FEBRUARY 2015 Newsletter - Port Stephens Community Arts Centre

February 2015
Cultural Close, off Shoal Bay Rd, Nelson Bay 2315
In This Issue
P.O Box 227 Nelson Bay 2315
Phone 02 4981 3604
[email protected]
Group Reports
Upcoming Events
Gallery Exhibitions
Monthly Featured Artist
Welcome back everyone. I hope you have enjoyed the break and are fully recovered from all the usual
The gallery, grounds and environment are looking really good and I would like to congratulate all those
who have been active over the break.
One thing I would like to bring up, however, is when our duty people are having their morning or
afternoon cuppa and there are visitors in the gallery, that the cuppa be taken in the packing room rather
than at the counter. I'm sure no one begrudges our volunteers tea and bikkies but I am also sure our
potential customers don't wish to see them. I thank you all in advance for your support in this, in the
meantime I look forward to enjoying the fruits of all your crafts in 2015.
Paul Murrant
Several of the long serving members of the Centre and members of the art world went to Robert Colligan’s
celebration of life at the Salamander Uniting Church on Monday 19 th January. He was a member
of our Trustee Board years ago. He passed away aged 89.
Robert was a painter of considerable talent. He was Past President of the Royal Art Society NSW and
Fellow of the Royal Art Society NSW. It wasn’t long ago I saw him painting in the rain at Birubi Beach.
His friends and relatives gave us an insight into his complex past, he was a boxer, played the bagpipes,
poet, had a base baritone voice that shook the centre, worked on the Sydney Opera house, interior
designer, worked in advertising etc, etc. A very friendly man who will be missed.
Mike Francis
It is with sadness to report the passing of the following members:
Jan Arneson, Noelene Kachel and Mary Nichols. Our deepest sympathies go out to their families and
Yvonne Hill
Board Meeting; Tuesday
February 10th
9am Manoora Room.
Leaders Meeting; Wednesday February 3rd
9am Manoora Room.
Patchwork Friendship Morning Tea Thursday 26th February 10am Westralia Room
Exhibition Date
Annex - "Small Paintings"
"Life's a Beach"
Featured Artist Date
Current - March 18
Ken McConnell
Jan 21 - Feb 18
Jan 21 - March 18
Gill Ward
Feb 18 - Mar 18
March 30 - May 06
Robyn Bailey
Mar 30 - Apr 29
March 30 - May 06
Margaret Watson
Apr 29 - Jun 03
"Light and Shade"
Annex - "Black and White"
The gallery is looking bright and happy with its
summer exhibition and paintings and other goods
reflecting the summer theme. Our current theme is
“Life’s a Beach”, and paintings were hung on January
21 and be up till March 18. The featured artists
through this period are Ken McConnell and then Gill
You will have noticed that there is a display of
summer-themed ceramics in the desk cabinet, which
has had many favourable comments. The desk cabinet
will be modified shortly to allow easier access. The
back will be closed off and it will have opening glass
doors at the front. I hope all those on duty will find
this much easier to manage.
We are also getting a tall glass cabinet for the
verandah. This will allow us more room for jewellery
and also give some other groups more space to display
their goods.
In order to have the gallery interesting for new and
repeat visitors, could all members who display their
goods in the gallery refresh their displays
regularly? Anything that has been in the gallery for
longer than six months should be replaced with
something new. You can recycle any of your items
after a suitable interval.
Judy Murrant
Welcome back everyone. Hope you all had a great
Christmas. A reminder that the Art Prize isn’t far
off. Entry forms must be in by the 27th February. It
would be great to have plenty of paintings from
our members. The gallery is looking great with all
the beach scenes and the small paintings look
terrific. The Archibald Prize is on at Maitland Art
Gallery if anyone is interested in going. Please
check our notice board to see what is happening.
Cheers Moira
Salamander Toys and Hobbies
3/9 Shearwater Drive. Taylors Beach 2316.
Ph 49825055
Come and see Noaline and look through out
our comprehensive range.
Large range of Quality Arts Supplies
Art Spectrum
Windsor & Newton
10% Discount for Art Centre Members
The change over for our new exhibition, “Life’s a
Beach” went very smoothly, thank you to all those
who turned up to help with the display. Our featured artists displays have been really great, now is
the time to take the opportunity to see a lovely collection of Ken McConnell’s recent works.
This current exhibition runs through to Wednesday,
18th March then the Art Prize goes on display. Hope
you are you all busy getting your paintings ready
for the Art Prize, lots of help will be needed with
the set up so hope you will mark the date in your
Monday, 30th March we will hang our exhibition
“Light and Shade” in the main gallery and “Black
and White paintings in the annex, so we have a
A new group of painters will be meeting twice
monthly, from 9:30am to 12:30pm in the Westralia
Room, to concentrate on Oil Painting.
The first meeting will be on Wednesday 18th Feb,
then every subsequent 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the
All artists are welcome, just come along to the first
meeting and bring your oil paints etc.
As this is a self- help group, if you haven’t done
any OIL painting before, but would like to start,
please contact Nikki. Tutorials “Getting Started”
can be arranged outside this class for a modest fee.
Nikki Waters. Email: [email protected]
Tel: 0438 330 342
We have been lucky to get Queensland artist Tricia
Reust for a 2 day workshop at the Centre on
Saturday 23rd and Sunday 24th March 2015. Please
put your name on the list in the Westralia room if
you wish to attend. Check out Tricia’s work on
Utube, she is just fantastic.
Tricia will be able to stay a couple of extra days if
we get too many for the weekend, so don’t be put
off if the list is full.
Nada O’Loughlin
Welcome back in 2015. It’s going to be another
great year with lots of wonderful ideas for potting!
Thanks to Joel, the spray booth and the slab-roller
have improved our working environment.
A shipment of 500kg of clay has arrived so let’s
start creating.
Daad has offered to teach us how to create her
famous/gorgeous chooks on Tuesday, 17th
February, with the moulds made and donated by
Embroidery Group had a visitor
last Friday, Pam Churchman
from Corlette whose Horses
cross stitch was completed by
Nell Grant. Pam gave us a short
history of the cross stitch which
she was given by a friend of
hers from the UK who passed
away in 2013. Her friend who
worked for the Australian High
Commission in London for 45 years had a similar
cross stitch in her home. Pam is considering donating
the framed work to a Horse Rescue Home for fund
Hope everyone has had a wonderful festive season
and hope to see you all back this month. Tuesday’s
Group have a new Leader, Lyn Cummings. We
would like to thank Denise for her time as Leader and
hope it has not been too stiff a sentence! Lyn is sure
to get the girls motivated.
Congratulations to Wendy Nutt
for winning the Viewers Choice
in the Mini Modern theme,
Quilters Guild of NSW Challenge
for 2104.
Hopefully you have all given some thought to our
Charity Challenge for Ronald McDonald House.
Remember it is for all the kids.
The next Friendship Morning Tea is on Thursday
26th February at 10am.
Sally and Lyn
Our friendly group of ladies enjoy various handcrafts,
including knitting, crochet and embroidery. Lorraine
knits cotton bandages for leprosy patients overseas
and another lady knits beanies for the Seamen’s
Mission in Newcastle.
We crochet rugs and toys in
vast numbers and these are
hand delivered by Yvonne, to
Ronald McDonald House for
siblings of the sick children
Our framed photo is of a cross
stitched tiger, created by Luise for her “Tigers”
supporter son. Isn’t it
If you would like to join
us on a Monday morning,
come in and have a cuppa.
Sue George.
Variety Discount Store
2/43 Donald St, Nelson Bay. Ph 49844230
The Fusion group will restart on Wed. 11th
February. We will be stitching and folding fabric
ready for a Dyeing Workshop later in the month.
All new members are welcome to come and see
what we are about. Most of our projects are
experimental,using unusual techniques with textiles.
Sheila Francis
Our Knitters Group, meets every second and fourth
Saturday of the month. We will be starting back in
February and welcome all standards of knitting from
beginners to very competent (we could pick their
We meet from 1p.m. until 3.30p.m. and often have
lunch in the cafe beforehand. Looking forward to
seeing any knitters on the 14th and 28th February.
Helen Diemar
We are off to a flying start this year with one new
member on our first day back. Welcome Christine.
I believe we have another new member coming this
week thanks to Helen.
Beryl, Merelyn and I
attended the Australia
Day festivities again this
year and it was a great
success and hopefully
we have gained one new
member out of it. The
day did not look too
promising but it was
cool, a few spots of rain
but nothing to spoil the day. The interest in our
spinning was terrific, especially with the children.
Once again I sat with Drew, the shearer, while the
Alpacas were being shorn and I spun the fleece as it
was coming off and there was a lot of interest in
that. The new banner for the Centre looked
fantastic, very professional and definitely eye
catching. Well done Mike!
Lyn Grigor
On the 11th December we held our General Meeting and Board of Management Meeting.
A copy of the draft minutes are displayed on the notice board in the outer office for your information.
We are waiting on a second quote to install a second upstairs toilet and redesign of store rooms for the
upper level of the main gallery .
Coming soon in the gallery will be another jewellery display cabinet. Also the counter display will be
redesigned to allow for better access and display .
Room 3 has been cleared and sorted by a small group (4) of merry members. Please do not think that as
there is a space it has to be filled with unwanted items. If you take anything out to use please ensure that
it is replaced in its allotted space.
As a result of a complaint ...we respectfully request that all members refresh themselves of our “Code of
Conduct”. Of great importance is how we address our fellow members and visitors so that our words or
actions cannot in any way be construed as being rude.
Your Secretary, Robyn Killen
Preparations are well under way for the 2015 Art
Prize and it is shaping up to be another successful
and interesting event. We have Ron Dunsire,
Professor Emeritus of Fine Arts at the University
of Western Sydney, as our judge. The Art Prize
will be held 20th to 29th March and the Official
Opening and Awards Presentation Evening is on
Friday March 20th at 6.30pm. Finger food and
drinks will be served on opening night and entry
cost is $15.00. You are all welcome to come to the
opening night, it is always interesting and
informative, and we expect to have some 500 works
of art for you to see from all over the state. If you
have any questions about the Art Prize 2015 please
contact myself (49829148) or Kevin Griffey
Please remember the payments for the Art Prize
[ except EFTPOS transactions] Money is included
with the entry form in an envelope and put down
the shute in the Outer Office
All are welcome on Friday mornings from
9.30am to noon for pottery.
Lois Morrison
Christmas Hamper Raffle.
Drawn 17th December .
Results on the Outer
Office Notice Board.
Current Raffle. Acrylic on Canvas
“ Blue Exotics”
donated by Ann Margaret Mills
Tickets $1 ea. Drawn 11th February 2015
At our last meeting we welcomed two new members,
Neville Isaacs and Cody Sosso.
Our show and tell was as usual interesting and
showcased some wonderful items. Well done, fellows!
Our last school project for the year was at Anna Bay
Public School, 43 items were assembled by the
enthusiastic students, and many thanks go to those who
helped prepare the kits, as well as those who helped at
the school.
Our “Woodworker of the Year” was awarded to Bob
Grant, our very efficient Treasurer and Newsletter
The first Woodies Meeting for 2015 will be held on
the10th February at 2pm.
Graham Miller
Editor Note. More news of the Woodies activities can be
read from a copy of “Woodnews” which is on the
noticeboard in the Outer Office.