KOL YISRAEL Weekly SHABBAT 6 - 7 February 2015 / 18 Shevat 5775 The President, Robert Hershan, on behalf of the Board and staff of Temple Beth Israel welcomes you to our community. SHABBAT SHACHARIT MAIN SYNAGOGUE SHABBAT PARASHAT YITRO Parashah: Haftarah: Exodus 19:7 - 23 (page 523) Exodus 201 - 4 (page 539) Exodus 20:15 - 23 (page 565) Isaiah 6:1 - 7:6 - 9:5 - 6 (page 710) 10am Saturday Morning Shabbat Service Board members: Rob Sward, Joanne Loewy Irons, Rebecca Silk and Rhys Roberts Shammash: John Hillel Music: Cantor Michel Laloum accompanied by Joe Stupel Bar mitzvah: Ethan Luntz Torah readers: Sarah Edelstein, Tammy Cohen, Rhondda Hall, Ethan Luntz Kiddush: Kindly sponsored by the Luntz family EREV SHABBAT FRIEDLANDER SYNAGOGUE 6.15pm Shabbat Shira Service MAIN SYNAGOGUE 6.15pm Kabbalat Shabbat Family Service Board members: Robert Hershan and Rebecca Silk Shammashim: Ron Aarons and Sandra Farber Music: Sarah Edelstein 7.30pm TBI Community Dinner in the Slome Hall TBI IS STREAMING LIVE tbi Breakfast 7am Tuesday 24 February GUEST SPEAKER: Charlie Pickering To organise a table of eight people or book a seat contact [email protected] Cost $700 per table or $100 per seat. Proceeds from this event will support Jewish education through the TBI Tamid Program. Tables numbers are limited so to avoid disappointment reserve your table today. Bookings close Friday 13 February 76-82 Alma Rd, St Kilda Bookings: [email protected] or 9510 1488 DRASH FOR SHABBAT YITRO RABBI ADI COHEN What an amazing Parashah: a family reunion, the Ten Commandments, the establishment of civic law, the birth of Judaism as a religion and the birth of Judaism as a people. We also find a few burning issues that we tend to think are a result of the modern era we are living in, however, they have been challenging from day one. Keeping it simple, here are a few questions to think about: 1. A ccording to the biblical text, at the foot of Mount Sinai were men, women and children, Israelites and foreigners who were amongst them. Is there a role for non-Jewish participants in Jewish worship? tbi.org.au Make your heart a house of many rooms 2. Moshe's father-in-law, Jethro (a Midianite high priest), and Moshe's wife and children who grew up in their grandfather's household reunite with Moshe. Regarding interfaith families, they are among us, but are they part of us? Where do we draw the line between inclusive community and exclusive religion? 3. The Ten Commandments are not merely a set of religious rules. For thousands of years they were the Jewish ethical and theological common ground. Do we still have a crossdenominational common ground today? Do we need one? Do we want one? 4. Leadership: the elders are too afraid to accompany Moshe to the top of the mountain. They insist "You'll go and bring us the words of God." Do we still expect to live our lives through our Jewish leadership - professional or lay-led? Are we still holding back from engaging with holiness, expecting someone else to do it for us? Do we let other Jewish denominations define our Judaism for us? 5. L o bashamaim hi (it is not in the heavens): When attending services, do you have a moment of awe? Are you there to receive something secret, something Jewish? Are you fully engaged, or are you 'camping in the sanctuary' with the rest of the people, waiting for someone else to take a spiritual journey for you? May we all have a meaningful journey. Shabbat shalom! TBI services are now streamed live from our website tbi.org.au for the benefit for those who are unable to attend services. If you are positioned near the front of the synagogue or near the bimah your image will be recorded. Attendance and participation in our services will be deemed as consent for your image, or the image of minors in your care, to be used for the purposes of filming and promotion. We thank you for your support. WHAT’S ON "ABRAHAM OUR FATHER" BY RABBI FRED MORGAN SUNDAYS 7.30PM, 8 & 22 FEBRUARY & 15 MARCH ST KILDA-ELSTERNWICK BAPTIST CHURCH 9 PAKINGTON STREET ST KILDA Abraham has a special status in all three monotheistic religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. What does Jewish tradition mean when it calls Abraham 'Our Father'? By the conclusion of this three session course we hope to bring new understanding to Abraham, Jewish tradition and ways that you read the Bible. TBI COMMUNITY DINNER FRIDAY 6 FEBRUARY 7.30PM The TBI Community Dinner follows the service at 7.30pm in the Slome Hall. Please bring a vegetarian dish to share. We hope you will join us with your friends and family. DROP IN AND CHAT WEDNESDAY 11 FEBRUARY 10.30AM CALENDAR Sunday 8 February 10.30am Kol Simchah Choir rehearsal (offsite) Monday 9 February 10am Holocaust Survivors Group - Jewish Care Tuesday 10 February 10am English Classes - Russian Speaking 4pm TBI Tamid 7.30pm Introduction to Judaism 7.30pm Parashat Hashavua Join seniors knitting, games and discussion. TBI BOOK CLUB WEDNESDAY 11 FEBRUARY 7.30PM The TBI Book Club is a diverse group of people who love to read and schmooze over some delightful wine and cheese. The members have an eclectic choice of books which brings each and every one of us to reading texts we might otherwise never have considered. This month we explore "The Memory of Love" by Aminatta Forna. TBI CHALLAH BAKE THURSDAY 19 FEBRUARY 7PM Join Michelle Lazarow and learn to make and braid challah. BYO apron, tea towel and large mixing bowl. Adult Event. Spaces limited. RSVP by Thursday 12 Feb: [email protected] Wednesday 11 February 10.30am Drop in and Chat 7.30pm TBI Book Club Thursday 12 February 11am Holocaust Survivors - Jewish Care (Russian speaking) 8pm Purim Spiel rehearsal Friday 13 February NEXT SHABBAT 25 Shevat 5775 6.15pm POP - UP SHABBAT (Elwood Pier) 6.15pm Kabbalat Shabbat Service Saturday 14 February 9am Mishpachah Service 9.45am Gesher Service 10am Shabbat Mishpatim Service Bar mitzvah Bryce Harris 6.15 - 7.15pm 13 February Head St Pier, Elwood Beach REMEMBRANCE SHLOSHIM YAHRZEITS OBSERVED THIS SHABBAT • Rochelle Spiegel • Ilse Abrams • Mary Barnett • Olek Begleiter • Stephen Black • Faywell Boyarski • Disia Boyarski • Henry Donenfeld • Gerald Dunn • Mary Dunn • Ernestine Fast • Abraham Fein • Ronald Graham Heard • Manfred Heyman • Mimi Jacob • Lili Kiffer • Maurice Harry Lazarow • Atida Levine • Robert Lind • Irmi Loewenstein • Max Opat • Rita Pearl • Harry Phillips • Martha Prince • David Rich • Len Sandler• Isaac Schweitzer • Raymonde Shama • Morris Sher • Vojtech Steiner • Paul Verney Daughter of Pam and David MISSION: Temple Beth Israel is a kehilla kedosha (spiritual community) bringing innovation and creativity to Jewish traditions. We provide multiple pathways for our members and friends to enjoy an engagement with Progressive Judaism that enhances their lives through spiritual enrichment, learning and community. We are guided by principles of egalitarianism and respect for others. We are inspired to continually develop and grow and to provide a spiritual home for all who wish to embrace our values. Temple Beth Israel acknowledges that we are assembled on land whose traditional custodians are the people of the Kulin Nation. Contact TBI Ph: 613 9510 1488 Fax: 613 9521 1229 PO Box 128 / 76-82 Alma Rd, St Kilda Vic 3182 tbi.org.au Twitter: @TBIMelbourne Please take this news sheet with you
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