F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 5 2 0 1 4 Richland County Post # 6 200 Pickens St, Columbia, SC 29205 803-799-2736 [email protected] Commanders Corner Bryan Tolar ALRP6.ORG Having served over 20 years with the Army and with three overseas deployments, I could not have been as successful without the unyielding support and encouragement of my wife, Amy. Our spouses not only provide an enormous resource to our service personnel and Post family, but also serve extensively within the community. Just as we have committed to continue our service through the American Legion, they are just as committed through outstanding organizations like the American Legion Auxiliary. For our next Post meeting on 12 February, please join me in welcoming officers from the SC Department of the American Legion Auxilliary to learn about opportunities for our spouses to continue to serve our Post, our veterans, and our community. After the meeting, we will also have a breakout meeting for the Auxilliary to briefly discuss officer elections and future events. Please enjoy dinner with us for this very important meeting with your spouse. Our Auxilliary provides a critical resource for our community and is an asset to our Post when recruiting younger members and their spouses. As always, remember: Invite a friend and devote one hour to Post 6 this month. Bryan Tolar Commander Tuesdays Wednesdays Thursdays 2/3 First Wednesday First Thursday 2/5 6PM Marine Corps League Wing Night 2/11 @ 7 PM First Tuesday @6PM Third Tuesday 2/16 Vietnam Veterans of America @ 7 PM Fourth Tuesday 2/23 @ 7 PM MOPH B.A.C.A SATURDAYS Fourth Saturday 2/7 VA Hospital Visit @ 2 PM Volunteers Needed Please Call: 301-219-8914 For more information. Second Thursday 2/12 Executive Committee Meeting 5:30 PM Legion Meeting 6:15 Speaker: Menu: Chicken & Sausage Gumbo Shrimp & Sausage Gumbo Over the Horizon Pig Picking Coming in March Date TBA 2/19 ALR @ 7PM Nullam arcu leo, facilisis ut February 2015 F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 5 Post 6 American Legion Riders Check out the Post 6 Riders Blog on the web- ALRP6.org Who said it is cold outside? The great thing about living in South Carolina when you a ride a motorcycle is when you have a winter with 60 and 70 degree days in the middle of January. When you are a member of the American Legion Riders, this weather means that we can continue honoring those Veterans whose families invite us to participate in their services, their last formation on this earth. When invited we are there, regardless of the weather, but great weather just adds an element of safety and comfort for those grieving the loss of their beloved Veteran. This month was no exception, as we have stayed busy with nine (9) honor missions, including -CSM Melvin Bryant, U.S. Army Retired, WWII and Vietnam Veteran. -Mark Campbell, U.S. Army Veteran. -LTC (Chaplain) Lathrop P. Utley, U.S. Army Retired, Korea and Vietnam Veteran. -SFC Theodore B. Oliver, U.S. Army Retired, Korea and Vietnam Veteran. -David L. Smith, U.S. Marine Corps Veteran. -LTC Ervin O. Russell, U.S. Air Force Retired, Vietnam Veteran. -SSG James “Jimmie” Jones, U.S. Army Retired. -Roy “Eddie” Armstead, U.S. Navy Veteran. -SSGT Edgar Parker, Jr. U.S. Marine Corps Retired, Vietnam Veteran. Yes, it was a busy month of January standing for those who have stood for us many years before. We paid honor and respect to 4 of the 5 military services this month. No matter how many there are, we always seem to make the time to be there for the family when called. We are now preparing for some major events upcoming in the Spring, including the 4th Annual South Carolina State Legacy Ride in April and Rolling Thunder in May. Spring and Summer is just around the corner. We keep an online photo library of all of our events on Photobucket.com, so anytime you want to check out some pictures and videos of our events, you can online at: http://s1281.photobucket.com/user/ALRPost6/library/ You can always check out our calendar here to stay abreast of upcoming events: http://www.localendar.com/public/ALRPOST6 Riding for God and Country, L.Z. Harrison, Jr., Director, Post 6 ALR B I R T H DIRECTORY COMMANDER Bryan Tolar [email protected] Past Commander Jim Jarvis 1st Vice Mac Horton [email protected] 2nd Vice Chris Spencer 3rd Vice Marc Carroll Service Officer Ralph Yoho [email protected] Adjutant Kevin Stegall [email protected] SGT-AT-ARMS Charlie Sharpe JAG Ed Latimer [email protected] Chaplain Dave DeDonato [email protected] Finance Officer Emory Markwood Director Rupert Rentz 799-2736 Executive Committee 2013-2015 Joe Smoak John Arnold Dave DeDonato Ralph Yoho Jr. Mike Carr 2014-2016 LZ Harrison Art Baker Lewis Monroe Debra McNamee Buddy Sturgis FOUNDATION DIRECTORS Teddy Hornsby 11-15 John Shuler 12-16 Jim Rhodes 13-17 James Doar 14-18 D A Y S McGowan Anderson 22 Benjamin Banks 12 John Bozard 24 Randy Brooks 24 Betty Coleman 12 Maynard Cusworth 8 Wilkie Daniel 3 Roger Doyon 2 Eugene Easterling 21 Ceren Farr 21 Mary Fuller 17 Robert Giles 12 Scott Harris 17 Dave Hast 21 Charles Jacocks 12 Ed Kirby 4 Ed Latimer 1 Rudi Laub 13 Donna Lee 27 Phil Loman 24 Grady Majors 15 John Marshall 6 Richard Moseley 1 Bob OKelly 3 Wiley Ouzts 14 Frank Parker 21 Uris Phipps 13 Harold Reynolds 6 Daniel Rhame 10 John Rockholz 18 Bob Royer 19 J B Sanders 3 Mildred Sites 19 Bob Slimp 15 Wayne Smith 19 Kevin Stegall 19 Rudolph Strickland 20 Robert Taylor 11 Doyle Tipton 6 Ephraim Ulmer 1 Lawrence Wilder 10 Tammy Williamson 11 Eli Wishart 28 F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 5 Called to Post Everlasting Melvin L. Bryant - US ARMY WWII/Vietnam Charles Junior Harris- US ARMY Korea Chaplains Corner Dave DeDonato Chaplain Dave's articles are available on the web @ALRP.org A FACEDOWN WITH PRIDE In eight seasons with the Pittsburgh Steelers, Troy Polamalu has won two Super Bowls and played in five Pro Bowls. With his success, Troy strives to maintain Christian character. In an interview with CBN, he said, "Pride is tough. You go to high school, and it's pride, courage. It's all these types of words that we use to motivate us. I don't think there's anywhere in the Scriptures ... where pride was ever a positive characteristic of anybody. That kind of egotism is a really tough struggle—especially in this business. ... As a minister, it's a big struggle of mine." Polamalu goes on to say that it's not the obvious things that are the hardest to deal with in his life. "The big things are the easiest to turn away from. It's the accumulation of small things that are hard. People know adultery's bad and murder's bad. They say, “I'm not going to go out and sleep with the first girl I see.” But when your eyes start wandering, and you become a little more jealous and envious, and these passions start rising up inside of you -- that's when it really becomes dangerous. Because the Devil doesn't work that way. His strategy is always to be very subtle and continue to build on top of that evil seed that he planted." What keeps him rooted? Prayer. Polamalu says, "As your prayer life becomes more and more fine-tuned, and your conscience becomes more and more fine-tuned, you're able to start plucking away at these things." My heart is not proud, O Lord, my eyes are not haughty; I do not concern myself with great matters or things too wonderful for me. But I have stilled and quieted my soul; like a weaned child with its mother, like a weaned child is my soul within me. (Psalm 131:1-2) Chaplain Dave Please Let us Know how best to contact you YOU CAN NOW RENEW ON LINE @ legion.org/renew NAME_____________________________________ EMAIL_____________________________________ Do you want the Bugle sent by email?____yes____No Phone #___________________________ Cell #_____________________________ Would you like to receive Telephone Alerts? ___Yes___No If yes would you prefer a call or text?____________________ Please send this to: Post 6: 200 Pickens St, Columbia SC, 29205 RETRIEVE YOUR DD-214 AND OTHER VITAL RECORDS AT www.archives.gov/veterans/military-service-records/ AMERICAN LEGION POST 6 NON PROFIT 200 PICKENS ST ORGANIZATION COLUMBIA SC 29205 US POSTAGE RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED PAID PERMIT NO. 77 COLUMBIA SC South Carolina Preparing for War: The Carolina Maneuvers of 1941 One of the most popular exhibits at the South Carolina Military Museum covers the Carolina Maneuvers of 1941 which encompassed the lower part of North Carolina and almost the entire upper half of South Carolina. Despite enormous local, national, and even international press coverage at the time, very few visitors to the Museum are aware that such crucial pre-war training took place in the Palmetto State and her neighbor to the north. In the third of a four-part series, the GHQ Maneuvers finally head to the Carolinas. Consisting of two phases, this article covers phase one: the “Battle of the Pee Dee River”. Once again, the two armies were divided into Blue and Red, with the former representing a traditional infantry-based force (with armor in support) and the latter a smaller but more “modern” mechanized force. Please Visit the Military Museum Blog at ALRP6.ORG for the complete story
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