AG Notices 9 October 2015

AG Notices @ LTC - Monday 9 February 2015
Google Drive and Microsoft Office 365
Lake Tuggeranong College is using Google Apps for Education and Microsoft Office 365 in 2015.
This is an ACT government school ICT program that allows students to connect online with peers and
teachers in a way that fosters collaboration, creativity to improve the access to learning resources.
Google Apps for Education is an education based adaptation of the popular Google Drive and Gmail
systems used around the world. We aim to provide anytime, anywhere access to learning for every
student, every day.
Students will also have access to Microsoft 365 – this allows them to use download Microsoft Office
for use at home.
Permission notes and privacy information sheets have been distributed through AG and we ask that
students return signed notes as soon as possible to their AG teacher.
AST Program 2015
The Academic Skills and Thinking program for 2015 starts for Year 11 this week. This is an essential program for
all prospective tertiary students, however all students in year 11 are encouraged to attend. Choose a lunchtime
on either Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, and come along to the lecture theatre. This week we are
introducing the program, and giving you tips on how to adjust to College life.
Year 12 students, you will be starting next week.
For more info, ask your AG teacher, or see Ellie in the Languages staffroom, or Zid in Social Sciences.”
Year 12 students - Queensland Cognitive Skills Test
All year 12 students intending to sit the AST will be participating in the Queensland Cognitive Skills Test on
Wednesday 18 February. The test will take place in the gym from 12:30pm-3:00pm. Students will be required to
bring along the following items:
Blue or black pen
2B pencil
Calculator (no-CAS facility)
Drawing compass
Highlighter (optional)
Pencil sharpener (optional)
Water bottle (optional)
No students will be permitted to have the following items:
Mobile phone, scrap paper/ working paper, protractor, translator, dictionary, thesaurus, electronic device, any
other items.
All students who participate in the test will receive a Statement of Achievement.
Yr. 12 Students
All students are to check their Academic Records during AG today. Your AG teacher will have a check sheet
indicating the particular items to cover. You will also be issued with a Course Planner to map your progress so
Act Scaling Test - 2015 Application Form
All students in Year 12 are required by the BSSS to complete the above form indicating if you DO intend or DO
NOT intend to sit the AST this year.
You will need to check the Personal Details on the form, note any incorrect details, tick the respective box to
indicate your intentions, sign & date the form and hand back to your AG teacher.
Conditions for sitting the AST are listed on the reverse of the form.
NOTE: If you DO intend to sit the AST you are required to attend the AST Information sessions to be held in the
lecture theatre during lunchtimes Tuesday to Friday of ODD Weeks starting Week 3. Students need only attend
one session a week; selecting the best session that suits your timetable.
Class Changes
All class changes need to be finalised by 12pm this Friday Feb 13 please check the window in room 2026 for list
of session times for changes.
Students need to be on a minimum of 5 lines (including ASBA excluding AG) if you DO NOT have 5 lines you will
need to attend one of the session times to sort your timetable.
Yr 11 Students
Any students who were doing an ASBA in year 10 and are continuing their ASBA in year 11, please come and see
Carlene in Careers as soon as you can, we need to ensure your ASBA is recognised so you can obtain points
towards your year 12 certificate and that your classes are not clashing with your ASBA days out.
Interested in an R Unit??
Sign up in the Gym at lunchtime on Thursday 12.45pm
Learn Chinese For Accredited Courses
We now have an A course in Chinese on Line 7. This is a great opportunity to immerse yourself in a different
culture. Learn Chinese quickly and easily! We will have fun! Almost 80 lessons per semester, including: Listening,
Speaking, Reading.
Please see Jade Yin in the Languages Faculty to enrol.
Treasure Hunt
Don't forget about the Treasure Hunt. Pick up forms in careers and hand in your completed form to the box in
Student Wellbeing. There are prizes to win!
Information and Cultural Services Course
Imagine a course which:
 Gives you points towards your Year 12 certificate and is a manageable way to take an extra subject.
 Can lead to valuable employment opportunities in fields such as libraries, information services,
business and IT.
 Provides you with a nationally recognised qualification i.e. Certificate II in Information and Cultural
 Enables you to use the latest technology online and on site e.g. social media tools such as Flickr, blogs,
and working in the cloud; and learning to create your own basic website, in order to engage your
 Involves you in organising and delivering public events and activities in the library.
 Lets you study in flexible learning, off-line mode where appropriate.
 Develops strong research skills.
This course provides students with opportunities to develop many essential employability skills for work in
libraries, with structured workplace learning taking place in an actual branch of Libraries ACT, Tuggeranong
If you are interested in undertaking this course, or have further questions, please come and talk with the LTC
teacher librarians:
Lori Korodaj [email protected]
Janice Wilson [email protected]
Phone: 6207 5713
College Sports
Term 1 Sports 2014
Sign Up With Dave in PE
Thursday Afternoons
 Boys Basketball
 Girls Basketball
 Boys Cricket
 Boys Rugby League
One Day Carnivals: {Must Sign Up ASAP}
 Rugby League 9’s – Wednesday 25th February
 Individual Tennis – Mon OR Tue 2nd / 3rd March (TBA)
 Rugby 7’s – Wednesday 4th March
 Water Polo – Friday 6th March
 Beach Volleyball – Friday 13th March
 Individual Golf {Must have current AGU Handicap} – Monday 16th March
 Individual Diving – Tuesday 17th March
 Girls Softball – Wednesday 18th March
 Lawn Bowls – Wednesday 8th April
 Girls AFL – Thursday 9th April
Table Tennis and Badminton
If you would like a chance to participate in some social Table Tennis and Badminton, Wally (Maths staffroom)
will be running these at lunchtimes on TUESDAYS starting in week 3. Come along and have some fun.
Girls and Boys Basketball Trials / Selections
Compulsory selection trials will be held tomorrow (Tuesday) in the gym commencing at 12.40. If you don’t trial
do not expect to be selected.
Lake Tuggeranong Rowing Program
If you are keen to participate in Rowing on the lake this year you are invited to attend a meeting with Marci
Oringo and a Rowing coach on THURSDAY 12 FEB at 1.00pm in the Flight Room (Room 1016)
Games Club
Room 6116
Lunchtimes Monday & Tuesday
A wide range of board games, card games and roleplaying games are available for students and staff to play.
Save the world from plague; adopt an evil baby; become a tank commander in the 22nd century; settle the island
of Catan; die heroically; or join a crime syndicate to smuggle diamonds around the world’s largest shipping
Come along and meet new people
Note: All the above outcomes and scenarios are fictional.