February 1, 2015 weekly bulletin

Arnold Mills
United Methodist Church
4 Sunday after the Epiphany
February 1, 2015
8:30 & 10:30 a.m. Bulletins
Weekly Announcements & Calendar
4th Sunday after the Epiphany
February 1, 2015
*indicates congregation standing
8:30 am
*CALL TO WORSHIP (Responsive)
L: Come to worship this day. Bring with you all your joys and sorrows.
P: Jesus will offer hope.
L: Come to worship this day believing in the power of God through Jesus Christ.
P: Jesus will bring us healing.
L: Come to worship this day feeling the presence of God.
P: Jesus will teach us new ways to live.
TFWS #2117
Spirit of God
Open our hearts and spirits this day to hear the great good news of your power
and presence with all your people. Fill our hearts with rejoicing as the words are
proclaimed in song and story. Enliven us and remind us that you are with us,
through the pillar of fire, through the magnificent words of the prophets, through
the ministry and love of Jesus Christ. Amen.
This is the Word of the Lord.
Praise be to God.
This is the Gospel of the Lord.
Praise be to you, Lord Christ.
Deuteronomy 18:15-20 (pg.168)
1 Corinthians 8:1-13 (pg.160)
Mark 1:21-28 (pg. 33)
THE SERMON Super Blizzard, Super Bowl, Super Authority
Rev. Lynn McCracken
UMH #629
You Satisfy the Hungry Heart
The Sacrament of Holy Communion1
The Invitation
This is the table not of the Church, but of our God.
It is to be made ready for those who love God
and who want to love God more. So come:
You who have much faith and you who have little,
you who have been here often and you who rarely attend;
you who have tried to follow and you who have failed.
Come not because I invite you: but because God does.
It is God’s will that those who want to should meet God here.
The Story
On the night in which Jesus gave himself up for us, he took bread, gave thanks to you,
broke the bread, and gave it to the disciples and said, “Take, eat; this is my body which
is given for you. Do this in remembrance of me.” When the supper was over, Jesus
took the cup, gave thanks to you, gave it to the disciples and said, “Drink from this, all of
you, this is my blood of the new covenant, poured out for you and for many for the
forgiveness of sins. Do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of me.”
Prayer of Consecration: (unison)
Lord Jesus Christ, present with us now,
as we do in this place
what you did in an upstairs room,
send down your Holy Spirit on us
and on these gifts of bread and wine
that they may become for us your body,
healing, forgiving, and making us whole;
and that we may become, for you, your body,
loving and caring in the world.
Communion liturgy from Iona Community in Scotland
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those
who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, forever. Amen
At this early service, offerings can be made as you go to communion, with the offering
plate in the first row pew of the church.
TFWS #2021
What a Mighty God We Serve
*CHORAL BENEDICTION (Please join hands with those around you as we sing!)
Now as we take our leave, from this sacred place,
may the blessed Jesus fill us with his grace!
While sharing the Holy Spirit with ev'ryone we meet,
may he protect us, both now and ever more.
And then we'll sing his praises when we meet once again!
Please scroll down to view
The 10:30AM Bulletin which
Is followed by the weekly announcements
And Calendar
Hope to see YOU Sunday!
4th Sunday after the Epiphany
February 1, 2015
10:30 am
*indicates congregation standing
Meditation On “Wonderous Love” By G. Martin
Praise The Name Of Jesus By R. Hicks Jr.
*CALL TO WORSHIP (Responsive)
L: Come to worship this day. Bring with you all your joys and sorrows.
P: Jesus will offer hope.
L: Come to worship this day believing in the power of God through Jesus Christ.
P: Jesus will bring us healing.
L: Come to worship this day feeling the presence of God.
P: Jesus will teach us new ways to live.
TFWS #2117
Spirit of God
Open our hearts and spirits this day to hear the great good news of your power
and presence with all your people. Fill our hearts with rejoicing as the words are
proclaimed in song and story. Enliven us and remind us that you are with us,
through the pillar of fire, through the magnificent words of the prophets, through
the ministry and love of Jesus Christ. Amen.
This is the Word of the Lord.
Praise be to God.
Deuteronomy 18:15-20 (pg. 168)
1 Corinthians 8:1-13 (pg. 160)
This is the Gospel of the Lord.
Praise be to you, Lord Christ.
Mark 1:21-28 (pg. 33)
THE SERMON Super Blizzard, Super Bowl, Super Authority
Rev. Lynn McCracken
Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
praise God, all creatures here below: Alleluia! Alleluia!
Praise God the source of all our gifts!
Praise Jesus Christ whose power uplifts!
Praise the Spirit, Holy Spirit! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
UMH #629
You Satisfy the Hungry Heart
The Sacrament of Holy Communion2
In the United Methodist Church, the communion table is open to all. If you cannot come to
the communion rail, please ask an usher to bring the communion elements to you. If
kneeling at the rail is difficult for you, please know that you are welcome to stand.
The Invitation This is the table not of the Church, but of our God.
It is to be made ready for those who love God
and who want to love God more. So come:
You who have much faith and you who have little,
you who have been here often and you who rarely attend;
you who have tried to follow and you who have failed.
Come not because I invite you: but because God does.
It is God’s will that those who want to should meet God here.
Communion liturgy from Iona Community in Scotland
The Story
On the night in which Jesus gave himself up for us, he took bread, gave thanks to you,
broke the bread, and gave it to the disciples and said, “Take, eat; this is my body
which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of me.” When the supper was over,
Jesus took the cup, gave thanks to you, gave it to the disciples and said, “Drink from
this, all of you, this is my blood of the new covenant, poured out for you and for many
for the forgiveness of sins. Do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of me.”
Prayer of Consecration: (unison)
Lord Jesus Christ, present with us now,
as we do in this place
what you did in an upstairs room,
send down your Holy Spirit on us
and on these gifts of bread and wine
that they may become for us your body,
healing, forgiving, and making us whole;
and that we may become, for you, your body,
loving and caring in the world.
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, forever. Amen
Every time we partake of the communion in remembrance of Jesus, we are
opening our hearts to the deeper things of God. We are inviting Him to search
our hearts and minds and do a work in our lives.
TFWS #2021
What a Mighty God We Serve
*CHORAL BENEDICTION (Please join hands as we sing!)
Now as we take our leave, from this sacred place,
may the blessed Jesus fill us with his grace!
While sharing the Holy Spirit with ev'ryone we meet,
may he protect us, both now and ever more.
And then we'll sing his praises when we meet once again!
Announcements – January 25, 2015
If you are visiting with us we are glad you are here. Please introduce yourself to the
ushers as a visitor and sign the guest book at the bottom of the stairs. We hope
worship will be meaningful to you, and you will worship with us again. Hearing aids are
available, please speak to the ushers if this would be a help to you. Those with small
children may like to know that we have a nursery/toddler room downstairs as well as
rocking chairs in the rear of the sanctuary with crayons and coloring books. Parents
may walk around in the rear if that is calming to your child.
SUPER BOWL SUBS - A Youth Group Fundraiser! Subs are $9 each (4 for $33) and
come with chips and a pickle and will be freshly made Sunday morning, February 1st.
Youth group members took orders the last couple of weeks. Please stop by and pick
up your order this morning!
WINTER CONCERT by the talented Sparkling Singers in Cargill Hall on Friday,
February 6th, at 7pm. Sue Therien, who sings in our choir, is a member of this group.
So mark your calendars, invite your friends, family and neighbors, and we’ll see you at
the concert! A free will offering to benefit the church will be taken.
MISSIONS Trip - Dave Raymond is planning to assist his brother and sister-in-law,
Michael and Molly, in providing recreational and emotional support for combatwounded U.S. military veterans at the National Sports Center for the Disabled (NSCD)
www.nscd.org in Winter Park, Colorado from March 10-15, 2015. Members and
friends of our church family have two ways to support Dave in this wonderful mission
effort: you can make a donation through our church to either the NSCD organization or
you can chose to offset some of Dave’s expenses. You can make a donation by check
made out to AMUMC and enter on the memo line “NSCD” or “Dave Raymond
expenses”. If you donate cash, please write on the envelope which option you prefer.
Any questions, please feel free to contact Dave: [email protected], Phone: 401405-0701
Prayer Requests - Continued healing for Pastor Lynn; for children in the Foster Care
System awaiting adoption and for all trying to adopt; for those with Alzheimer’s and
other forms of dementia and their families. Also, prayers for Sally Brager, (Bruce
Shaw's sister-in-law); Megan Condon; Richard Morin; Stacy Johnson’s mother; Alex
Philips’ Mom; Jean, Jane Shaw’s sister; Gary Mazzie, Laura Viehmann, Arthur Belisle.
Nursing home residents & caregivers including Don & Joyce Burrell, Dawn Cavallaro,
Margaret Kelly, Doris Palmer, Eleanor Preston, Flora Stanley, and Virginia Ziegler.
Please Join us! We would love to include you in our church family. An orientation
with Pastor Lynn will be held next Sunday at 11:30am in the Vestry (room across from
the church offices). Feel free to bring refreshment from Cargill Hall with you.
Lenten Soup & Study Series - The Hospitality Committee will be hosting the Lenten
Soup Suppers on Wednesdays in Cargill Hall at 6:30 followed by a Lenten study
(TBD). The dates are: 2/25, 3/4, 3/11, 3/18, and 3/25.
There are two sign-up sheets on Pastor Lynn’s office door: one to let us know
which night you would like to bring soup, and one to let us know if you will be joining
us. It is our hope that two people will bring soup and bread each of the nights.
This is a wonderful time of fellowship and learning. We hope you will join us!
Spiritual Direction - What is spiritual direction? It is a monthly meeting with a spiritual
director. Each meeting lasts approximately for one hour. It begins with a time of quiet
centering followed by a conversation about anything you want. Your spiritual director
will help you to see where God is working in your life through the conversation you
share. The director then helps you to discern a personal spiritual direction to focus on
for the following month. The session ends with a prayer. I became a certified spiritual
director in 2012 after a two-year course called Gateways to God. I am offering the
opportunity for you to try this practice to see if it is a good fit for your spiritual journey.
I will have to limit it to 2 or 3 people, meeting on an individual basis. I offer this on a
first come first serve basis. If you would like to explore this opportunity, please speak
to me individually and we can set up a time (the office (401) 333-5203 during her office
hours (9-2Monday through Thursday), her cell phone (401) 447-4462, or by email:
[email protected]). Pastor Lynn
MARGARET STEARNS SERVICE AWARD - The Arnold Mills United Methodist
Church gives two scholarships each year to high school graduates who are furthering
their education. The candidates can either be members of our church or students
graduating from Cumberland High School.
This scholarship was created in the memory of Margaret Stearns from a bequest
given to the church. Scholarship Applications will be available in the Cumberland
High School Guidance Office and through the Church in early February.
RIGHT NOW MEDIA - If you are on the church’s email list, you have recently
received an invitation to the gift of RightNow Media. Pastor Lynn has researched online bible resources and is giving everyone the opportunity to have free access to a
huge, streaming, online, access-on-any-device library of over 8,000 video Bible
studies, leadership videos and kids shows.
To sum it up — it’s like the Netflix of Bible study videos. You will have FREE
access to thousands of video resources to help you with parenting, marriage,
discipleship and more. With content for all ages and stages of life, additional family
members can set up their own accounts as well. Watch your email and sign up soon!
If you are not on our email list, or did not receive this email contact the church office
and ask to be added, so we can get you access to RightNow Media (333-5203;
[email protected])
Boy Scout Sunday - Feb. 8, 2015 - We invite all who are involved in scouting to wear
their uniforms that day.
The 2015 donation envelopes and pledge cards are at the rear of the sanctuary.
Thank you for your support!
Soup Kitchen -- We supply and serve dinner the second Wednesday of each month
at a soup kitchen at The River UMC in Woonsocket and volunteers are always
welcome, as are suggestions for meals, soup, salad, fruit. Upcoming dates: February
11, March 11, April 8, May 13 from about 3-6. If you aren’t able to participate but would
like to help, we are always in need of baked goods and cash donation tins are located
at the back of the sanctuary. THANK YOU!
Questions? Contact Karen Oswain, 401-333-2166.
2015 Sign Up Charts for Altar Flowers, Coffee Hour, or to be a liturgist in 2015 are
outside of the entrance to Cargill Hall. As you are enjoying a cup of coffee and light
refreshment, please consider signing up!
Weekly morning bible study, Wednesdays, 9:30-11am. The group is discussing
Exploring the Bible: The Dickenson Series, by Anne Robertson. Come and share in
this wonderful opportunity!
February Newsletters are available at the rear of the sanctuary by each door. To be sure you are on
the list of folk who receive our newsletter electronically, please send an email to the church office so
your address may be added to our group. You may also view it on our webpage: www.amumc.org
The Work of the Church
Sunday, Sunday, 2/1 - 8:30 & 10:30AM - Worship Services
11:30AM Fellowship and refreshments– Cargill Hall
Monday, 2/2 - 7PM – Boy Scouts – Cargill Hall
Tues., 2/3 – 7PM – Board of Trustees – Library
Weds., 2/4 – 9:30AM – Bible Study - Vestry
Thurs., 2/5 - 7PM – Choir Rehearsal; Set Up for Friday’s Concert
Fri., 2/6 – 4:30PM – Girl Scouts - Classroom
7PM – Sparkling Singers Free Concert! – Cargill Hall
Sat., 2/7 – Whee Dance – Cargill Hall
Sunday, 2/8 – Boy Scout Sunday
8:30 & 10:30AM Worship Services (Scouts Participating at 10:30AM)
11:30AM Fellowship and refreshments– Cargill Hall
New Members Orientation – Vestry
Staff Parish Relations Committee (SPRC) - Library
Minister of Music: Barbara Pavao
Head Usher: John Boutiette
Greeters: Joyce and Don Fox
Coffee Fellowship: Jan & Jim Motta
Acolytes: Paige Berdos and Isabella Pule
Liturgist: Rebekah Puleo
Counters: 2/1 Team C; 2/8 Team A; 2/15 Team B; 2/22 Team C
Church Office Phone: 401-333-5203
Office Hours – Monday – Thursday, 8am-2pm
Website: www.amumc.org email: [email protected]
Our Pastor: Rev. Lynn McCracken, [email protected]
Visitation: Rev. Thomas F. Conboy, [email protected]
Staff Parish Relations Committee: Cindy Mauch, [email protected]
Office Manager: Kim Kloczkowski, [email protected]
Education Chair: Lee Ann Cotta, [email protected]
Youth Group Leader: Nancy Gillardi, [email protected]
Missions Chair: Chip Thurlow, 333-1235, [email protected]