Volume 5, Issue 11 March 2014 Commander’s Corner The National Emergency Fund The Preamble to the American Legion Constitution sums up the theme of the National Endowment Fund, “… devotion to mutual helpfulness.” This phrase is more than just words on paper; it’s our pledge of support to Legionnaires and their families. Since the early 1920s, The American Legion has been actively involved in meeting the needs of both the community and individual Legion Family members in the wake of disasters such as hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes and wildfires. The National Emergency Fund was created in 1989 in response to Hurricane Hugo, and has provided more than $8 million in direct financial assistance to American Legion Family members and posts. By providing this emergency funding, NEF has prevented damaged posts from closing and enabled American Legion Family members to recover from tragedy. Here is a brief summary of grants given in the aftermath of recent tragedies: Tornadoes, Moore, OK May 2013: Grants: 254, Payouts: $242,050 Superstorm Sandy, NY, NJ and nearby, October 2012: Grants: 426, Payouts: $428,087 Hurricane Isaac, New England, August 2012: Grants: 198, Payouts: $170,170 Flooding in Minot, ND, Summer 2011: Grants: 95, Payouts: $105,910 Torandoes, AL, MO, MS &IN, Spring 2011: Grants: 43, Payouts: $68,250 Hurricanes Katrina & Rita, Gulf Coast, August-September 2005: Grants: 2,105, Payouts: $1,705,520 As you can see the NEF helps thousands of our fellow Legion Family members. Continued on Page 2 Inside this Issue Membership 2 Combined Banquet 10 Commander Corner (Cont’d) 2 Calendar of Events 11 Web Site 2 Legion Membership 11 From the National Commander 3 Partnership for Kids 12 Letter to Fox News 4 SAL Membership National Commanders Banquet 5 NEF Raffle Service Officers 6 Healing Fields 15 IRS Bulletin 6 Convention Rooms 16 Editorial 7 Upcoming Events 17-23 Firefighters Exam 7 Submission Guidelines 24 Appreciation Day DVC Starks 8 Subscribe 24 Scholarships 8 NALPA 24 Appreciation Day SDVC Towers 9 Facebook 24 12 13&14 MEMBERSHIP TEAM PAGE 2013-2014 DSVC Charles R Towers – Chairman As I return from an unscheduled medical leave, there are several things that were evident to me during my absence. First was our Membership Teams. We as a Committee / Team did not miss a beat at any level in achieving our membership goals. Congratulation to all ten districts for achieving the February 12, 85% c/o date. This is what Team Work is all about; District membership teams, getting together with Post membership teams, all with the same interest in mind, 100% membership. Some of the things that I picked out of 14 February 2014 membership report are as follows. Out of 319 total posts in the Department, 69 Posts missed the 85% c/o date. That is where the District membership teams should be attacking. We have 70 Posts at 100% which shows that it is very difficult to reach that goal. Once again I am grateful to the Membership Teams from the Department down to the Post level for picking up the slack in my absence. The next Target Date is 90% by11 March 2014; 95 % by 09 April 2014; 100% 14 May 2014. The following is a list the Posts by District that did not make the 85 % C/O THEY NEED YOUR HELP District #1. Post #127- #350 - #446; . District #2 Post #135 - # !72; District #3 Post # 52- #185#207; District #4 Post #119- #163 - #173 - #318 - #323 - #343 - #386 - #398 - #429 - #444; District #5 Post # 48 - #84 - #87 - #90 - #100 - #107 #159 - #213 - #313 - #361- #366 - #410 ; District #6 Post #72 - #75 - #79 - #104 - #106 - #169 #225 - #367 District #7 Post #16- -#17 - #26 - #30 - #67 - #94 - #251 - #296 - #327 - #368 - #369 #399. District #8. Post #122 - #134 - #211 - #240 - #243 - #417; District #9 Post #1 - #20 - #222 - #311 - #464; District #10 Post # 197 - #220 #223 - #226 - #287 -#308 - #387 REMEMBER JUST ASK Commander’s Corner Continued Please help me raise the $20,302 the National Commander has challenged us to raise this year. You can donate in several ways: make a donation and enter my raffle for a two night stay at Mohegan Sun, including dinner for two each night and breakfast each morning. Tickets are available for the District Ticket Chairperson listed with the flyer in this edition. Or you can make a donation directly to the Department Office. Please make all checks payable to The American Legion- Department of Massachusetts. Indicate NEF on the memo line. All donations are Tax deductible and 100% of your donation will be used to help a Legion Family member or a post that has suffered loss as a result of a natural disaster. For God and Country, Billy Chisholm PS. If you have not renewed your membership, please do so. There is strength in numbers. New Web Site Thanks to the great work by Bob Dealmeida we have a new web site up and running. Please take a minute to visit it at www.masslegion.org. If you see something that does not look right or that you think should be there and it is not please contact the Web Site Committee Chairman Frank MacDonald at [email protected]. Or send a reply thru the website Contact Us Page (Under the About Us tab). VOLUME 5, ISSUE 11 The American Legion, Department of Massachusetts, Inc. - March 2014 Page 2 Dear Legion Family Members and Friends, This week, I had the opportunity to represent The American Legion by laying a wreath outside the tomb of Abraham Lincoln, one of our nation’s greatest presidents. For those who give their time to American Legion programs such as American Legion Baseball , Boys State/Nation, Junior Shooting Sports, oratorical competitions and more, I’m sure they agree with one of Mr. Lincoln’s memorable quotes: “In the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years.” February is Americanism Month, a time to rededicate ourselves to the honoring of patriotic values, including selfless volunteerism to support our nation’s children and youth, respect for our flag and promotion of wholesome community service and activity. Across the nation, posts are now organizing events, setting dates for competitions and raising funds to conduct their acts of Americanism at the local level. Already, schedules are getting set and teams are registering for the coming American Legion Baseball season. There are innumerable opportunities for Legion Family members to volunteer and make an impact on our nation’s youth. These include Boys State and Boys Nation, the Oratorical Contest, Junior Shooting Sports and the Junior Law Cadet program. Those who would simply like to help these programs can easily do so by making a tax-deductible contribution to American Legion Charities. Every financial gift directly supports American Legion programs. February will soon be over but our commitment to America’s young people, and to patriotism, is everlasting. Please consider joining other Legion Family volunteers by helping with these programs or by making a donation at www.legion.org/donate to keep them vibrant and successful. Dan Dellinger National Commander The American Legion Thank you for what you do every day on behalf of veterans and their families, and America’s future generations. VOLUME 5, ISSUE 11 The American Legion, Department of Massachusetts, Inc. - March 2014 Page 3 VOLUME 5, ISSUE 11 The American Legion, Department of Massachusetts, Inc. - March 2014 Page 4 National Commander's Testimonial Our National Commander Daniel M. Dellinger of Virginia will make his official visit to the Department of Massachusetts. In honor of his visit, your Department is hosting a Testimonial on Saturday, April 12, 2014 at the Best Western Royal Plaza, 181 Boston Post Road West, Marlborough, MA 01752. We urge ALL Posts, Units, Squadrons and Rider Chapters to make a special effort to have their members represented at this Testimonial. A reception will be held at 5:00 PM and dinner will be served at 6:00 PM. Ticket donations ar3 $35.00 per person and may be purchased from your District Ticket Chairmen. Please make checks payable to "Dept of MA, AL" and mark check "Tickets Only". Tables will be set for 8 or 10 people. Ticket deadline is April 4, 2014. All room reservations must be made directly through the Best Western Royal Plaza at (508) 460-0700. Room rate is $109.00 plus 11.7% tax. The American Legion code is American Legion with the date of April 12th. Cutoff date for reservations is March 28, 2014. On behalf of the Committee, we Thank You for your Co-operation. Yours in Comradeship, John P. "Jake" Comer, PNC Paul A. Morin, PNC VOLUME 5, ISSUE 11 The American Legion, Department of Massachusetts, Inc. - March 2014 Page 5 Questions & Answers from the Department Service Office 1) On average, How long does the VA take in deciding claims? - The average length of time for the VA making a decision for a “regular” claim is about 8/12 months, and a claim that has been appealed can take anywhere from 2-4 years on the average depending on the specific type of appeal that was made. 2) What criteria are needed for a successful disability claim? - Basically there are 3 major criteria points that need to be established in order to have a disability claim granted. The first is to prove that there was some sort of in-service event that resulted in the disability. The second is to establish a current diagnosis of a chronic condition that resulted from the in-service event. The last(which sometimes can be the hardest to establish) is called a “medical linkage opinion”. This is an opinion given by a medical professional that connects the veterans in-service event with their current diagnosed condition. This medical opinion can be given by a private doctor as well as a VA doctor, and the more opinions/medical evidence the veteran has in their favor the stronger it will make their claims and the better the outcome will be. 3) Just because I’m a veteran does that mean I automatically receive VA Healthcare? - No, not every veteran will automatically be eligible or enrolled in VA healthcare. Every veteran applying to be enrolled in the VA Healthcare System needs to fill out/mail in VA Form 10-10EZ and the VA will make a determination based upon multiple different factors. 4) Can a veteran receive disability benefits for conditions based on exposure to contaminated water at Camp Lejeune? - Yes, Veterans can have claims granted for disabilities that were possibly caused by the exposure to the contaminated water. The VA has established a list of conditions that a veteran maybe eligible to apply for benefits, but just because a veterans specific condition is not notated on this VA list doesn’t mean that they are completely closed off from filing a disability claim. Either way the veteran would want to contact The American Legion Service Office to find out more information and for help in possibly filing disability claims. Below is the link to the VA’s webpage on more information about the contaminated water issue at Camp Lejeune. http://www.publichealth.va.gov/ exposures/camp-lejeune/index.asp 5) What conditions have been recently added onto the VA’s list of Presumptive conditions that are caused by Agent Orange exposure? - In late 2012 the VA, in conjunction with the Institute of Medicine, added 3 new conditions to this list. Even though this happened over a year ago I still have many veterans, mostly In Country Vietnam Veterans, talk to me and don’t know that this has happened. The most recent conditions to be added onto the VA’s presumptive list are ISCHEMIC HEART DISEASE/CORONARY ARTERY DIEASE/ PARKINSON’S DISEASE. Again, just because a veterans condition is not on a VA’s list doesn’t mean that their claim will be automatically denied, but if their condition is on list and they prove they were presumptively exposed to Agent Orange then the claim will be automatically granted. If a veteran has a question on these topics or anything else regarding the VA they should contact Department Service Officer George Cameron at The American Legion Service Office. American Legion JFK Building Room 1500D Boston, MA 02203 Ph: (617)303-5694 Fax: (617)973-9560 [email protected] IRS Bulletin Just this week, we learned that the IRS has a new form required for EVERY enterprise with an EIN. That means all corporations, incorporated and non incorporated posts and tax exempt organizations. Whenever there is a change of address or change in the person in charge, the new person in charge must now file the IRS Form 8822-B. This is a basic form that looks like a “Change of Address” form. What they really want to know is the NAME of the “RESPONSIBLE PARTY.” This could be the post commander or adjutant or treasurer, or whoever has a level of control over the funds. This form must be filed by MARCH 1, 2014, if you have not told the IRS the identity of the Responsible Party and then again within 60-days of whenever your Responsible Party changes. Click on the following link to access IRS Form 8822-B http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f8822b.pdf VOLUME 5, ISSUE 11 The American Legion, Department of Massachusetts, Inc. - March 2014 Page 6 Editorial By PDC John Lenotte As we start to turn the corner to Spring ( I HOPE !!) members of The American Legion and other veterans service organizations look to arrive in Washington, D.C. to discuss legislative issues with members of Congress. I will report more on this in next month’s issue. I am often asked about the role of The American Legion in working with legislators at all levels. First, let me be clear that as an organization, The American Legion does not endorse any candidate(s) or political party. As an individual, I do have the right to endorse and contribute a candidate or political party. The role of The American Legion member includes the following: to propagate an interest in and furthering The American Legion legislative goals; to serve as a medium for disseminating information to elected lawmakers and to develop and maintain strong working relationships with elected lawmakers. There are designated members who are the liaison with each member of Congress. In general, Legion members are encouraged to contact their elected officials with any concerns on legislation. This is best done through phone calls or emails. There are two recent issues that I want to point out. One is the Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA) which is accused of obstructing the work of an American Legion team of experts during a recent visit to the Seattle VA Regional Office. Congressman Jeff Miller of Florida has sent a letter to Secretary of Veterans Affairs (VA) Eric Shinseki expressing displeasure. Congressman Miller is Chairman of the House Committee on Veterans Affairs and will assign a committee staff member to accompany Legion teams on future visits. This is a process that has been going on for a number of years and in the past the VA has welcomed Legion visits. It has been suggested that some officials in the VA are upset with testimony at a December congressional hearing where Legion staff members pointed out discrepancies in the VA reporting 90 plus per cent accuracy in processing claims. The Legion staff noted that 55 per cent of the claims they reviewed had errors. I will note that Legion Service Officers are now working on over 700 thousand claims to help with the backlog. I will also note that the Legion works with all veterans whether they are members of the Legion or not. The second issue concerns an article written by Ruth Marcus in the February 11, 2014 edition of the Washington Post. Ms. Marcus attacks the recent budget change giving back the military pension cuts. The American Legion National Commander, Dan Dellinger responded that one needs to take into consideration the changing of geographic locations every few years which includes: uprooting children from their schools and friends; the military member being separated from family; and risking life and limb in a combat zone. Can anyone really put a price tag on this? What is the price of Freedom? Of protecting our citizens in a foreign land? Or the price for someone who made the ultimate sacrifice. On a local note, I saw what I thought were appalling numbers related to the high school graduation rates. Look at the numbers for Lawrence and Haverhill. It is no wonder that other nations are overtaking the US on the educational scale. Although our colleges and universities have large numbers of international students which speaks to the quality of that level of education, what is happening to our own students? Obviously the general population is accepting this status. I confess to having gone to high school MANY years ago. Dropouts were the exception, not the norm. For these issues and many others, we as citizens need to make our voices heard in the ballot box this coming November. Please join me and VOTE!!! John Lenotte, Commander, Wilbur M. Comeau Post 4, Haverhill MA; Past Commander, Department of Massachusetts, The American Legion; contact: [email protected] Firefighter Exam Civil Service has announced the next firefighters exam. The written exam will be on April 26th, 2014. There will be an additional $50 fee for applications received after March 17th and no applications will be accepted after March 31st. To apply online please visit www,mass.gov/civilservice All applications must be submitted online. There are NO paper applications available. Applicants that are eligible for the waiver will need to follow up on their online application with supporting documentations. We will host drop in help sessions on Tuesdays and Thursdays from noon until 4 pm for anyone that needs assistance or access to a computer. Applicants will apply for both the written and the ELPAT at the same time. Follow-up instructions will then be e-mailed with instructions to self schedule the ELPAT. Please feel free to forward this info to anyone that may be interested in becoming a Boston Firefighter. The recruiting team can be reached at 617-343-3024. We will host a series of Open Houses, drop in office hours and information sessions. A full calender is available on our website atwww.cityofboston.gov/fire VOLUME 5, ISSUE 11 The American Legion, Department of Massachusetts, Inc. - March 2014 Page 7 APPRECIATION DAY Kenny Starks Candidate for Re-election for Department Vice Commander “Preparing for the Future” March 15, 2014 Jamaica Plains Post 76 280 South Street Jamaica Plains, MA 02130 (Additional parking across the street) Donation $25.00 per person, Tables $250.00 Please make checks payable to Kenneth Starks Campaign and return to: Charlene Starks 13 St, John Ave, Norwood, MA 02062 Department of Massachusetts Scholarships By Chairman Milton K. Lashus The American Legion Department of Massachusetts may grant ten $1,000.00 and ten $500.00 scholarships to be used towards the expenses of education of the child/grandchild, whose parent or grandparent is a current member in good standing of an American Legion Post within the Department of Massachusetts. Applications shall be filed on or before April 1, with the Department Adjutant, The American Legion, Room 546-2, State House, Boston, MA 02133. The scholarship shall be for the next school year only and limited to incoming freshmen. The scholarship committee will make its’ selection prior to June 1st. Scholarship payments shall be made directly to the recipient of the scholarship in two equal payments. Payments shall be made at the beginning of each semester and will be withheld if the students fails to remaining good standing. In event of termination during the school year payments must be returned to Department of Massachusetts, The American Legion. The $1,000.00 Scholarships shall be known as: 1. Frank R. Kelley Scholarship 2. Robert (Sam) Murphy Scholarship 3. H.P. Redden Scholarship 4. Mayer/Murphy/Nee Scholarship 5. Joseph H. Ellinwood (Nursing Only) Scholarship 6. Grace Fuller Olson Scholarship 7. Past Department Commanders Scholarship 8. Daniel J. Doherty Scholarship PNC 9. John P. “Jake” Comer Scholarship PNC 10. Paul A. Moran Scholarship PNC Contact your local Post for application or contact The American Legion Department of Massachusetts at (617) 727-2966 or email [email protected] VOLUME 5, ISSUE 11 The American Legion, Department of Massachusetts, Inc. - February 2014 Page 8 You are cordially invited to attend the Appreciation Day For Department SR. Vice Commander Charles (Charlie) Towers Leading Candidate for DEPARTMENT COMMANDER 2014/2015 SATURDAY APRIL 19TH 2014 AT DEDHAM POST #18 155 EASTERN AVE. DEDHAM, MA 02026 TICKETS ARE $30.00 EACH COCKTAILS 1PM, FAMILY STYLE DINNER WILL BE SERVED AT 2PM. PLEASE RSVP BY APRIL 9TH2014 TO TREASURER FRED WHITE 104 EDWARDS STREET, QUINCY MA 02169 617-773-8337 LESS TALK MORE ACTION VOLUME 5, ISSUE 11 The American Legion, Department of Massachusetts, Inc. - March 2014 Page 9 VOLUME 5, ISSUE 11 The American Legion, Department of Massachusetts, Inc. - March 2014 Page 10 DEPARTMENT CALENDAR OF EVENTS 3/6 3/9 3/15 3/15 3/15 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 4/11 6:30 PM 2:00 PM 9:30 AM 11:00 AM 3:00 PM 10:00 AM 1:30 PM 2:00 PM 2:00 PM 7:00 PM District 1 Meeting District 5 Meeting District 4 Meeting AL Family Bowling Tournament Appreciation Day - DVC Starks District 10 Meeting District 3 Meeting District 2 Meeting District 8 Meeting Children’s Hospital Meat Raffle 2014 Membership Standings as of 2/28/14 Dalton Post 155 Malden Post 69 Leominster Post 151 Union Lanes, Holbrook, MA Jamaica Plain Post 76 Whitman Post 22 Wilbraham Post 286 Belchertown Post 237 Rockport Post 98 Whitman Squadron 22 Remember 90% Membership Cutoff is March 11th lets get those card in. District Goal Current % of Goal 1 BERKSHIRE 1812 1718 94.81% 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 FRANKLIN /HAMPSHIRE HAMPDEN WORCESTER MIDDLESEX NORFOLK SUFFOLK ESSEX BRISTOL 1776 3295 6538 6151 3666 1836 3303 2608 1690 3104 5990 5690 3308 1606 3108 2376 95.16% 94.20% 91.62% 92.51% 90.23% 87.47% 94.10% 91.10% 10 PLY/BARN/NAN/DUKE 4389 4190 95.47% 41 5892 89 4202 217.07% 71.32% 41307 37071 89.75% 297 CAPITOL HILL 462 HEADQUARTERS TOTAL 319 POSTS VOLUME 5, ISSUE 11 The American Legion, Department of Massachusetts, Inc. - March 2014 Page 11 4th Annual “ Partnership for Kids” Bowling Tournament Union Street Lanes, 2125 Union Street, Holbrook, MA 02343 March 15, 2013 - 11:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Proceeds to Benefit the “Partnership for Kids” Boston Children’s Hospital Baystate Children’s Hospital UMAS Memorial Children’s Medical Center Limited to 32 Teams - First Come First Served on Team sign-ups Five Person Teams, $20.00 Per Person/ $100.00 Per Team Collation at Union Street Lanes Send Payment and Registration Forms to: Clifford A. Smith, 32A Cottage Street, Mansfield, MA 02048 Please make checks payable to: The Detachment of Mass S.A.L. 2014 Sons of the American Legion Membership Standings as of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 VOLUME 5, ISSUE 11 2/28/14 District Goal Current % of Goal BERKSHIRE FRANKLIN /HAMPSHIRE HAMPDEN WORCESTER MIDDLESEX NORFOLK SUFFOLK ESSEX BRISTOL PLY/BARN/NAN/ DUKE 269 178 66.17% 301 237 945 1417 867 109 404 284 212 149 720 1055 642 76 336 236 70.43% 62.87% 76.19% 74.45% 73.96% 69.72% 83.17% 83.10% 741 546 73.68% TOTAL 5575 4150 74.44% The American Legion, Department of Massachusetts, Inc. - March 2014 Page 12 VOLUME 5, ISSUE 11 The American Legion, Department of Massachusetts, Inc. - March 2014 Page 13 National Emergency Fund Raffle VOLUME 5, ISSUE 11 The American Legion, Department of Massachusetts, Inc. - March 2014 Page 14 SONS OF THE AMERICAN LEGION P.O. BOX 118 COHASSET MA 02025 1-617-697-2276 February 19, 2014 To: All Squadrons, Posts & Auxiliary Units From: Thomas Wigmore Commander Of Squadron 118 Re: Healing field Dedication On Saturday May 24, 2014 at 1pm The Sons of The American Legion Squadron 118 Cohasset will officially dedicate the Healing field of flags located at the intersection of Border St & Summer St.(Across the street from the American Legion Post 118) This will be a very short Ceremony that will include a wreath laying ceremony. This field honors all service men and women who have served, continue to serve and those who have answered the final call so that our land remains a free America. This breathtaking display will be free to the public starting May 17-May 31 2014. If your Post Unit or Squadron members or Color Guards would like to participate or place a wreath please let me know by May 1st If you are going to place a wreath I have contracted with Sue Chessis Flower Design of Scituate Ma 1-781-545-9222 who will make the wreaths and deliver them to the Post. The cost will be $85.00 If you would like to use another florist you may do so. I encourage your organization to take part in this ceremony. After the ceremony please join us upstairs at the American Legion. We will assemble at 1230 pm at the post If you have any questions please call me at 1-617-697-2276 VOLUME 5, ISSUE 11 The American Legion, Department of Massachusetts, Inc. - January 2014 Page 15 VOLUME 5, ISSUE 11 The American Legion, Department of Massachusetts, Inc. - January 2014 Page 16 VOLUME 5, ISSUE 11 The American Legion, Department of Massachusetts, Inc. - January 2014 Page 17 VOLUME 5, ISSUE 11 The American Legion, Department of Massachusetts, Inc. - January 2014 Page 18 VOLUME 5, ISSUE 11 The American Legion, Department of Massachusetts, Inc. - February 2014 Page 19 VOLUME 5, ISSUE 11 The American Legion, Department of Massachusetts, Inc. - February 2014 Page 20 VOLUME 5, ISSUE 11 The American Legion, Department of Massachusetts, Inc. - February 2014 Page 21 VOLUME 5, ISSUE 11 The American Legion, Department of Massachusetts, Inc. - February 2014 Page 22 VOLUME 5, ISSUE 11 The American Legion, Department of Massachusetts, Inc. - February 2014 Page 23 Massachusetts E-Legionnaire ARTICLE SUBMISSION GUIDELINES The Massachusetts E-Legionnaire is the official publication of the Department of Massachusetts American Legion and is published at least 12 times per year by the Massachusetts American Legion Newspaper Committee Do you have an article or news announcement to share with the rest of the Department of Massachusetts? If so, please follow these basic guide-lines for submissions. The American Legion Department of Massachusetts, Inc. Room 546-2, State House Boston, MA 02122-1099 email: [email protected] Editor Francis J. MacDonald Co-Editors Alvan Fuller Milton Lashus Editorial Board Dorothy Dickson James Fratolillo Robert Johnson Leslie McKittrick 2013-2014 Officers Commander William Chisholm Sr. Vice Commander Charles Towers Vice Commanders Louis Brault Anthony Macaudda Kenneth Starks Historian Ben Wilcoxen Executive Committee Women Eileen Locke • Submit your text in Microsoft Word format (.doc) or as a text file (.txt or .rtf). Save your file as the same name as the article, so we can easily keep track of it. Be sure to make it clear who the author is, whether it’s you or if you are just forwarding it to us. • WE LOVE ARTICLES WITH PHOTOS, or any other kind of images! Include photos and/ or artwork for articles separately (NOT embed-ded in the article) as high resolution (300 dpi, or better) JPGs. Please name these files accordingly so we can track them along with your article. Let us know in your e-mail of any corresponding captions, and/or name of the photographer if necessary. • Spell check everything! Especially people’s names, web addresses, etc. You can help us greatly here by simply running your spell check function in your word processing program. • E-mail everything directly to us at [email protected] by the 25th of every month for it to appear in the very next issue. This way we have plenty of time to work with in case we need to clarify anything with you. We hope you enjoy this issue, and hope you continue to help us grow The Massachusetts e-Legionnaire! Want to Subscribe to Mass E-Legionnaire: Send your email address to: [email protected] or to the Editor at [email protected] or [email protected]. Still receiving correspondence through the U.S. Postal Service? Send the Department office your Name & Address and you will get a hard copy mailed to you. The American Legion, Dept. of Mass, Inc. Room 546-2, State House Boston, MA 02133 Sergeant-at-Arms Mike Kelly Service Officer George Cameron NEC Steve Jimmo ANEC Frank MacDonald VOLUME 5, ISSUE 11 Massachusetts e-Legionnaire is a member of National American Legion Press Association NALPA. Follow the Department of Massachusetts on Facebook @ The American Legion Department of Massachusetts The American Legion, Department of Massachusetts, Inc. - February 2014 Page 24
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