Pastor Phil Alexander, 706 Rindge Rd., Fitchburg, MA 01420 978-514-3231 [email protected] Messiah Lutheran Learning Center 780 Rindge Rd., Fitchburg, MA 01420 978-345-5954 [email protected] Messiah’s February 2015 Newsletter From Pastor Phil Dear Ones, “Martha was distracted with serving.” Luke 10:40 The strange thing is Martha was distracted by her wonderful, loving, faithful desire to serve the Lord whom she loved. Isn’t that what were called to do: “Serve The Lord”? The Lord said in Deuteronomy 10:12: 12 “What does the LORD your God ask of you but to fear the LORD your God, to walk in all his ways, to love him, to serve the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul…” Reread it and pay attention: 1.) “Fear the Lord” which is the beginning of wisdom. 2.) “Walk in his ways” – Don’t lead but follow him. 3.) Love him. In a distant 4th place, “serve the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul.” AS A MATTER OF FACT, Jesus said: “The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45 Martha threw herself so completely into preparing for Him she forgot all about Him. The problem is “Distraction.” Her attitude had gone from “I am here to serve” to “I AM HERE to serve.” Same words bur wrong emphasis; same service but wrong focus; same need but very different outcome. The Lord asks us to imitate Him without “being” Him. He established, before creation, good works for us to do which honor Him and bring Glory to Our Heavenly Father. He says “Bear fruit” but you can’t do it without remaining in Him, therefore remain faithfully in Him. As the church begins the work of discovering the Pastor God has already chosen for you, I pray that you follow Him alone; it isn’t your doing but The Spirits. Prayer will be the constant, most critical and pivotal point in Her life and the lives of each member. Don’t serve to be distracted from Him and don’t distract from Him by taking on work better left to the Lord alone. Serve Him by acknowledging that He must serve you first at the cross and in the Word and Sacraments. Love being with Him as much as He loves being with you. Messiah Lutheran Church, 750 Rindge Rd., Fitchburg, MA 0420 978-343-7397 [email protected] Love you all, Pastor Phil Special Congregational Meeting on Sunday February 8 at 10:30. Agenda: 1. Call to Order 3. Vote on option for calling of new pastor 2. Prayer 4. Other 5. Adjourn The Congregation Self Study should be completed and return to Tony Gasbarro (or placed into his mailbox #21) as soon as possible. Rudy, Winslow & Nancy, Eila or Barbara are available to help our Finnish membership with translation & help with completing the questionnaire. One per household and extra copies are available in the narthex. Page 2 MESSIAH’S FEBRUARY 2015NEWSLETTER Finnish Devotion VARJELE SYDÄMESI Lue: 1Joh. 3:1-12 "Anna sydämesi poikani minulle, ja olkoot minun tieni sinun silmissäsi mieluisat." Sananl. 23:26 Kun Jumala ottaa miehen mitat, ei hän katso kokooon eikä vartaloon, vaan sydämeen. Sydänmeen katsoen hän valitsi Iisain pojista Daavidin kansansa kuninkaaksi. Herra sanoo: "Yli kaiken varottavan, varjele sydämesi sillä sieltä elämä lähtee." (Sananl. 4: 23) Epäuskoisen ihmisen sydämestä lähtevät pahat himot ja ajatukset, joista syntyy pahoja sanoja ja tekoja, kuten valheita ja kiroilua, varkauksia ja murhia, kaikkinaista jumalatonta menoa. Mutta kun Jumalan lapsen sydän on uskossa puhdistettu pahasta omastatunnosta Kristuksen sovintoverellä, niin Pyhä Henki sytyttää sydämeen puhtaat ajatukset, halut ja mieliteot. Ne ilmenevät sanoina ja tekoina, jotka ovat Jumalalle otolliset. Joka hallitsee sydämen, se hallitsee ihmisen kaikkineen. Sen tähden Herra pyytää: "Poikani, tyttäreni, anna minulle sydämesi"! Kun kuulemme hänen ääntään evankeliumin sanassa, ja sen vaikutuksesta avaamme hänelle sydämemme, hän itse tulee sydämemme asukkaaksi. Hän puhdistaa sen kuolleista teoista palvelemaan elävää Jumalaa. Kun Jeesus uskon kautta asuu sydämessä, meistä tulee Jumalan ihmisiä, jotka ovat valmiit kaikkiin hyviin tekoihin. Sen tähden sanotaan: "Katsokaa, veljet, ettei vain kenelläkään teistä ole paha, epäuskoinen sydän, niin että hän luopuu elävästä Jumalasta." Vaikka synti asuu lihassamme, ja me asumme maailmassa jota synti hallitsee, me emme kuitenkaan suostu syntiin, vaan taistelemme sitä vastaan. Ja vaikka synti tarttuu ja tekee hitaaksi, me rienämme puhdistuslähteelle ja saamme anteeksiantamuksessa uuden voiman. Näin sydän varjeltuu jakamattomana Jeesukselle. Näin toteutuu, "että jos sydämemme syyttää meitä, niin Jumala on suurempi kuin meidän sydämemme ja tietää kaikki." Oi Herra, Henkes valo suo ja sydän puhtahaksi luo Mua totuudessas vahvista armollas kruunaa, kaunista. Amen The new alter flower chart for 2015 is in the Narthex. Please sign up if you would like to purchase flowers during the year or provide flowers from your own garden to share in honor of or in memory of someone. Purchased flowers are $24.00 for two arrangements. Checks should be made out to DeBonis & Davin Florist, Inc. and given to Linda Sallila or placed in church mailbox #72. If you have questions, please contact me at (978) 342-4943 or: email: [email protected]. Thank you, Linda Sallila MESSIAH’S FEBRUARY 2015NEWSLETTER Sunday School—Craft Day February 8th Join us for Bible Craft Day!!! February 8th ~ 9:30 am LWML / Guild News & Men’s Bible Study The LWML/Guild & Men’s Bible Study will meet on Saturday, February 7 at 9 am. The LWML/Guild will be collecting the following gently used shoes for Africa: Athletics (running, basketball, cleats) Men’s (dress & casual) Women’s (flats, sandals, low heels—no fashion boots) Kid’s Shoes (casual, dress, athletic, cleats) Sports & Athletic Sandals Containers will be placed in the narthex and fellowship hall. Thank you for your participation. PLEASE UPDATES YOUR CHURCH DIRECTORY (some are new & some are old changes) Victor & Sandra Cormier – Sandra’s cell phone: 978-790-6795 (no landline) Eila Eagle – cell phone: 978-413-0710 Jean Raoul & Simone Frederique – 1091 Water Street, Fitchburg 01420 Tony & Michelle Gasbarro—Tony’s cell 774-345-0100 ~ Michelle’s cell 978-514-2556 ~ no landline Judy Honkala – email address: [email protected] John & Connie Lahti – 10 Davis Road, Ashby 01431 – phone 978-386-0163 Matthew & Abby Sallila – 202 Main Street, New Ipswich, NH 03071 Pirkko Salonen – 119 Franklin Road, Fitchburg 01420 – cell phone: 978-400-5842 (no landline) Sauli & Jaana Savukoski—508-631-4554 *Please let me know if you need your information updated or corrected. Page 3 MESSIAH’S FEBRUARY 2015NEWSLETTER Page 4 Sunday Servant Schedule (volunteers always needed & appreciated) Note: If you cannot serve when scheduled; please arrangements to switch with someone else. Feb. 1 Feb. 8 Feb. 15 Feb. 22 Mar. 1 Acolyte Ryan Frederique Jacob Gasbarro Adam Ross Collin Burns Danny Desmarais Communion Asst. Jerry Nagle Everett Gasbarro John Phillips Jerry Nagle Everett Gasbarro Ushers Rich & Bret P. Rich & Jim E. Rich & Brian C. Rich & Christian Brian H. Communion Cleanup Kris S. Eila Raija Sue H. Rauha Counters Jim Farnsworth Lois Moyo Dave Haschig Ruth LeBlanc Todd Peltonen Sean Burns Rich Crawford Jim Farnsworth George Whitcraft Lois Moyo Coffee Fellowship February Circle Volunteers Volunteers February Birthday Folks March Circle Sunday School: Everett Bob Craft Day Kristine Barbara Maiju Susan Melanie Jerry Altar Guild: Raija Olkkola & Helli Riutankoski (backup Rauha Torni) February Circle: Leaders: Wendy Hietala & Paula Lauricella Members: Melanie Desmarais & Helmi Linnus February Birthdays: 1 Rick Mohnk 5 Helena Talviharju 12 Mark Schneider, Jr. 17 Tammy Haschig 18 Win Paajanen 23 Daniel Desmarais 25 Minna Talviharju 28 Nancy Paajanen 29 Hannu Sallila Ash Wednesday, February 18th ~ 7pm ~ Imposition of Ashes. Ashes are the reminder of our great sin which marks each one of us. Come! Repent! Know that the Lord is God and through the perfect life and death of Jesus Christ and by the Waters of Baptism we have been marked with the cross, as sign of one redeemed by Christ the Crucified. Lenten mid-week service 7pm February 25, March 4, March 11, March 18, March 25 Soup suppers will be from 6-6:50 pm & we would like to provide 3 soups each week. One signup sheet will be in the narthex for your convenience. STOP HUNGER NOW FOOD PACKAGING EVENT Saturday, February 7 Stop Hunger Now (SHN) Meal Packaging Event at Nashoba Regional High School (NRHS), 12 Green Road, Bolton, MA, Worcester, 01740. The event will package 10,000 plus meals and is part of a Rotary effort to help end world hunger by working with the SHN organization. Please arrive at 9:30 AM for registration and the event should be finished by 12 noon. Please register on line at or let Michelle Gasbarro know you want to attend the event and she will register you. Michelle's email [email protected] or call at 978-5142556.
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