I Print Shows thvouW IS THE 10 COMMANDMENTS PLYMOUTHS OF INSTALLATION LYMAN ALL KINDS W GENTRY IN R BODSK KNISUING GOt A Wapn Makers Toola and Material ALL KINDS ot METAL ROOFING and GUTTERING FARMING IMPLEMENTS WAGONS PLOWS BAY BAKES WHEELBARROWS FANCY CARTS BREAK WAGONS ETC LOOK FOR 216 W SHACKELFORD July hmoxo Kv Uu vi atnghe that first Sunday t h to ii t tad crowded the Iii building in every part The manat-e- lieilt of the church were delight ad with expert their BEKt HIT AT Si which had su stamped iipoii It from tho outot The new body was organised June S of the saine j ear and Nov 11 following Mr Beecher was pahliclT installed During the lottj jear- - of hi- - pastorate he made lh mouth church a national landmark With the largest membership of any clmnh in Brooklyn Plymouth attracted thousands from New York and other cities These thoagh always regarded a a Costing contingent were almost a- - regular sad frequently a numerous as the rangWigHluu th in elves The extraordinary presasre for seat- - necessi ¬ tated the introduction of a rule under Which none but pewholders were allowed to enter the church until tea minutes before the hour of service For three years past this rule has not been rigidly enforced When tho question of choosing a pastor to succeed Mr Bjesehet earns up shortly cfter his death there arose a serious difference of opinio One fac- ¬ tion among the members held that thero wa not in this country at the present time a preacher worthy of Idling Plymouth pulpit or who coeld stand upon the broad creed that had beeaaaa a part Of the churchs historv Accordingly an invitation was ex- ¬ tended to the Rev a M Charles A Ilerrv of Wolverhampton Eng- ¬ land a very talented ETC WfTvl GENTRY 1889 10 13- - BOOT RING STILL IN THE AND ¬ HEItE VK COME AAIX WIIH ¬ Mi HI ENLARGED AND ¬ GroceriesREMODELED FOB THE On account of the lucoriveiiience Dial will occur therefrom we have decided to sell out our enormous stock of NEW YEAR We handle the best of everything and give you the luesi PIICIS PwssiMe our unbounded thanks to our Urge list of customers who haw patronized us so liberally them as well and in the future a- - in the ft -t gJfS-Ju- glad to see new M COSl Chenault Hagan irnett H- IgrNs iShwAVri st T KwW -- IKV A U C BEHHKM - ¬ The total number of members received into the church since the beginning Frederick C Manvel has long been tho of Pivmouth church anl was tho recipient of many of -- i Mr Beechers confi- ¬ dences lie is an au- ¬ thority on everything relating to the church Its cud missions Speaking recently of the apparent decline Mr in membership crrl Manvel said Plymouth has done n o what probably Other church would Sc anJrTELhayt has revised stricken attimpted It Its membership roll and off the names of all who can not bo regarded as absolute members It has not dismissed anybody the names of thoe classified as reliable members aro on tho regular list und the ether names are held as reserves on a separate list The object in doing this was to put our membership on a practical basis There are few churches strong enough to do this but wo ore satisfied that it was a wise step SICNOB Boots Shoes Characteristic USE OF THE sights of WrshinT ton is more int ing than the Bureau of Engraving and Printing whore all the paper money of the United States Is made and not only the money but all the bonds and rev ¬ enue stamps issued bv the government The buildinff is a handsome one and stands not far from Washington monument and just at the edge of the Mall It is open to visitors on Saturdays only The chief of this important bureau Captain W M Meredith lias a practical knowledge of the work ho superin ¬ tends for ho was for a hint time superintendent of the steel plate printing divi on of the Western Paul Note Com- ¬ pany at Chicago which position ho re-¬ signed to enter the government service All the paper for the United States notes gold and silver certificates national bank notes bonds drifts revenue stamps and everything printed in this place is made especially for government govern the Tho ment gives out the- contract the paper is made at Dalton Mass every shoot is registered In the mills and not a sheet can he made that must not be accounted for to the government The paper is received at the treasury and from thero Is issued to tha bureau on a requisition which states what it will be u cd for Tho required number of sheets for each days use is sent from tho treasury to the bureau every day in a big iron van securely locked and in this van the print- ¬ ed money and revenue stamps are soiit to the treasury every morning bat when these are carried their safety is made still more ur by two guards who swing on the back of the Wagon to prevent any bold depredations Every shoot of piper issued to the bureau is kept account of at the treasury and it is never for an in tanl lost trace of while It is D the bureau says Elizabeth A Tompkins writing to Frank Leslies illustrated Newspaper The first work ts the engravers and the entire face or back of a note is never ¬ at 1804 which is tho smallest number at which it ha- - stood in many yean nats r SALVIN1 AND SON of the Tt7o Blea StrlX tngly Similar A picturesque snd romantic figure one which has ever been prominent as a leader in stage art is that of Signor Tomasso Salvini tho groat Italian tragedian Gifted by naturo with a splendid physique a voico in keeping with his thews and sinev s Salvini was better equipped perhaps at tho com- ¬ mencement of his career for the success which he has made than any actor who ever attempted tho interpretation of the heroic roles of fiction and history Coupled to theso physical advantages ho lias enjoyed tho necess vry mental capa- ¬ bilities fully in keeping with them a man with a discursive disscctivo mind a man whose mentality comprehends at r glauco not only tho ca ieni points oj a details but tho bcautifnl ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ -- K LJ IZAt TST a Sr V 5 USOPjGL ll P f many did not wholly satisfy the congrega- ¬ tion who had become EEV LVJJAS AH nred dur i n g EOTT D D long years of member AT A ship to the matchless eloquence of a Beecher Then the Rev Lyman Ab ¬ ENGRAVER AT WORK bott the editor of the Christian Lnion done by one man One engraver makes and one of the most advaaeed theologithe portrait another makes tho large From now until the builders begin and cal writers and orators of tho day was lettering another tho small lettering I r v invited From tho first his anoresi complete theii work another portoas of the border another seems to have been assured Since VT the script engraving and so on each This will be a rare oppor entering upon i onditionally the man doing that which he can do cf field his new two tunity for the people of Richmond For each part the original engraving is years ago Dr Abbott has in a rare and Madison county to get the on a soft steel plate called a bed 1 decree won the confidence of Mr iti iryr made piece When it is finished the steel is Beechers old parishioners It w an ibl hardened and the engraving is trans- ¬ Impossibility they had declared n their ferred to a soft steel roll by means of fir- - outburst of grief over their beloved the transfer press This roll is a small pastors death to find one worthy to oc- ¬ cylinder shape I affair When the en the pulpit he had made famous They have ever received from any cupy graving ha- - been transferred to it it is al over the Christian world Hut tho TOMASSO SAIVIM also hardened auain put in the transfer source for our stock is one of the critical old deacons tho deaco Salviuis advantage over press and the final transfer of the work and the old and yoeBg people of Ply ¬ chara tor best and largest in who have attempted the is made to a soft steel plate which Is mouth have beeoasewarm adi irersof others A pari of the en- ¬ same roles m which lie has been used by the printer Dr Aiibotts strong clear incisvn style tire face or back of a note - transferred cessful is great An old man now and liberal creed Bis theological views run in a very large degree la line with be has in years past created every role of to these rolls and but one sot of rolls is for a note of a certain This is no catch penny to get rid the liberal Inafhlngl of their late pastor note in the extensive repertory of tho made and legitimate drama denomination In those characters kind The Is but we are in earnest and however widely so broad and gener ous a creed may be criticised els where which have attached to them the glamour plate prepared for the printer has on it heroics those characters which me the face or back of four notS Tonorally ill everything we say there is little danger that Dr Abbotts of all of a kind and as many plate can bo will be taken to task in Ply- ¬ familiar to everybody from childhood Salvini is perhaps most at home Aided made from an original net of rolls as is We have all the latest stvles in mouth Ii you will closely examine a With a commanding presence and a b his superb mentality he has been en¬ de ired note take a dollar for example you abled to Invest the heroes of the world fine exjires ive face in which an active willsiethit all the black and white nervous organization can plainly he with the characteristics of their or work - not the work of an engraver In personality Basason for instance nui i L Dr Abbotts voice - f exble and perforce tho center of the face of the note where be considered as giant Early ut and his style on the Platform We have all the latest styles in education baa left an Indelible portrait are the w irds one silver dollar and a is mere argu mutative than do oT htm upon do mind of tho ordinary little to the right of this where the tory less florid per than uashe Ilis MENS SHOES AND BOOTS large figure you person as is one siieli will find the hence according to the are carefully outlined words and the lisure each set In a pat ¬ Of all the he la a giant although much of their eioquence We have all the best makes and who have essayed this superb role tern too precise to be the work of human e moment only one so equipped that fingers These patterns are the work of latest styles in yet not Intensely dramatic eometrleal lathe a wonderful ma ¬ he has been enabled to present ttwith i t was he has always a bold chine that does much to complicate the no point of personality larking The Misses and Childrens Shoes Gladiator a loss faiuiKar character than work of the counterfeiter and it may Samson receives in Salviuis hands an a- - well be said hero tbat to render coun- ¬ We have a full 6tock of terfeiting Impossible is the great aim of adequate environment So does theOut law The character is well known be- ¬ the workers in tiiis bureau The work ing taken from the French play La Morte Civilie C zsr 1- j Hi- - Othelio lacks perhaps something Vfcia ell l We have the largest line of of tho mentality which might bo desired something of the finer artistic touches with which it has been environ ¬ ed by men of los3 Herculean proportions than Salvini but that fact should not bo used as a criticism of his conception Salvinis physique his Titanic propor- ¬ tions his heroic attainments mentally We have the best selection of as well as physically militate to a great extent against his proper presentation according to the popular idea of Othello THE VAX AM OfAIlll- and yet there is a magnetism about the geometrical of the man lathe can bo distin¬ which invests this with character The market afford- - such as Kxox an attraction which appeals to the critic guished front the engraver a in that all Its lines are white while the engravcrl as well as to the less educated auditor Sure am Fklt Hats Salvini though tremendous is never are black Bdf We have an abundant sup- and igorous message to deliver a ten- ¬ ponderous He has about him tho fire Tho engraving Is not the work of a ply if Umbrellas Neckwear Shirts der or strong appeai to make He pre- the passion the Impulsiveness of his moment Notice the head of Martha fers to deal with the morals of to day nationality Salvini lias been spoken of Washington on a dollar note To make Suspenders Gents Hosierv Ac rather than to rake over the ashes of old as tho great Italian lie is that and this alone it takes an engraver from six All to be COST theologies more he is the great tragedian or per- ¬ week- - to two months working eight He is not like his great predecessorau haps the greatest the world has ever a day Winn the plates are ready AT COST At Cost AT COST impassioned actor an exquisite mimic by known Fortunately his irt bids fair to hours for the printer they are pat in the plate Is yet he a strong orator who can be perpetuated in his own blood for this vault each one in a small compartment turns iive us a call and see for your hold his auditors by the virtue of sound old man of 00 this wonderful artist lias by Itself and as carefully guarded as if reasoning and keen logic rather than by a son in whose personality are merged they were gold Then as they ure self Respect fully any brilliant verba pyrotechnics 11 is many if not all of the characteristics wanted they are issued to tho printers about 55 years of age sleuder and seem- ¬ which made hi- - father the foremost each printer returning his plate to the ingly delicate yet the immense amount tf his particular lino of keeper when his days work is done of work he can accomplish shows him to dramatic work Every ounce of ink used in thisburean be possessed of greater vitality and en- ¬ Alexander Salvini a mere youth as Is mixed right on the premises this again to prevent counterfeiting Every kind yet bids fair to equal if i ot surpass the durance than appear en the surface An all day session was held when the wonderful record of his notable sire for of work has its special ink This is the Original Congregational council met for th- for- ¬ the young man is better equipped inas- ¬ finest ink used in this country and is no email item in the expense account mal installation The Eev Phiilljs much as he s perfectly conversant with OF ARTISTIC In the wetting room the blank paper Jtrooka 01 Uostonthe several languages while his fathers is dampened before it goes to the print- ¬ Kev W ft Davis of great work has all been clone in hs aa Brooklyn and Prof tie tongue The young man possesses er He prints ono side and beforo It has W fc Tyler of Am K7 to a great degree those characteristics of tho other sjjo printed it must go through laaTlTl hurst Mr Urcohcrs physique and mentality which havo al- ¬ tho dampening process again and for every impression it receives it undergoes old college compos ways been remarkable n his fathers Tho numbeT cf ed the oxaminine work Young Alexander Salvini made a previous wetting board Tho specia his debut upon the American stage prac- ¬ sheets is counted and recorded when It committee in charge tically and has ever since that event been goes into this room and airain before it is of the Rrrange one of the bright particular stars of tho issued to tho printers assist at L In the plate printing divi ion thoro are met at 100 a m in new worlds oramatie firmament Seven and at each press the church and at years ago he came to this country unac- ¬ 20 hand prcsse once began the ex quainted with its language customs or there is a printer and his assistant When the plato printer and his assistant amination or Dr Ab- - dk rHti Lirs peculiarities and utterly devoid of stage bot according to tho knowledge Within three months ho arrive In tho morning tho printer ioos ncooics form pres ribed in Congregational created a part and acceptably in Eng- ¬ to a littlo cava at cne end of tho roonj churches which includes a series of lish His father heretofore averse to his and draws his plate his ink whitening cuestions followed b7 a declaration of stage career when ho siw the youths HjX even the rgs he use for wiping tlie f at li by the candidate success consented to his adoption of the piato For tle i ho trivet up a check for all the world iiko a trunk check The afternoon session was devcted to profession for which he la so eminently the examination of the Lev Howard S fitted Since then young Sahhii has ami until be returns tho plate in the who was appointed to the assistant made a credit able record for himself a evening when his work is done h can ¬ st the cheek and until he get- - tio pastorate the office so long filled by tha record of i hard work aroc- check neither he nor his assistant cau Kev S D Halliday Mr Lecchers old ord showing versatility an well as genius time factotum and assistant Mr Bliss one of which ho and his father may bo has been superintendent of tho Plymouth proud Bathes These examinations finished America has produced many great the installation took place in las oven but of the Booths the Drows hag where in tho place of a formal ser- ¬ and all there is no more beautiful sne mon as customary addresses were tle talents and qaallfica v delivered by a number of eminent Con- ¬ tions toba seen than In that transmitted fflia gregational ministers from magnificent Tomasso Salvini to the Among the speakers mVlng addresses sou so well qualified to succeed him were liev A L C Ihrends of Brook- ¬ -lyn the Kev Dr Phillips Brooks of The contest over tho will of the late J Boston the Rev Charles II Parkhurst P Harnahy of Providence has been and Rev Alexander McKenzie finally settled by a compromise giving Wciimanship Not many churches have experienced the widow 125000 Xka estate was fewer reverses than Plymouth A de- ¬ valued at 700000 and Mr Barnaby left cline in the total membership carried on it mostly to his daughters AND leaving his its rolls during the last year has given LOWSST CONSISTENT PSICES riso to the impression that the church wire hardly enongh for her support was in its decay that tho eloquence of The Tnrantilr Mind We have the largest trade in Central Beecher alone had kept it together and COfNTKRS r f NTMIiEnlNC DI Mrs Prown Kentucky auil guarantee sati faction him I thought that Its financial burden miig I toid you not grabbing get a permit to leave tho building to blow for niid ric intorma that too heavy to bear dreadful 1 JJoWnte vt nen no Has drawn his whis tipu oefore ordering any ntyle of work Little Johnnie I know you did ma trance of Wat ADAM8 A BON Importers unal membership of 532 of whom but I was only just tryinr to see wnether the paper the for which he 40 48 LexikcitoN Ky 1646 were a Durjng It would blow if I shoult want it to certifying to the count pj the par FURNISHING GOODS ¬ - ofi - W LMLEY 00 A con- - their elegant hodse eor-reets i ljiied by J P Uei Sales drug and Harness MADE To ORDER of the rials and by the best workmen ling Blankets Bon Weight Sj ore Stirrups Bridles Muzzles Trace Chains Collar Pads Collar Blind Bridles Surcingles Gold and Silver Buck Harness Soaps ilor e Brushes Scrapers Carry Hiding and Driving Bits y Bridles Trace Chains Ham and everything coaapleti belonging to A and Jl stop Bpecialtj of ¬ Track Harness Light Road Ourmlev made the harness with which Susie S won her great Buffalo race and also that with which Bell Vara raised herself from 2- - - -- ALL oo WARRANTED W IRK 40 41 Ladies Shoes Infants9 Shoes Jteji - BOYS SHOES In the Jity HATS Smm ¬ ¬ i DR RICE j For 15 yean at nihii ilni it o --- Court Place now at New and t irtW tajitM tml a t aad Impctency rmtorrrn la at wtf m la jmh mmmt lt n mt m Omt rmm iIiIm Ba4 mtmml tar nil ITariia WtUiiwui man Caial afi 8VI CaalaiM laitiaat Boa an SYPHIX IS Mau f aaar ar aahaaav evH a alh WALLACE -- ITf f T17- Tf -umi III liar llial an 1 alal W-Ja- r- - arraaaaa AimaiHaM tomm av laiiiria law iial Ii aaa Sanaa Gonorrhea im aTiaaatklri ii mi aaiaaaaa aaaaBWafaaaaa iji ajlall lanlii alaa H aaa DaHnt taaak aintaiaailtH aiiiaaniala1 ItjalaaWaal llafcni aaaraw aaiill nail tl - lO aaa arias ar an m Cu Gurautevd la all Caeaa - M w I IS- 1 Hirjiai iwi araaaj aaa aarnaaaaaasas raaaua ar tv flat aa4 isrfc 4 aalaar aaaa laMar PRIVATE COUNSELOR aauataay OCaWaaiai Oft ama RaaUa a aiFiMawatlT ma kr aaaaafeaitllLara aU BajQaaOaaWawVBajPa naln Alaai aauji1 M u - MONUMENTS In Granite and Marble VWPii I - aUafaaatPVvajgifl itaHBH agj j M RICE Designs Bf - C i3HP aBaaaaa351c3l5Hll m 6 First Class i lied lie t ill ail v the Kidi - of which are lined pipes and here they remain ail nirht dr in in tho Afler the notes are nttmbero they are again counted and examined to lie sure ti numbers are all correct and in ex acty the place they ciiTht to be and to see that not a single sheet is missing I lie bcautifnl gloss and erispnesa that you cant help noticing and admiring when you handle new moneyis produced by hydraulic pressure The sheet are put between sheets of straw board and ulaced in the hvdrai lie nre s whore thev i i ui i puvjwevu ieu iiikii m i c Mf pressure After this they are separated from the straw bos rd shaken op coaa ted am examined again carefully put up in packages of a thousand Ie la each with sin between each hundred sheets tied At the ip and sent to the tioisury treasury they are counted as soon as they are r ceived the seal is put on the notes are separated put in packages of a hundred each and are ready to start out on th ir career of adventure in the busy i 1 unti v ii -- -- Altogether they are counted some thirtv or forty time- - each counter puts a private mark on ev ry package that through her hands and the sys tem Is so perfect that if an error is dis covered It is g matter of but a few minutes to trace it Women of v tboagh they delighted llrtXi count-iug-roo- ¬ ho came to Plymouth for a time bat his mlnistrs t i o n s a Great SACRIFICE tu world Congregationalistsnd UnBCS93eS Each press is provided wfth an auto ¬ matic register and registers the number of sheets printed and this number must tally with the number of blank sh et number of drawn and also with printed sheets sent down to the examin-ing-rooThe Initials of to be counted the printer aro on the plate he uses and of course on every shoot ho prints and evon if a sheet is spoiled in printing lie is obliged to send it in When one side of a sheet is printed it pres to the and again through the wetting room beforo it receives its second im- ¬ pression The only surface printing that is done on money is on the national bank notes On these the charter number IS printed by a Hoe pro s whi h also has a resis- ¬ tor and if a number is printed on a d piece of plau paper It has to bo over wiih tiie money to make thins tally In the counting and examining room the money is counted and examined to see that every sheet is perfect by women who work wth the swiftness that only Ali errors are comes of long practice reported by the coo iters rrnd entcre In books Three clerks meet in the eun- mittee room in the afternoon each with on account of the work and if these ae- eouu - vary all the work rs stay until the three statements are verified This as strictly enforced if a sinsla cigar stamp is mi sing as If a S3 note is missing All the defective sheets found in the work are thrown aside afler counting have holes punch d thrnuch them to cancel these and rre sont to the treasury with the good sooner After th shorts have boon counted and examine i tii y aro at OU sd In racks which aro piled up - ANTRAL KENTUCKY iiues ihd -a EVOLUTION OP A GOV- ¬ ERNMENT BANK NOTE THE Biggest Bargains - GORMLEY mmi ¬ HATS AND d -a- A ¬ SHOE HOUSE A FRESH LOl OK CHOICE i on STREET AND YOD WILL FIND US MAIN Jx lfi the succes- ¬ - DABDWABE STOVES TINWARE iiYABE N f WHERE MONEY IS MADE A Visit to the Dareau of Engraving- - and Printing- - The Extraordinary Care tied to Prevent Lois and Theft of tnelo San It New Bills 1 AN DM EX IS they will ultimately lead you to success and and make us happv K BT K THURSDAY sor of the departed founder of Plymouth church was formally installed at pistor with appropriate ceremonies Forty three rear aso ou a Saturday evening in May 47 a litte group of gentlemen gath- ¬ ered In a private parlor in Lrooklyn jtul s for tiie purpose ol founding a now Congregational church Eight days later Ifaj lti the first ser- ¬ vices were held in the small brick bnilding on Cranberry street which ind been occupied as a church by the fash- ¬ ionable congregation of tho Rev Dr S II Cox The latter however had out- ¬ grown Its aceommolatioiis i1 nd novel to a larger and finer edifice on Henry street Henry Ward celier a young vigorous minister who had recently arrived from Indianapolis wherf he had been pastor of a small church was invi ted to preach Mo r n i n MM DfcALLKS e5vv rfMiaWrfyv Ward N 1 SHACKELFORD ABBOTT Jan I I DR TJEV TOT Tjong Henry Think Carefully and boy from us Decide Wisely The Best is the Cheapest Act Immediately When Bargains are Offered 4 ork Diligently Until You Reach Our llace 210 W Main il Honestly Is Our Motto 7 Investigate Thoroughly If You Do Not Know v Buy Frequently If You Would Please vci Reasonably Has Ever Been Our Aim 10 PAY PROM1TLY Is Our Earnest Request nOT Oi new members were ilmlttea were dropped from th roll of reserved whom 022 are still held as a list They are not dismissed This leaves the total membership ou tho rolls and Search for a Focreaaor to Beecher Ended The Founding of the Church Recalled Membership of Plymouth Church The 1 Foli toe year PULPIT luliieti in London The lirt lady knew who venture tinwniaa was the Hon Mrs Mai She opened a milk shop in Lon don her cart i and billhead- lxro he- own name in full and she was simply untiring in her pergonal supervision ol her shop No paltry pride or ca to feel iiik kept her from dome her work af head of that establishment but her sue ce sful career was cut short by an ilhi-- -which unhappily proved fatal Wonae of position can afford to lead the way for their strngglbtg sisters and a an ex i41iljllj 13 nuiui uu iiuiiuiei 01 o mimenus 1 propose to record two success 1 in AN EASTERN BLIZZARD York City Neatly laralvied by a Suow Storm New York March d The heaviest snow- fall of the seaaon accompanied by a high wind has prevailed here since nightfall yesterday and at the present time there is no signs of abatement A large number of serious m cidents re- ¬ sulting from falls on the sidewalks are reiKirteil from the various police st itions The snow has pretty and hospitals effectually blockaded the street cars and even elevated trains on exposed to the fury of the storm anil suffer severely The ferryboats are comiielled to proceed with great care About ten inched ol snow on the level has already fallen The signal office here report that New York is experiessolng the tail end of a blizzard which is howling off the coast to the north and east and that there i venr little snow south of here TheooH wave however prentjs y far south as Bu-ln- In e- Tfew Knglng in lin ton A heavy storm has Huston March been raging here since abottt I oclock Sundiy afternoon About eight inches of snow have fallen up to this hour Advices from points on Cape Cod New- ¬ port Portsmouth N H New Bedford and other Conn Mass New Haven places reKrt the worst storm of the season First Snow for Many Year GOV March t A light SvvannaH snow fell here Sunday morning the first snow fall for inanv yean Ice formed la t n lit and vegetation generally is garoen blighted The damage to true crop- - canpot as yet be estimated but it is very large Coitl Weather for Floriia The St Ai iif TiNK Fla March thermometer last night registered at de- ¬ grees alve zero the lowest piint reaohfii this season Great damage has btta dksae to tract tarsus by front and fear- - are entertained for the oran3 e crop Clark County Agricultural and Association lea ed it Red mons track for five years and will ertct an Amphitheatre capable of seat- - Me- - Chanical lwimniB KIribrireii VraDaSi I 1 FAST LINE BETWEE- Lexington JOHN DONELSON 5- - Ive o io i COAL CO ii i o i3 j 3Mt COAL rt4 muiiijH 1 jo pm NOUTH BOCMi Kiclm llic V IlOl- - am Uynthiana Ive Ive Arr Arr a m Kiiliniiith Coving Iilieniiiatl MAYSVILLE BRANCH NOKTH BUCND Gr L YTXT H -- WITH A O TNT wily k Ive Ctaetaaalt Lve Covington Barber Shop and First - Class Barbers Handsome I Kx stun -- Ixlnttoii Pi 800 a Arr Mllter btnn Jolin on m M Perfect satisfaction ijivetl to every 8ecial attention given to ladies Also to my country and children H BOCND one layaviU friends John- I have moved my shop over to the arli le Hotel and I hope all will come to see Millerabarg P Arr me Yours very respectfully L 2t- JOEL W MACKEY 11 jJo O Leaves Pan- - OF THE m Cm -- Ih BY MRS JEFFERSON DAVIS BELFORD COMPANY Ea t lvh Stkekt Nkyv Yokk ru vv i Ul ler for mIii I M PORTA N rraii live at mil depart frein the IVntrnl neellon for Thlomh 1 il point- - N any poll P Kor fu a - a nl of lie W L Ml N oN K H BTrav PaWr Act Trav P Cincinnati U Lezli v B XHKSK lienl l S i II K IllNTIMiTDN V Pri K HCAKIt Ant Rirhn General Offlecs Ubamhei of I ouine Ctnrlunal any v T WELLS C 22 1 K Kalmouth No 7 inn nil 7 V TKA1N N LexniKioii an JEFFERSON DAVIS HON I to lei Mill B K -- Jt r pn Arr Keren Arr Lie- Arr J W MACKEY j eo 455 Ive Iiviii Ive Berea BRON8TON AT THE S i Arr Iticbinonil Arr iine isler Arr Stnnfonl The yard is ea y of access IVr on desiring to haul their own coal will Arr not have lo evon tlie railroad Arr I respectfully rupiest a liberal pt ronage of the eiHaigUi of both county Arr Lve and city Ive IS- T S i 944 Arr YVlnchoter I have purchased the property of the snbl Company nod wilt keep on hand ail of the be t varieties of No Iarts e L I parwma Tbtsssanrv aasa-elatbna having been inaugurated ou ly jxst Mus TO be SOLD hj SUBSCEIPTION Only Yesterday a large bull dog attacked a cw that had sirayed into the yard of The prospectus and complete out fit for w mey K iy on Hitrgins Avenue and canvassing will be ready immediately f re e d vmM bt Wjr he Agents Wishing Desirable Territory ll1 Wiled the cow Svviney is never on I liis great work will pleae address b dheied by chicken thieves Palis as soon as possible the publishers IM 1 e Kicliiiioiel Msjr2tOU Kentuckiaii fhieli Philadelphia capitalists have OffgaB-a company to grow tobacco in I h 17th Jm lio Si8 am inellllnll ovingtoii ilniouth Ive lyillhlioiii Arr 1nrls Arr Leitngtou I Lvv Lve N- Cincinnati My vehicles are all new and of the Srheaaie la Efert lav very Intent pal terns They are for sale on the most reasonable terms If you want a vehicle come and see me and SOUTtl BOUND Kx isun you wont go home without one 1 er j Shortest and Quickest Route from Cen tral Kentucky to All Point- - N East West and South i NEW PHJET0NS NEW CARRIAGES NEW SDRRIES NEW SULKIES -- Sheep sold at Phelps sale near South Eilvliorn in Knjette comity at S27 common awn Mr Pheips paid 4 ijr band for lltCM in November Jos Fitiley bought of Jan T fJrilliih ot Gallatin county 17 head of 2 year- oi mules next spring for l4o0 ten at 75 per bead and seven at Slut per head They are nice ones George- town Times Dan Smith and Alb rt Bridges ptir- chased last week in Madison county of Reuben Elkin a very tine three- year oil j ick one ttiat had taken pre- niiums at all the fairs exhibited They pabJ il ijOOMt Hterliog Gazette BLUE GRASS ROUTE NEW BUGGIES CONCERNING FARMERS say s yiuili H11 destined to be tlie center Some years ao I became acquainted f he tobacco grow ing industry in tlie with a blight clever girl whose fathei was a well known Yorkshire lawyer I United states In Southern Florida She was then a Queens College student j two crops a year may be raised on returning bona sh entered with A rule for the hatching Kreat spirit into the u ual engagesnestts which come to an ordinary young lady r chickens 2 days are required for in society After a time they palled partridges 21 iliys for pheasants 2b upon her and she exj ended a great deal days for tiuiuea Inns 2 days- - for of energy in philanthropic off ats common itck 2S day- - for pea fowls many sue oeierimne i on a career oi 28 days lor turkeys 28 days for Bar honorable work rather than a life of bury jo ducks lavs for and 30 ceese dull inactivity or intermittent than able enterprites and caslinir off the shackles diy s Home Journal which imprison weaker woncn she There - a getteral complaint among dared to lie her elf not the reflection of our farmers on account ir the very a mere glass She went through a course small tiguie tiiey can gel for ili ir hay of training studied boon decorations ft baldly pays lur ite cutting al 2 cents from hearth tiles ti fi i zi nainlinfva Duodr y Ibt fcslba aver-visited all the palaces whan aba could fs clover ami imoiliy find antique furniture and the newest P6 A auntter of meadows will be T inventions in short thoroughly linali Bed herself for the bnalnass in which she broken up this spring ami planted in has since nasals a reputation About enm or oat- - Dan villa Advocate til tri lii offif liorini L 111 taiaIoii Ii U41I UO lt i tli riI 141it llll l here 1us lut itll uUuS iii London where she furniahed Iba past few days lue boaaaa from roof to baaensent Mam Char- lotto aaObiaaon came to Manche ter and No one trade in cattle has lieen re opened a shop in Kmc rtiaut and re- - ported to the Advocate Uii- - week The gardless of that bugbear which terrifies weather is to blame doubtless Tha moat women Ube Ion of social statu cattle that are beiug twl in this county she put up lit r owi nauij over lao door are reported as having wintered ex- portion and without tho least scii vAeli the riss having been in tieillely quietly etitereO into oomel ition wilfa tin sterner sex The result baa been good condition all winter and very lit Tbbi year Miss lie fodder or hay beiu eminently sati factory fed Danville Robinson baa had in addition to bee Advooate ordinary bnsinesi two exhibits arbicb V It Hawkins of Lincoln county have attracted univer aladmiratiin one is a auric re r from liie storm of Monday at Saltaire and the other at the famous logs as follows We Mancbestor exhibition next year she and tells of his proposes to exhibit at QlasCOW and pos-¬ had a veiy severe clap of thunder about sibly at Bin el i Her furniture designs 3 pm aud Koing ut to see if any are simple and uniipie -- be has daintv damage wai done I found my fine and quaint arrangementa for cozy rookj young tirood mare and twoyoung mate and odd corners and has Cood reason to CU3 1illK not flf J lh be proud of tlie work of the arti U em yurds friun tlie lioiise I hey were at ployed in the studio over which her I valued them clever sister Mrs McClelland the pre- least forty yards apart Advocate genius Miss siding Robinson had at at 350 first some difficuly in making people Al this time la it year the choicest understand that her w rk is really com- beeves were seliiug at Chicago around mercial not charitable slu feels that M 5J or nearly 51 per 100 pounds below until j Iillliv-- - ill lie uini n inrnnlal present prices The diflereiice iu nricea women ill pose as destitute ladies l wr grades is much lees and never take a dinuitied cositiou in for comm nny calling they adopt Cientlemeu who marked not more tbau 2 5 cents One earn the r own living are not Sfaken of year ago b range for tlie hog market as destitute and vre must bani m this was 4 5ii to 475 or 55 to 60 cents per idea in connection with ladies who are 100 pounds above present prices Light engaged in an equally honorable man- weights were 10 cents higher than then ner Lady Granville Gordon was the first heavy sorts Rheep are about J I higher than at this time last year Sun to open a millinery business in London Tuesday v as a very disagreeable day and her example win quickly followed by a Girton girl known as Mine Isabel bat notwithstanding Ibla fact u gHd of Bond street Neil her of these ladies sized crowd al leaded Mr B A Wil trades under her own name but as heir sous tale of stick farming itrple experience- will probably clear tlie way inents et Sixty four head of sheep for others the following details of whv cvjOa per head sold at 4 IHr 20 hogs Mine Isabel tiecame a woman of busi calves JT fier head tliree ness aro valuable In the first place iier cw- haihaniTa health failed and ho nai j1 ITT bond usjx ordered to InJia wh rj bis wife hoped lo 5t0 mules 60 to 125 grey horse to --ccure educational work The climate 172 Fanning implements brought made her so ill that sh returned to Eng- ¬ Kiswl prices Mr Wilson is preparing land convinced that she must at once to remove to Mlddlesborougii where he abandon all idea of tu lying medicine Versailles Sun She consulted friend who fortunately will go into hudnesi Oeo 8 Mitchell of Union MilN Jost koew tliat commercial life ottered a suit able opening Cue clever industrious a i heep last week nothing uuusunl in women she was strongly advi ted by the death of the aforesaid quadruped yhe de but -- omething oivii to go Into business extraordinary in the i idt d to lein vitioit delay At first const ueiiin af its anatomy It was 15 die tried a partnership with an aatab years aid anil the possessor of five legs iisbed milliner but that was Tlie lifih pedal ex ¬ owing to diiferonces in laata and instead of fevur xieition laater on this enterprisiBg lady tremity came out under the right Looh a t liop on bar own responsibility shouhier with a distinct formation inin Bond street and started off to Parh cluding feet but was drawn up and to complete arrangements tliere On the Hlift iu the joitits thus dprivinij it of 13lh af itarch KM she opened the doors active use It was a twin Iamb the of what has proved a very suc has uiniertiling thanks to unfailing atten- oilier only bavfug four legs iven uirlh to two lambs nearly every tion to derils Jj mo Isabel pnaeaally snee -- lie was a yt ailing and conducts all bnpartant hnslnrmi wattarv and though she has an excellent fa tlie oli priigs Inving lite oidinary keeper for her assistants homo she looks number of lets -N- ichola-viUe Journal- after its welfare heiself Her customers li- - K IS Botuic ioi5 Ualm always find a pleasant welcome and If j on ny i his istaaay you wUlaaa hh many afternoon tea at 5 oclock Like Miss otllers lUI UI ile rST Robinson she still often finds time too lril1 riave unl too Writ ua or Oook ot into society after her days w ork is done Allaula li and inis not ha iier name eras d from 11 lnvisAtnnta iii vvi liaaj iany visiting list she values The more thai l u B ii ilienlly tan at rbenmatlaai unit highly educated oar women of business cureil -- uiiu-i ii it Alliens dn a u it are the better for themselves their work and tbe w hole community Many of the J1professions to which ladies have hitherto My inoiher ami Uohuublaiia Ala writes hut dcerare1 turned are overcrowded and when once abroat ana erifula ler O U a cored lllci v- - Wpoooler the fear of losing social position is disreMswsBaaUsv eonri lv cored of rlleinutttlsruu garded it will be found hat commercial life offers a variety of more or less lucraKuunteln Jtrtajt tive employment to ladies of birth and with v r ana ii m - t lo sir i capital who find it more congenial to lliut ono bolt f 11 U b ci their tastes and requirements to invest Is a lime cure Ii their money and sp n their energies in cure me I hod l hnsinnB which yrlelds a fair return rAiSo ma alr ciiii uiy cliili of rather than sit at home content with a ae scanty pittance and colorless monoto ¬ rs W A Pepper Fnilonta Ala writeB cured ujy mother of ulcetaied nous life a ST lhroi t fill b - Florida uimn twin ri srrmrrpe HnpM jj ¬ Please Read T WELLS C CO The Hiiiger Manufacturing Company building a machine with Hand Attachment and Portable specially adapted for invalids travelers Ac lo Any one wi liinu a cost -- 0 cash machine of this tyie will please leave order at the office U First stieet J F STONE P 8 it is sold only by order not Oniy a tajaan from the Court house kept iu stock J I You doni have to end away out to 40 the depot is ntOiljCulTariiiTiwi -- One or tha-BKVI 4rvvn Ihr f i ll uneqnalt d sT4vJ aBW XAT13 rradSSfiSHi r Kmik cap ana wiwwia Dt about lh- - - we cis Aoab hw th riv if ataat tlaa rraiaTl apprir-n- - rrisaMtl fn t - rritbulk It ia a grand dou av tm irrv W wilUlwih m - vlti fh part coas lir a i Soft Coal and Anthracite Nat and Lump Coal Now open at Myers old lumber yard next to Sicoml Presbyterian church Qntebeat delivery in town tanwaai prices Try u- lar at aat ftum lk ni espn n c Btiar m lita at itti vTa paTaH Xft arhtara jVdcir ss H HAILKTI mn l0 PoglLaiu daiFS can mail rir CDfcrfc IK - v aBBBBBBBBBaTy h i f free W22U0 flTgrtr tkKvrmB u uiriri 1 -- b- be watco are 00 il tha Wucid HI in r Wg IVrfact i aMaaaaaV r Osi pinvn- u srrur en with oar larva a al aalaa - 7 thus we e repaid VVr pjy ell exprete freight ete Afler a know al tf via w old Ilka to ro to for u eoa raa k r rati SCIO to SIOO i mwanti X lOtaai lt Co I 2 Port land Miilne rto wit Bei wHU TTEZLS Ss CO WILLIAMSON ennr emunkek A G Civil Engineer and Surveyor GENERAL LAND SURVEYS EMORY JBk flPyvS lrSIaSraa7a9 I BaSrvays mie for Railway- - Ttirn pikr Roadway K timateH uivtii to Kami ekafaMfss Town Lots lunl off iiuiirnoia w vmiri r tl free Al tbe - aar u to tbow who call u to anow wh w riil r Ml nrtffhbor aarl thoa nhotit rm that r wjlTf nble traje furu whi- h h M forrr lirniwt ncVtortl n in ml C J NEW i52Bl CtaH Vatitfb feSSaySsik -- 17-- 4 v Mnredto wvPancfTawn Coil r f tn egrk Onij tboav who wmc aaJMvr to US at one an make ur of tlta rhatM a hdam ia Jo h Ojr rvt ji t wb ail rour th TW W- and th aa nund j ffTnirlB of tfc - AYE MH FR Mm1 wondcriTrTTTvvl Books rpai nevl 1IT7 i r a j ijvgj 1 lUiuouiaia irp iii mi of tho tt ib Prncrctia T03T VKVr tax nnlirAtioo IVif A I oiMte 337 Fifth Av WewYork Pfti snt Lines retraced Special attention given to topographical luajrs and pints of farms and other lainN Correspond ¬ ence aoiiciteii with parties interested in surveys of lands iu mountain coun ¬ ties of Kentucky fagv 23 39 Oflee City Hall RiehniondKy ti m UAH ¬ 7rrrTrl tTWACQTTAINTED WITH THE GEOGBAPHT OF THE COtnVTHT WILL OBTAEr FBOM A ITUDT OF THIS attaP Or auaa muaixiat in t vtlSLHTlon - T Ml1tl 7 ¬ flESSmTaW1 aj p ¬ ¬ cvc1gulu- 1 1 con-ile- oiherne11 - a -- ¬ Jfll ¬ JJ 1 ¬ an THE CHICiaO ROCK ISLAND S M8HFIG RSILSSY Des Alomes Ciicaijo aoiii via AL sSlrttaeLSkoPlp8tono LEA lalCf na Watert Worthintrton 8 ovix town MlrineknS Sfe and intarvemnff towns and citioa tsltbo ncirfnaa Loul SV wsVmrKhHeInanTK aKv0 potnto coaivwrgmrS Kaneaa Clty a2Sc onsUtuwl 5S THE SHORT LINE TO DENVER AND THE WEST FROM THE MISSOURI RIVER ortdVfcXiieJraroa8 fthe rich sat farming and crazinp lands in the WtAnAmJrLf eu aatnlBpUa iaiaon tO and from raiace Sleepintr CanT H11 rtt Innna w --Tr a4wk Uva AAUfal Kansas CI v and St Josanij ns in mfj r trains c fcfefSlalrrra lpnIeOaOro Knsrj our8Satnd t IJ 1 -- - 1 V1 u i uman rvpnece Toame MAGNIFICENT VESTiailLr -l-eave Mn arar4 cad Cooi ado ktaneSca 13 JOSOph n IVrterfK13 2 ilSfeUS- - THE ROCK ISLAND THE FAVORITE TOURIST LINE TrTrt2aCountain ai a OI1V1UUO i ApttrS3 ArUaIie5 r OQUlDlXiKl mocom inxprovwasssSi ili6 that can add to saft- - rorv v v uutl h ann llaliri iea An To Mamtou Pikee Pe k th a Garden of the Gods Palls Idaho Spring th mountain cSl 4 Dt potii 7th tho Denver a Denver Texas and Port W Tickets Maps Tim Gssuiu monthly or furtJ E ST JQcm r ooaat termtnol c- - oradcJuaS a1xwdanftrmUon cvidreae OKN SEBASTIAN IToItrtaara a Axaat T 1 1 MIMWtefiiliP Hrer 4tJWaaM7rifaLOUISVL KY -
© Copyright 2025