LP Lake Placid Middle and High School Newsletter Volume 2, Issue 23 February 3, 2015 72nd ANNUAL Lake Placid HIGH SCHOOL WINTER CARNIVAL ~ FEBRUARY 5-7, 2015 The 72nd Lake Placid High School Winter Carnival Coronation will be at 7:00 PM on Saturday, February 7th followed by the Sno-Ball Hop at 8:00 PM in the LPHS gymnasium. Tickets for the Coronation will be available at the door for $3.00. Tickets for the Sno-ball Hop are $4.00, with a discounted price of $6.00 for students who attend both the Coronation and the dance. This year, the Winter Carnival King and Queen Coronation and Sno-Ball Hop theme is the Class of 2018. FROZEN, hosted by SPIRIT WEEK AT THE Lake Placid HIGH SCHOOL From Monday Feb 2nd – Thursday, Feb. 5th, students will be showing their school spirit by participating in Spirit Week. On Monday, Feb. 2 – students dressed as their favorite character from a book, film or Disney! On Tuesday, Feb. 3 – students dressed for - Two for the day Tuesday - wear 2 of everything, wear a tutu, be twins! On Wednesday, Feb. 4 – it will be fashion disaster day – you choose your best disaster! On Thursday, Feb. 5 – Wear your class colors! Get decked out in your class colors: Seniors-Gold, Juniors-Red, Sophomores-Blue, Freshmen-Green, Grade 8-Orange, Grade 7Purple, and Grade 6-Black WINTER CARNIVAL BROOMBALL – Has been moved due to the weather to Thursday, February 5th from 2:00 – 4:00 PM and will be held in the Speedskating Oval Hockey Box. Freshmen Ladies vs Junior Ladies Sophomore Ladies vs Senior Ladies Consolation and Championship games Brooms and some helmets provided Hope to see you there! The Winter Carnival Hockey Tournament will take place on Friday, Feb. 6th and Saturday, February 7th matching the Middlebury vs. Shaker-Colonie at 5:30 PM on Friday and at 8:00 PM the Lake Placid vs. Saranac Lake. The consolation game will be played at 12:00 noon on Saturday, followed by the Championship game at 2:30 PM. WINTER CARNIVAL SNOW SCULPTURE WORK NIGHT AND HALL DECORATING Winter Carnival Snow Sculpture Work Night and Hall Decorating will take place this Wednesday, Feb. 4th! Get your snow sculpture teams together and come enjoy hot chocolate and goodies. The snow blocks are ready. Snow sculptures will judged on Friday at 12:00 noon. Still looking for a 2015 calendar? No more looking! The Class of 2017 is selling 2015 Adirondack Life Calendars for the DISCOUNTED price of $7.50!!! What a deal! Contact Ms. Crowley ([email protected]) or Mrs. Hammaker ([email protected]) to buy one before they are sold out! LAKE PLACID CENTRAL SCHOOL’S BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING IN WILMINGTON There will be a regular meeting of the Lake Placid Central School’s Board of Education on Tuesday, February 3, 2015, beginning at 6:30 p.m. at the Community Center, Springfield Road, Wilmington, New York. HIGH SCHOOL SCIENCE OLYMPIAD Congratulations to the High School Science Olympiad team on their amazing come-from-behind finish to beat Potsdam at the regional tournament last weekend. The varsity team qualified for the state tournament, taking second place overall out of 11 teams. These students finished first in their event to win GOLD medals: • Lewis Collum, Mia Kennedy, and Elena Bushy in Mission Possible. • Steve Kulina and Teresa Smith, using a design by Henry McGrew and Brian Byrne, in Bridge Building. These students finished second in their event to win SILVER medals: • Matt Le and Melissa Rath in Astronomy • Elena Bushy and Teresa Smith in Disease Detectives. • Teresa Smith and Gabby Armstrong in Entomology. • Melissa Rath, Erin Skufca, and Brenna Garrett in Experimental Design. • Cody Barry and Jack Gallagher in Green Generation. These students finished third in their event to win BRONZE medals: • Nina Armstrong and Conor Garrett in Cell Biology. • Emily Eaton and Melissa Rath in Compound Machines. • Lewis Collum and Elena Bushy in Scrambler. • Grace McGrew and Lizzie Ashley in Write It/Do It This year’s competition was fierce and the Blue Bombers did a tremendous job. THE LAKE PLACID CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT INVITES YOU TO JOIN A COMMITTEE Are you interested in joining a school district committee? Committees advise district leaders on important educational matters and make recommendations to the Administration and/or the Board of Education. Committees meet quarterly, comply with Open Meeting Law, and provide vital feedback to the District. We are seeking interested members of our school district community to serve on one of three committees: • The LPCSD Policy Committee • The LPCSD Health & Safety for Buildings and Grounds Committee • The Shared Decision Making Committee 1- Policy Committee -- This Committee proposes, reviews, and revises District policies. Policies provide the LPCSD School Board with a legal framework through which it governs the District and carries out its mission. An additional parent or parents willing to take a fresh look and offer new perspectives on our policies are invited to join the Committee. The Policy Committee meets at 6:30 PM on the second Thursday of January, April, June, and October with additional subcommittee work to be determined. 2- Health & Safety for Buildings and Grounds Committee – This committee will participate in monitoring the condition of occupied school buildings to ensure that they are safe and maintained in a state of good repair. Members must include district officials, staff, bargaining units, and parents. The committee will oversee and ensure that building condition surveys, annual visual inspections, five-year capital facilities plans, and other monitoring systems are in place and up-to-date. The Health and Safety for Buildings and Grounds Committee meets at 3:00 PM on the first Thursday of March, June, September, and December, with additional subcommittee work to be determined. 3- Shared Decision Making Committee – This revamped committee will need multiple members, including teachers, parents, and community members. Its general purpose is to improve the educational performance of all students in the school regardless of such factors as socioeconomic status, race, gender, language, background, or disability. It will at times operate as an umbrella group and invite temporary members to serve in an advisory capacity in order to investigate matters related to specific areas such as instruction, student rights, or the code of conduct. The Shared Decision Making Committee meets at 3:30 PM on the first Wednesday of February, May, September, and November. We hope you will consider serving on one of these committees. To express your interest or ask any questions, please contact Karen Angelopoulos at 523-2475 x 3001 or [email protected]. The Lake Placid Middle School and High School News is emailed to all families who have requested email contact either through their PowerSchool login, or by direct request. If you do not currently receive these weekly emails and would like to, please email [email protected]
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