Knox News This week in the Knox Community Sunday, October 12 Thanksgiving Sunday 10:30am Worship Service and Kids’ Church Monday, October 13 Thanksgiving: Office closed Tuesday, October 14 10am Coffee Plus Wednesday, October 15 9:30am Prayer Time Noon Community Care lunch 7pm Women of Christ Bible Study Thursday, October 16 9:30am Prayer and Planning 6:30pm Bobcaygeon Horticulture Society 7:30pm Choir practice Saturday, October 18 1pm Birthday Celebration Sunday, October 19 Anniversary Sunday 10:30am Worship Service and Kids’ Church These notices for Knox and the community are listed for your information and attention. If you would like more information, contact either a person listed with the event notice, or one of the people on the bulletin back cover. You can get more information about items with a double underline on our web site, Knox News Announcements: Please leave them in the mail slot at the bottom of the stairs or send them to [email protected] ‘Subject: Knox News’ to be received no later than Thursday noon. If you have a prayer request, please pass a note to the pastor or to the duty elder. Please remember in prayer… ✗ Irene Stark’s sister was killed in a car accident September 7; her funeral was October 6. Irene’s Page 1 ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ brother-in-law is out of the hospital and the parents and child from the other car are also recovering. Irene sends her thanks for your prayers for her and her family. Carole & Ken Jones Carole is recovering from a fall at Case Manor Gregory & Agnes Bangura in Sierra Leone, fighting Ebola outbreak. Also, their mission office burned down last week. Sheila and Phil Mayville’s son-in-law Dave Yurick is recovering from a heart attack. Ken and Marj Brown’s son Bobbie Brown is recovering from surgery to repair a hole in his heart. Another son, Kenneth Brown also has health issues. Pray for Alec Remenda, KC Bowcott’s 13-year-old great-grandson undergoing a year of cancer treatment. Rev. Reg and Dale MacMillan’s daughter Naarah is being treated for abdominal cancer. Betty Irving’s great-grandniece Jenna Shearer is having seizures. John Treharne and Edith Bishop (Leola’s mother-inlaw) are in Ross hospital. Marguerite Adams-Miller, Muriel Flagler, Rosie Ingram, Lloyd Moore, Jean Treharne, and Fran Wylie at home. Thinking of You… Carole Jones Specialty Care Case Manor, Bobcaygeon, K0M 1A0 We have received a new address for Joanne Redfern: 20 Queen St., Unit #16, PO Box 1395, Fenelon Falls, K0M 1N0. We welcome today Rev. Sandy Beaton back to our service. Rev. Beaton, a retired minister with the Presbyterian Church of Canada, retired from St. John’s Presbyterian, Port Perry. A big thank you to Joe Rasmussen for putting together the Thanksgiving display for today. Thank you to everyone who helped with our booth at the Bobcaygeon Fair. Check out the posters in the hall prepared by Pat & Jenny McCron. Also thanks to Page 2 Dennis Carpenter, Pat & Jenny McCron, Myra Coene, Carey Jo Johnston, Sheila Mayville, Dave & Ellen Roberts, and Karen & Jelle Visser for representing our church at the booth. We had personal contact with more than 70 people plus all those who just saw the booth. — Mission & Outreach Committee Congratulations to Marjorie Brown, who won five first place ribbons at the Bobcaygeon Fair. One of her sewing creations is going on to compete at the district level, then possibly to the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto. Also to Nicholas Kennedy who won a first and second place ribbon, and was third overall in Junior Baking. His chocolate chip cookies also will be going on to the district competition later this year. And congratulations to the many others in our congregation who also won ribbons at the Fair. ~~~~~~~~~~This Week~~~~~~~~~~~ The next Knox Talks deadline is today, October 12. Please have your articles in to Margaret Cosh. For children, we offer a KIDS’ CHURCH program: “The Followers” (Grades K-6) Margaret Cosh is teaching a curriculum she has created on “The Life of Moses” for children up through grade 6. “Ignite” (Grades 7-12) will be discussing the Youth for Christ video series “Quest,” a contemporary look at how faith and life connect. They’ll study the book of John at a later date. COFFEE PLUS continues their study of the DVD series JONAH: Navigating a Life Interrupted by Priscilla Shirer. All ladies are welcome Tuesdays at 10 a.m. The Women of Christ Bible Study have begun a study on the Gospel of John. Any women who’d like to join them Wednesdays at 7 p.m. are welcome. ~~~~~~~Community Happenings~~~~~~~ Check out flyers on the bulletin board in the Fellowship Hall announcing… ✗ A seminar on “Safe and Secure Aging” in Lindsay Thursday, October 23. ✗ “Filled and Overflowing,” a women’s weekend November 7 to 9 at Fair Havens Page 3 ~~~~~~~~~~~ General~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ Mission & Stewardship~~~~~~~ Operation Christmas Child shoe boxes are here. With so much conflict and strife in the world today, as we count our blessings this Thanksgiving, let’s remember those less fortunate by participating in Operation Christmas Child. Shoe boxes are available today. Please return your filled shoe box by November 9. Stewardship Moment: “There’s no reason to be the richest man in the cemetery. You can’t do any business from there.” — Colonel Harlan Sanders (1890-1980), businessman and restaurateur Alzheimer Society annual campaign: Knox Presbyterian Women are supporting this campaign by placing a donation box by the Information Centre in the Fellowship Hall. If you would like to support your local society, just drop a loonie, twonie, or loose change into the box. Information on Alzheimer’s is also available for you to pick up. Thank you for your support. October 16 is World Food Day World Food Day is a day to raise public awareness of world food production and the struggle against hunger, malnutrition and poverty. God created the earth to sustain us and yet 870 million people do not have enough to eat. Presbyterian World Service & Development is working to end global hunger by providing food in times of emergency and by helping small-scale farmers increase crop yields. In Guatemala, PWS&D’s partners are working to teach 440 families sustainable farming techniques and help mitigate the effects of climate change. “We eat healthier now because our maize and beans are grown using organic fertilizers,” says Miguel Quintanilla. “The money we were spending on chemical products is now buying necessities for our home. We are not mistreating our land; instead we are making the land more fertile.” Glad Tidings is a mission magazine produced by the Women’s Mission Society. Six times a year you can enjoy inspirational articles, book reviews and poetry, and hear from Presbyterian Church mission workers. The magazine is also available in large print. The subscription rate for 2015 is $16.95. Please see Betty Irving downstairs to renew or start your subscription, or look over sample copies. Is there a special hymn or Christian song you’d like us to sing in worship? Take a moment to let us know at the Hymn Suggestion Box in the Fellowship Hall. Just fill out a slip with the title of the selection. You can also tell us why that hymn or song is meaningful for you. We’ll do our best to include your favourites in worship. September/October Today devotional booklets are in. October readings look at “The Cross of Jesus Christ.” Devotion author John Kuperus writes, “I have heard numerous teachings about the cross, and yet it seems like there is always more to learn and absorb.” Take a copy, and please leave $2 to cover the costs. The Board of Managers is looking for a newer, (slightly) smaller, more efficient freezer to replace the old unit downstairs. If you have one you could donate, or would be willing to trade, please call Dave Roberts 705 738 2637 or Phil Mayville 705 738 1082. Page 4 Presbyterian Mission moment… Service Helpers Our service this morning is made possible by the prayers and gifts of our congregation, with the specific help of the following… Ministers: Rev. Paul D. Johnston, Rev. Carey Jo Johnston Music Director: Ruth Eberts Pianist: Joyce Anderson Duty Elder: Ellen Roberts Followers and Ignite: Margaret Cosh and Karen Visser Welcomer: Carol Fulton Board of Managers: Deb Risebrough, Ruth McIsaac, Paul Graham Page 5 Presbyterian Prayer Partnership Sunday, October 12 Harvest Sunday Give thanks for the many blessings we enjoy in this country. May we care for those who are not as fortunate and who struggle daily for basic necessities. Monday, October 13 Thanksgiving Day Give thanks for those involved in the food production and service industries. Pray that all people will share in God’s abundance and have nutritious food to eat. Tuesday, October, 14 Give thanks for all the men and women who serve their country and for the sacrifices they are often called to make. Wednesday, October 15 Pray that our presbyteries will be encouraged, strengthened and creative in their ministries. Thursday, October 16 World Food Day Pray for the partners of Presbyterian World Service & Development as they work with Canadian Foodgrains Bank to end hunger around the world. Friday, October 17 Pray for the Clerks of Assembly as they gather to discuss matters relating to the governance of our church. Saturday, October 18 Pray for all people who do not have enough healthy food, a safe home or a community for fellowship. Pray that governments will develop and continue programs to reduce poverty. Sunday, October 19 Students and Colleges Sunday Pray for university and college students as they manage a heavy study schedule, develop new friendships and become aware of their vital place in society. Page 6
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