V. Rev. Nicholas Wyslutsky, Rector St. Nicholas Orthodox Church Parish Contacts

Sunday October 12, 2014
St. Nicholas
Orthodox Church
755 South Cleveland Ave.
Mogadore, OH 44260
A Parish of the Orthodox Church in America
V. Rev. Nicholas Wyslutsky, Rector
Parish Contacts
email: [email protected]
website: www.stnickoca.org
V. Rev. Nicholas Wyslutsky, Rector 628-1333
email: [email protected]
Thomas Gall, President
email: [email protected]
Marianne Price, Past President
Basil Kochan, Choir Director
William Price, Cemetery Administrator
Banquet Center - Maria Stevens
email: [email protected]
Sunday October 12, 18th Sunday after Pentecost. Tone 1. (3rd of Luke). Commemoration of
the Holy Fathers of the 7th Ecumenical Council. Martyrs Probus, Tarachus and Andronicus, at
Tarsus in Cilicia (304). St. Cosmas the Hymnographer Bishop of Majuma (ca. 787). Ven.
Amphilokhy, Abbot of Glushetsk (1452). Martyr Domnica of Anazarbus (286). St. Martin the
Merciful, Bishop of Tours (ca. 400). The “Jerusalem” Icon of the Most-holy Theotokos (48 A.D.).
Epistles: 2 Cor. 9:6-11 & Heb. 13:7-16 Gospel: Luke 7:11-16 & John 17:1-13
Please Pray for the Health of:
Hieromonk Roman Braga, Lorraine Johnson, Marta Mojzer, Fredrick DeBellis, Gary English,
Jeffrey Wetshtein, Harry Mlynar, Ed Sudia, Rachel D’Fantis, Kathleen Pyle, Olga Henkle, Daniel
Hornyak, Shannon Bitskay, Margaret Bosko, Jeffrey Honneycutt & Tim Redovian.
In Memory of:
Priest John Bohush, Matushka Daria Mason, Matushka Vera Yuschak, Walter Molohoshy,
Casey Marzuola, Mike Dolan, Anne Anop, William Roberts & Elizabeth Stallings.
Schedule of Services
Saturday October 18........Great Vespers...................................................................5:00 p.m.
Sunday October 19.........Adult Class & Church School................................................8:55 a.m.
The Third Hour...............................................................................9:45 a.m.
Divine Liturgy...............................................................................10:00 a.m.
Epistle: 2 Cor. 11:31-12:9 Gospel: Luke 8:5-15
Liturgy Book Helps for Today
Troparia, Kontakia, Prokimena, and Alleluia Verses: Pages: 149-150
Daily Scripture Readings
Phil. 1:1-7
Luke 7:36-50
Phil. 1:8-14
Luke 8:1-3
Phil. 1:12-20
Luke 8:22-25
Phil. 1:20-27
Luke 9:7-11
Phil. 1:27-2:4 & 1 Cor. 15:58-16:3 Luke 9:12-18 & Luke 6:1-10
Col. 4:5-9, 14, 18
Luke 10:16-21
Facts & Figures - Week of October 5, 2014
General Offerings
Mortgage Reduction
Memorial Candle Offerings!
Altar Table Candles: For health and God’s guidance on Mom’s birthday (13th) offered by Gary
& Elaine & family.
Royal Door Vigil: For health and well being of Ray Teachout in honor of his birthday, offered
by his wife Vera & children Sarah, Rachel & John.
Table of Oblation Candles: In memory of our Mother Joan Savage, offered by her children
Joseph, Cathy, Richard & Caroline Savage & Granddaughter Corrie Strouse.
Standing Vigil: In loving memory of our mother Eva, & grandparents Wasyle, Senia & Anna,
offered by Eve Nelson Tavanier.
Standing Vigil: In memory of Joan Savage on this the anniversary of her falling asleep in the
Lord. Memory Eternal! Offered with love.
Standing Vigil: Thanks to God for our health & happiness on our 28th wedding anniversary,
offered by Theresa & Bob Stotler.
Standing Vigil: In loving memory of Vera & Bill Utterback, offered by Barbara, Jimmy, Rhyesa
Bill & Nikolai Jackson.
Standing Vigil: For success on Rhyesa Jackson’s promotion, offered by Mom, Dad, Brother
& Nikolai.
Standing Vigil: For the health of Ed & Regina Sudia, offered by Martha Slanta.
Standing Vigil: In memory of Michael Dolan, offered by Martha Slanta.
The family of Martin Vronick would like
Icon Workshop Cancelled!
The Icon workshop that was you to help him celebrate his Special Birthday
scheduled for this coming weekend has after Church on Sunday October 19th
been postponed. Please see David Trace immediately following Divine Liturgy.
A special cake with the number 80 on it
for more information.
will be there to help us celebrate this special
birthday. Please Join us.
Soup Luncheon
Thank you
A soup luncheon will be held next
The Vronick Family
Sunday, October 19 following Liturgy. Stay
for some warm fellowship and a hot cup of
Food For the Soul
Happy Birthday Martin
Commemoration of the Holy Fathers of the
Seventh Ecumenical Council
Today the Church remembers the 350
Two years later, the barbarians invaded
holy Fathers of the Seventh Ecumenical Gaul and Martin asked permission to resign his
Council under the holy Patriarch Tarasius commission for religious reasons. The
(February 25).
commander charged him with cowardice. St
Martin demonstrated his courage by offering to
The Synod of 787, the second to meet at stand unarmed in the front line of battle, trusting
Nicea, refuted the Iconoclast heresy during the in the power of the Cross to protect him. The
reign of Empress Irene and her son next day, the barbarians surrendered without a
Constantine Porphyrogenitos.
fight, and Martin was allowed to leave the army.
The Council decreed that the veneration
of icons was not idolatry (Exodus 20:4-5),
because the honor shown to them is not
directed to the wood or paint, but passes to the
prototype (the person depicted). It also upheld
the possibility of depicting Christ, Who became
man and took flesh at His Incarnation. The
Father, on the other hand, cannot be
represented in His eternal nature, because “no
man has seen God at any time” (John 1:18).
He traveled to various places during the next
few years, spending some time as a hermit on
an island off Italy. He became friendly with St
Hilary, Bishop of Poitiers (January 14), who
made Martin an exorcist. After several years of
the ascetic life, St Martin was chosen to be
Bishop of Tours in 371. As bishop, St Martin did
not give up his monastic life, and the place
where he settled outside Tours became a
monastery. In fact, he is regarded as the
founder of monasticism in France. He
conversed with angels, and had visions of Sts
Peter and Paul (June 29) and of other saints.
He is called the Merciful because of his
generosity and care for the poor, and he
received the grace to work miracles.
In Greek practice, the holy God-bearing
Fathers of the Seventh Ecumenical Council
are commorated on October 11 (if it is a
Sunday), or on the Sunday which follows
October 11. According to the Slavic
MENAION, however, if the eleventh falls on
Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday, the service
After a life of devoted service to Christ
is moved to the preceding Sunday.
and His Church, the saint fell ill at Candes, a
village in his diocese, where he died on
St Martin the Merciful the Bishop of Tours November 8, 397. He was buried three days
Saint Martin the Merciful, Bishop of later (his present Feast) at Tours. During the
Tours, was born at Sabaria in Pannonia Middle Ages, many Western churches were
(modern Hungary) in 316. Since his father was dedicated to St Martin, including St Martin’s in
a Roman officer, he also was obliged to serve Canterbury, and St Martin-in-the-Fields in
in the army. Martin did so unwillingly, for he London.
In 1008, a cathedral was built at Tours
considered himself a soldier of Christ, though
over the relics of St Martin. This cathedral was
he was still a catechumen.
destroyed in 1793 during the French
At the gates of Amiens, he saw a beggar Revolution, together with the relics of St Martin
shivering in the severe winter cold, so he cut and St Gregory of Tours (November 17). A new
his cloak in two and gave half to the beggar. cathedral was built on the site many years later.
That night, the Lord Jesus Christ appeared to Some fragments of the relics of St Martin were
the saint wearing Martin’s cloak. He heard the recovered and placed in the cathedral, but
Savior say to the angels surrounding Him, nothing remains of St Gregory’s relics.
St Martin’s name appears on many Greek
“Martin is only a catechumen, but he has
clothed Me with this garment.” The saint was and Russian calendars. His commemoration on
baptized soon after this, and reluctantly October 12 in the Russian calendar appears to
be an error, since ancient sources give the
remained in the army.
November date
Altar Iconography Project Donations
The Next Phase of our Parish Iconography project was completed on
8/23/2014. After a month of hard work and prayer Ivan transformed our
beautiful Altar into a true piece of the Kingdom of Heaven. We pray for
their safe travels as they return to Pennsylvania.
Many of the Icons in the Altar have already been sponsored. 11 Icons
remain to have a fully sponsored project. Each of the remaining figures
listed below are available to be sponsored at a cost of $1500.00 each.
Consider adding one of these as a fitting memorial to friends or family who
left us the beautiful legacy of faith and a glorious temple to worship in. The
following Icons are still in need of sponsors:
Christ - Left side 1 - Angel 2- Apostle - Philip - Apostle - Thomas
Apostle - Bartholomew - Apostle - Simon the Zealot
Apostle - Thaddaeus (Jude) Apostle - Judas IscariotSponsored!
Seraphim (Center) - Seraphim (Right) - Seraphim (Left)
If you are interested in helping defray the cost of one of these Icons
please see Father Nicholas as soon as possible.
Sunday November 2, 2014
Following Divine Liturgy
Come and join in thanksgiving for 97 years of
blessings for our parish and its' parishioners at a
Thanksgiving banquet with turkey and all the
trimmings! A free will offering will be taken to
help defray the cost. Reservations are a must add
your name to the sheet at the candledesk today
and come join in the celebration.