Annual General Report: 2013/14 Learning for Life Together 2013-14 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS Carnmoney Primary School, 275 Carnmoney Road, Carnmoney, Newtownabbey, Co. Antrim, BT36 6JS Tel: 028 90 833619 Principal : Mr B Duff Email: [email protected] Website: 1 Annual General Report: 2013/14 Learning for Life Together ANNUAL REPORT: 2013-2014 INTRODUCTION This report summarises the steps taken by the Board of Governors of Carnmoney Primary School in discharging its functions during the period 1 September 2013 to 31 August 2014. The Annual Report of the Board of Governors is made available to the parents/carers of the school’s pupils, and the Principal would be pleased to offer clarification on any relevant matter, whether included in the report or not. The continued development of the school is in no small measure a result of the dedication and hard work of all associated with the school as they continue to provide the best possible all-round education for the pupils in their care. We are rightly proud of the recognition of the quality of teaching in our school and will continue to strive to improve, even further, the quality of education for our young people. We believe that the contents of this report indicate another successful year for the school and that this is based, as always on the effective partnership between children, their parents/carers and all the staff who are employed in the school. It gives me pleasure to deliver this report in the knowledge that Carnmoney Primary is a school facing the challenges in education. Staff are continuing to develop their own skills to ensure the children in st their care have the skills to become employable, motivated and well rounded adults of the 21 century. SCHOOL MANAGEMENT While the day to day running of the school is the duty of the Principal, the overall responsibility for school management rests with the Board of Governors where the Principal plays a central role. The Board of Governors meets regularly to consider all matters pertaining to the management of the school, including staffing and finance. It is constituted every four years and consists of nine voting members and the Principal. The Board of Governors was constituted in October 2014, will continue until 2018 and is as follows: North-Eastern Education and Library Board Representatives (NEELB) NEELB is the local Education Authority and has the right to nominate two representatives. These presently are: Mrs E Snoddy Mr A Mutch Transferors’ Representatives Transferor representatives are those who ‘transferred’ to the state system from the old church school system. Transferor representatives are nominated from particular church bodies. These presently are: Mr W Bonar Mrs L Ferguson (Chairperson) 2 Annual General Report: 2013/14 Mr G Lynn (Vice-Chairperson) Miss A Knox Parents’/Carers’ Representatives Each Governing Body of a Primary School is entitled to have two parent/carer representatives. They are elected by the parents/carers of pupils attending the school and serve the four year term of each Board. The only qualification to be a parents’/carers’ representative is that on the date of the election the proposed parent/carer has a child attending the school. The parent/carer representatives currently are: Mrs N Campbell Mr D Taylor Sincere appreciation is extended to Mr P Connolly (Parent/Carer representative) who completed two terms as a governor before the Board of Governors was reconstituted in October 2014. Mr Connolly’s position was taken by Mrs N Campbell. Teachers’ Representative A teacher representative is elected by the teaching staff once every four years. The present representative is: Mr D Spratt Principal and Secretary to the Board of Governors Mr B Duff The Principal of the school is a non-voting member of the Board of Governors. The Board of Governors met on seven occasions during 2013/2014 to consider all matters pertaining to the management of the school. Governor Responsibilities The Board of Governors has been empowered through the Education Order (NI) 1989, with the responsibility for curriculum policy, Special Educational Needs, assessment, admissions, child protection, appointment of staff, discipline, school finance, management of staff and maintenance, Annual Governors’ Report and the prospectus. Sub-Committees Sub-committees have been formed to consider reports and to make proposals for consideration by the whole Board of Governors in the following areas: Finance Grievance and Discipline Teachers’ Salaries and General Finance Appeals’ Committee Final decisions are reached by the full Board of Governors. VISION STATEMENT It is our vision that Carnmoney Primary School is a place where children are nurtured in a caring environment conducive to effective learning. Our school promotes the UN Convention on the Rights of a Child. Articles 3 and 29 underline our school vision: Article 3 ‘The best interests of the child must be a top priority in all our actions.’ Article 29 ‘Education must develop every child’s personality, talents and abilities to the full. It must encourage the child’s respect for human rights, as well as respect for their parents, their own cultures, and the environment.’ 3 Annual General Report: 2013/14 This vision statement was updated after review in the Autumn Term 2014. MISSION STATEMENT ‘It is our mission to promote, ‘Learning for Life, working in partnership with the children, parents/carers and the wider school community. We endeavour to assist our pupils in developing skills to become independent and self-sufficient adults with the ability to succeed and contribute responsibly in a global community.’ TEACHING STAFF (2013/14) Carnmoney Primary School is very fortunate to have such a dedicated and experienced teaching staff who carry out their duties in an extremely professional and competent manner. The Board of Governors would like to place on record their thanks to the Principal and teaching staff for their excellent work and commitment throughout the 2013/14 academic year and the professional way in which they have worked to implement effectively the Northern Ireland Curriculum. The Board of Governors extends its gratitude and appreciation to Miss M Wilson and Ms R Waugh who taught P4 and P5 classes respectively during the academic year 2013/14. Both teachers were employed to cover staff on maternity leave. The governors wish both of them well for the future PRINCIPAL Mr B. Duff , B.A.(Hons)., P.G.C.E., Pg.Dip.Ed., M.Ed. VICE-PRINCIPAL & HEAD OF KEY STAGE 2 Mr D. Spratt, B.Ed. (Hons) PQH HEAD OF FOUNDATION STAGE & KEY STAGE 1 Miss L. Bannon, B.A. (Hons) in Education Mrs J. Blain B.A. (Hons), P.G.C.E. Year 1 Miss J. McFadden, B.Sc.(Hons), P.G.C.E. Year 1 Mrs A. McCammon, Cert.Ed. Year 2 Mrs J. McAleese, B.A.(Hons) in Education & English (Four days per week) Year 2 Miss R. McFadden B.Ed. (Hons) (One day per week) Year 2 Mrs S. Lynn, B.Mus.(Hons), P.G.C.E. Year 3 Mrs A. Cooper, B.Sc.(Hons), P.G.C.E. Ad.Cert. Ed. (Two days per week) Year 3 Miss R. McFadden B.Ed. (Hons) (Three days per week) Year 3 Miss L. Bannon B.A. (Hons) in Education Year 4 Mr P. Davies B.Sc., P.G.C.E. Year 4 Mr G. Baird, B.Ed. (Hons) Year 5 Miss A. Johnston B.Ed. Hons) Year 5 Mr A. Hayward, B.Sc.(Eng.), P.G.C.E. Year 6 Mrs C Phelan B.Ed. Year 7 Mr D. Spratt, B.Ed. (Hons) PQH Year 7 Mrs T Morrissey, B.A. (Hons) P/G.C.E. M.Ed Learning Support NON-TEACHING STAFF (2013/14) Carnmoney Primary School relies heavily on the excellent services of the non-teaching support staff for its effective day-to-day running. The vital duties undertaken cannot be underestimated. Governors are appreciative of all the work each member of the non-teaching staff carries out for the benefit of the school. Senior Clerical Officer Mrs H Lusty Building Supervisor Mr R Allen Classroom Assistants Mrs A Jamison Mrs A Playfair Mrs L McIlwaine Miss G Boyle Mrs K Kennedy Miss L Amies Miss C Malin 4 Annual General Report: 2013/14 Mrs H Young Miss D McCullagh Peripatetic Music Teachers Mr A Hunter Mr K Mawdsley Ms A Robinson Literacy Teaching Support Service Mrs J Monteith Senior Supervisory Assistant Mrs I Gilmore Supervisory Assistants Mrs A Duddy Mrs J Montgomery Mrs M Carrick Miss C Malin Mrs L McIlwaine Miss D McCullagh Mrs H Young Mrs A Jamison Mrs A Playfair Ms H Torrens Cook Miss H Kennedy Catering Assistants Mrs I Boal Mrs Y Jefferson Mrs L McCullagh Cleaning Staff Mrs L Graham Mrs J Montgomery Miss S Torrens Mrs L McCullagh School Crossing Patrol Mr N Copeland Mr I Gibson Mr R Macauley The Board of Governors extends its sincere thanks to all the members of the school’s support staff. for their hard work and commitment during the school year 2013/14. The school has continued to benefit from the experience and dedication of all teaching and non-teaching staff. The governors wish to acknowledge the professionalism and commitment shown by all the adults in the school community that make Carnmoney Primary School a happy and safe learning environment. ENROLMENT AND ATTENDANCE Year 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 Number Applying 58 70 80 Number Admitted 58 61 60 Attendance 95.3% 95.0% 95.0% Enrolment 360 371 388 FREE SCHOOL MEALS The percentage of children on the Free Schools’ Meals at the time of the Department of Education’s October 2013 census was 21.6% TRANSFER TO POST PRIMARY SCHOOLS In June 2014 fifty-four Primary 7 pupils transferred to twelve post-primary schools. The schools were as follows: Antrim Grammar School Ballyclare High School 5 Annual General Report: 2013/14 Belfast Boys’ Model Belfast High School Belfast Royal Academy Ballyclare Secondary School Carrickfergus Grammar School Glengormley High School Hazelwood Integrated College Monkstown Community School Ulidia College Wellington College STAFF and CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT It is the policy of Carnmoney Primary School to ensure that ongoing teacher development is a planned and regular component of annual practice and an integral part of the school’s development plan (SDP). The programme of whole staff development depends on the following: the School Development Plan and the training needs required to see the plan through; requirements as indicated by legislation or statute; provision made on an ongoing basis from departments within the North-Eastern Education and Library Board; the provision of school based INSET (In-Service Training); an agreed dissemination process as contained within the overall arrangement for staff development; the availability of support staff in relation to the particular area of development; and feedback on the value of the training or dissemination and subsequent evaluation. Staff participation in in-service training (INSET) helps with their professional development and therefore further enhancing the high quality of effective teaching and learning that takes place within the classrooms of Carnmoney Primary School. The school’s development plan (SDP) 2013/14 prioritised the following targets for development. Review of Staff Development 2013-14 In the academic year 2013/14 staff development and appropriate INSET addressed the following areas: SEN Provision inc: o Autism/Aspergers: o Sensory Processing: and o Speech & Language Cross-Curricular Skills: Levels of Progression EPI-PEN training – all staff Philosophy for Children (P4C) iPad management including the use of ‘Pages’, ‘Numbers’ and ‘iBooks’. FS/KS1 staff – Numicon Introduction to Accelerated Reading and Star Assessment - (Literacy Focus Team) During the school year 2013/14 the following pastoral policies were reviewed, updated and distributed to parents/carers. Learning and Teaching Policy Child Protection Pastoral Care Policy Positive Behaviour Policy Anti-Bullying Policy Pick-Up / Safeguarding Policy Golden Time Policy Circle Time Homework 6 Annual General Report: 2013/14 Marking Policy Code of Conduct for Staff and Volunteers Asbestos Management Plan and Policy Complaints’ Procedure Uniform Policy eSafety Acceptable Use of Mobile Phones and Related Technologies ICT RSE CRED Policy To support curriculum development teachers met in year groups, Key Stages and as a whole school. These meetings took place in directed time, during Baker Days and on school development day closures. The governors wish to place on record their appreciation of the work carried out by all the staff to improve the teaching and learning in the school. CHILD PROTECTION & PASTORAL CARE Designated for Child Protection: Miss L Bannon Deputy Designated Teacher for Child Protection: Mr D Spratt Designated Teacher for Pastoral Care: Mr B Duff Deputy Designated Teacher for Pastoral Care: Miss L Bannon First Aid: Miss L Bannon Mrs C Phelan Miss A Johnston Mrs J Blain Mrs C Phelan is trained to deliver the ‘Heartstart’ programme which is presently provided for our P7 pupils. The school has a Safeguarding Team in place to deal with Child Protection and this consists of: Mr B Duff (Principal); Mrs L Ferguson (Chair of the Board of Governors); Miss L Bannon (Designated Teacher for Child Protection); Mr D Spratt and Mrs J Blain (Deputy Designated teachers for Child Protection): and Mr A Mutch (Governor with delegated responsibility for Child Protection). An annual report about Child Protection was presented to the governors in May 2014 by the Principal. SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS Carnmoney Primary School prides itself in the provision of high quality education for all the children attending the school. Some children at various stages of their development require a little additional help when they experience difficulties with a particular aspect of their work. In order to help these children a number of strategies have been employed during the year. Classroom intervention - The needs of the vast majority of children are met within the classroom, and where it is felt necessary individual education plans are drawn up to target specific areas of weakness. 7 Annual General Report: 2013/14 Withdrawal groups – Should children need additional help they can be withdrawn from class to enable more one to one contact with Mrs T Morrissey our Learning Support teacher. Mrs J Monteith also provided lessons to pupils as part of the NEELB’s Literacy Teaching Support Service outreach. In the Department of Education’s October 2013 annual census, 13.1% of the children enrolled at the school were on the Special Education Needs’ Code of Practice. Stages 1-4: Stage 5: 47 children 4 children PUPILS on the SEN Code of Practice – October 2013 Stage on SEN Code Practice Number of Pupils 1-4 47 5 Percentage of total Enrolment Enrolment 13.1% 388 4 Free School Meals: 84 out of 388 pupils = 21.6% ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT The school is very proud of the achievements of its pupils. The school sets targets annually in order to increase standards and all the teaching staff will be striving to improve on these excellent results during the next school year. End of Key Stage assessment results are detailed below. All pupils and teachers (P1-P7) are to be congratulated for their high level of commitment and hard work. END OF KEY STAGE RESULTS The children in P4 and P7 were formally assessed in both Communication and Using Mathematics (Statutory 2013/14) and the results reported to the parents/carers in the children’s end of year reports. The results are based on the new Levels of Progression which were introduced this year and therefore are not directly comparable with the previous years’ results. The results for Carnmoney P.S. and the overall Northern Ireland results are as follows: Key Stage 1 Assessment Results Communication Percentage of pupils at each level in Carnmoney Primary School. % Working towards Level 1 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 0 11.54 59.62 28.85 8 Percentage of pupils at each level in Northern Ireland. % 1.33 8.73 69.03 20.91 Annual General Report: 2013/14 Using Mathematics Working towards Level 1 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Percentage of pupils at each level in Carnmoney Primary School. % Percentage of pupils at each level in Northern Ireland. % 0 15.38 59.62 25.0 1.33 7.77 70.24 20.65 End of Key Stage 2 Assessment Results Communication Percentage of pupils at each level in Carnmoney Primary School. % Working towards Level 1 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Using Mathematics Working towards Level 1 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Percentage of pupils at each level in Northern Ireland. % 0 0 1.85 14.81 64.81 18.52 0.26 0.99 3.57 16.75 61.70 16.62 Percentage of pupils at each level in Carnmoney Primary School. % Percentage of pupils at each level in Northern Ireland. % 0 0 1.85 18.52 61.11 18.52 0.23 0.98 3.05 16.82 56.16 22.75 Data from 2012/13 onwards are based on the new Levels of Progression; these results are not directly comparable with Key Stage Assessment outcomes from previous years. The Department of Education recognises that these new arrangements will need time to embed and has recommended caution in analysing data and benchmarking performance at this time. 2013/14 data have been produced based on submitted returns from approximately 29% of primary schools. The remaining schools did not submit returns due to industrial action. HOME SCHOOL LIAISON The following meetings were held for parents/carers to provide an opportunity to discuss their child’s progress and how to assist with their child’s education. Parent/Carer – Teacher interviews September Primary 7 October Primary 1-Primary 6 February Primary 1- Primary 7 School Website The school website is a very useful means to keep parents/carers informed about school life. The ‘HOME’ page is used as a news sheet and has proved very popular with the parents/carers and pupils. The ability to view school holidays and the dinner menu appears to have reduced the number of phone calls received by the school office. In May 2009, ETI identified the school’s website as a strength of the school. 9 Annual General Report: 2013/14 The school in 2013/14 continued to communicate with parents/carers using ParentMail (email & text communication service). This service continues to be popular with parents/carers and staff and reduces printing costs and the amount of time required to distribute letters, newsletters etc. via the schoolbag post. The Board of Governors believe this type of initiative puts Carnmoney Primary at the forefront of school e-communication and is an area they believe is a particular strength of the school. RESIDENTIAL TRIPS The P6 pupils stayed in Woodhall House in Kilrea for 2½ days and the P7 pupils visited Boreatton Park, near Shrewsbury for 5 days. Both trips were very successful and provided every pupil with a wide variety of learning experiences. A feature of both trips was the use of the school’s website to keep parents/carers informed about the children’s experiences when on site. Each night photographs of the day’s events were uploaded onto the school’s website. The photographs could be viewed that evening. The governors would like to thank the staff for volunteering to accompany the children on these trips. DAY TRIPS Throughout the year pupils visited a number of locations for day trips. The venues included: Greenmount Agricultural College; Planetarium – Armagh; Crawfordsburn Scout Centre – Teddy Bears’ Picnic; Crawfordsburn Country Park – Pirate Day; Police Safety Conference at Ballyearl Theatre; Glengormley High School – use of mathematics rooms/facilities, computer and technology facilities; Sentry Hill; Streamvale Open Farm; Carnmoney Village Business Walk; Glengormley Library; Mossley Park; and Carnmoney Church – Remembrance Day. INTERESTING EVENTS Many events take place during the school year and the school endeavours to keep parents/carers informed through monthly newsletters and the school website, which is managed by Mr Baird. The school’s website address is: Some of these events for 2013-14 included: ECO School Council elections; ECO Council visit to Mossley Mill Council Chamber; School Grounds ‘Clean-up Day’; Attendance at School Council meetings by Wesley Bonar (School Governor) during School Council meetings; Family community gardening day - (during the summer break); Open Night for parents/carers of prospective P1 pupils; Concert: ‘A Night at the Movies’; th th 50 Anniversary Party Fancy Dress day: 10 February 2014. Christmas pantomime (Professional theatre company) – ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ ; Christmas Carol Service held in Carnmoney Church; School Council meeting (first meeting) held in Mossley Mill (Newtownabbey Borough Council Chamber); Scholastic Book Fair; ‘Citizenship and Safety Education Programme’ held at Ballyearl for P7 pupils; Variety of speakers at Assembly; Viking Workshop (P6) P7 Victorian Day; 10 Annual General Report: 2013/14 Medics in the Primary School project (P7); PTA Discos; Department of Education N.I. – Spanish Programme – P2, P3 & P4 classes; P5 – P7 classes – swimming lessons; P4 Community day held in school; Sports Day; Parent information session for P6 pupils in preparation for transfer to post primary school at end of year 7; Parent/carer information session for P1 parents/carers re: Reading; Parent/carer information session for P7 parents/carers re: residential trip; Parent/carer Year Group Information meetings; Visits to the school by speakers from various organisations to support the teaching and learning; Healthy living presentation – Dairy Council; Action Cancer talk; Young Enterprise Scheme (P2 – P7 classes); Leavers’ Assembly; and P6 & P7 Residential visits. NEW RESOURCES PURCHASED Classroom furniture for Room 9. Classroom chairs for Room 14. Bookcases for classroom libraries. Storage units for subject co-ordinators. Furniture upgraded in the ICT suite. Furniture upgraded in the school library. ‘A NIGHT AT THE MOVIES’ In May 2014, the choirs (P4/5 and P6/7), orchestra, dancers and guests performed in a concert called, ‘A Night at the Movies’ in Carnmoney Church. The children entertained a large audience with their own versions of songs from the movies during the last fifty years. This was a hugely enjoyable event and parents/carers are already looking forward to the next concert. SCHOLASTIC BOOK CLUB & SCHOOL BOOK FAIR The school operates a book club in association with Scholastic Publications. Parents/carers and their children are afforded the opportunity to select and purchase books covering a range of ages and interests on a regular basis. The Board of Governors would like to extend their sincere appreciation to Mrs Phelan for taking overall responsibility for the book club. During the year the number of books in the school library was supplemented with books purchased using the commission generated from book club sales. The commission for 2013/14 was £850. The commission was used to purchase additional factual and fictional reading materials. COMMUNITY RELATIONS, EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY Charity Work As part of the school ethos of caring for others,the school supported the following charities in the 2013/14 academic year. British Legion (Poppy Appeal) Northern Ireland Cancer Fund for Children Stand By Me Moldova Charity – Carnmoney Church Mission Drop Inn Ministries – Shoe Box Appeal £466.85 £375.67 £267.29 £671.89 120 boxes The support given to fundraising by all associated with the school is greatly appreciated by the Board of Governors. 11 Annual General Report: 2013/14 The school grounds were once again used during July 2014 and August 2014 by the children in Carnmoney Day Nursery. This arrangement has been in operation for a number of years and is a link the school is keen to continue. Clubs and Organisations The school was used by the following outside clubs/organisations: CLUB Le Club Francais Judo Vocal Lessons Guitar Club Dance CLASSES P1/P2 P3 & P4 P1-P7 P3-P7 P5-P7 P6 & P7 COACH Mr S Briand Mr J Marshall Miss M Johnston Mr S Johnston Miss J Milligan DAY Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday Thursday Friday TIME 1.55p.m. – 2.55p.m. 2.55p.m. – 3.55p.m. 7.00p.m. – 8.00p.m. 6.30p.m. – 8.00p.m. 11.30a.m. – 3.00p.m. 2.55p.m. – 3.55p.m. SCHOOL ECO COUNCIL The children on the School ECO Council provided the staff with important information about how the school could be made better from the pupils’ perspective. The council met regularly throughout the year to discuss a range of issues including the school’s continued promotion of how the pupils can be encouraged to live a healthy lifestyle and how they can look after their environment. A competition was organised for the creation of a new mural to highlight the importance of being healthy. The children provided Miss Bannon with ideas for the mural and Miss R McFadden painted the mural during the first Autumn Term (location: outside Room 3). In July 2014, Miss Bannon organised our third Community Gardening Day’. The event was attended by almost forty willing helpers and proved to be a resounding success. DRUGS EDUCATION The school had no instances of drug abuse during the school year. The Primary 7 pupils participated in a series of drug awareness sessions provided by Constable B Herron as part of his CASE programme. BREAKFAST CLUB A breakfast club was available for all pupils and operated from 8.15a.m. until 8.55a.m. This is a very successful and valuable service and was attended by an average of 25 pupils on a daily basis. After expenses were deducted a profit of £582.16 was added to the school’s current account. This money was used to purchase additional resources for the school. SCHOOL FUND Each year the parents/carers are asked to make a voluntary contribution to school fund of £5.00 per term. In the 2013/14 academic year, £1207 was given by parents/carers. The school is very appreciative of the parents’/carers’ generosity. This money was used to purchase additional resources for the school. BUILDING MAINTENANCE and DEVELOPMENT The excellent maintenance of the school is in no small measure due to the dedication of Mr Allen, the building supervisor. As a result of the school’s early identification and response to maintenance issues, the general state of the building is in good repair. General Building Improvements 2013/14 New ceilings and lights in Rooms 15 and 16; A new water tank in the void above Room 16; Staff Room repainted; Pupil toilet doors - Locks fitted to all entrance doors; Portable Electric Appliance Test carried out; Cleaners’ store installed – male toilet (reception area); Sink removed from ICT room; New blinds fitted Rooms 12 – 16; Additional sockets fitted in the ICT room; and 12 Annual General Report: 2013/14 New socket/data point column installed in the ICT room. PARENTAL AND COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT The school has an excellent Parent Teachers’ Association (PTA) which makes a valuable contribution to the life of the school. The PTA organises a variety of both fund raising events and social events for the school community and wider school community. Carnmoney Primary School is fortunate to have such an active Parent-Teacher Association. The Association under the chairmanship of Mr David Gawley provided much practical support to the school – a contribution that cannot be underestimated. During the school year the PTA organised events such as: Class calendars; Discos; Christmas Fair Spot the Santa competition; and a Summer Fair. Many parents/carers voluntarily give of their time to help out with a variety of events. They are all to be commended for the contribution they make to the success of Carnmoney Primary School. The Board of Governors would like to thank the PTA for their continued support and the positive impact their involvement in the school has had on every aspect of the school’s development. EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES The school provides a wide range of extra curricular activities in which pupils are encouraged to participate. These extra curricular activities help to develop interest and involvement in cultural, academic and sporting pursuits. In 2013/14 these activities included: Art Club Drama ICT Club Junior Choir Senior Choir Hockey Rugby Netball Good News Club Football ECO Club The school choirs led the school in worship at the Christmas Carol service in Carnmoney Church. A particular highlight was the involvement of a staff choir. All teachers give freely of their time to arrange and prepare for these events and the Board of Governors appreciate their efforts. It is through the quality of the curriculum and the variety of extra curricular activities that children are encouraged to develop intellectually and socially and to foster a sense of belonging to the school community. The governors would also like to thank Mr Christopher McCune and Mrs Helen McCune from the Child Evangelism Fellowship who provided the Good News Club which took place in school on Tuesdays at lunch time. MUSIC TUITITON Music tuition was provided during school hours for pupils wishing to learn how to play the following instruments: INSTRUMENT Guitar Strings Brass Piano TUTORS Mr S Johnston Ms A Robinson / Mr K Mawdsley Mr A Hunter Mrs J McCartney 13 Annual General Report: 2013/14 LOCAL MANAGEMENT OF SCHOOLS The Education Reform (NI) Order introduced the Local Management of Schools’ Scheme (L.M.S.) which gives financial control to the Board of Governors. During the financial year ending 31 March 2014, this school had fully delegated status, i.e., it had the responsibility for staffing and other costs. The total for our Formula Budget Share is determined by a variety of criteria. The main factor is what is referred to as the Age Weighted Pupil Unit (AWPU). This means the school receives a specified amount per pupil enrolled at the school. A summary of the school’s finances 2013-14 is listed in the statement below: £ Total Resources Available £1 125 441 Net Expenditure £1 122 324 Balance Carried Forward to 2012/13 £3 117 See Appendix 1. THE FUTURE The Board of Governors will continue to promote the curriculum policy of the school through the implementation of the Northern Ireland Curriculum and the relevant assessment arrangements. We in Carnmoney Primary School will continue to strive to provide the best all-round education for all the children in our care, building upon the excellent work of the past. The active involvement of parents/carers will be sought through information evenings, parent/carer interviews, parents/carers helping with photocopying, accompanying children on trips and active participation in Parent Teacher Association meetings. The school will continue to promote good discipline through the review and consistent implementation of the Positive Behaviour Policy and to promote self-discipline by encouraging children’s involvement in team games and extra-curricular activities. CONCLUSION In conclusion the Board of Governors thank the Principal and all the staff for their excellent teaching, dedication and co-operation during the 2013/14 school year. The Board of Governors also sincerely thank the parents/carers and children for making the 2012/13 school year so successful because a school can only develop and improve by maintaining a partnership with children, parents/carers and teachers. The Board of Governors are confident that high levels of learning and teaching are being maintained even if there are concerns over funding. The good name of the school is being upheld in the community by the dedicated staff working in the school. This report is a true record of the discharge of the functions of the Board of Governors and Principal of Carnmoney Primary School and is signed on behalf of all members by the Chairperson. Signed: ___________________ Date: ______________ Chairperson: Mrs L Ferguson 14 Annual General Report: 2013/14 Appendix 1 Learning for Life Together 15
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