calendar LEADERSHIP CONTACT DIRECTORY Fontaneers (Font Caretakers) Contact: Blunt Jackson at [email protected] Sacristans (care for communion and liturgical/worship supplies) Contact: Prue Kluckhohn at [email protected]. Bakers’ Guild (bake bread at home for communion) Contact Carol Wiesenbach at [email protected] [NEW!]. Lectors (read lessons at worship services) Contact: Howard Henry at [email protected] Servers (Lay Eucharistic Ministers, Crucifers, Acolytes, at all services) Contact: Mark Taylor at [email protected] Greeters (Welcome people to worship) Contact: LizAnn Jones at [email protected] Flowers Contact: Fred Speaks at [email protected] 5PM Liturgy (Greeters, Lectors, Thurifers, and other Roles) Contact: Paul Steinke at [email protected] Chalice (Prayer Team) Contact: Stephen Crippen at [email protected] Children & Godly Play Contact: Jeffrey Batstone at [email protected] Fatted Calf Café (monthly neighborhood dinners for the hungry) Contact: Brad Kirschner ([email protected]) Grounds & Gardens Team Contact: Tracy Steen ([email protected]) STAFF CONTACT DIRECTORY Jeffrey Batstone, Lay Pastor for Children’s Formation — [email protected] Adam Conley, Developer for 11:15 a.m. Community — [email protected] Stephen Crippen, Deacon — [email protected] Ben Dobyns, Musician for Sunday Evening Community — [email protected] Alfredo Feregrino, Assistant Priest for Mission Development — [email protected] Gary James, Organist/Choirmaster — [email protected] Jo Kirschner, Pastoral Care Team Lead — [email protected] Prue Kluckhohn, Sacristan & Hospitality Team Lead — [email protected] Emerald Lessley, Choristers’ (Children’s Choir) Director — [email protected] Loren Peters, Developer for 9 a.m. Community — [email protected] Martin Pommerenke, Parish Administrator — [email protected] Catharine Reid, Priest in Charge — [email protected] Daryl Schlick, Treasurer — [email protected] Paul Steinke, Lay Pastor for Sunday Evening Community —[email protected] Missy Trull, Lay Pastor for Children’s Formation — [email protected] parish life February 8, 2015 Today: Green Team Lunch Gather in Godly Play I at 12:30 p.m. The next gathering for all who want to discern their ministry as environmentaljustice advocates today at12:30 p.m. (This time might not work for everyone, so we'll be planning events on an ongoing basis that accommodate those who attend other masses or otherwise can't be in church at this hour.) Final location TBD, but please meet in Godly Play I. We will enjoy a lunch nutritious in fellowship and ministry development! This Saturday, February 14: Evensong & Benediction 5:30 p.m. in the Church You are invited to enter into contemplative prayer in the presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist. In this quiet service of evening prayer, celebrated for close to 1,000 years, biblical readings, prayer, and song lead worshipers to reflect on the presence of Christ in the Eucharist, in each Christian's life, in others, and in this good world that God continues to create. During the service, the consecrated host (bread) is placed in a decorative metal container, a monstrance, to be reverenced. St. Stephen’s Church in Grand Island, Nebraska, describes it this way: “During the morning, we feast on Jesus with our mouths, ingesting his Precious Body and Blood. At Benediction we feast on Him a second time - this time with our eyes. We look upon the Body of the Saviour in the Monstrance and learn to be still and know that He is God, here in our midst…” Sunday, March 1: Orientation to Mutual Discernment Gather in Godly Play I at 12:30 p.m. This Spring, we will be forming a new mutual discernment group. This is a prayer and listening group for those who have a question within their lives they're discerning. The group is not therapy or advice-giving but is a way to open our lives to the work of God through our own internal exploration and the questions and reflections of others. If you're interested or have questions about whether this group might be for you, email: [email protected] or [email protected]. Ash Wednesday, February 18 Post Office Box 9070 | 15 Roy Street : Seattle, Washington 98109 phone (206) 282-0786 | [email protected] | Holy Eucharist with Imposition of Ashes at 7 a.m., Noon, and 7 p.m. A said service (no music) will be offered at 7 a.m. and Noon. The service at 7 p.m. will include music. Lenten Quiet Morning: Saturday, February 21 Friday, March 6: Trinity University Chamber Singers Begins with Mass at 9 a.m. in the Chapel Sarah Steinke will be leading this morning of reflection and prayer focused around Lenten themes. More information to come. Concert at 7:30 p.m. in the church The Chamber Singers of Trinity University, San Antonio, will be performing here in Seattle as part of their 2015 West Coast tour. Selections will include works by Arvo Pärt, Juan Gutierrez de Padilla, Jaakko Mäntyjärvi, Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck, newlycommissioned works, and well-known arrangements and spirituals. Having earned a wide reputation for choral excellence, the Chamber Singers have performed at national, regional and state music conferences. Admission is free. Stations of the Cross on Wednesday Nights in Lent Begins Wednesday, February 25 The traditional devotion of Stations of the Cross (also called the “Way of the Cross”) came about as we understand it in the fifteenth century, although its roots are much older, echoing the custom of pilgrimage to holy sites. In this devotion, the faithful move from area to area within the church, meditating upon artworks that call to mind the final events of our Savior’s life. In this way, we walk alongside Jesus as he suffers and dies for the sins of the world. February 25: Newcomers’ Gathering 6 p.m. at the home of Barbara Timms and Daryl Schlick If you are a newcomer to St. Paul’s, please reserve Wednesday evening, February 25 on your calendar. You are invited to join Mother Catharine and other parish leaders for a relaxing evening of food, drink and conversation at the home of Barbara Timms and Daryl Schlick. Their condo, with an incredible view of the bay, is a short walk from the church, west on Mercer: 521 Fifth Avenue West, No. 403. We will spend a few minutes discussing upcoming events at St. Paul’s and respond to questions you might have about the parish. Please email your RSVP to Barbara Timms at [email protected] by Tuesday, February 17. The gathering is from 6 to 8 p.m. Sundays, March 1, 8, and 15: Anglican Spirituality Sunday Class for Lent meets from 10:30 to 11:10 in the Chapel This three-course offering considers Anglican spirituality and practice from a systems perspective and provides an opportunity for participants to reflect on their own spiritual development—something that can be particularly fruitful during Lent. The series is appropriate for both newcomers and longer-term members and will be a mix of brief lecture with individual and group reflection. The series will be led by St. Paul’s parishioner, Michelle Heyne. Michelle works as a parish development consultant and leadership trainer and is the author of In Your Holy Spirit: Traditional Spiritual Practices in Today’s Christian Life. Please let Michelle know that you will be coming by writing to her at [email protected]. Visit the Formation page at for individual class descriptions. Saturdays March 7 and 14: Enquirers’ Class 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. each Saturday in the Chapel and Godly Play II For anyone – newcomer or longtimer – who wants to know more about the origins, core convictions, worship, and spirituality of the Anglo-Catholic form of Episcopal/Christian life, these two classes are for you. And for those who are considering baptism, confirmation, reception, or reaffirmation of baptismal promises, these classes are necessary preparations. The two sessions are different from each other so plan on attending both Saturdays. Register your intention to attend by sending an email to [email protected] by Wednesday, February 25. We know we can count on you, but can we count you? We want to be sure you are counted in the yearly “Parochial Report” we submit to the offices of the Episcopal Church if you consider St. Paul’s your home. All active members and nonmembers should be counted. If you are new here or have been checking us out and want to say “yes” to joining, we’d like to know about it. Visit: Please complete the form linked on that page so that we might count you as part of our family, include you in the parish directory, and pray for you on the anniversary of your birth and baptism. Hey Kids! Do You Like to Sing? It’s not too late to join the Choristers (children’s choir) for the 2015 year! We meet every Sunday immediately following the 11:15 service for about 30 minutes. This is a fun group where we learn basic singing technique, as well as some music theory, sight singing, and musicianship skills. If your child is interested in singing with the St. Paul’s Choristers, please contact Emerald Lessley at [email protected]. Upcoming Safeguarding Trainings Many in our community must complete mandatory child sexual abuse prevention training and/or sexual harassment training before working in their ministry areas. This includes all employees, staff-level volunteers, Lay Eucharistic Visitors, Vestry members, and anyone who has contact with or works in proximity to children, youth, or vulnerable adults. Dates and locations listed below: Children: Saturday, Feb 21 at 8:30 a.m. at St. Christopher’s, Olympia Children: Saturday, Feb 21 at 9 a.m. at St. Paul’s, Bellingham See a full list of trainings and RSVP information at Questions, or wondering if this applies to you? Email [email protected] or speak with your ministry team leader. Do You Need Pastoral Care? St. Paul's has had a pastoral care team for some time - coordinated by Jo Kirschner. If you or a family member experience spiritual or mental distress, are sick, hospitalized, preparing for surgery, or nearing death, or in need of prayer and conversation, please call the parish office at (206) 282-0786 and ask for a pastoral care team member to contact you. THE READINGS Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany Isaiah 40:21-31 Psalm 147:1-12, 21c 1 Corinthians 9:16-23 Mark 1:29-39 BEHIND-THE-SCENES Last Sunday after the Epiphany 2 Kings 2:1-12 Psalm 50:1-6 2 Corinthians 4:3-6 Mark 9:2-9 TODAY Cynthia Baber, Margaret McLane: Sacristans Carol Kentop: Bread Baker Sharon Cumberland: Flowers 9 a.m. Coffee Hour: Linzi Stahlecker 5 p.m. Snack: Brother Paul Dahlke Sunday Offerings For Children & Young People •Nursery for children up to 3 years old is open from 8:45 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. •Godly Play children’s formation schedule (for ages 3 to 12) : 9 a.m., 11 a.m., and 4:45 p.m. •Rite-13 (ages 12 through High School): 11 a.m. •Choristers (Children’s Choir): 12:40 to 1:20 p.m. Weekday Masses Thursday at 6:15 p.m. Saturday Mornings at 9:00 a.m. (with laying on of hands and anointing) Office Hours 9:30 to 2:30 Tues, Wed, and Fri (Please call ahead if you need access to the building or want to make an appointment with a staff member as schedules vary.) Daily Office •Morning Prayer: Tuesday at 7:30 a.m. •Evening Prayer: Tu, Wed, Thrs at 5:30 p.m. •Solemn Evensong: Saturday at 5:30 p.m. Newcomers: Scan Here to Join the Parish Once you decide to make St. Paul’s your home, use the QR code here or visit joining-the-parish/ to find a form on our website to fill out. We’ll use this to print your information in our directory. New Candle & Flower Charts Posted A flower chart is now posted on the kiosk downstairs. We also have a new candle chart up. You may use these charts to sign up for gifts in honor or thanksgiving of an occasion or person, or in loving memory of someone who has died. A donation of $60 is suggested for flowers; $20 for candles.
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