Instrument Petting Zoo

Instrument Petting Zoo
at musical playtime
The Instrument Petting Zoo is where we can touch
musical instruments. We will hold one at a time, and
give it back when we are done.
Instruments I Will See
A violin is held under the chin and
played with a bow. The violin plays music
that is very high. It usually plays the
melody, or the part of the song that we
sing along to.
Cello: The middle instrument in the string
family. It is played while sitting and can
play very low notes and higher notes.
Bow: This is what a string player holds in their
hand and pulls across the strings to make a sound.
It is made out of wood and horse hair.
The French horn player plays different
notes on the horn by pressing valves
with the left hand and by moving the right
hand inside of the bell.
To play a trumpet, a musician blows in
the mouthpiece and presses the three
valves in different ways to make notes.
The trombone is played by blowing in the mouthpiece
and pushing the slide back and forth. This makes
different notes.
We play cymbals by touching the
edges together.
We play jingle
bells by
shaking them.
They sound
like Santa’s
sleigh bells.
We can shake, rub, or tap
a tambourine.
We play a triangle by
striking it with the
steel beater. It sounds
like a bell.
Thanks to the Dallas Symphony Orchestra for many of the images
Used in this document.
Created for the
The University of South Florida
Center for Autism and Related Disabilities