powell are doing a great job at planning such a big event and even a better job at keeping us informed. No doubt we will have a few more final pushes to make this one fantastic event. Please step in front of either of these ladies next time you see them and encourage them while offering your time. Welcome to 2015!!! Come on in, get comfortable and enjoy the scenery! I hope the next twelve months will have something great for everyone. And remember….the next party you go to, be sure and send your integrity before you! Margie Steed January 2015 Page 2 Independent Contractor 356 Stonehaven Drive Frierson, LA 71027 318-347-0785 (c/o) [email protected] Installation of Red River Desk and Derrick Club 2015 Board of Directors Tuesday, December 9, 2014 Val Blanchard, Region III Director-Elect Val Blanchard installed the 2015 Red River Desk and Derrick Club's Board of Directors in a joyful celebration of things to come and of reflection on things past. Bonnie Fish, 2014 President, recognized members Sheryl Cole, Jan Soderstrom and LaVerne Broussard for having perfect attendance at membership meetings. Bonnie also had perfect attendance, for which Linda Edwards, First Vice President, was very thankful. Members Sheryl Cole, Margie Steed and Bonnie Fish also had perfect attendance for Board Meetings. Each Committee Chairman was recognized for their committee's efforts in accomplishing goals set for 2014. A successful Red River Invitational Golf Tournament, distribution of Energy Activity Books, Essay Contest, Community Projects, Ladies Luncheon, Iron Chef Membership Party, Ark-La-Tex Oilmen's Shoot-Out, presentation of scholarships to seven deserving engineering and geology students, field trip to the Claiborne Parish Clerk's office, seminars and assisting with other outside industry fundraisers kept our members busy. But, our most exciting accomplishment was a first place "AIMEE" award for our November 2013 "Gusher", club bulletin, and editor, Deb McCuller. Kay Warziniack, 2014 Second Vice President, passed out membership renewal forms to the members in attendance. This, of course, happens every year. As we, the members, reflect on 2014 and look forward to 2015; I hope, we can all make a renewed commitment of 110% participation. I want to be recognized next December for perfect attendance at the membership meetings. Will you join me? I have volunteered to be Publicity Committee Chairman and I want us making headlines in 2015. Will you help me? Red River is hosting the 2015 Region III Meeting in March. A successful event requires a team effort, but it also presents an opportunity for members who have never attended a Region III Meeting to attend. Treat yourself to this educational and fun experience. Lastly, as you look forward to 2015 please consider if your remote control is set for ON or OFF. Everything today seems to have a remote control to perform its intended function. Things can not always be accomplished by remote control. It takes an effort to attend a meeting, work an event, introduce a speaker, participate in a seminar or field trip and all the other required functions of being a Desk and Derrick member. Please join with me in making this effort. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Phyllis Powell, Petro-Chem Operating Co., Inc. Page 3 LEADERSHIP QUOTES “The brightest stars are those who shine for the benefit of others” Anonymous “Good business leaders create a vision, articulate the vision, passionately own the vision and relentlessly drive it to completion” Jack Welch “Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant” Robert Louis Stevenson “It is amazing how much you can accomplish when it doesn’t matter who gets the credit” Anonymous “Being a leader is like being a lady, if you have to go around telling people you are one, you aren’t” Margaret Thatcher Page 4 Page 5 2015: A Year of Action By: Don Briggs President Louisiana Oil and Gas Association 2015 should be a year of action for the Louisiana oil and gas industry. While companies will be evaluating budgets, trimming employees and estimating the affects of the falling oil prices on their organizations, necessary attention should be given to another topic as well. Something completely outside the realm of international crude oil prices will be taking place in Louisiana in this calendar year. Campaigns are now in full swing for several crucial elections. By November of this year, or December, should there be run-off elections, Louisiana citizens will have elected a new governor, a new attorney general, new state representatives, senators, judges, mayors and the list goes on down to the police jury level. Local and state elections have never been more important to the oil and gas industry as they are now. The industry is now facing lawsuits from parish governments, town governments, levee boards and private citizens. Numerous private citizens have filed over 360 legacy suits across the state, dozens of oil and gas companies are being sued at the parish level, and now recently the Town of Abita Springs has filed suit against an operator to prevent one single well from coming to a parish. Previously, the industry had a small group of trial lawyers to battle over legacy lawsuits. But now, parish officials, mayors and judges are taking part in the battle to make oil and gas operations more difficult for Louisiana businesses. What action can the industry take? The industry has a crucial role to play in helping to elect conservative, business friendly officials. The opposition, being a select group of trial lawyers and the green army led by a rogue group of environmentalists, are doing their part to fund candidates that will vote for anti-industry initiatives. The oil and gas industry has to counter-act these opposing groups by supporting candidates that have a desire to see business thrive in Louisiana. The opposition supports candidates that back measures that squash out a healthy business atmosphere. It is no coincidence that the state of Louisiana stays in the top three for the worst places to conduct business due to our legal climate. Judges that blatantly rule against the industry, parish presidents that stand behind egregious lawsuits and mayors that publically support litigations to prevent oil and gas activity were elected at some point in time. These same officials can also be voted out of office. Compared to the opposition, the oil and gas industry has done a poor job of supporting political candidates in key races. It is time our industry stands up for those who will take campaign promises and put them into practice. Our state is in grave need of elected officials that have long-term vision for the future of our business community. With the oil and gas industry’s help, Louisiana can rise to the top of the good statistical charts by helping to elect qualified, businessfriendly officials to serve this great state. Page 6 I heard it through the Pipeline… We are looking For you…. Positions still open for committee chairmen for 2015. Phillip and Dorothy @ the Cotton Bowl representing La Tech. Congrats BULLDOGS!!!! Thankful Riley is feeling better after being in the hospital with pneumonia La Tech 35 / Illinois 18 Prayers for Sheryl Cole with her hip and knees Susie Scasta’s employer, Access Midstream, is now officially Williams. Williams is an oil and gas company based out of Tulsa. They are international and are involved in all aspects of the oil and gas industry. Williams’ acquisition of Access Midstream Partners, L.P. earned recognition as “Deal of the Year” in the Platts Global Energy Awards program. Please continue to keep our soldiers and country in your thoughts and prayers Page 7 January 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 Laura Hearington 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Carol Lloyd Cindy Murphy 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Betty Ross Membership Meeting Rebecca Compton Page 8 Gusher Deadline January 27th: January Membership Meeting January 31st: 2015 D and D Membership Renewals Due February 24th: February Membership Meeting March 24th: March Membership Meeting March 26-28th: Region III Meeting LAGNIAPPE Doubt Kills More Dreams Than Failure Ever Will…... Page 9 Slow-Cooker Pantry Chicken Stew Ingredients 1-1/2# boneless skinless chicken thighs, cut into 1” pieces 1/4 cup flour 1 pkg (8 oz) sliced fresh mushrooms 2 cups baby carrots 1 small onion, chopped 1 can (14-1/2 oz) fat-free reduced-sodium chicken broth 1 cup frozen peas 1/2 cup (1/2 of 8-oz tub) Philadelphia Chive & Onion Cream Cheese spread Directions Toss chicken with flour in slow cooker Add all remaining ingredients except peas and cream cheese spread, cover with lid Cook on low 6—8 hours (or on high 3-4 hours). Stir in peas and cream cheese Cover and cook another 30 minutes. Page 10 RED RIVER DESK AND DERRICK CLUB STANDING RESERVATIONS Advisers and their wives are welcome—Dutch Treat WHEN: Fourth Tuesday of each month at 5:30 PM WHERE: 15th Floor, Petroleum Club, Mid-South Towers, 416 Travis Street COST: $16.50 (Checks payable to the Red River Desk and Derrick Club) Reservations and cancellations MUST be made by 12 noon on the Monday prior to the meeting on Tuesday. Call for Reservations and Cancellations LaVerne Broussard PetroTemp Services [email protected] 318-622-2095 IMPORTANT NOTICE: Unpaid reservations must be submitted to Susie Scasta, Club Treasurer, within ten (10) days after the meeting. MEMBERS are responsible for any unpaid reservations of their guests. Members with standing reservations who are unable to attend a meeting and do not cancel their reservations will have to pay for their dinner reservations. Complete the section below and mail to the Reservation Chairman at Red River Desk and Derrick Club, P. O. Box 1863, Shreveport, LA 71166-1863. Please record a Standing Dinner Reservation in my name for the 2015 Club Year (January—December). I understand the Cancellation Procedure and that my Standing Reservation does not apply for the May and December meetings. ___________________________________________________________________________________ Signature Date Telephone # Permanent cancellation of a Standing Reservation must be made in writing. Standing Reservations expire at the end of the calendar year. Page 11 Val Blanchard 2015 Region III President Page 12 Page 13 Lori Landry 2015 ADDC President Page 14 Page 15 Page 16 Page 17 Page 18 Page 19 Page 20 2015 Red River Desk and Derrick Committees STANDING COMMITTEES Bulletin By-Laws Education/Seminars Field Trips Handbook Hospitality Membership/Orientation Procedures Manual Programs Public Relations/Publicity Reservations Scrapbook Deb McCuller Dorothy Semon Amy Hollenshead Phyllis Powell/Sheryl Cole Courtney Batts LaVerne Broussard Courtney Batts Margie Steed/Phyllis Powell Sheryl Cole Lauren Roberts Phyllis Powell LaVerne Broussard Bonnie Fish Dorothy Semon Linda Edwards Linda Edwards Courtney Batts Courtney Batts Margie Steed Lauren Roberts Lauren Roberts SPECIAL COMMITTEES Activity Books Advisers AOG Ladies’ Luncheon Chili Cook-Off Clay Shooting Tournament Community Projects Convention/Regional Decorations Essay Contest Golf Tournament Nominating Scholarship Ways & Means Kay Warziniack Anna Rachal Courtney Batts Mary Godwin Susie Scasta/Patti Hartley Arlys Milan/Linda Edwards Carol Lloyd Bonnie Fish Carol Lloyd Bonnie Fish Courtney Batts Margie Steed Susie Scasta Linda Edwards Carol Lloyd Bonnie Fish Carol Lloyd Bonnie Fish Bonnie Fish Bonnie Fish SPECIAL ASSIGNMENTS AIMEE E-Mails Parliamentarian Photographer Web Page Page 21 Deb McCuller Dorothy Semon Margie Steed Dorothy Semon Sarah Russell Linda Edwards 2015 RED RIVER DESK AND DERRICK CLUB OFFICERS President 1st Vice President 2nd Vice President Secretary Treasurer Immediate Past President Directors Margie Steed Lauren Roberts Courtney Batts Laura Havard Susie Scasta Bonnie Fish Jean Cooper Linda Edwards Leigh Ann Hauser Carol Lloyd Independent Contractor ValveWorks USA Miller Tubular Services Pumpworks 610, LLC Williams McFarlane Company USA,LLC Regal Plastics Hargrove Smelley Strickland & Langley Valveworks USA Caddo Management, Inc. Chris Aymond Greg Hall Lynn Higginbotham Larry Hock Louise Pearce Robert Stroud Brammer Engineering, Inc. Chippewa Investments Argent Property Services Petro-Chem Operating Company, Inc. Hargrove, Smelley, Strickland & Langley, Attorneys at Law Stroud Production, LLC Terms Expiring in 2016 Bill Chaney Mark Heacock Holly Hollenshead Jonathan Matkins TDX Energy, LLC Heacock Investments Team Spirit Petroleum JP Energy Honorary Rick Hailey John Harrell Dickie Jester Steve Moran Jim O’Bannon Pinnacle Operating Company Geological Drafting ADVISERS Terms Expiring in 2015 Brammer Engineering, Inc. Plains Marketing, L.P. PAST PRESIDENTS Bonnie Fish Jan Soderstrom Dorothy Semon Mary Godwin Dee Hilliard Virginia Calhoun Phyllis B. Powell Sabrina Guillory Bobbie Trust Linda G. Presson Carol Lloyd Jean Chappel Cooper 2014 2013 2012/1989/1993 2011/2010 2009 2008 2007/2001/1991 2006/2005 2004/1997/1996 2003/2002 2000 1999/1998 *Served 6 months of term prior to transferring out of state. **Deceased Page 22 LaVerne Broussard* Charlotte Mulford Mary Frizzell Sandra Causey Jane Johnson Claudine Rosett Betty Ross Kathy Trower Eleanor W. Brown Juanita Griffith** 1995/1983 1994 1992 1990 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1982 OUR MISSION Red River Desk and Derrick Club P.O. Box 1863 Shreveport, LA 71166-1863 “To enhance and foster a positive image to the global community by promoting the contribution of the petroleum, energy and allied industries through education by using all resources available.” Club Contact: Courtney Batts Phone: 318-455-4564 Email: [email protected] RED RIVER DESK AND DERRICK CLUB Greater Knowledge. Greater Service. WWW.REDRIVERDANDD.COM OUR PURPOSE The purpose of the Association shall be to promote the education and professional development of individuals employed in or affiliated with the petroleum, energy and allied industries and to educate the general public about these industries. Thank You to Our Employers & Advisers ABCD GIS Mapping Anderson Feazel Management, Inc. Brammer Engineering, Inc. Bulldog Oilfield Services Caddo Management, Inc. Chippewa Investments, LLC Donner Properties Exco Resources Falco Energy Transportation Geological Drafting Hargrove, Smelley, Strickland & Langley, Attorneys at Law Heacock Investments, LLC Heard, McElroy & Vestal, LLC Marietta H. Jones Marmick OilCompany MacFarland Company USA LLC Miller Tubular Services, LLC Nelson Energy Office of K.N. Bancroft Page 23 & Est of J. Pat Beaird Padco Energy Services LLC Palmer Petroleum, Inc. Petro-Chem Operating Company PetroTemp Services Phillips Energy Partners, LLC Pinnacle Operating, Inc. Plains Marketing, LP Premier Land Services LLC Pumpworks610 Red River Land Services Reeves, Coon & Funderburg Regal Plastics Sklar Exploration Company Stroud Production TDX Energy, LLC Team Spirit Petroleum Valveworks Vector Investments Will-Drill Resources, Inc. William C. Rasberry Williams
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