PHG 222 Pharmacognosy- 1 COURSE plan 1435-1436 H (second semester) 2014-2015 M Instructor: Professor Amani Shafeek Awaad OFFICE: OFFICE HOURS: Room 1ph. 12-1 Sunday -Thursday OFFICE PHONE: E-MAIL ADDRESS: +9661158857 [email protected] or [email protected] WEB PAGE: COURSE PAGE: CLASS HOURS: Lab. 8:00 -9:40 & 10:00 -11:40 Tuesday lect. 10:00-11:40 &1:00 -2:40 lect. Thursday. Introduction and Course Goals Welcome to Pharmacognosy- 1. PHG 222 = 3 (2+1). course offered to meet the needs of students interested college of pharmacy. To provide them with the basic concepts of Pharmacognosy relevant to their further studies and life. All will be discussed and explored in detail. When you finish this course, you should be able to: History, sources and importance of natural products General botanical and microscopic characters of medicinal plants and their different chemical constituents, Different between Complementary and alternative medicine, The production of drugs derived from natural Introduction to different biogenetic pathways of secondary metabolites formation Some Natural products contents ( carbohydrates, tannins, volatile oils and lipids) Chromatographic principles and their important applications in the evaluation of natural products. The practical part of the course is devoted to give some experimental guidance in the processes of screening of medicinal plants and their constituents mentioned within the context of the theoretical part. LECTURE SCHEDULE Date Week 1 (Thur. : 92 Jan.) Week 2 (Sun.. : 5 Feb.) Week 3 (Sun. : 29 Feb.) Topic Introduction to pharmacognosy Week 4 (Sun. : 22 Feb.) Complementary and alternative medicine Complementary and alternative medicine Medicinal Botany Week 5 (Sun. : 92 Feb) Production and Preparation of crude drugs Week 6 (Sun. : 5 Mar) Plant metabolites & biosynthetic pathway carbohydrates Midterm I tannins Week 7 (Sun. : 29 Mar) Week 8 (Sun. : 22 Mar.) Week 9 (Wen-Sat.21- 29 Mar.) Week 10 (Sun. : 9 Apr) Week 11 (Sun. : 2 Apr.) Week 12 (Sun. : 22 Apr.) Week 13 Week 14 (Sun. : 92 Apr) (Sun. : 23 Apr.) Week 15 (Sun. : 7 May.) Week 16 (Sun. : 21 Ma.) MIDTERM HOLIDAY volatile oils lipids MIDTERM II Basic Principles and Application of Chromatography 1-Column chromatography Basic Principles and Application of Chromatography 2- Plane Chromatography Basic Principles and Application of Chromatography 3-Gas Chromatography “GC Basic Principles and Application of Chromatography 4-High-Performance Liquid Chromatography Basic Principles and Application of Chromatography 4-High-Performance Liquid Chromatography .Grading Why do we give grades? Grades give you and me feedback on how well you are accomplishing course educational goals. Grades give the University of King Saud, other universities, and employers one measurement of your competencies. Grades give the University information about how well I am doing my job. Grades give me information about your learning that helps me improve the course. The longer I teach, the more convinced I am that the amount of active participation by the student determines how much effective learning takes place. I am also convinced that for material to be learned in such a way that it is useful to you during the course and after the course is over, it must be learned stepwise (not the night or weekend before an exam). Although later exams will emphasize more recent material, exams will be cumulative throughout the semester. Credits Type 1 2 Theoretical part(30): 15 Midterm I 15 3 Midterm II Homework, Discussion, quizzes and activities 5 Final exam 40 1 Practical part(30): 5 5 Attendance 2 Continues evaluation and report 5+5 3 Practical exams 10 Total 100 Testing conditions: Once an exam has been handed out, students are not allowed to leave the classroom and return. Please make every effort to come to the classroom prepared for the test. All cell phones; pagers or automatic alarm watches should be turned off before entering the classroom in order to prevent disturbing the class. Grades will be available as soon as possible. Grading Scale Letter grades will be determined from the percentage of points earned by the student from the total number of possible points (100 points). A+ = 100 to 95% A = 94 to 90% C+ = 79 to 75% C = 74 to 70% F = Below 60% B+ = 89 to 85% D+ = 69 to 65% B = 84 to 80% D = 64 to 60% Instructor’s Grading Philosophy: “STUDENTS EARN GRADES, I DOES NOT GIVE GRADES.” Make up Policy Exams must be taken on the date scheduled. Make-up exams will be given only for approved documented excuses & will be on all subjects covered by both exams. Hints on how to do well in this class: Before class: Read the relevant text once-through briefly. Access the lecture outlines on-line, print them and add your notes to them. Lecture outlines will be incomplete without good note-taking in class! During class: Attend classes and compile a thorough set of lecture notes; participate in learning activities. Don't be embarrassed to ask questions or ask instructors to repeat material. After lecture: Review your notes and read the relevant text sections again. With the use of your text, be sure that you understood the class material. Classroom Behavior and Academic Integrity Courtesy is required in the classroom; I will treat you with respect and expect you to be respectful of me and your fellow classmates. All cell phones and pagers must be turned off in the classroom, and conversation should be limited unless you have been instructed to participate in an active discussion. RESOURCES Textbooks: 1-Michael Heinrich, Joanne Barnes, Simon Gibbons and Elizabeth Williamson: Fundamentals of Pharmacognosy and Phytotherapy. 2004 Churchill Livingstone. 2-Braithwaite and F.J. Smith: Chromatographic Methods. 1990 Chapman and Hall Electronic Resources: All class materials, including the course schedule and syllabus, learning objectives, lecture outlines, practice exams, and grades are available on line. Good Luck Prof. Amani S Awaad
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