Dr. Father John Siberski - Alzheimer's Support Network

Alzheimer’s Support Network, Inc.
660 Tamiami Trail N., Suite 21 • Naples FL 34102
Education Meeting
Dr. Father John Siberski, S.J.
Geriatric Psychiatrist and Professor of Psychiatry
Three Ethical Dilemmas in
Alzheimer’s & Related Dementias:
Diagnosis, Treatment & Driving
The Alzheimer’s Support Network is pleased to welcome back Dr. Father John Siberski, S.J. Dr.
Father Siberski is a Jesuit Priest in addition to being a Geriatric Psychiatrist and a Professor of
Psychiatry on staff at Georgetown Medical School in Washington, DC. Dr. Father Siberski’s
research interests focus on the spiritual life of patients suffering from dementia and terminal
There are many aspects in making the diagnosis and managing Alzheimer’s disease and other
related dementias that raise difficult ethical questions. Please join us for what will be an
informative and illuminating presentation.
We hope you will join us for this presentation and stay for a light lunch.
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
11:00 a.m.
First Presbyterian Church
250 Sixth Street South, Naples
660 Tamiami Trail North . Suite 21 . Naples, FL 34102 . (239) 262-8388 . www.AlzSupport.org