Good News First Presbyterian Church Hollywood FL (USA) February 2015 The Scholastic Book Fair First Church Monthly E-News Issue 3, Vol. 2 First Presbyterian Church is an exciting place with a whole array of ministries, including early childhood programs and after school care. In everything we do and are, we strive to be God's good news to a world in need. We hope that you will take time to browse our Web Site; Sunday, February 8, after and if you are in our area, please come visit us. worship—and February 8 through 13! The fair is held in the Educational Building on the patio and is open daily from 8:30am through 5:30pm. For information, call us at 954 922 8558. Every Sunday Breakfast and the Bible: 9:00 a.m. Worship: 10:00 a.m. Good News Kidz (Children’s Sunday School): 10:00 a.m. 5th annual Souper Bowl Soup Competition February 1st following worship Soup makers, start your crock pots and get cooking! Call the church office by January 30th to sign-up your entry. $25 prize for first place. Come out on Super Bowl morning, and enjoy some awesome soup. Then buy some tickets at a dollar a piece and vote to choose your favorite.You can buy as many tickets as you like; proceeds go to help the food pantry at Jubilee Center. The church and Learning Centers offices will be closed Monday, February 16th for the Presidents Day holiday. Issue 3:2 First Church Monthly E-News Alice Carlisle, Moderator Share-A-Meal— 11:00 a.m. — February 7th Meet in the CHURCH KITCHEN to prepare sandwiches for area homeless. To offer your help the 1st Saturday of every month, please contact Alice Carlisle. Deacon’s Fund offering — February 1st These gifts will go to help members of our church and community when they face financial distress, or to help folks in need who God places in our path. Please use the envelope provided in the Sunday bulletin. Just a reminder, we continue to collect hygiene supplies and gently used or new sneakers and blue jeans for the Jubilee Center. The Center has an urgent need for non-perishable food items. You may place these items in the narthex area. MARK YOUR CALENDAR!! April 19, 2015 we will celebrate 90th anniversary of First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood 1925 – 2015 Please keep in your prayers........ Our family in Prayer PRAYER FAMILIES — Each Sunday, we include several of our First Church families in our daily prayers to sustain them in Christian love and support. We will gladly add friends of the church to this. To be included, please call Lynn in the church office. Please pray for Linda Anderson, Peg Anderson, Georgia Backus, Sarah Lee Banaszak, Patricia Basana, Ken Benoit, Donna Beutner, Peggy Black, Alberta Boughman, Jackie Brannon, Johanna Clayton, Paula Cronin, Henrietta Curtis, Vernetta Fleegle, Diane Flett, Dorothy Fordyce, Irving Fordyce, Jack Gregory, Amber Henderson, Ginger Imel, Marge Karbacz, A. J. Kaynatma, Melida Knott, Migdalia Lopez, Gary Malkin, Carmen Mangiante, Tom Mason, Renee McConnell, Earl Mohan, Nancy Moore, Carla Nash, Wilma Paquette, Ed Rasor, Marnie Rivas, Mary Rodriguez, Robert Rus, Grace Ryll, Norman Schoel, Donny Silvestro, Grace Silvestro, Sandy Silvestro, Bobby Snatchko, Gail Spooner, Bonnie Springer, Collette Tindall, Jackie Vickery, Lisa Whyte, Tara Whyte, the Whyte family, Tim Witt PRAYER FAMILIES Each month we include several of our First Presbyterian families in our daily prayers to sustain them in Christian love and support. We will gladly add friends of the church to this list. To be included, please call Lynn in the church office. Please pray for February 1st week 2nd week 3rd week 4th week the Lopez family, the Lowry family, the Mackway family the Mahadeo family, the Marin family, the Martin family the Mason family, the Maughan family, the Maurer family the McCracken family, the McIntosh family, the McMillan family First Church Monthly E-News Issue 3:2 February 2 February 7 February 9 February 10 February 11 February 15 Earl Mohan Barbara Braham Helen Brown Bianca Lasica Michelle Rus Hope Hildebrand-Preston February 19 Ted and Donna Beutner 62 years February 21 Srdjan and Bianca Lasica 27 years February 27 Linda & Bert Gonzalez 33 years February 15 February 19 February 19 February 23 February 25 Stephanie Hollinshead Kathy Meyer Jay Wolfe Robert Maughan Carolyn Moniz We extend our sympathy to Sarah Lee Banaszak and her family, following the passing on January 18th of Howard Banaszak. Donations to the Memorial Fund have been made in memory of Howard Banaszak from: Charles and Edythe Adams Lynn Anderson Joan Henry Homer Erzinger from: Charles and Edythe Adams Dora Griffith from: Charles and Edythe Adams Wilma Paquette March 2015 issue: February 15th MEETING REMINDERS February 2015 CALLED SESSION Meeting, February 2nd, 7:00 p.m. SESSION COMMITTEE REPORTS deadline: Friday, February 6th ANNUAL REPORTS DUE: Friday, February 6th Learning Center Board, February 9th, 4:30 p.m. The Worship Committee, February 9th, 6:30p.m. Team of Chairs meeting – February 11th, 6:00p.m., in the chapel Finance Committee meeting – February 11th, 7:00p.m., in the church office NEWLETTER DEADLINE for March issue: February 15th Church & LC’s offices closed February 16th for the Presidents’ Day holiday. Stated Session meeting, Monday, February 16th, at 7:00 PM in the chapel Stated Deacons’ meeting, Monday, February 23rd, 7:00PM in the chapel Hi, I hope all is well with everyone. I tried to get to church Christmas Eve, but I couldn’t make it. I was really disappointed, but felt better after Kennedy visited me and gave me Communion. Maybe Easter I can make it. I’ll try then. I have been in the hospital, and am now home. I have a serious heart problem. Please pray for me. Thank you, Nancy Moore Presbyterian Women — Marilyn McIntosh, Moderator Our Annual PW Tea will be held March 14th. Details will be available in next month’s newsletter. BOOK CLUB 2014 – 2015 — Please join us February 25th at 7 pm in the chapel. Our next selection is Eat, Pray, Love, Elizabeth Gilbert. The Book Discussion Group meets six times per year on the third Wednesday of the month at 7 PM in the chapel. Discussions are led by Ellen Yamrick, Retired Librarian. Future book selections……….. March 18 - Stormy Weather, Carl Hiassen April 15 - Hunger Games, Suzanne Collins ~~~ Boy Scouts, contact Neil Donnelly (954-925-8622) for information. Cub Scout Troop 420 (Grades 1-5) September - May Tuesdays @ 6:30 p.m. 2nd floor of Education building Boy Scout Troop 420 (Grades 6-12) Mondays @ 7:00 p.m. 2nd floor of Education building Good News Kidz (GNK) (Children’s Sunday School) Sundays at 10:00 a.m., in the church Jennifer Hudson & Karen Martin, Co-Chairs Middle School & Senior High Youth Group Opportunities Share-A-Meal, 11:00 a.m., February 7th in the church kitchen Middle School: 11:30 a. m., in the chapel February 1st, February 15th Bring $5 to help pay for dinner. Senior High: 5:00 p.m., in the chapel February 8th, February 22nd Bring $5 to help pay for dinner. ~~~ PC(USA) has unveiled a new Young Adult Website. Go to our site and click on New Young Adult Website. February 22, 2015 .Our Kirking has been a beautiful and well-attended service, and we hope that you will support it with your participation. Donations may be placed in the Offering plate marked “Kirking.” You may contact Alice Carlisle or Marilyn McIntosh for other ways to help, as many hands lighten the load and are very welcome. Anyone who would like information on a Tartan may contact Coordinator Alice Carlisle. ~~~ “Flowers of the Forest” (in memory of loved ones) If you have a loved one you would like memorialized during the service, please submit their name of the church office. The individual will have a flower dedicated to them and their name read aloud. A bagpipe solo tribute to their memory will be played: “Flowers of the Forest,” Lament for the Fallen) Prayer Shawl Ministry, Opportunities Alice Carlisle, Coordinator The Heart Strings Prayer Shawl Ministry will meet Tuesday, February 24th at 2:30 p.m. in the chapel. Please call Alice Carlisle (954-929-5434) with questions and/or requests for shawls. HAS YOUR ADDRESS CHANGED??? Please don’t forget to notify Lynn in the church office. If you or anyone you know (family member, church member, or a friend of First Presbyterian) are ill, in the hospital, or in a nursing home, PLEASE don’t assume the church office knows. Give us a call at 954-923-8209. ~~~ Join us on ...... Our website Facebook A printer-friendly version of this newsletter is available on our website: If you haven't already, please take a minute to "Like" our Facebook page and to share it with members, friends and family! Here's the link: Did you know you can download the newsletter to your I-pad or tablet? ALSO AVAILABLE THROUGH OUR WEBSITE: Sunday’s worship bulletin, written & audio copies of Rev. McGowan’s sermons, information about our Learning Centers and other ministries, access to Tropical Florida Presbytery & Presbyterian Church (USA) By God’s grace, may we be transforming families with the Love of Jesus in Hollywood and beyond through becoming a transformed and transforming family of faith, meeting families where they are with the love of Jesus and connecting families to the transforming power of the Gospel. Lord Jesus, give us your grace and love to live into this vision more and more every day. The Good News —published monthly— Deadline for articles: 15th of the month First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood 1530 Hollywood Boulevard Hollywood, Florida 33020-5240 954-923-8209 FAX: 954-923-8200 E-mail: [email protected] Website: If you would like to receive a copy of our E-newsletter, or information about becoming a member of our church, please call the church office. Goods New — January 2015 First Presbyterian Church 1530 Hollywood Boulevard Hollywood, FL 33020-5240 “Being God’s Good News” Church: Office Hours: Phone: FAX: E-mail: Website: M-F, 9am-4pm 954-923-8209 954-923-8200 [email protected] STAFF DIRECTORY Church Pastor: Kennedy M. McGowan [email protected] Music Director: Dr. Robert Remek [email protected] Office Manager: Lynn Anderson [email protected] Bookkeeper: Nathalia Almeida Kunzle [email protected] Custodian: Bianca Lasica Learning Center Phone: 954-922-8558 FAX: 954-922-4101 Director: Jutta Hofmann Powell [email protected] Office Manager Jennifer Arias [email protected] Early Learning Center Phone: 954-929-8233 FAX: 954-922-4101 Director: Fatima Marin [email protected] Aftercare Phone: FAX: Coordinator [email protected] 954-922-8558 954-922-4101 Pilar Causey
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