little copsefield, copsefield drive, ryde, isle of wight

GUIDE PRICE £1,575,000
An impressive Beachfront Property - with excellent sea views comprising a light & airy 5-6 bedroo m single storey dwelling
with Garaging, Studio and Beach House set in mature g rounds
which provide amp le parking and wh ich descend down to a Beach
Terrace with gated beach access and overlooking the Beach.
The Beach House and Terrace afford panoramic sea views of the
Solent fro m Osborne House in the west to, Portsmouth’s
Spinnaker Tower and Ryde's historic Pier to the east. The grounds
extend to about 1.3 acres. As they descend towards the sea, the
views of the water between the tree standards are quite
spectacular. The location is relat ively tranquil and private with
easy access to the shops and facilities of Ryde, including 2 h igh
speed ferry services to Portsmouth & Southsea.
(www.wightlin arriv ing at Portsmouth Harbour Station
(with onward lin ks to London Waterloo – approximately 1.5
hours &
Situated in the sought-after Pelham Fields area of Ryde; the
nearby town centre has a good selection of shops and restaurants,
as well as the highly regarded Independent Ryde School (5-18
H.M.C.), a short walk fro m the property via the school playing
fields off Spencer Road. There are good walks along the beach to
Ryde Sands to the east and to the countryside around Quarr
Abbey to the west.
The property was originally constructed in two phases in 1982
and 1992 to provide spacious and flexible acco mmodation. It is a
comfo rtable family ho me but, with its beachfront location, also
holds the potential for either a refurbishment of the existing
structure to give it a contemporary feel with up-to-date
fenestration, kitchens and external fin ishes; subdivision to provide
a separate self-contained annexe or replacement with a 'Grand
Designs' style architectural statement build ing making the most of
the plot and situation depending on the wishes and needs of any
potential buyer. Alterat ions or new build ings are of course subject
to obtaining any necessary statutory and planning consents.
The accommodation is set out on one storey (with loft above); it
is described in the photographs and floorplans and more
particularly below:
Entrance Porch: with front door opening to:
Entrance Lobby
Entrance Hall: with built in cupboard. Hatch access to roof
Sitting Room: South - facing sliding glazed terrace doors
opening to the terrace and garden. Wood - burning stove. Wood
strip flooring and open to:
Dining Room: With two pairs of slid ing, glazed terrace doors
to the garden. Sea views. With the adjacent sitting room this
triple aspect open plan space is a superb entertaining area with
several access onto the gardens.
Ki tchen: With fitted units, 1 & 1/ 2 bowl sink, space for
dishwasher, range cooker and refrigerator. Garden and sea
Store Room: with gas - fired boiler and storage cupboards.
Part glazed door to:
Garden Room/Porch: 2.4 1.78m Of t imber framed
construction, used as a boot room/store with door to the garden
Utility/ Cloakroom: W ith basin, cupboards, space for
dishwasher and drier; WC.
Bedroom 5: W ith built -in cupboard.
Bedroom 6: Fitted with a pair of built -in cupboards.
Study Area: Incorporating the airing cupboard with hot water
cylinder. Glazed terrace doors open onto the garden. Sea
Shower Room: Shower Cubicle, basin, W C, heated towel rail.
Bedroom 4: W ith views across the garden to the sea
Bedroom 1: W ith a good range of built-in cupboards along
one wall. Views across the gardens to the sea.
Dressing Room/Potential B athroom: with a built-in
cupboard and heated towel rail. Drainage and plumb ing for a
bathroom 'en-suite'.
Bathroom: with bath, basin and WC. Shower cubicle and
heated towel rail.
Bedroom 2: Plu mbing for a wash basin.
Bedroom 3:. Plu mbing fo r a wash basin.
Bedroom 4: Plu mbing for a wash basin. Views over the
garden to The Solent.
The property is approached over Copesfield Drive, a shared
drive fro m Spencer Road. It owns the verges which are planted
and which are edged with split hardwood rails. The driveway
that widens into a generous parking area for nu merous cars.
This area also provides space for boat storage.
Adjacent to the driveway is a timber clad Tri ple Garage
(Approximate Gross Internal Area = 733 sq ft /68.1 sq m) with
3 remotely-operated electric ‘up and over’ doors and an
adjacent wood store. Steps descend to an extensive southfacing paved terrace extending the width the property. There
are raised borders, BBQ and a raised fishpond.
A lawned garden with climb ing frame and play area and some
Apple and Pear trees extends around the western side of the
Studio/Work Room/ Garden Office
(Approximate Gross Internal Area 111 sq ft /10.3 sq m). with
veranda, sink and work surfaces. Water and electricity
The Beach Terrace
The approach to the shore has been beautifully landscaped
with stone and shingle paving leading to steps with lighting
which descend to the Beach Terrace though a gently sweeping
cutting retained with natural t imber.
The Beach Terrace extends along a sea frontage of
approximately 40 met res with the (public) Player Beach
beyond provides a great space for entertaining or for simp ly
enjoying the views and beautiful summer sunsets. Together
with the Beach House it has spectacular panoramic views of the
Solent and Spithead. There is a gated access to the beach via
steps and an opening in the sea wall. There is a simp le
gantry/davit (electric battery-powered) crane ideal for lift ing
kayaks or a s mall rib/sailing dinghy over the sea wall.
and Litt le Copsefield will be found on the right after about
200 metres.
Council Tax: Band F. A mount Payable 2014/15 £2,194.34.
Postcode: PO33 3AR
The Beach House
A timber beach house with double glazed doors opening onto
the deck (Gross Internal Area 238 sq ft / 22.1 sq m). W ith sink
and works surface this simp le roo m p rovides an ideal venue to
eat and entertain by the sea. Water and electricity connected.
The garden largely consists of gently sloping lawns with
spaced standard deciduous Ash and Oak trees which slope
down to the Beach Terrace
The property benefits from addit ional rights of pedestrian
access across part of the neighboring property to the west, to a
further gated access onto the beach. and from a Restrictive
Covenant preventing building of any properties in the garden of
the property to the west.
Mains water, electricity, drainage and gas. Gas -fired central
heating, (electric heating to the Studio and Beach House)
external lighting and power. CAT5 cab ling to the Studio and to
the Beach House. The Beach House also has the benefit of
CCTV cameras.
The property is offered Freehold, with vacant possession on the
whole upon Co mplet ion. The seller does not include in the sale
any gas or electrical appliances, however connected, or any
other fixtures, unless exp ressly mentioned in these particulars
as forming part of the sale. So me items may be availab le by
separate negotiation.
Viewing is strictly by appointment with the Sole Agents Biles
& Co. To view this property please contact our Isle of Wight
office on 01983 872335.
Fro m A ll Saints Church (by Ryde School) proceed down West
Street turning left at the T -junction onto Spencer Road. After
approximately 1/4 of a mile turn right into Copsefield Drive,
Ryde is the largest town on the Isle of Wight and has an array
of fine Georg ian and Victorian buildings, pubs, restaurants, a
sea front promenade, marina, shops and entertainment. Ryde
has 6 miles of beaches and shallow coastal waters which is
ideal for swimming. Reaching almost half a mile, Ryde Pier is
one of the oldest piers in the country. This is considered the
gateway to Ryde as the Wightlink Catamaran operates from
Portsmouth to the end of the pier and there is also a direct
train fro m the pier through to Shanklin. To the East of Ryde
there are the popular sailing villages which include, Seav iew,
St Helens and Bembridge. To the West of Ryde is Newport
which is the main shopping district with many popular high
street shops.
The Isle of Wight
The Isle of Wight, situated off the South Coast of England, is
becoming an ever-mo re popular location for permanent and
second homes. Made popular by Queen Victoria, who had her
marit ime residence at Osborne House, the Island is famous
for sailing in the Solent; for Cowes Week; fo r its beautiful
coastline including sandy beaches and The Needles;
spectacular countryside and long sunshine hours. There
are now many more facilities than once was the case,
Sainsburys, Tesco, M&S and Waitrose all now have a
presence as have other national chains. Co mmunication and
transport lin ks are excellent; regular car ferries connect with
the national motorway network and fast catamarans have
connections via Southampton and Portsmouth with direct
trains to London Waterloo which can be reached within 2
hours of leaving the Island shore. Govern ment-funded schools
are numerous and independent schools thrive on the Island
with some children attending prep and public schools on the
mainland. Leisure opportunities abound - walking, riding,
paragliding, hang-gliding, team sports, sailing, wind surfing
and other water sports, rugby, football (Newport Football
Club) cricket and golf clubs. Good transport links enable day
trips to the shopping centres of West Quay, Southampton and
Gun wharf Quays, Portsmouth.
Biles & Co Ltd for themselves and for the Vendors of this property, whose agents they are, give notice that 1. The particulars are intended to give a fair and substantially correct overall description for the guidance of intending purch ases and do not
constitute part of an offer or contract. Prospective purchasers and lessees ought to seek their own professional advice. 2. All descriptions, dimensions, areas, reference to condition and necessary permissions for use and occupation and other details are
given in good faith, and are believed to be correct, but any intending purchases should not rely on them as statements or representations of fact, but must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of each of them. 3. No person
in the employment of Biles & Co Ltd has any authority to make or give any representations or warranty whatever in relation to this property on behalf of Biles & Co Ltd, nor enter into any contract on behalf of the Vendor. 4. No responsibility can be
accepted for any expenses incurred by intending purchases in inspecting properties which have been sold, let or withdrawn. Photographs taken September 2014, particulars prepared October 2014. 5. MEASUREMENT S AND OT HER
INFORMATION: All measurements are approximate. While we endeavor to make our sales particulars accurate and reliable, if there is any point which is of particular importance to you, please contact this office and we will be pleased to check the
information for you, particularly if contemplating travelling some distance to view the property.