Kviteseid Lutheran Church Milan, Minnesota 2014 Annual Report of the Congregation 2014 KLC 1 Kviteseid Lutheran Church 2015 Staff, Officers & Delegates of the Congregation Pastor Pr. Kristine Isder Parish Assistant Malisa Ervin Custodian David Thompson Organist Judi Bohm Choir Director Jessica Trager Sunday School Superintendent Jodi Tongen President Wade Kittelson Vice President Pete Ervin Secretary Lorrie Spray Treasurer Nate Spray Contributions Secretaries Joel Lund and Char Johnson Board of Deacons Marlys Kvistero (16), Tom Moe (16), Jon Hanson (17), Robert Schwendemann (18), Lee Haugen (18), Board of Education Talia Schuerman (18), Shea Joyce (16), Heidi Spray (17), Mandi Johnson (17) Kim Bowen (18) Board of Trustees Melissa Enevoldsen (16), Matt Norby (17), Randy Fragodt (17), Reed Molden (16), Bruce Loose (18) Lay Delegates to the Madison Lutheran Home Annual Meeting 2016 Rob & Karla Schwendemann Lay Delegate to Green Lake Lutheran Ministries Annual Meeting 2016 Wade Kittelson Lay Delegate to Lac qui Parle Conference Assembly, Feb. 8, 2015 at Granite Falls Lay Delegates to SW MN Synod Assembly, St. Peter, MN, June 12-14, 2015 2 Gwen Olson, Rich Isder, Wade Kittelson, Pete Ervin, Reed Molden, Jody Molden, Alt. Missy Ervin Gwen Olson, Rich Isder, Wade Kittelson Nominating Committee 2016 Roger Strand, Gwen Olson, Cindy Kanten, Sherry Norby, Robert Blom, Paul Tostenson Kviteseid Helping Hands Board President Connie Fragodt, Vice President Sue Vetter, Secretary Ronae Rose, Treasurer Theresa Erickson, Nancy Schneck, Paulette Anderson, Barb Dale, Karla Schwendemann, Melissa Enevoldsen KLMM Cemetery Board Richard Olson, Steve Thompson, Mike Burns, Wade Kittelson, Josh Moen, Gary Heimdahl Kviteseid Endowment Board Pres. Pete Ervin, Treas. Josh Vetter, Rod Olson, Char Strand, Tiffany Moen 2014 KLC Kviteseid Lutheran Church Annual Meeting Agenda Sunday, January 18, 2015 ~ 8:00 am Meeting Agenda Call to Order Adopt Agenda Devotions Approve 2014 Minutes Reports Pastor Helping Hands Deacons Board of Education Trustees Endowment Fund Kitchen Committee Old Business Election New Business Adopt 2015 budget Amended agenda items - if any Adjourn Cemetery Association Meeting Closing Prayer and Lord's Prayer Gather for worship 2014 KLC Wade Kittelson, President Pastor Kristine Isder Pastor Kristine Isder Connie Fragodt Rob Schwendemann Cindy Kanten Randy Fragodt Josh Vetter Nancy Schneck Richard Olson Pastor Kristine Isder 3 Kviteseid Lutheran Church Annual Meeting Secretary’s Report Sunday, January 18, 2015 Annual Meeting of Kviteseid Lutheran Church January 18, 2015 – 8:30 a.m. President Wade Kittelson called the meeting to order. Motion was made by Keith Kvistero, seconded by Roger Strand, to adopt the agenda. Motion carried. Pastor Kristine Isder gave the devotions. Motion was made by Marv Link, seconded by Cindy Kanten, to approve the minutes of the 2014 Annual Meeting. Motion carried. The following reports were given: Pastor – Pastor Kristine Isder Helping Hands – Connie Fragodt Deacons – Rob Schwendemann Board of Education – Cindy Kanten Trustees – Randy Fragodt & Reed Molden Endowment Board – Josh Vetter Kitchen Committee – Nancy Schneck Motion was made by Roger Strand, seconded by Bruce Loose, to approve the reports. Motion carried. (Reports attached) Old Business: None Motion was made by Dave Lovehaug, seconded by Jane Link, that there was no old business to discuss. Motion carried. Election: Motion was made by Mar v Link, seconded by Roger str and, to cast a unanimous ballot for the officers and board members as listed on the ballot, with the addition of Tiffany Moen on the Endowment Board. Motion carried. They are as follows: President – Wade Kittelson Vice-President – Pete Ervin Secretary – Lorrie Spray Treasurer – Nate Spray Contribution Secretaries – Joel Lund & Char Johnson 4 2014 KLC Board of Deacons – Rob Schwendemann & Lee Haugan Board of Education – Talia Schuerman & Kim Bowen Board of Trustees – Bruce Loose Endowment Board – Tiffany Moen The following people were nominated and appointed to the following committees: Lay Delegates to the Madison Lutheran Home Annual Meeting (January 2016) – Rob & Karla Schwendemann Lay Delegate to Green Lake Lutheran Ministries Annual Meeting (January 2016) – Wade Kittelson Lay Delegates to SW MN Synod Assembly (June 12-14, 2015) – Gwen Olson, Rich Isder, Wade Kittelson Lay Delegates to Lac qui Parle Conference Assembly (February 8, 2015) – Gwen Olson, Rich Isder, Wade Kittelson, Pete Ervin, Reed Molden, Jody Molden (Missy Ervin – alternate) Nominating Committee for January 2016 Annual Meeting – Gwen Olson, Cindy Kanten, Roger Strand, Sherry Norby, Robert Blom, Paul Tostenson Kviteseid Lutheran Milan Methodist Cemetery Board – Steve Thompson & Mike Burns New Business: Motion was made by Keith Kvister o, seconded by Roger Str and, to adopt the 2015 budget as presented. Motion carried. New windows on the north side of the sanctuary and the education wing are part of the budget items. Adjourn: Motion was made by Roger Str and, seconded by Gwen Olson, to adjour n the meeting. Cemetery Association Meeting: Richar d Olson r eviewed the cemeter y funds and recommended that parishioners pick out their plots and put a headstone there if they prefer a certain place in the cemetery. Closing: Pastor Kr istine gave a closing pr ayer and the gr oup r ecited the Lor d’s Pr ayer . Respectfully submitted, Sherry Norby, Council Secretary 2014 KLC 5 Pastor and Board Reports Pastor’s Report For year ending December 31, 2014 “Live your life in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ, so that, whether I come and see you or am absent and hear about you, I will know that you are standing firm in one spirit, striving side by side with one mind for the faith of the gospel.” Philippians 1:27 2014 was a year of many changes for Kviteseid Lutheran Church. The year started with the continuation of the call process for a new pastor and the decision to consider a first call candidate. I interviewed with the call committee in March. The congregation voted to call me as your new pastor on May 11. Following graduation from Luther Seminary in May and ordination in June, I was installed as the pastor here on June 29. In the meantime, work began to get the parsonage ready for us to move in. The interior was painted, repairs made and much general cleanup was done. Thank you to all of you who worked on this project. We appreciate your time and efforts in keeping up the parsonage. Thank you to those who went to Windom to move us to Milan and those who helped unload. Thank you for the warm welcome to Kviteseid Lutheran Church. Rich and I felt welcomed even before we moved here. You have all been so friendly and welcoming. You have invited us to events in the area and introduced us to people in the community. We have been in Milan for six months now and feel blessed to be here. Since I started here, I’ve witnessed the completion of the kitchen and the installation of the digitized organ. I’ve seen the excitement of the kids as they participate in Sunday school. The Bible verse from Philippians reminds me of your working together as a congregation. Many of you are involved with projects and the mission of the church. The fall turkey dinner showed great teamwork by everyone to put on such a great meal for so many people. From peeling potatoes to roasting turkeys to setting tables, all of the help is necessary and appreciated. Thank you all for your help. As a first call pastor, there are many things for me to learn about leading a church. You have all been very helpful and gracious in responding to my questions of “How do you do ____?” Thank you all for your help as I learn about the people and traditions of Kviteseid. Since September, we have been using the narrative lectionary in worship. We have been following the long arc of the biblical story from the Old Testament and now into the New Testament. We have learned about God’s care for His people, even when they fell away from 6 2014 KLC Him. God continues to care for us. In this new year, I urge you to look for ways that God is active in your life and in the community. There are several education opportunities available: a weekly prayer gathering/Bible study on Wednesday mornings, the Together With Christ Bible Study that meets monthly, the “No Experience Necessary” Bible study that meets monthly on Wednesday evenings and Sunday adult education hour that meets during Sunday School. All are welcome to attend any or all of these events. What does the future hold for Kviteseid? Or, more importantly, what is God calling Kviteseid to be and do in the coming year? We need to continually discern where the Holy Spirit is leading us. Is it to continue doing what we’ve been doing or doing something different. Kviteseid is an important part of this community. By working together, we can help enrich the lives of not only our members, but also the lives of people in this community and the world. Thank you to those completing their terms on boards. Thank you for your years of service to the congregation. Your time and efforts have been appreciated. Yours in Christ, Pastor Kristine Isder Statistics of Pastoral Acts and Membership Baptisms: 1) Mason David Ellingson 3) Huxton Oliver Trager 5) Collin Ray Sweno 1-12-14 6-22-14 Confirmed: Apr il 27, 2014 1) Christian Kanten Weddings: 1) Tyler Kanten & Holly Sherod Funerals: Members 1) Robert Thompson 3) Ione Kleven 5) Palmer Lia 7) Grace Olson Non-Members 1) Robert Carlson 2014 KLC 2) Greta Marie Link 4) Natalie Marie Beninga 6) Devin Ray Sweno 3-30-14 7-27-14 10-12-14 2) Alex Olson 11-22-14 1-18-14 4-05-14 8-04-14 9-07-14 2) Eldon “Duke” Lursen 4) Charles Kanten 6) Carol “Tootie” Olson 2-22-14 8-03-14 8-24-14 12-05-14 7 Transferred In: 9 Baptized, 8 Confirmed 1) Elaine Anderson 3) Tracy Thompson 5) Kristine Isder 7) Lee Haugen 8) Holly Sherod Transferred Out or Removed by Request: 5 Baptized, 3 Confirmed 1) Amber Molden 3) Addison Molden 5) Brad Olson Membership Report: Membership as of 1/1/14 Baptized Member funerals/deaths Transferred in Transferred out/removed Confirmed in 2014 Net gain or loss Total membership as of 12/31/14 Baptized Confirmed 2) 4) 6) 8) 9) Bryan Schuerman Rich Isder Oma Fairchild Donna Haugen Mason Sherod 2) Ashton Molden 4) Tony Hanson Baptized: 514 Confirmed: 420 +6 -7 -7 +9 +8 -5 -3 +2 +3 0 517 420 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 659 648 639 644 657 655 523 516 513 507 512 507 514 517 543 532 529 533 545 539 443 441 433 428 429 420 420 420 In 2007, membership records were audited and non-resident/non-contributing members names were removed. Worship Statistics 61 Worship Services: 48 Regular Sunday morning worship services, 20 with communion 5 Mid-week Lenten services 1 Ash Wednesday communion service 1 Maundy Thursday communion service 1 Good Friday service 1 Easter Sunday communion service 1 Confirmation communion service 1 Thanksgiving day service 1 Christmas Eve communion service 1 Christmas Day communion service 8 2014 KLC Worship Attendance: Average Sunday attendance—excluding Easter and Christmas: Average attendance for Lent and Holy Week: Easter worship services: Thanksgiving day worship service: Christmas Eve & Christmas Day worship services: 2014 95 73 302 51 318 2013 87 73 238 81 302 2012 90 66 327 63 285 Financial Statistics Budgeted Benevolence Items: ELCA Missionary Sponsor Green Lake Lutheran Ministries World Hunger LqP Conference - South Africa Conference Partnership Lqp Conference - AIDS Coordinator (South Africa) Lutheran Social Services of MN Additional Benevolence: Through special offerings, gifts, and memorials Chippewa County Food Shelf Prairie 5 (Swift Cty. Food Shelf) World Hunger Military packages Campus Ministry at SW State University, Marshall Campus Ministry at the University of MN, Morris The Gideons International Total additional Benevolence 2014 KLC 12,000.00 4,270.00 1,000.00 500.00 100.00 30.00 120.00 $18,020.00 $279.00 279.00 55.00 423.46 433.50 433.50 205.00 $2,108.46 9 Board of Deacons’ Report As is tradition at Kviteseid the Deacons assisted the Pastor in serving communion the 1st & 2nd Sunday of the month with the exception of the June July & Aug. when we only have communion on the 1st Sun. of the month. Also served communion on Ash Wed., Maundy Thur., Easter Sunday, Confirmation Sun., Christmas Eve. & Christmas Day. Welcomed & hosted our Church sponsored Missionaries, the Leiseths. The Deacons served coffee & rolls after church that Sunday. A special THANK YOU to Saundra & Tom Moe for opening their home to the Leiseths for an evening of grilling and putting them up for the night. Organized and served Church pot luck dinners for Feb.9th and Confirmation Dinner. Met with Confirment’s & conducted interviews. Worked with Church council on a June reception for Pastor Robert Dahl, Thanking him for serving as our Interim Pastor. Welcomed our new Pastor Kristine Isder, on installation Sunday with coffee & rolls in fellowship hall on June 29th. We are working closely with Pastor Kristine as she begins and serves her calling as Pastor here at Kviteseid. As reported at last year’s annual meeting, the Deacons as part of the Church’s leadership board with the help of Pastor Dahl crafted a covenant agreement with the Micronesian faith community. The agreement spelled out both guidelines & expectation for the faith communities to co-exist in the same house of worship… Although we are still open to dialog, I’m sad to report that this covenant did not work out as planned & we were forced to suspend our practice with the Micronesian Faith Community of allowing them to use the church for worship. Worked with the Bible Study circles to form one group that meets the 2nd Wednesday of the month in the church fellowship hall. They are now known as “Together with Christ Bible Study” or TWC. A Wed. evening Bible study as requested was also started entitled “No Experience Required”. Organized a Sunday to have Randy Moe, who revamped our organ, join us to be a part of our Sunday worship and show case the organ. We thank him for his work on the organ and for sharing his gift of music & for playing a major role in our worship. As a spinoff of revamping the organ & learning a small part of what the revamped organ can do, the Deacons organized a Music committee to try & learn more about the organ & its capabilities. How the organ can be used if Judy our organist can’t make it for worship on a Sunday & also to assist with special music in the worship service. Members are Chairman Randy Fragodt, Nancy Schneck, Judy Blohm Jessica Trager, Rich Isder and Wade Kittelson. 10 2014 KLC The Constitution of Kviteseid Church requires that all applications for confirmed membership be submitted and approved by the Deacons. We approved all applications for new membership presented. With the help of Deloris Running we reorganized the list of Sunday greeters . We feel this is an important part of the hospitality of Kviteseid and thank each one of you that participate in this welcoming of all our members & guests. Thanks Deloris Readers-We thank Lois Lovehaug for her part in arranging the readers for each Sunday. All the readers that take part in reading scripture each Sunday add to our worship experience and we thank you for your participation. Media operators- We thank Judy Bohm for organizing people for this position, thanks to those who volunteer their time. Ushers-Thank You to Tom Moe and Joel Lund for accepting the role of Co-Head Ushers. They organize the list of ushers for each month. They also responded to a congregation request for ushers at funerals. They will be in a attendance at most funerals to assist in Usher duties. Coffee before and after church- Somehow the Deacons inherited this responsibility and because members and guests seem to really enjoy this fellowship we will continue to help provide this service. A big thank you once again to the Ushers who have taken over making coffee each Sunday. Thank you also to the many that have signed up and donated goodies for the morning. Without your willingness to serve, this fellowship would not be possible. We Thank Pastor Kristine for her leadership & being our Pastor and ask God’s blessing on her further Pastoral care for Kviteseid & the surrounding Community. On a personal note I would like to personally thank Marlys Kvistero for serving as the Deacon secretary these past years & for Tom Moe Jon Hanson & Gwen Olson for serving on the Deacon Board. Respectfully submitted Robert Schwendemann Deacon board Chairman Board of Trustees’ Report The kitchen project is done and there is still a balance due of approximately $24,000. The organ has been digitized so if the organist is absent, the hymns can be recorded earlier and played during the church service. The lights in the narthex and sanctuary were replaced with LED bulbs. The bathrooms in the parsonage were painted and updated. Submitted by Matt Norby 2014 KLC 11 Board of Education Report Kviteseid Sunday School was well attended after the new curriculum was started and the Sunday school rooms redecorated. We had 12 students who received perfect attendance awards and several completing their memory work. We would like to thank Jodi Tongen for getting the curriculum ready and Jessica Trager for working with the children providing music. The children celebrated the last day of Sunday school with our 1st annual Kviteseid Carnival. The children earned tickets by their attendance, memory work completed, and participating with fund raisers. All Kviteseid members were invited to play games like cake walk, bingo, plinko, and face painting and enjoying dinner by Mike Schroeder. We would like to thank the carnival committee who are Heidi Spray, Sarah Johnson, Mandi Johnson, Cheryl Erp, and Shanda Norby. Vacation Bible school was held June 9-12 from 6:30-8:00 pm. The theme was called Weird Animals. The children had a lesson each night followed by a craft and game. We ended the evening with a prayer and snack. The Christmas Program was December 21, 2014 during the church service. Kim Kittleson provided the program and worked with the Board of Education. The children did a wonderful job with their lines and providing Christmas music. We had 47 students that had parts in the program. We would like to thank the Senior choir for helping us with a couple songs during the program. The Kviteseid Board of Education members are Cindy Kanten, Shea Joyce, Heidi Spray, Mandi Johnson, and Talia Schuerman. Cindy Kanten is retiring after 2 terms on the Board of Education. Submitted by Cindy Kanten Endowment Board Report The Endowment board members currently serving are Chairman Pete Ervin, Secretary Char Strand, Treasurer Josh Vetter, and director Rod Olson. Missy Struxness has just completed her term on the board and we are actively seeking out a new board member. The board would like to thank Missy for her time and efforts she put forth throughout her term. Balance as of December 31, 2014: $349,817.16 The fund is currently invested in a variety of bonds, cd’s, a money market account, and an annuity. The average interest rate per dollar invested is currently 1.44% annual. Over 93% of the funds are in accounts that are federally insured. The following gifts have been approved by the board for 2015 so far: Village Missions – Don Kruse Appleton/Milan Ministerium Lutheran Campus Ministries – U of M Morris LqPV Strengthening The Family Lutheran Campus Ministries – SMSU We have also set aside money kids going to Bible Camp this summer. And lastly, we have purchased Cenex gas cards to be given to those doing additional traveling for medical 12 2014 KLC appointments, aiding family members who are helping loved ones, etc. In 2015 we hope to get additional information about the Endowment fund onto the church website along with some forms for people to print out who wish to donate as well as for those people or organizations requesting support. We are always looking for input from our congregation about different organizations and causes that we can look into helping out. Feel free to contact any board member or the pastor with your ideas. We thank the congregation for their continued support. Helping Hands Report The nine member Helping Hands board is charged with the responsibilities of Helping Hands Activities, as well as, the Service Group activities. Current board members are: Connie Fragodt, Sue Vetter, Ronae Rose, Theresa Erickson, Nancy Schneck, Paulette Anderson, Karla Schwendemann, Barb Dale and Melissa Enevoldson. Helping Hands purpose: As a community of people created in the image of God, called to discipleship in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit. We commit ourselves to grow in faith, affirm our gifts, support one another in our callings, engage in ministry and action, and promote healing and wholeness in church, the society and the world. Helping Hands Activities: Quilting- a total of 80 quilts (full size) and 4 baby quilts were made and distributed to the senior graduating class, nursing home residents, family service, Prairie 5, Heartland Girls’ Ranch and new babies. Quilts were also sent to the state of Washington following the mud slides they had this past spring/summer. This year quilting was done during the months of February and July. Donations totaling $2,200.00 was donated to Marie Sandvick, Rice Hospice, Lutheran Social Service, Pathways, LQPV Strengthening the Family, Heartland Girls Ranch, Caregivers Support Group, Local food shelves (Chippewa, Swift & Lac qui Parle), World Hunger, Missionary, Lutheran World Relief, Military packages and Global Health Ministries. Along with $5,000.00 transferred to the project fund from the general fund. Contributed $9,000.00 to the Kitchen project. Donated $1,325.00 towards new dishes from the funeral fund. Served pie at the Appleton Nursing Home Served Christmas tea to the residents at Apple Ridge in Appleton. Made and packaged military packages. (9 military men/women) Made and delivered Easter Baskets. Christmas greetings were written and delivered to our nursing home and assisted living residents. 18 layettes were made 2014 KLC 13 SERVICE GROUP ACTIVITIES: This past year we switched from two chair people to three chair people and from six work groups to five, which seemed to work well. Our ideal plan was to keep one chair person each year so we just had to find two new chair people, but that plan didn’t work so well. We may attempt again next year. Our thinking was that this may give our younger and new members a more secure feeling on becoming a chairperson. Some of the functions the work groups were involved in were: Served 8 funerals 2 fellowship dinners Organized and served the Syttende Mai Tea Served pork chop dinner fundraiser Cared for Easter lilies and Christmas poinsettias Cleaned areas of the church in August and September Helped with fall and Christmas decorating. The Helping Hands board will be meeting at least quarterly this year, so if concerns arise or something needs our attention, please contact one of the Helping Hands members. Our next meeting is scheduled for March 18, 2015 following Lenten Services. We want to thank everyone who has so faithfully worked and assisted in the work of Kviteseid Lutheran Church through the giving of your time and talent. Respectfully submitted, Connie Fragodt, President Helping Hands Treasurer’s Report Beginning Balance 1/1/2014 General Fund Funeral Fund Project Fund Income Expenses Ending Balance 12/31/2014 General Fund Funeral Fund Project Fund $12,617.58 $4,619.75 $3,997.83 $6,000.00 $14,197.73 23,087.04 $5,728.27 $783.45 $3,194.82 $1,750.00 _____________________________________________________________________________ 14 2014 KLC Income General Fund Circles Donations Easter baskets Interest Pork Chop Dinner Syttende Mai Funeral Fund Donations Project Fund Transfer from General Fund* Total income $6,837.73 $331.50 35.00 60.00 $19.23 $2,776.00 $3,616.00 $2,360.00 $2,360.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 Expenses General Fund Bible Camp $450.00 Donations $2,240.00 Miscellaneous (kitchen supplies, tables, plants) $797.96 Pork Chop Dinner $1,010.64 Postage $9.80 Quilting $187.39 Syttende Mai $978.24 Transfer to Project Fund* $5,000.00 Funeral Fund Funeral lunches $1,838.01 Dishes $1,325.00 Project Fund KLC Kitchen Project $9,000.00 Kviteseid Karnival $250.00 Total expenses $14,197.73 $10,674.03 $3,163.01 $9,250.00 $23,087.04 * $5,000 was transferred from the General Fund to the Project Fund 2014 KLC 15 Kviteseid Lutheran/Milan Methodist Cemetery Report CD $80,000.00 Income: Donations & memorials Interest Total Income $ 19,563.52 1,064.26 $20,627.78 Expenses: Labor and gas Dirt and granite Miscellaneous Insurance Total Checking balance Passbook balance Total $3,456.26 893.77 49.92 283.00 $4,682.95 $30,838.39 $9,799.34 $40,637.73 Board members: Richar d Olson, Steve Thompson, Mike Bur ns, Wade Kittelson, Gar y Heimdahl and Josh Moen. Steve Thompson and Mike Burns, 3 year terms are up and have agreed to run again. Projects that were done are installed new fence, repainted cemetery signs and put granite in roadway. Projects for this year include finish dirt work around fence, level stones and cut down dead trees. Thank you to Steve, our groundskeeper. Thank you to everyone who supported us this year. 16 2014 KLC Kviteseid Lutheran Church Financial Reports Balance Sheet - Consolidated Funds - December 2014 ASSETS Cash Checking: Prairie Sun Bank Savings Gifts & Memorials Savings Undesignated Pipe Organ Music Building Access/Parish Ramp Decorating Committee South Africa Mission Trip Military Packages Micah 6:8 Disbursements Thorstenson CD Interest Sanctuary Windows Sunday School Remodel/TV Kviteseid Karnival Handbells Altar brass fixtures Landscaping Chimes system J Melom Estate Library Subtotal Gifts & Memorials Savings Building Fund Savings Subtotal Savings Investments: Certificates of Deposit CD #2 Micah 6:8 CD #3 Outdoor Flowers Subtotal Certificates of Deposit Subtotal Cash Accounts Receivable G&M Undesignated from Kitchen TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES Accounts Payable: Kitchen to G&M Undesignated TOTAL LIABILITIES $607.34 $45,127.34 3,827.91 290.00 500.00 98.31 200.00 501.00 1,337.41 1,907.21 1,250.00 284.94 2,259.15 1,527.00 1,744.93 792.17 300.00 3,597.76 330.60 65,875.73 28,543.31 $94,419.04 11,946.00 2,000.00 13,946.00 $108,972.38 24,687.15 $133,659.53 24,687.15 $24,687.15 TOTAL FUND BALANCE $108,972.38 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE $133,659.53 2014 KLC 17 Gifts and Memorials Memorials: Fund: In memory of: Undesignated Arden Pearson Bob Thompson Eldon Lursen Muriel (Opjorden) Anderson Palmer Lia Chuck Kanten Carol Olson Grace Olson Vivian Grinager Music Arden Pearson Carol Olson World Hunger Ione Kleven Kitchen Fund In honor of Florence Gilbertson Chuck Kanten Palmer Lia Bob Thompson Carol Olson Grace Olson General Fund Chuck Kanten Carol Olson Palmer Lia Fund: From: Kitchen Fund KLC Helping Hands Shane Meier Janice Lund World Hunger Grace Olson Chair Racks Reed Molden Melissa Enevoldsen Nancy Schneck Cross Light Brad Moen Gifts: 18 2014 KLC 2014 General Fund Income Contributions General offering Local Use offering Mid-week Lent offering Subtotal Contributions Investment Income Checking interest $170,226.19 $4,600.00 $2,845.76 $177,671.95 $19.87 Other Income Building Use Thrivent Choice Dollars Memorials designated to General Fund Refunds/Rebates Miscellaneous Income Capital credits Subtotal Other Income $251.00 $3,136.00 205.00 1,129.28 25.00 $328.65 $5,074.93 Fund Raisers Church supper $4,034.04 Total Income 2014 KLC $186,800.79 19 The 2015Adopted Budget Account Name Budget 15 Pastor’s salary $34,962 Furnishing/Household Allowance 3,884 Pension & Health 21,494 Utility Allowance 6,500 Mileage Reimbursement 4,500 Continuing Education 700 FICA Offset 3,477 Professional Expense/Publications 600 New Call expense Organists 4,800 Parish Assistant 24,570 Parish Assistant Continuing Ed. 200 Parish Assistant Retirement 2,457 Building Custodian 12,480 FICA Tax 2,600 Medicare Tax 607 Building Insurance 8,800 Workers Compensation Insurance 1,300 Church Maintenance 22,000 Parsonage Maintenance 8,000 Electricity 10,000 Dual Heat LP 1,000 Telephone 1,900 Water/Garbage 1,200 Worship Supplies 3,200 Fellowship Dinners 600 Sunday School Supplies 2,000 Office Supplies 4,500 Banner Committee 200 Decorating Committee 200 Office Machines 4,500 Adult Education 100 Confirmation 500 Vacation Bible School 200 Junior League 400 Benevolence 12,000 Missionary Sponsor 4,000 Green Lake Lutheran Ministries 1,000 Local Missions/Youth Gathering 1,000 World Hunger 500 Lutheran Social Services 120 Synod Assemblies 1,200 Pulpit supply (Formerly Guest Speakers/Organists) 750 Summer Youth Recreation 200 LqP Conference Dues 480 Miscellaneous Expense 300 TOTAL 215,981 20 The 2014 Budget Report Budget 14 $30,712 12,000 14,000 4,000 4,500 700 3,314 600 2,000 4,800 23,400 400 2,340 11,980 2,491 583 8,800 1,300 22,000 3,500 10,000 1,000 1,600 1,200 3,200 500 2,000 4,500 200 200 3,000 100 500 200 400 12,000 4,000 1,000 1,000 500 120 1,200 750 200 180 300 203,270 Actual 14 $32,268 7,879 12,424 4,036 2,479 460 3,339 16 4,575 23,014 189 2,340 11,297 2,402 562 8,490 1,271 10,405 4,093 10,479 1,482 1,749 999 2,998 592 1,985 4,021 80 0 3,161 (21) 255 153 12,000 4,000 1,000 1,000 500 120 910 340 0 180 413 180,205 2014 KLC Kviteseid Lutheran Church Election Results Annual Meeting, January 18, 2015 President Wade Kittelson Vice President Pete Ervin Secretary Lorrie Spray Treasurer Nate Spray Contributions Secretaries Char Johnson Joel Lund Board of Deacons Rob Schwendemann (2nd term) Lee Haugen Board of Education Talia Schuerman (2nd term) Kim Bowen Board of Trustees Bruce Loose (2nd term) Lay Delegates to the Madison Lutheran Home Annual Meeting Rob & Karla Schwendemann Lay Delegate to Green Lake Lutheran Ministries Annual Meeting Wade Kittelson Lay Delegates to Lac qui Parle Conference Assembly Lay Delegates to SW MN Synod Assembly at Redwood Falls Nominating Committee Kviteseid Lutheran Milan Methodist Cemetery Board 2014 KLC Gwen Olson Rich Isder Wade Kittelson Pete Ervin Reed Molden Jody Molden Alternate Missy Ervin Gwen Olson, Rich Isder, Wade Kittelson Roger Strand Gwen Olson Cindy Kanten Sherry Norby Robert Blom Paul Tostenson Steve Thompson, Mike Burns 21 Kviteseid Lutheran Church Annual Meeting, January 19, 2014 Record of Attendees 22 Randy Fragodt Nancy Schneck Paul Tostenson Connie Fragodt Adeline Ellingboe Marv Link Richard Olson Les Kittelson Jane Link Sherry Norby Rio Kittelson Nancy Streed Saundra Moe David Thompson Gwen Kleven Olson Tom Moe Pr. Kristine Isder Jack Olson Rodger Schneck Josh Moen Alex Olson Bruce Loose Joel Lund Lorrie Spray Lois Lovehaug Mary Ziemann Roger Strand David Lovehaug Arlo Tostenson Cindy Kanten Neil Perseke Janet Tostenson Josh Vetter Keith Kvistero Charlotte Johnson Rod Olson Marlys Kvistero Val Johnson Robert Blom Missy Ervin Delores Running Matt Norby Pete Ervin Ron Streed Nate Spray Reed Molden Nancy Streed One unreadable name Wade Kittelson Richard Isder 50 Recorded Attendees 2014 KLC www.milanslutheranchurch.com Home Mission statement; this weeks happenings; special announcements; contact information; ELCA logo and link; SW MN Synod logo and link Photos Various pictures of the church and activities Staff Description and pictures of the Kviteseid staff News & Newsletters Current and past monthly newsletters; ELCA News Master Calendar Viewable master calendar contains current, past and future months, updated daily for changes and additions Schedules Schedule for ushers, lectors, media operators & greeters Announcements Bulletin announcements from the past two weeks; link to the Youth news Youth News An update on the youth activities Service Groups 2015 Service Group booklet lists groups and their chairpersons; their church duties; Kviteseid members in Assisted Living and Nursing Homes; Circle groups; funeral information; Helping Hands Board members; 2015 Kviteseid schedule; committee information; quilting information Cemetery Contains the burial registry file and pictures of the cemetery Church Policy Church policies regarding building use, member and non-member weddings and Kviteseid’s constitution History Gives the written history of Kviteseid; past pastors 2014 KLC 23
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