Support Martin House Children’s Hospice today! Your essential guide to help you reach your fundraising target ‘Martin House Children’s Hospice’ Join #TeamMartinHouse today! Meet Isabel and her father Neil Dear Supporter, Martin House Children’s Hospice provides care for children and young people with progressive, life-limiting illnesses and offers support to their families across Yorkshire. We need to raise almost £5 million annually to run the service we provide at our purpose built hospice in Boston Spa near Wetherby. The aim of Martin House is to provide family-led care in a home from home environment. It is a place where children, young people and their families can stay from time to time along their journey and find support, rest and practical help. Thank you for thinking about Martin House and taking the time to find out more about fundraising for us. We hope that you have fun with your fundraising, and that this pack provides you with some helpful hints and tips. Your support is incredibly important to us and we value each donation and sponsorship amount raised. Our services are provided free of charge, and with less than 12% coming from statutory funding, your support will help us to make a real difference to local Isabel Annakin is a treasured child, a 6 year old girl diagnosed four years ago with a rare condition, Metachromatic leukodystrophy. Isabel’s father Neil has given up work to become her full time carer and says that every day he learns from his brave little girl. “I fell to pieces when I got Isabel’s diagnosis when she was just 2 years old” says Neil. “Isabel has a genetic condition which affects just one in 40,000 people. Both her mother and I were carriers of the defective gene. At home I looked up the condition on the internet and that’s when my life fell apart. I realised that slowly but surely I was losing Isabel, bit by bit.” Neil has spent hours researching his daughter’s rare condition and values the help and support on offer from Martin House. “I can talk to someone who knows Isabel and knows her condition” says Neil. “That’s invaluable when trying to deal with an illness as rare as Isabel’s. I don’t know how much time she has left. It could be five months or ten years. All I know is that I try to make every day special.” “Knowing that Martin House is there to support us is such a relief.” Neil adds “I am immensely grateful for the support of the staff and facilities at Martin House. It is the only place that I will leave Isabel overnight. Every day I learn from my brave and beautiful girl. She has made me a stronger person. She is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Every moment I spend with her is a real celebration of that. ” families who need us. We wish you the best of luck with your fundraising journey! Don’t forget to contact us if you need any help along the way. With best wishes, The Fundraising Team 2 call us today on 01937 844 569 3 Large or small, every penny counts. Just see the difference your help can make: A £5 donation could pay for a 10 minute telephone conversation at 3am with a parent who “just wants to talk” Sponsorship of £20 could pay for the cost of a special play session for a Martin House child, with lots of fun and laughter £25 would pay for a child to have a dip in our jacuzzi spa with lots of bubbles and giggles Top Fundraising Tips You have a fundraising target you want to achieve. What’s next? 1 Keep ideas simple 5 Contact everyone you know 2 Set yourself a goal 6 Ask friends and family to help 3 Work out if there are any costs to you 7 4 Set up an online fundraising page at Publicise your event either with posters or via social media 8 Take your sponsorship form everywhere you go 9 Ask at your place of work if they will match your donations 10 Don’t forget to ask us for help! or £40 could pay for a group session to provide support to a sibling experiencing a brother or sister’s illness or death A massive £100 raised would cover the cost of a trip out for a Martin House child whilst staying at the hospice. It could be a cinema trip, a shopping trip or a visit to a local attraction – a rare treat! If you could raise £60 it would pay for an hour of community nursing care for a child in his or her home With sponsorship of £150 we could cover the cost of an evening’s respite care for a Martin House family to give them much needed sleep Just £50 could pay for a fun-filled music therapy session for a Martin House child £500 pays for 24 hours of care for a Martin House family – with everything they need for the day and night, a chance for some quality time together, nutritious home-cooked dinners and a good night’s sleep It costs £1,000 to give the gift of an in-house pantomime for ALL of our children! Make sure your first donation is a big one so everyone follows suit! Fundraising Materials Have fun We have a range of promotional literature and merchandise to help make your event or fundraising efforts as eye catching as possible. From t-shirts to banners, let everyone know who you are fundraising for! T-shirts Balloons Leaflets Gift Aid envelopes Your donation of £2,000 would pay for a Care Team Member for one month Sponsorship Forms £5,000 is the cost of a specialist bespoke bed for our children with complex medical needs To Borrow – Collecting tins Collecting buckets Large or small banners £300 raised would cover the cost of our medical supplies for a whole week 4 Just £10 would cover the costs of changing a child’s drip £13,500 would pay for the running of the hospice for a whole day – 24 hours of care and support for all our children and their families. Pull up banner Branded tablecloths Marty Bear teddies and pin badges to sell And if you are really lucky, Marty bear may even make an appearance at your event! call us today on 01937 844 569 5 Join ‘Team Martin’ Why not enter one of our challenge events this year and join ‘Team Martin’? Corporate Support – Working in Partnership As a member of our team, you will be sent a t-shirt or running vest together with the offer of all the support you need to help you along the way. If we have set you a target for a specific event which you feel you may have trouble reaching, you can set up a direct debit with us instead to pay a little at a time. Working in partnership with businesses from small shops to large organisations throughout Yorkshire is important to us. Support from all types of local companies can help to make a real difference to the lives of the children, young people and families who rely on us. Join our team of active supporters, all raising money for Martin House, and wear your orange t-shirt with pride. If you have entered an alternative event to one of ours then you can still join this special team. Just get in touch and we will send you a sponsorship form and a T-shirt to wear on the day. Every penny counts - it all adds up and anything businesses can do to help is really appreciated. Fundraising can be fun, build great team morale, provide opportunities for your business and, at the same time, support our vital work. A very special club to be in! There are so many different opportunities that will suit where you work, what you might enjoy and the time you have available. If you are thinking of adopting Martin House as your charity partner, please be assured that you will make a difference to our hospice. Engage your staff and customers in a cause they feel passionate about by partnering with us. Here are just some ideas that have been successful to date: Collect donations of stock for our shops Organise a charity bag collection in your office. Collect clothes, bric-a-brac, books, DVDs and small electrical appliances. Monthly fundraiser in the office Hold a Dress Down Day, Cake Bake,“Guess the Baby Face” or even a head shave or leg wax! Win a week of extra holiday Why not hold a competition for staff to “Win an Extra Week’s Holiday”? Sell tickets in your office for this fantastic opportunity! Golf Day Organise your own Golf Day and invite your clients and customers. Lock up your Boss Arrange for your Boss to go behind bars for the day! Donations are needed for release. If you want to support us but are not sure how, please remember that you are not on your own. We can give you lots of ideas and support. Please call the Corporate Team for further details. 6 register online today - call us today on 01937 844 569 7 Walks / Runs: mo s 3 Choose a walk along local footpaths, canals or countryside, or challenge yourself to a more strenuous walk or run and ask friends, neighbours and colleagues to sponsor you. r e’ 2 shi Open Gardens/Garden Party: Use your garden as a venue to raise funds. You could charge visitors to come in to see how you plant your borders, prune your shrubs or grow your fruit and vegetables. Perhaps you could have a plant stall and sell refreshments. Put on a musical talent competition or “Battle of the Bands”. For further details on our Centre Stage competition see E AG 1 E TR ST York 2 Here are some ways your school could be involved: n Coffee Mornings: CEN 1 Hold a coffee morning, either at home or in a local hall, and invite family and friends for refreshments and a spot of company. Increase the fundraising by selling home-made produce or handicrafts; hold a raffle or run a competition or tombola. t it i o Here are some examples of fundraising in the Community: Does your school have a charities’ week or adopt a charity for a term? By choosing to support Martin House you will be helping children across Yorkshire with a shortened life expectancy. Fundraising would be a wonderful way of involving your school with the local community. pe We welcome support and funding from the many and varied groups in our community, be they schools and colleges, places of worship, sports associations or from community organisations at the heart of our society. You don’t need any special talents, only a desire to make a difference. School Information st p om Out and about in the community r e s ti g i o u s m u si c a l t ale nt c Organise a sponsored walk around the school grounds, playing fields or a local park. Even the youngest of children can take part in a “Toddle-Waddle”. They could wear fancy dress, super-hero costumes, fancy hats or maybe all dress in the same colour. 4 Dance / Theatre / Concerts / Performances: If your hobby involves music, dance, drama, performing arts or similar, this is a great way to combine something you love with raising money. You could charge for tickets, sell programmes and have a stall at the interval to sell refreshments and goodies. You could have a bucket collection too – a licence from the council will be required to collect in the streets. 5 Pubs and Clubs: Hold a quiz night or karaoke at your local pub and charge an entrance fee. You could organise a fancy dress night with prizes for the best outfits, and maybe hold a raffle or tombola. 8 3 Bake a cake and raffle it off. You may want to have a “Guess the weight of the cake competition”, or involve children in baking buns and cakes to sell at school. Invite parents and family to a coffee morning and sell the cakes that the children have made. 4 Make your own carol sheets and entertain your local community with carol singing, either in the school or by prior arrangement with local groups. Young people helping young people call us today on 01937 844 569 9 Keeping it safe and legal How to send your money in! As well as being here to offer advice and assistance we also want to make sure you are doing everything legally and safely. The hardest part after any event or sponsored activity is collecting in the money. If you have set up an online page via justgiving or Virgin money giving, then that money goes directly into our bank account so there is no need for you to do anything. It’s as easy as that! Ensure that your event is organised efficiently and safely. You can refer to The Health and Safety Executive for more information on event safety – Contact the Environmental Health Department for advice if you are selling food. Check you have enough help and that there is adequate adult supervision if children are involved. Consider what insurance cover you need for your event. Always have two people present to count money raised. Raffles If you are intending to hold a raffle over a period of time where the prize is drawn on a later date, you will need to obtain a licence from your local council. No licence is needed when you sell tickets and draw the prize on the same day. Cheques – these should be made payable to Martin House and can be sent to Martin House Children’s Hospice, Grove Road, Clifford, Wetherby, LS23 6TX. Please fill in the ‘Paying in your Money Form’ below and enclose your cheque. Please do not send cash in the post. You can also drop your money into us at the fundraising office so we can thank you in person or you can donate online – If you would rather deposit the money directly into our bank account then please call us on 01937 844569 for the details. If you have any photos from your event please email them to [email protected] with a brief description and the amount you raised so that we can add it to our ‘Thank you’ page on our website. Don’t forget to forward your sponsorship forms onto us so that we can claim the Gift Aid from your sponsors if appropriate. Paying in your money Once you have finished your fundraising activity, please complete and return this form to Martin House. Your Details Tick here if you would like an email acknowledgement rather than a letter. Title First Name Surname Organisation (if applicable) Public Collections All street collections need to be registered with the local authority who will issue a collection licence. Under 16s are not permitted to collect money in this way. ! 10 Address Postcode Tel Number Mobile Email If you have an online fundraising page, please provide the web address Liability Martin House cannot accept any responsibility for your event, nor for anyone who participates in it. Event Details Name of event(s) Date of event How much did you raise? (We recommend all funds are counted by 2 people) £ Signed Date call us today on 01937 844 569 11 Contact Us For further information please contact: Martin House, Grove Road, Clifford, Wetherby, West Yorkshire, LS23 6TX. Email [email protected] Registered Charity Number 517919 A Company Limited By Guarantee Registered in England & Wales No 02016332 VAT Registration No. 686 5694 67 Please follow us on facebook by searching for Martin House Children’s Hospice Or follow us on twitter @MartinHouseCH
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