MEMBERSHIP FORM – 2015 PLEASE COMPLETE ALL RELEVANT SECTIONS OF THIS APPLICATION We are pleased to welcome you to Oldham and Royton Harriers & A.C. To ensure that we have the correct contact details for you please insert the information requested below and return this form to Paula Booth (Monday’s) or Martin Hilditch (Thursday’s) in Reception. New for 2015! - A Start Fitness card will be issued to all members. Register online to receive a year round offer of 30% off More Mile products - Personal Details (BLOCK CAPITALS, please) Surname First Name Date of Birth Address Postcode Landline: Mobile: Email Address Emergency Contact Number: Name: Relationship: IMPORTANT: Please state any medical condition and/or medication which should be drawn to the attention of the coaches. If you are a member of another club and are joining us 2nd claim, please state the 1st claim club. There are a number of volunteering roles that we need to fulfil to improve the experience of people associated with the club. If you would like more information please tick here: [ ] I, the undersigned, wish to apply for/ renew membership of Oldham and Royton Harriers and AC. If granted membership of the club, I promise to abide by the Club’s Constitution & Rules at all times. In being a member of Oldham and Royton Harriers and AC I understand that there is an expectation that I/my child will represent the club in competition. There are opportunities in the following competition formats; Track and Field/ Road Running/ Sportshall/ Cross Country. Signature (of Parent/Guardian if applicant under 16) Oldham and Royton Harriers and AC Membership: 1 Jan 2015 to 31 December 2015 *2015 Membership of England Athletics has increased to £12 Membership Categories: Rockets U11 - £32 includes Membership of England Athletics Juniors Under 20 - £40 includes Membership of England Athletics Seniors - £48 includes Membership of England Athletics Family - £55 plus the cost of England Athletics Membership for each athlete University Students - £20 includes Membership of England Athletics Trainers for other sports - £15 (EA affiliation fee not required) £………… £………… £………… £………… £………… £………… Payment in full by 31 January 2015 Total £………… BACs Paid by: Cheque Cash The completed membership form and payment only should be given to the Club representative in Reception. (Cheques payable to Oldham and Royton Harriers and Athletic Club) BACs: Sort code 40-35-26 Account 30633607. With BACS payment use the Athlete’s name as reference. If you encounter problems when paying by BACs please contact the Club Treasurer Paula Booth [email protected] DISABILITY The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 defines a disabled person as anyone with “a physical or mental impairment, which has a substantial and long term adverse effect on his or her ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities”. Do you consider yourself to have a disability? Yes [ ] No [ ] If yes, what is the nature of your disability? Please tick / write below. Physical disability [ ] Learning disability [ ] Multiple disability [ ] Visual impairment [ ] Hearing impairment [ ] Other – please specify below [ ] Prefer not to say ] [ ETHNICITY In order to help the club monitor its membership can you please tick one of the following boxes to identify your ethnic group / origin. Choose one section from A to F and then tick the appropriate box. A WHITE B MIXED British Irish Other - Please specify D BLACK OR BLACK BRITISH C ASIAN OR ASIAN BRITISH White and Black Caribbean White and Black African White and Asian Indian Other – Please specify Other – Please specify Chinese African Other – Please specify F PREFER NOT TO SAY [ ] Bangladeshi E CHINESE OR OTHER ETHNIC GROUP Caribbean Other – please specify Pakistani Photographic/ Video Policy: On occasions, photographs may be taken of athletes competing, and these may be published in appropriate locations. The Club follows the England Athletics Policy which is available on our website. Child Protection Regulations require parental/guardian permission for use of images, please tick the appropriate box below: I give consent for the club to use images in line with England Athletics Policy [ ] I do not give consent for the club to use images [ ] The details from this form are held on paper and Oldham and Royton Harriers and AC database for the year. Periodically, the club may pass membership details to England Athletics, as necessary. No details are passed to any other outside organisation. Additional family members Personal Details of Applicant(s) (BLOCK CAPITALS, please) First Name Surname Address Date of Birth Post Code Email Address Tel Number School Attended (Juniors Only) IMPORTANT: Please state any medical condition and/or medication which should be drawn to the attention of the coaches. Membership of any previous Athletic Club and date of resignation. Signature (of Parent/Guardian if applicant under 16) First Name Surname Date of Birth School Attended (Juniors Only) IMPORTANT: Please state any medical condition and/or medication which should be drawn to the attention of the coaches. Membership of any previous Athletic Club and date of resignation. Signature (of Parent/Guardian if applicant under 16) First Name Surname School Attended (Juniors Only) IMPORTANT: Please state any medical condition and/or medication which should be drawn to the attention of the coaches. Membership of any previous Athletic Club and date of resignation. Signature (of Parent/Guardian if applicant under 16) Date of Birth
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