SUMMER 2015 ADMIN Use Only: Registration Check #_______ Volunteer Check # _________ Birth Certificate ___________ Medical Information________ Picture Waiver ____________ Player Contract ___________ Player Name: __________________________________________________ Date of Birth: _____________ Address: _________________________________________________________________________________ Shirt Size (circle one): Youth – XS S M L Pant Size (circle one): Youth – XS S M L Adult – S M L XL XXL Adult - S M L XL XXL Sock Size (circle one): S M L Pitching experience ___________________________ Catching experience __________________________________ Registration fees must be paid before a player can be placed on a team. Registration fee increases $40 if not paid by March 5, 2015. ______ 10U Birth Year 2004-2006 $100 ($140 after 03/04/15) ______ 12U Birth Year 2002-2003 $280 ($320 after 03/04/15) ______ 14U Birth Year 2000-2001 $280 ($320 after 03/04/15) ______ 16U Birth Year 1998-1999 $280 ($320 after 03/04/15) ______ 18U Birth Year 1996-1997 $280 ($320 after 03/04/15) In need of financial assistance? Please email league at: [email protected] Parent/Guardian Name(s) 1.) ____________________________________________________ Cell:_____________________________ Email: ________________________________________________ 2.) ____________________________________________________ Cell:_____________________________ Email: ________________________________________________ ____ I am interested in being a Head Coach ___________________________________ (Name) ____ I am interested in being an Assistant Coach _______________________________ (Name) Please include the following items when mailing registration materials: 1. This registration form 2. A copy of player’s birth certificate 3. Check for registration fee made out to CAGFA (100% refund is possible until the association registers the teams with the League) 4. Parent/Player contract (see page 2) 5. Medical Information (see page 3) 6. Picture waiver (see page 3) 7. A check for volunteer deposit payment (see page 4 for details) ___ I wish to pay $100 in lieu of fulfilling the volunteer requirement. ___ A $100 volunteer check is required at time of registration. It will be destroyed as soon as your volunteer requirements are fulfilled prior to the end of the State Tournament. Mailing address: CA Heat Fastpitch P.O. Box 22387, Robbinsdale, MN 55422 Player Name_________________________________ Birth Year _________ CA HEAT Fastpitch Parent and Player Contract FASTPITCH Parents, Players and Fans Thank you for your interest in CA Heat Fastpitch. Please note you are committing to a game schedule that includes one or two game nights per week, either Mondays and Wednesdays or Tuesdays and Thursdays, depending on age, as well as several practices per week. Many times, practices are held on the weeknights you are not scheduled to play games. Individual team practice schedules are at the coach’s discretion. You are also committing to playing in several weekend coach-choice tournaments, the state qualifier tournament and the state tournament. The 2015 state qualifier and state tournament dates have not yet been published, but for 10U/12U the state qualifier is generally the weekend before July 4th and the state tournament is generally the weekend after July 4 th. For 14U/16U the state qualifier is generally the first weekend after July 4th and the state tournament is generally the second weekend after July 4 th. We will publish the specific dates as soon as we receive them. Availability for the state qualifier and state tournaments is mandatory. We understand that you may have multiple opportunities to participate in a variety of different sports and activities. These are good things, but please note that we take your commitment to the CA Heat seriously. Failure to honor your commitment to the game schedule and the practice schedule short changes your teammates and yourself and can, at coach’s discretion, result in the loss of playing time. As a Parent/Guardian of a Player, I promise to: 1. Place the well-being of my child and teammates of my child before a personal desire to win. 2. Encourage good sportsmanship by demonstrating positive support for all players, coaches, fans and officials at games, practices and other sporting events. 3. Never cheer “against” an opponent or show disrespect for another team’s parents or players. Be courteous to opposing teams and treat all players and coaches with respect. 4. Encourage my child to play by the rules and respect the rights of other players, coaches, fans and officials. 5. Advocate a sports environment for my child that is free of drugs, tobacco, alcohol and abusive language, and refrain from their use during youth sporting events. 6. Help my child show up to practice and games on time, with proper equipment, and ready to play. Parent Name (print): Parent/Guardian Signature: Date: As a Player, I promise to: 1. Be courteous to opposing teams and treat all players and coaches with respect. 2. Be modest when successful and be gracious in defeat. 3. Show respect for authority and to the officials of the game and of the league. 4. Respect the privilege of the use of public facilities. 5. Demonstrate good sportsmanship before, during and after games. 6. Help parents and fans understand the league philosophy so they can watch and enjoy the game. 7. Respect the game, play fairly and follow its’ rules and regulations. 8. Show up for practice on time, with proper equipment and ready to play. 9. Advocate that all players refrain from using drugs, tobacco, alcohol and abusive language. 10. Place school commitments and homework as my first priority. 11. Have FUN! Player Name (print): Player Signature: Date: 2 Player Name_________________________________ Birth Year _________ Medical Information (in case of emergency) Physician’s Name ___________________________________________________Phone____________________________ Are there any medical conditions of which the coaches should be aware? _______________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Player’s Parent or Guardian must have full health insurance coverage for the player. Name of Carrier ______________________________________Policy Number_____________________________ Release of Responsibility and Consent for Medical Treatment It is understood and agreed that the Cooper Armstrong Girls Fastpitch Association (CAGFA) and its coaches, officers, directors or their daughters have no responsibility or liability for any accidents, injuries, or health related conditions that my daughter/dependent may experience through any activity including, but I no way limited to, transportation, practices, scrimmages, games, tournaments or any other team activity. I as a parent or guardian of the above named player am solely and exclusively responsible for any injury or health related condition that may arise from the above named player’s participation in any CAGFA activity, which includes, but in no way is limited to, transportation, practices, games, scrimmages, tournaments or other team activities. I specifically absolve the officers, directors, coaches and volunteers of CAGFA from all responsibility or liability due to any injury, accident (including death) or loss of property that may occur. I also certify that I, as parent or guardian of the above named player, give my consent to CAGFA and its representatives to obtain medical care from a licensed physician, dentist, hospital or clinic for the above named player, for any injury that may arise from participation in any team activity. Name of Parent/Guardian _____________________________________________________________________________ Signature _________________________________________________ Date ____________________________________ Relationship to Player ________________________________________________________________________________ PICTURE WAIVER Internet Publishing Release Form and Parent Permission/Authorization 2015 Summer Season I, _______________________________________(parent/legal guardian) give permission to The CA Heat Fastpitch Association to post pictures of The CA Heat Fastpitch Association activities that may include my child as an individual or in a group on their website. I, _______________________________________(parent/legal guardian) understand that any picture on this website could be seen by anyone with access to the Internet. I also understand that pictures on the Internet cannot be protected against unauthorized use or copyright violations. I agree to hold The CA Heat Fastpitch Association harmless for any unauthorized use or copyright violat ions arising from the printing of my child's picture posted on the website. In addition, I release any claims against The CA Heat Fastpitch agents for any damages, awards, claims or liabilities that may arise from any unauthorized uses or copyright violations of my child's picture. _________________________________________ _____________________________ (signature) (date) > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > OR < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < I, ______________________________________ of ________________________________ (parent/legal guardian) (child) do not grant permission for pictures of my child to be posted on the CA Heat Fastpitch Website. _________________________________________ (signature) _____________________________ (date) 3 Volunteer Deposit Information Cooper Armstrong Girls Fastpitch Association (CAGFA) is a volunteer organization that relies on people like you to make a difference in our daughters’ lives while playing Fastpitch softball. You do not need to know anything about the sport to be able to help out. CAGFA requires a commitment of 3 hours of volunteering to be fulfilled by each family for each player. The list of options is below. If you wish to pay the $100 instead of completing the 3 hours, please indicate your option on the first page of the registration forms. Being a head/assistant coach or a board member fulfills this requirement. Volunteering Opportunities Team Specific Opportunities: CA Heat Organization Opportunities: Head Coach - Must be at 75% percent of all practices Board Members - Please check for and 90% of all games. our current openings. Assistant Coach – Assists the head coach, and must be at 50% of all practices and 75% of all games. There can be up to 3 assistant coaches, at the discretion of the head coach. Team Representative - This person would be a noncoach parent that would attend monthly association meetings to communicate with board an update on how things are going on the team related to players, coaches, and families. Must attend at least 50% of games and practices. Up to 2 team representatives per team. Team Manager - This person would help coaches with communication to the team players and parents, organize any treat schedules (if desired), enter scores online each night after home games. Only 1 team manager per team. Attend monthly meetings - All monthly meetings are open to the public. If you attend 3 monthly meetings you will satisfy your volunteer duties. Find out what is going on and give your input on how you would like the organization to work for you! Opening Day Kick-Off committee - We need volunteers to help create, organize, and facilitate an event for all teams and families to get together and showcase our girls! This group of 10 or so parents would get together with the board and come up with a plan for this great event! Any other ideas?? - What can you do to help get the word out to our communities and promote CA Heat Fastpitch? WE NEED YOU! Team Photographer - This person would attend 75% or more games and take pictures and upload to a team Shutterfly account (or similar) for parents and families. Up to 2 team photographers per team. What can you do? Let us know! Field raking/shoveling and maintenance - Attend at least 50% of all practices and home games. Can have up to 2 field maintenance people per team. [email protected] Any other Ideas? - Let us know any other way that you would think would help out the specific team and coach. 4 SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES We are pleased to provide a variety of opportunities for individuals and businesses to support the CA HEAT. Funds raised are used for a variety of purposes, including: purchasing and maintaining equipment providing enhanced training experiences reducing registration fees This is a great way for your organization to show support for Girls’ community sports. Uniforms, Banners and our CA Heat Website are viewed by many in the Metro area. For the 2015 season, we are pleased to offer several tiers to choose from: GOLD level $500 – Company logo will appear on team uniform. Gold level sponsorship is for one team. SILVER level $250 – One of our teams will display a team banner including a sponsor name or logo. Multiple sponsorships available at this level as each banner may include several corporate logos. BRONZE level $100 – We will display a banner including your sponsor name or logo on our website. For further information, please contact us at [email protected] 5 Do not turn in – for your records GUARDIAN COPY OF PICTURE WAIVER Internet Publishing Release Form and Parent Permission / Authorization 2015 Summer Season Dear Parent/Guardian, The CA Heat Fastpitch Softball Association has a website, Facebook page, and Twitter feed, which contain detailed information about our organization. The website is located at:, CA Heat Fastpitch, #CAFastpitch. As an association, we will be posting pictures taken of players during many events taken throughout our season on this website. Your child may be in some of the pictures. Any person viewing a web site may see information or pictures published on the Internet. The CA Heat Fastpitch Association cannot control who will view the information, potential reproduction of it, or actions they may take with it. Please read the attached permission form. By signing this form, you are giving The CA Heat Fastpitch Association permission to include pictures of your child on our website. Information about your child, including name, address or any other personal information, will NOT be included on this webpage. If, after signing this agreement, you wish to change your consent and have your child's picture removed from the website, please contact The CA Heat Fastpitch Association by e-mail at [email protected] and include specific information in your request to remove your child's picture. This request will be honored within 96 hours of acknowledgement of this request. I, _______________________________________(parent/legal guardian) give permission to The CA Heat Fastpitch Association to post pictures of The CA Heat Fastpitch Association activities that may include my child as an individual or in a group on their website. I, _______________________________________(parent/legal guardian) understand that any picture on this website could be seen by anyone with access to the Internet. I also understand that pictures on the Internet cannot be protected against unauthorized use or copyright violations. I agree to hold The CA Heat Fastpitch Association harmless for any unauthorized use or copyright violations arising from the printing of my child's picture posted on the website. In addition, I release any claims against The CA Heat Fastpitch agents for any damages, awards, claims or liabilities that may arise from any unauthorized uses or copyright violations of my child's picture. _________________________________________ _____________________________ (signature) (date) > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > OR < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < I, ______________________________________ of ________________________________ (parent/legal guardian) (child) do not grant permission for pictures of my child to be posted on the CA Heat Fastpitch Website. _________________________________________ (signature) _____________________________ (date) 6
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