St. Brendan's Marist Parish Coolock Village , Dublin 5 (Under the care of the Marist Fathers) Sunday, 1st February, 2015 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Parish Mission Statement “St Brendan’s is a caring Catholic Parish inspired by the Gospel, celebrating and working together to build a community of justice, love and peace.” PRIESTS OF THE PARISH Fr. John Hand, S.M. Fr. Kieran Butler S.M. Fr. John Harrington S.M. Fr. Pat Byrne, S.M. Sacristan: Ciaran Doyle Parish Secretary: Malachy Keena Child Protection Delegate: Anne Rogers 086 821 9619 Parish Office: Tel. (01) 848 4799 / (01) 848 0102 Mobile 087 226 9887 Web address: e-mail: Live Streaming : Office hours: [email protected] Tuesday — Friday 9.00 am— 11.30 am Sunday Mass Times Saturday: 6.30 pm (vigil), Sunday: 8.30 am, 10 am, 11 am, 12.30 pm, & 6.30 pm Sunday 1st, February. Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time 6.30pm vigil Bernard & Eileen Colgan A 8.30am People of the Parish 10am Maura Mary Walsh A(1st) 11am Thomas O’Brien A Mary Lynch A 12.30pm Anthony Carroll MM Patricia Byrne A 6.30pm Bernard & Kathleen Slowey A Monday 2nd: The Presentation of the Lord 8am Special Intention 10am Vera Browne RD Tuesday 3rd: St Blaise 8am Andy Kettle 10am Special Intention 7.30pm Brendan Byrne Wednesday 4th: 8am Margaret Hegarty 10am Rena & Jimmy Lynch RD RD RD A Thursday 5th: St. Agatha, virgin and martyr 8am Colm Mills RD 10am Jack & Esther Hand A Fri 6th: Ss. Paul Miki & companions 8am Holy Souls 10am Phyllis Sheridan RD Mary Gaffney RIP 12 noon Mass in Lismeen Grove 7.30pm Special Intention Saturday 7th: 10am Kay Whelan P. J. Doyle Francis Doyle MM A(1st) A Sunday 8th: Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time 6.30pm vigil Justin O’Callaghan A 8.30am Altar List of the Dead 10am Maura Woodgett A(1st) 11am Anne Nancy Collins A(1st) 12.30pm Phyllis Sheridan MM Michael Bolton A(1st) Maise Brown A 6.30pm Annie Mason A LOTTO RESULT 26th January, 2015 WINNING NUMBERS 06 09 16 24 Bonus Number 13 One Jackpot Winner of €2,080.00 Congratulations to Ann Peppard c/o Church If there is no winner next Draw 4 names will be drawn at random and each will receive €50 Next Jackpot will be €1,000.00 Thank you for your support Tickets €2.00 from usual sources CASA Caring And Sharing Association would like to thank all those who contributed to last weeks Church Gate Collection. The amount raised was €3,900 for which they are most grateful. “Would you spend some time with me” (even ten minutes) Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament takes place from after 12.30 pm Mass each Sunday, concluding with Rosary & Benediction at 5 pm. Weekday Exposition Mon. to Thurs. from 3pm to 5.30pm The Family Envelope Collection for last week amounted to €1,120.00 Thank you for your continued support towards the family offering. Thanks also to all who collected and counted the money. St. Vincent De Paul Society The monthly outdoor Collection for the St. Vincent De Paul Society will take place after all Masses next weekend 14th & 15th February Last month’s collection amounted to Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes 2015 €2,675.00 Thank you for your continued support Departs: 21st July, 2015 Returns: 27th July 2015 (6 nights) Cost: €669 pps Single room supplement €180 Staying at the Hotel Roissy which is very close to the Grotto. Booking & deposit of €200 per person (non-refundable) is now being taken. Latest date for deposit is 15th March 2015 and final payment by 10th May, 2015. Annual Valentine’s Tea Dance Ball Fancy Dress Theme “Hollywood Heart Throb” Wednesday, 11th February, 2015 in Parnell’s GAA Club 2:30pm to 5pm Admission €8 (must be booked in advance) For information and tickets, contact:Madeline: 086 815 0286 Ciaran: 086 815 0799 Antoinette: 087 642 8049 Mercy Centre, St. Brendan’s Drive, Tel: 8487259 FAX:8673183 BEREAVEMENT & LOSS (€25) Need support facing any kind of tough live situation of change, loss, trauma or grief? whatever the cause A psychotherapist will present an approach that can help us heal the pain of loss and bereavement. Saturday, 7th February 10-1pm Brian Johnston LENT REFLECTIONS (7 Sessions) Scripture, music and quiet prayer. Wed. 18th February 10.30-12.30pm Maria Kelly & Kathleen Somers Meeting for Eucharistic Ministers will be held next Wednesday, 4th February in the Parish Hall at 7.30pm Among matters to be discussed will be the taking of Holy Communion to the sick and elderly. First Friday Friday the 6th February is the First Friday of the month. There will be an extra Mass in the evening at 7.30pm. Mass will also be celebrated in Lismeen Grove at 12 Noon. All are welcome The family of the late Katie Whelan late of Moatfield Avenue wish to thank all those who sympathised, sent Mass Cards, and attended the funeral. They wish also to thank the priests of St. Brendan’s, the many friends and neighbours who helped them through this difficult time. The Month’s Mind Mass for Katie will take place on Saturday 7th February at 10am. All are welcome to attend Reflection on todays readings The connection between the first reading today and the Gospel is so very strong. Moses, in the first reading, from the Book of Deuteronomy, tells the people that God Himself will raise up a prophet for them, one who is their own relative and one to whom they should listen. We who follow Jesus come to recognise that He, Jesus, is the fulfillment of this prophecy--and even more than we could have imagined. He is our relative, a human like us in all things except sin. He shares our humanity with us and speaks to us about God. The challenge -and this also comes from Deuteronomy, is to listen to Him and to follow His words. The Gospel of Mark today tells us about Jesus in the synagogue at Capernaum. Jesus teaches as one having authority and the people recognise that immediately. Even more, Jesus commands unclean spirits and they obey Him. This scares the people and they are no longer certain that Jesus comes from God. They have become accustomed to a safe practice of their faith and the actions of Jesus begin to challenge their sense of security. Jesus challenges us! Faith in God is not about being secure. Faith in God is about having a living relationship with God, a personal relationship--and because of that relationship, doing the will of God in every aspect of our life. Far too often we hope that if we just do the right things, we can somehow achieve salvation. We need to become acutely aware of the difference between performing actions to appease God and acting out of a deep, personal relationship with the living God. The second reading, from the First Letter to the Corinthians, shows us the advice of Saint Paul. This is advice to people about how to live. Saint Paul wants the followers of Jesus to be free of anxiety and so counsels chaste celibacy for the sake of the Kingdom. We know that Saint Paul never imposed chaste celibacy as a requirement. Rather, Saint Paul counsels women and men that chaste celibacy might be a better way to live in order to give one's energies to the living God. Counsel to others is to help them seek God with all their being. Counsel is to help others live fully because of their personal relationship with God. The Christian traditional recognises both chaste celibates and married women and men as saints: those who have followed God as completely as possible in this life. When we read an honest life of a saint, we begin to understand a bit what it means to live out of a deep, personal relationship with God. God has raised up a prophet for us, Jesus the Christ. God has given us His own Son to be our Saviour, Jesus Christ. It is this Jesus who challenges us today to see His presence in our world and to respond with our whole being to that presence. You and I can convert the whole world, if we live from that relationship. St. Brendan’s Prayer Group meets every Thursday at 8.30pm in the Parish Centre, All are Welcome Monday, 2nd February is the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord—Candlemas Day People who wish to have candles blessed, please leave them in the Sacristy on or before Monday, 2nd February Tuesday 3rd February is the Feast of St. Blaise. Blessing of the Throats will take place after each Mass Time of Masses on Tuesday 8am, 10am and an extra Mass at 7.30pm in the evening
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