PASTOR: Rev. Francis A. Akwue, CSSp. PASTOR EMERITUS: Msgr. James B. Reynolds DAILY MASS: 8:00 a.m. SATURDAY VIGIL MASSES: 4:00 and 5:30 p.m. SUNDAY MASSES: 8:00 , 10:00, and 11:30 a.m. HOLY DAYS VIGIL MASS: 6:00 p.m. HOLY DAYS MASSES: 8:00 a.m., 12:00, and 6:00 p.m. ST. JUDE NOVENA: Every Monday following the 8:00 a.m. mass MIRACULOUS MEDAL NOVENA: Every Saturday following the 8:00 a.m. mass HOMEBOUND: Contact the Parish Office for Sacraments. PARISH OFFICE: Phone: (954)785-2450 Fax: (954) 785-6958 PARISH OFFICE HOURS: Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE: Six Month Preparation Period Required. Contact the Parish Office at least six months in advance to make appt. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: Contact the Parish Office to make appointment with the Pastor CONFESSION: Before every Saturday Vigil and Sunday Mass and by appointment RELIGIOUS EDUCATION (C.C.D.): 10 a.m. on Sundays Saint Henry Catholic Church 1500 S. Andrews Ave. Pompano Beach, FL 33069 February 1st, 2015 MISSION STATEMENT Drawn together by our common bonds of Faith, Hope and Love, we strive to serve God and one another as members of a parish family under the patronage of Saint Henry. With ardent faith we celebrate the Eucharist, sharing the mystery of Christ's presence in our Holy Communion. Compelled by the love of Christ, we reach out beyond the walls of our church and minister, not only to members who are unable physically to attend and participate actively in the Liturgy, but also to people near and far, who need our services. Page 2 From the Pastor: 2015 ARCHBISHOP’S CHARITIES AND DEVELOPMENT DRIVE Annually the Archbishop asks all the members of the archdiocese to join him in carrying out the spiritual and corporal works of mercy. The months of January and February are marked out for active campaign to call members as Jesus did to collaborative ministry as we continue the work of Jesus. All through the year the archbishop in many and various ways continues to thank all who participate in this most rewarding sacrificial giving. On behalf of Archbishop Thomas Wenski I thank all the members of Saint Henry Parish and all from other parishes who join us in saying ‘yes’ to the archbishop’s call. By now some of our members have received by mail the archbishop’s invitation to participate in this year’s ABCD. Some members may not have received the packages as mails by post are not always reliable. Since every Catholic and in deed, every Christian is called to sacrificial sharing the packages have been displayed on the bookracks and tables in the church. The weekly report from the ABCD Headquarters is encouraging to me. Some parishioners already have mailed in their responses to the Archbishop. To these I say, “Well done, good and faithful stewards!” A man used to sit or stand by the roadside begging. Before he was inflicted with a type of disease that ate up his fingers and toes and left him badly disfigured, he was handsome, married and had children. People were passing by on foot, bicycles, motorcycles and cars. Some of the people took pity on him and dropped some money for him. Some of the passersby covered their noses and wondered aloud why he was not dead. Some scolded him loudly for sitting where he was an eyesore to people. The man said to someone with a sympathetic ear, “Let them spit at me but give me something to take care of my family”. At the end of each day as he got up and walked away he counted his blessings in a song and asked God to bless all who were helping him to take care of his family. As I think of diversity of people’s needs and diversity of people’s responses, I remember this story. Not everyone was moved to pity. On the contrary, some were moved to anger. What he received made him happy and turned his heart to God, the giver of all gifts. I pray that the hearts of many in our parish will be moved with compassion and gratitude for the opportunity to help another. Again Saint Henry’s 2015 ABCD Goal is $91,124. Do not be discouraged. It is better to aim high and miss than to aim low and hit. Remember above all that it is God who is in charge. $1 a day for the year is $365. If on the average many of St. Henry’s parishioners give this amount, we will make the goal in no time. However let everyone, in obedience, carry out the promptings of the Spirit of God in us. Remain blessed as the Disciples of Jesus Christ. Father Francis Saturday, January 31st St. John Bosco 8:00 †Agnes Iasiello By Josephine & Thomas Neri 4:00 †Thomas Brown Johnston By Ernestine & Joe Patchen †Theresa Landi By Sister & Daughters 5:30 †Joan Blade By Louise Sunday, February 1st St. Brigid 8:00 St. Henry’s Benefactors & Parishioners Living & Deceased 10:00 †Joan McChesney By Mary McCormack 11:30 † Bernie Pease By Morejon Family Monday, February 2nd St. Joan 8:00 (L)James Bartos By Gean V. Bartos Tuesday, February 3rd St. Blaise 8:00 †Roger Guerine By Joan Herbert Wednesday, February 4th St. Gilbert 8:00 †James Kalarsvich By Daughter Frances Thursday, February 5th St. Agatha 8:00 (L)James Bartos By Gean V. Bartos Friday, February 6th St. Paul Miki 8:00 (L)James Bartos By Gean V. Bartos Saturday, February 7th St. Richard 8:00 Purgatorial Society: Elizabeth & Floyd De John & Family, Sam Musseri & Family, Robert Metzner & Family, John Kiel & Family, Valek Family, Evelyn Bryant Quinn (by Bob Boyle), Millicent Schmidt, Henry Carroll, Gismondi & Jones Families, Trudy Clinton, Joe Masters, Alice Beaulieu (by Bob Boyle), Anthony Notaro, Terri Peglow, Edward Leitner, Sr., Charles Haines Family, & Jasinski-Davies Family 4:00 †Armand Montbleau By Nancy, Danny, & Jeanne †William Luxbacher By His Family 5:30 †Joseph Fradelakis By Pat & James Fragnito Sunday, February 8th St. Jerome 8:00 St. Henry’s Benefactors & Parishioners Living & Deceased 10:00 †Marie Pallotta By Grace & Chick Pallotta 11:30 The Families of Edward Fortmann, Vincent J. Dellorto, Joseph F. McGowan, & Samuel J. Musseri—Benefactors Evergreen †John & Frank Bellanti By Mr. & Mrs. Al Nicolaio The Presentation of the Lord Why Join? To grow in faith To meet new people To talk about God To improve ourselves To put faith into action To find community “WHY CATHOLIC” Meetings ALL ARE INVITED TO ATTEND Call the facilitators to sign up Dolores McBride & Madeline Zung 954.772.7604 954.881.2800 Tuesdays @ 6:30 pm February 3rd, 17th, March 3rd, 17th, 31st, & April 7th Diane Valek & Lauretta Brennen 954.635.7844 954.979.5102 Fridays @ 6:30 pm January 16th & 30th, February 13th & 27th, March 13th & 27th Jeanette Verboom & Bess Fassig-Bayer 561.544.1160 954.978.8015 Tuesdays @ 2pm February 24th, March 10th, 17th, & 24th, April 7th, & 14th Page 3 A DORA TION OF THE BLESSED SA CRA M ENT W ILL RESUM E FEBRUA RY 6TH A FTER 8A M M A SS. PLEA SE FIND SIGN UP SHEETS A ROUND THE CHURCH. St. Henry CCW will have their February meeting on Monday, Feb. 9th at 11am in the Parish Hall. They will have a speaker from Holy Cross Hospital and have a Pot Luck Luncheon after the meeting. Call Bess FassigBayer at 954.978.8015 to advise what food you will be bringing. Call by 1/31/15. Our offertory collection last weekend was $4,368 and the Parish Subsidy $922. Thank you. Come one, come all to Bingo at St. Henry’s on Sunday Feb. 15th, 2015 at 1:30 pm. See our new Bingo machine! There will be outstanding door prizes— snacks available—Hot Dogs—Homemade goodies—Mark your calendars— Feb. 15th at 1:30. Support your parish—while having fun and winning money-
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