Mother of Good Counsel, Clare Priory

Thirty-third Sunday of the Year (A)
Weekdays: Week 33 of Ordinary Time.
Psalms for Daily Prayer Week 1
Entrance Antiphon: The Lord said: I think thoughts of peace and not affliction. You will
call upon me, and I will answer you, and I will lead back your captives from every place.
Responsorial Psalm: O blessed are those who fear the Lord.
Gospel Acclamation:
Alleluia, alleluia! Even if you have to die, says the Lord,
keep faithful, and I will give you the crown of life. Alleluia!
Communion Antiphon: To be near God is my happiness, to place my hope in God
Mother of Good Counsel, Clare Priory
Tel: 01787 277326 (Fr David : 01787 279446)
Augustinian Friars
Diocese of East Anglia
Thirty-third Sunday of the Year
Missal Page 590 [377 old book]
16th November 2014
the Lord.
Sunday: 8.00am and 10.00am
Weekdays: 10.00am
Holy Days:
Cavendish - Sunday 11.45am (URC)
Confessions - Saturdays 10.45 - 11.45am in the Priory,
or at any time
The Rosary
Every Wednesday after Mass at the Priory
All welcome
Lectio Divina
Every Thursday, after Mass,
in the Library
Friday Quiet Prayer
10.45am (after Mass)
in the Oratory
33rd Sunday 1st Reading from the Book of Proverbs
‘A perfect wife – who can find her? She is far beyond the price of pearls…’
Worthy lady,
where is your beauty?
your wisdom?
Or in your hands
that reach out to the poor?
in the
clever way
you use your talents
on behalf of the lowly ones around you?
Give us the worthy woman’s wisdom.
Lend us her merciful hands.
And let us spend our
lives and gifts
on others
(Not Sunday)
Morning Prayer
Mid-day Prayer
Adoration & Evening Prayer
I ask you, my God, to reveal me to myself
Confessions 10,1
Monday 17th St Elizabeth of Hungary 1207-1231 Married at age 13; four children.
Built a hospital near to her castle, and tended the sick herself. Her gifts of bread to the
poor led to her patronage of bakers.
Thursday 20th St Edmund, King and martyr. 841-870. King of East Anglia at age 14,
crowned on Christmas Day 855. Edmund was a model ruler, concerned with justice for
his people and his own spirituality; he spent a year at Hunstanton learning the Psalter by
heart. Following one of a series of armed engagements with invading Danes he was
captured. He was ordered to give his people to the pagan invaders; he refused. Martyr.
Friday 21st Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
This memorial day honours the generous fidelity of Our Lady throughout her life
Saturday 22
St Cecilia, Virgin and martyr. 3 century. Strong in faith, she brought
her husband and his brother to the faith. They were put to death for giving fitting burial to
martyred Christians. When Cecilia buried her husband and his brother, she too was
arrested and martyred. The account of her life and martyrdom states that, when she was
married, she was ‘singing in her heart a hymn of love for Jesus’, hence her patronage of
music and musicians.
Starting today and continuing throughout the week, our parish of Mother of Good Counsel
has the privilege of praying for vocations to the priesthood and the religious life on behalf
of the whole Diocese. Thus we are part of the cycle of prayer that goes on without
ceasing all year round.
This Advent, our gatherings for the Sacrament of Reconciliation will be on
Sunday 7th and Sunday 14th of December.
Forthcoming Collections
World Youth Day 2016
Bishop Alan is inviting young people 16 and over by July 2016 to join him on Pilgrimage
to WYD in Krakow culminating in Mass with Pope Francis. Limited places available bookings accepted on a first come first served basis. Please see to download an information pack.
The Holy Family seeks shelter
The Travelling Crib will be on the move again this Advent. Once more, families of our
parish community are asked to give shelter to Mary and Joseph, mirroring their search for
a safe lodging for the birth of God’s Son. Our gesture becomes ever more relevant in the
light of modern society’s shifting foundations, the plight of families in Iraq and Syria,
the migration of countless peoples, the suffering of victims of the Ebola virus and the
desperate situation of the survivors.
Throughout Advent each year the Crib is transferred from one family to another for one or
two nights. The exchange is accompanied by a prayer and a welcome.
If you would like to have a share in our prayerful Advent custom, please put your name
and telephone number on the lists. Rosie Kerr has kindly agreed to collect your names
and to make a practical itinerary that will make for easy transfer of the crib from one home
to another.
St Mary’s Catholic Primary Sch. Lowestoft,
Headteacher required from September 2015. For more details please see Diocesan
Website: Or advert on Notice Board.
Soup Helpers
Thank you to those who have already joined the Soup Helpers rota. However, as our
helpers have been rather busy lately we would like to extend the list a little more. It would
be for 1½ - 2 hours, once in a while on a Saturday, (only rarely on a week day). It
involves serving the soup, clearing the tables afterwards, sharing in the washing-up, and
putting things away. You would join the community for lunch, if you wished.
If you think you could help with this request please give your name to Fr David or to
Kathy. Thank you for this and for all you do to keep everything running smoothly in the
Priory and Parish.
Church cleaners
When Sr Eileen made the requests for extra cleaning help over the last few weeks, I knew
that she was signalling not just a wish but the need for more volunteers.
If you look at
the notice board you will see the work that the weekly cleaning programme entails and the
names of those who have already joined the rota. There is quite a lot to be done. I know
that Sister Eileen would be glad to commission new helpers.
Fr David
Michael Heffernan, Gerald Burdock, Michael Kingston, Monica Worsfold, Kathleen
Taplin, Michael Cronin, William Hackett-Jones, Wendy Walton, Hope Cobbald, Lucy
Callery (Lucy Woodhouse’s Mum), Sarah Booth, James & Mary Whittaker, Kath Bullen,
Sheila Green, Janet Whitehouse, David Mann, Malcolm Kingham, Margaret Chapman,
Tom Turnell, Geraldine Ellis, Jack, Lali and Orlando Cardozo, Mark Lunn, Ann Fuller,
Sarah Mountstephen, Vivian Hay’s son Matthew, Kevin Marshall, Binny Sammon, Peggy
Rodgers, Fred Taylor, Fred & Pat Dowson, Karen Lane, Anthony Stammers (relation of
Sue Negus), Gloria Tatum’s son Alan, Tony Ranzetta Jr, David Sowerby (Jane Ranzetta’s
brother-in-law), Alan Wilson.
Also remember the housebound and those in care homes in the parish, and those who make
their private petitions at the Shrine.
If you know of anyone who is ill or housebound, and would like a visit, please let Fr. David know.
May she rest in peace
Please pray for Helene Taylor who died on Wednesday, and for Fred. Until her illness,
Helene regularly attended the 11.45 Mass in Cavendish. May she rest in peace.
9th November
Thank you for your continuing generosity
See poster on Notice Board for full details
During these days…
Last Sunday we had a brief visit from Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor who had
been staying with a local family. It was the Cardinal’s first visit to Clare. He was very
impressed by the design and the feel of our church and he liked the welcoming atmosphere
of the Priory. He departed with a copy of Fr Ben’s ‘Finding Your Hidden Treasure’ in his
hand. Who knows, he may accept our invitation to come and stay. Mind you, he’ll have
to watch out for low arches and low doorways.
An exportable message: You might like to give renewed congratulations to Fr Ben. With
editions already in Arabic, Italian, French and German, Fr Ben’s ‘Finding Your Hidden
Treasure’ has now been translated into Chinese.
Provincial and Council: From Wednesday to Friday, Fr Paul Graham, Provincial, and his
Council have been holding their late autumn meeting here at the Priory. Even for such a
very short time it was good to see Fr Bernard, and he was glad to see so many of you once
While Fr Bernard travelled from Southport to attend the meeting, all the other
participants came from London, Frs Gianni Notarianni, Jacob Choi and Robert Marsh.
And then, before lunch on Friday, they were gone. We prayed at Mass for their multiple
tasks and for their safe travel.
Be Still: the 2014 sequence of Be Still days came to their close this week on Tuesday and
Thursday. More than 50 took part. Some came for the first time; some were frequent
visitors. All felt the benefit of their day. Thanks to all who make these days so successful.
On Wednesday the final (hoped-for) site meeting with architects and builders took place in
and around the church. One new unexplained detail was noted, for further observation: a
cracked flagstone near the right side of the right arch. The blocked gutter (visible through
the glass above the arches) was noted on Wednesday and cleared on Thursday (now, that is
action!). The work on shrinkage cracks recorded at previous meetings was checked and
approved. Lighting deficiencies have been made good. The blocked downpipe at the
end of the old church has been cleared (despite the buzzing of the holy bees); the
soakaway will be put right.
I continue to say thank you to all who made the church a
Fr David
Diary Date
The annual Octogenarians’ Christmas Lunch will be on Thursday 11 th December
Please keep a look-out for your post next week - if you have reached this milestone, and
not received an invitation, please let Fr David know.