! ! C u s t o m i z e d S o l u t i o n s ! ! ! ! ! ! ! AT#A#GLANCEWHY$NOW?$$ ! 2 0 1 5 ! ! ! ! TODAY’S$DYNAMIC$BUSINESS ! ! ! ! ! ! Today’s( business( climate( requires( greater( focus( on( constant( re About&Us& ! company’s(strategy(to(achieve(their(desired(vision.( ! # ! Management# Corporate(Strategy The# Investment# Institute# is# delighted# to# announce# that# we# are# now# offering# ! Strategic#Consulting#from#Brand#Development#to#Strategic#Marketing#through#IMI’s#Customized# ! A$firm’s$strategy$is$an$on@going$exercise$to$refine$and$articulate$the$vision$o Solutions#practice,#headed#by#Brooke#Farley#and#Charlotte#Luer.##For#34#years,#our#clients#have# ! future$ market$ and$ competitiveness.$ $ The$ firm$ must$ continually$ identify$ t relied#on#our#insights#and#independent#thought#analysis,#backed#by#our#program#research,#data# ! needed$to$support$that$vision.$$In$order$to$do$so,$one$must$carry$out$a$proce and# forecasts# within# our# events.# # Members# of# IMI# and# our# clients# include:# financial# service# ! decide$on$the$marketing$programs$needed$to$support$that$vision$and$build$ companies,#Family#Offices,#Public/Private#Pensions,#consultants,#advisors#and#Endowments#and# ! that$ goal.$ It$ must$ be$ appropriate$ for$ the$ culture$ of$ the$ corporation$ a Brooke& Farley& has$ been$ industry$ for$ 25$ years.$ She$ spent$ a$ leader#within# number$ of$ years$ ! in$ the$ investment$ Foundations.# #This#department#will# capitalize# on#over$ IMI’s#reputation#as#a# brand# the# wit characteristics$of$the$industry$in$which$it$competes.$New$capabilities$may$be ! leading$ research$ McKinsey$ &$ Company,$ a$ and$oconsulting$ Fortune$to$ 100$ companies$ and$ Wa institutional#financial#community.###Since#1981,#IMI#has#been#a#trusted#educational/research#firm# into$ the$ rganization,$organization$ providing$ the$to$flexibility$ respond$ –$ to$ anticipate ! R$WORK$PROCESS EXECUTIVE$BIOGRAPHIES ! !! ! !! !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!IMI’S!CUSTOMIZED!SOLUTIONS! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!IMI’S!CUSTOMIZED!SOLUTIONS! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!IMI’S!CUSTOMIZED!SOLUTIONS! IMI’S CUSTOMIZED SOLUTIONS !! ! PRACTICE ! ! CUSTOMIZED!MANAGEMENT!DEVELOPMENT! CUSTOMIZED!MANAGEMENT!DEVELOPMENT! ! ! CUSTOMIZED!MANAGEMENT!DEVELOPMENT! !"Organization" "" "" "" "" "" "" !"Personnel"Policies" !"Organization" !"Personnel"Policies" ! !"Succession"" "" "" "" "" "" "" !"Management"Development" !"Succession"" !"Management"Development" !"Organization" " " " " " " !"Personnel"Policies" !"Compensation" " " " " " " !"Competitiveness" !"Compensation" " " " " " " !"Competitiveness" Customized Management Development !"Succession"" " " " " " " !"Management"Development" "" !! !"Compensation" " " Organization " " " Personnel " !"Competitiveness" Policies CUSTOMIZED!PRODUCT!DEVELOPMENT! Succession Management Development CUSTOMIZED!PRODUCT!DEVELOPMENT! " CompensationCompetitiveness ! ! ! !"Domestic/International"" "" "" "" "" !"Defined"Benefit" !"Domestic/International"" !"Defined"Benefit" CUSTOMIZED!PRODUCT!DEVELOPMENT! Customized Product Development !"Traditional/Alternative"Assets"" " " " !"Defined"Contribution" !"Traditional/Alternative"Assets"" " " " !"Defined"Contribution" ! "" Domestic/International !"Domestic/International"" " " " Defined " Benefit !"Defined"Benefit" !! Traditional/Alternative Assets Defined Contribution !"Traditional/Alternative"Assets"" " " " !"Defined"Contribution" CUSTOMIZED!MARKETING! CUSTOMIZED!MARKETING! " "" Marketing ! !"Brand"Awareness"" " "Customized !"Brand"Loyalty" "" !"Brand"Management" !"Brand"Awareness"" !"Brand"Loyalty" !"Brand"Management" !"Global"Market" " " !"Domestic"Market" CUSTOMIZED!MARKETING! !"Global"Market" " Management " !"Domestic"Market" Brand Brand Loyalty !"Strategic"Marketing" " !"Target"Marketing"" !"Measurement" " !"Strategic"Marketing" " Market !"Target"Marketing"" !"Measurement" Global Domestic Market !"Sales"Development" " !"Client"Services" " !"Measurement" Strategic Marketing Target Marketing !"Brand"Awareness"" !"Sales"Development"" " !"Brand"Loyalty" !"Client"Services"" " !"Brand"Management" !"Measurement" " Sales Development Client Services !"Global"Market" " " !"Domestic"Market" " CUSTOMIZED!CRISIS!MANAGEMENT! CUSTOMIZED!CRISIS!MANAGEMENT! !"Strategic"Marketing" "Customized !"Target"Marketing"" !"Measurement" Crisis Management ! ! !"Sales"Development" !"Measurement" 5!Organization" " " " !"Client"Services" !"Implementation"" " !"Measurement" 5!Organization" " " !"Implementation" " !"Measurement" Organization Implementation Measurement " CUSTOMIZED!CRISIS!MANAGEMENT! ! ! ! 5!Organization" " " !"Implementation" " !"Measurement" ! ! AT A GLANCE AT#A#GLANCE ! ! ! About Us About&Us& The Investment Management Institute is delighted to announce that we are now offering Strategic Consulting from Brand Development to Strategic Marketing through IMI’s Customized Solutions # practice, headed byManagement# Brooke FarleyInstitute# and Charlotte Luer. Our rely on ourwe# insights and offering# The# Investment# is# delighted# to#clients announce# that# are# now# independent thought analysis, backed by our program research, data and forecasts within our Strategic#Consulting#from#Brand#Development#to#Strategic#Marketing#through#IMI’s#Customized# events. Members of IMI and our clients include: Financial Service Companies, Family Offices, Solutions#practice,#headed#by#Brooke#Farley#and#Charlotte#Luer.##For#34#years,#our#clients#have# Public/Private Pensions, Consultants, Advisors and Endowments and Foundations. This relied#on#our#insights#and#independent#thought#analysis,#backed#by#our#program#research,#data# department will capitalize on IMI’s reputation as a brand leader within the institutional financial and# forecasts# our# events.# Members# of# IMI# and# our#firm clients# include:# financial# service# community. Sincewithin# 1981, IMI has been a#trusted educational/research providing cutting-edge companies,#Family#Offices,#Public/Private#Pensions,#consultants,#advisors#and#Endowments#and# market research and trend-setting events, forums and roundtables. Annually, more than 2000 Foundations.# #This#department#will# capitalize# on# IMI’s#reputation#as#a# brand# leader#within# the# Institutions attend these gatherings. institutional#financial#community.###Since#1981,#IMI#has#been#a#trusted#educational/research#firm# providing# cuttingRedge# market# research# and# trendRsetting# events,# forums# and# roundtables.### Who We Are Annually,#more#than#2000#Institutions#attend#these#gatherings.# The # team is led by two industry executives with over 50 years experience, who are now associated with IMI – a leader for over 30 years in the Institutional Investment community. This unique Who&We&Are& collaboration allows clients to receive strategic consulting in the Traditional and Alternative Asset & space, including Organization, Branding, IT, and Marketing. The#team#is# led# by#mediaRsavvy# financial# marketing#industry# experts.#With# backgrounds# in#the# Alternative/Traditional# asset# space,# we# specialize# in:# strategic# consulting,# branding,# IT,# market# positioning#and#financial#marketing,#as#well#as#hosting#educational#events.# What We Do # We advise and assist clients in effectively structuring vehicles/programs designed to meet the What&We&Do& demands of their target channels, and then implement the work required to reach those goals. & We# advise#and#assist# clients# in#effectively#structuring# vehicles/programs# designed#to# meet# the# Focus demands#of#their#target#channels,#and#then#implement#the#work#required#to#reach#those#goals.### # To work for a select few clients who serve the institutional community and help them achieve Focus##success. financial # To#work#for#a#select#few#clients#who#serve#the#institutional#community#and#help#them#achieve# financial#success.# # ! ! ! ! WHY NOW? WHY$NOW?$$ TODAY’S$DYNAMIC$BUSINESS$CLIMATE Today’s dynamic business climate requires greater focus on constant Today’s(of business( climate( requires( focus(their on( constant( refining the company’s strategygreater( to achieve desiredrefining( vision. of( the( company’s(strategy(to(achieve(their(desired(vision.( Corporate Strategy Corporate(Strategy A firm’s strategy is an on-going exercise to refine and articulate the vision of the company’s A$firm’s$strategy$is$an$on@going$exercise$to$refine$and$articulate$the$vision$of$the$company’s$ future market and competitiveness. The firm must continually identify the components needed future$ market$ and$ competitiveness.$ $ The$ firm$ must$ continually$ identify$ the$ components$ to support that vision. In order to do so, one must carry out a process of analysis to decide on needed$to$support$that$vision.$$In$order$to$do$so,$one$must$carry$out$a$process$of$analysis$to$ the marketing programs needed to support that vision and build and prepare for that goal. It decide$on$the$marketing$programs$needed$to$support$that$vision$and$build$and$prepare$for$ must be appropriate for the culture of the corporation and the specific characteristics of the that$ goal.$ It$ must$ be$ appropriate$ for$ the$ may culture$ of$ the$ to corporation$ and$organization, the$ specific$ industry in which it competes. New capabilities be needed build into the characteristics$of$the$industry$in$which$it$competes.$New$capabilities$may$be$needed$to$build$ providing the flexibility to respond – to anticipate future threats and/or opportunities. Strategies into$ brands. the$ organization,$ providing$ give the$ flexibility$ to$ respond$ –$ to$ anticipate$ threats$ beget You must continually new perspectives to look at your brand.future$ We take you through a rigorous and extensive review, internally conducting on-site visits and externally in the and/or$opportunities.$$$Strategies$beget$brands.$You$must$continually$give$new$perspectives$ marketplace which you compete. to$ look$ at$ in your$ brand.$ We$ take$ you$ through$ a$ rigorous$ and$ extensive$ review,$ internally$ conducting$on@site$visits$and$externally$in$the$marketplace$in$which$you$compete.$ Greater Competition Greater(Competition Increased competition for market share from new and existing firms requires a strong marketing commitment. We constantly brand’s within the firms$ marketplace anda$ make Increased$ competition$ for$monitor market$your share$ from$ position new$ and$ existing$ requires$ strong$ recommendations based on industry activity. marketing$ commitment.$ We$ constantly$ monitor$ your$ brand’s$ position$ within$ the$ marketplace$and$make$recommendations$based$on$industry$activity.$ Reputation Reputation Today’s leading companies need to solidify their reputation as credible, trusted industry leaders. Today’s$ leading$ companies$ need$of to$your solidify$ their$ reputation$ as$ credible,$ trusted$ industry$ Reputation determines the success business. We work long-term to help you develop leaders.$Reputation$determines$the$success$of$your$business.$We$work$long@term$to$help$you$ and solidify a strong reputation and to mitigate times of unexpected crisis or unforeseen events. develop$ and$ solidify$ a$ strong$ reputation$ and$ to$ mitigate$ times$ of$ unexpected$ crisis$ or$ unforeseen$events.$ $ $ ! ! ! ! COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE COMPETITIVE)ADVANTAGE ! Experience Experience Management Consulting professionals with a proven track record of generating results. Consulting)professionals)with)a)proven)track)record)of)generating)results.))) Research & Analysis Research-&-Analysis IMI’s programs are based on research and analysis of the client’s objectives, outside perceptions, - competitive reviews and positioning. Most importantly, the Customized Solutions team will have access to IMI’s specialized industry research (conducted on an on-going basis) and its published Our)programs)are)based)on)research)and)analysis)of)the)client’s)objectives,)outside)perceptions,) industry trends/overviews, directories, white papers and guides. competitive)reviews)and)positioning.)Most)importantly,)the)Customized)Solutions)team)will)have) access)to)IMI’s)specialized)industry)research)(conducted)on)an)onKgoing)basis))and)its)published) Customized Programs industry)trends/overviews,)directories,)white)papers)and)guides.) ) Programs are based on the idea that great results can be obtained at cost-effective fee levels by Customized-Programsworking smarter and harder. (See Exhibit 1) ) Programs)are)based)on)the)idea)that)great)results)can)be)obtained)at)costKeffective)fee)levels)by) working)smarter)and)harder.)(See)Exhibit)1)) ) ! ! ! ! WHAT SETS US APART? EXECUTIVE$BIOGRAPHIES Brooke& Farley& has$ been$Investor in$ the$ investment$ Institutional Forumsindustry$ for$ over$ 25$ years.$ She$ spent$ a$ number$ of$ years$ with$ McKinsey$ &$ Company,$ a$ leading$ research$ and$ consulting$ organization$ to$ Fortune$ 100$ companies$ and$ Wall$ Since 1981 IMIskills$ has were$ been educating Institutional Investors on Asset this where$ she$ Street.$ Her$ leadership$ fully$ utilized$ during$ her$ affiliation$ with$Management. McKinsey$ &$During Company$ time more with$ than 50,000 financial havemanagement$ participated inlevel.$ IMI Executive Forums,assignments$ worked$ exclusively$ various$senior clients$ at$ the$officers executive$ Her$ extensive$ Roundtables and Workshops. These cutting-edge educational gatherings have included$ strategic$ management,$ organization$ and$ leadership.$ Brooke$ also$ has$ extensive$enabled management$ and$ participants to understand various investment opportunities in both managing and fulfilling their research$experience$with$Mitchell$Hutchins/Paine$Webber,$working$in$consulting$and$portfolio$management$ investment objectives. activities$ and$ has$ worked$ with$ asset$ managers$ in$ raising$ capital$ for$ private$ equity,$ mezzanine,$ and$ growth$ equity$firms.$Brooke$holds$a$B.A.$degree$from$Manhattanville$College$with$honors$and$a$Master’s$degree$in$ Topics include: International$ Business/International$ Relations$ from$ the$ School$ of$ International$ &$ Public$ Affairs$ at$ Columbia$ University.$ • Global Risk Management • Asset Allocation to complement Investment Policy • Liquidity Enhancement for protecting Liability stream $ • Quantitative tools to distribute and minimize risk • Incorporating alternatives to enhance Charlotte& Luer& has$ 25+$ years$ of$ experience$ in$Portfolio financial$returns marketing,$ branding$ strategy$ and$ consulting.$ Her$ • Hedge funds to capture downside risk expertise$includes$educational$and$thought$leadership$roles$and$expansive,$onRgoing$marketing$campaigns$for$ hedging in a low interest rate environment Fortune$ 500$• Inflation companies,$ multiRbillion$ dollar$ hedge$ funds,$ private$ equity$ funds,$ trust$ companies,$ asset$ • Partnering with Asset Managers management$firms,$banks$and$family$offices.$Her$consulting$work$on$behalf$of$multiRfamily$offices$and$other$ • Working with Consultants to meet the challenges of a risky and complex market high$ profile$ financial$ industry$ clients$ has$ led$ to$ significant$ revenue$ growth$ and$ earned$ her$ a$ high$ level$ of$ respect$in$the$financial$services$industry.$She$earned$a$B.S.$in$Journalism$and$an$M.A.$in$Communications,$both$ with$ Honors,$ at$ the$ University$ of$ Florida.$ She$ is$ an$ accredited$ member$ of$ the$ Public$ Relations$ Society$ of$ America$ and$ is$ a$ member$ of$ the$ New$ York$ Junior$ League,$ The$ League$ Club$ of$ Naples$ and$ Greater$ Naples$ Leadership.$ ! ! ! WHAT SETS US APART? OUR$WORK$PROCESS Consultant Retreats Since 1985, IMI has hosted leading Institutional Consultant firms at private retreats. The focus has been to educate the management including Principals, Directors and Senior Consultants on growing and managing their firms. These intense forums are designed to enable the firms to compete in a Global Consultant environment. Topics include: • Serving the clients to build loyalty • Educating clients on new investment thinking • Inflation hedging strategies • Meeting Pension Fund liabilities • Client servicing techniques for enhancing relationships • Asset Allocation to minimize risk • Active versus Passive Risk Management • Competing in the ever-expanding Global market • Incentivizing and retaining key management • Consultant Merger & Acquisition opportunities ! ! ! THE TEAM OUR$TEAM ! ! ! We are experienced veterans in the financial services industry. We$are$experienced$veterans$in$the$financial$services$industry.! IMI’s Unique Selling Propositions: • The team has an exceptional pedigree that offers breadth and depth of experience in the financial services industry, including alternative investments. • Proven ability to create clear, concise and thoughtful ideas that will convey a firm’s best messaging OUR$UNIQUE$SELLING$PROPOSITIONS:$ and competitive edge as well as attract prospective clients/business. • Our$team$has$an$exceptional$pedigree$that$offers$breadth$and$depth$of$experience$in$the$ • Sound practices in the areas of research, finance, branding and crisis management, result from our financial$services$industry,$including$alternative$investments.$ long established foundation within the financial services industry. Our reputation for conducting and $ publishing detailed monthly newsletters, research analysis, and newswires pertaining to industry • Proven$ability$to$create$clear,$concise$and$thoughtful$ideas$that$will$convey$a$firm’s$best$ developments, economic trends and the legal consequences affecting investment management, provides IMI with a unique edge. messaging$and$competitive$edge$as$well$as$attract$prospective$clients/business.$ • $ Sound$practices$in$the$areas$of$research,$finance,$branding$and$crisis$management,$result$ from$ our$ long$ established$ foundation$ within$ the$ financial$ services$ industry.$ $ Our$ reputation$for$conducting$and$publishing$detailed$weekly$newsletters,$research$analysis,$ and$ newswires$ pertaining$ to$ industry$ developments,$ economic$ trends$ and$ the$ legal$ consequences$affecting$investment$management,$provides$IMI$with$a$unique$edge.$ ! ! ! RESEARCH & DUE DILIGENCE EXPERTISE RESEARCH'&'DUE'DILIGENCE'EXPERTISE Thought Leadership White Papers Thought'Leadership'White'Papers' White papers can play an important part in the overall marketing plan. To begin, we know White'papers'can'play'an'important'part'in'the'overall'marketing'plan.'To'begin,'we'know'that' that before gatekeepers open the door and clients give you money, they must buy your ideas, before' gatekeepers' open' and' you'marketplace, money,' they' must' your' ideas,' pedigree, experience, andthe' firmdoor' vision. In clients' today’s give' crowded filled withbuy' emerging pedigree,'experience,'and'firm'vision.'In'today's'crowded'marketplace,'filled'with'emerging'and' and overlapping products and services, we help our clients rise above the ’noise’ to become overlapping'products'and'services,'we'help'our'clients'rise'above'the'’noise’'to'become'market' market leaders. Well-researched and detailed white papers are an important component of the overall marketing plan. We can help you determine specific ideas that should be used to educate leaders.''WellMresearched'and'detailed'white'papers'are'an'important'component'of'the'overall' investors.plan.' White We' papers are sentyou' to clients and prospects, to leading marketing' can' help' determine' specific'distributed ideas' that' should'business be' used'editors to' educate' to use as the basis for interview articles and bylines, and posted on the website. investors.'White'papers'are'sent'to'clients'and'prospects,'distributed'to'leading'business'editors' to'use'as'the'basis'for'interview'articles'and'bylines,'and'posted'on'the'website.' Marketing Perceptions Audit Marketing'Perceptions'Audit' An audit provides an expert, in-depth view of the perception of your company’s performance, management and critical communications Together, our group offers performance,' a keen An'strategy, audit' provides' an' expert,' inMdepth' view' of' the'issues. perception' of' your' company's' understanding of criticaland' issues, program development and best Together,' practices. We also bringoffers' speciala' keen' strategy,' management' critical' communications' issues.' our' group' insight into financial markets and attitudes and perspectives. This ensures the credibility of your understanding'of'critical'issues,'program'development'and'best'practices.'We'also'bring'special' audit among senior management and the board and helps you communicate key findings. Years insight'into'financial'markets'and'attitudes'and'perspectives.'This'ensures'the'credibility'of'your' of audit experience and our skills as interviewers ensure that you receive a comprehensive and audit'among'senior'management'and'the'board'and'helps'you'communicate'key'findings.'Years' credible picture of your company from the perspective of your clients, prospects, referral sources of'audit'experience'and'our'skills'as'interviewers'ensure'that'you'receive'a'comprehensive'and' and other important constituents. credible'picture'of'your'company'from'the'perspective'of'your'clients,'prospects,'referral'sources' and'other'important'constituents.' Due Diligence Visit & Training We can help you develop the key messages and areas of interest, as well as train and prepare your Due'Diligence'Visit'&'Training'' team for prospective and current client meetings with our mock presentation and due diligence visits. We will help you assess strengths and weaknesses in background, strategy, organization, We'can'help'you'develop'the'key'messages'and'areas'of'interest,'as'well'as'train' and' prepare' transparency, risk management and strategy outlook. We can also help you develop clear your' team' for' prospective' and' current' client' meetings' with' our' mock' presentation'and and' due' concise due diligence questionnaires or help you respond to request for proposals (RFP’s), also diligence' visits.' We' will' help' you' assess' strengths' and' weaknesses' in' background,' strategy,' important due diligence tools. We have participated in numerous investor meetings and are organization,'transparency,'risk'management'and'strategy'outlook.'We'can'also'help'you'develop' uniquely qualified to analyze and comment both from a client and marketing perspective. clear' and' concise' due' diligence' questionnaires' or' help' you' respond' to' request' for' proposals' (RFP’s),'also'important'due'diligence'tools.'We'have'participated'in'numerous'investor'meetings' and' are' uniquely' qualified' to' analyze' and' comment' both' from' a' client' and' marketing' perspective.'' ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! CRISIS%MANAGEMENT CRISIS MANAGEMENT Crisis%Communications% The likelihood of a crisis is often hard to predict. Some crises are totally unexpected and unThe%likelihood% of% a%crisis% is%often%hard% to% predict.%Some% crises% totally% avoidable, including a hurricane or a death, while others mayare% have started as small issues that unexpected% and% unavoidable,% including% a% hurricane% or% a% death,% while% escalated into more serious problems that could have been averted. We will work with you to others%may%have%started%as%small%issues%that%escalated%into%more%serious% better prepare for events that could otherwise greatly damage your organization’s workforce, problems%that%could%have%been%averted.%We%will%work%with%you%to%better% operations and brand image. prepare% for% events% that% could% otherwise% greatly% damage% your% organization's%workforce,%operations%and%brand%image. Here are the keys to Crisis Management: % WE%CAN%HELP%YOU%PREPARE%FOR,%RESPOND%TO%AND%RECOVER%FROM% • Leader/Leaders must step up • TakeUNFORSEEN%EVENTS,%FROM%THE%MINOR%TO%THE%CATASTOPHIC.% Responsibility % • Highly Visible Compassion • ORGANIZATION% • Scripted Communications • STAFFING% • Be Authentic and Credible • IMPLEMENTATION% • Apologize, apologize • shy DECISIONCMAKING% • Never away from answering questions • MONITORING% • Be swift in responding These keys will prevent a crisis from turning into a reputational train wreck. Irrespective of the cause, the professionalism and authenticity of the company’s response are crucial for its reputation to recover. Mistakes of Crisis Management: • Allowing information of crisis to be delivered by the media • Avoiding explanations to clients • Slow in taking corrective action • Unconvincing in demonstrating this crisis can never happen again ! These mistakes often lead to loss of clients, key employee resignations and the opportunity to gain new clients. Resulting business losses can also lead to the company’s closing through inability to compete. ! ! ! ! EXHIBIT 1 - SOLUTIONS PROCESS* OUR$WORK$PROCESS Overview of Key Activities Phase 1 - Determine Program Criteria - 1 to 4 Weeks • Study organization • Develop detailed activity plan for Engagement • Begin to select participants for the team and schedule for Phase 1 • Collect preliminary data & segment responsibilities Phase 2 - Situation Analysis/Develop Market Initiatives - 4 to 8 Weeks • Identify 3 to 5 opportunities & evaluate for growth, profitability and consistency • Industry/company analysis: - Benchmark competitiveness of the financial industry by team interviews - Conduct strength/weakness, opportunity & threat analysis to formulate product/market strategy - Gauge perception about client products & develop innovative solutions to resolve issues - Prioritize & determine cost/benefit of the opportunities • Competitor’s profiles/strategies Phase 3 - Competitive Strategies/Design Campaign - 8 to 12 Weeks • Prepare framework for implementation • Select & structure alternatives • Implementation/Planning/Internal evaluation • Develop image building campaign by selected product markets and create check points for evaluating effectiveness • External challenges/verification • Strategy formulation Phase 4 - Launch Strategy/Implementation - 12 to 16 Weeks • Roadmap development • Milestone Definition(monitoring results) • Action programming • Budget integration • Continue measuring integration with client team long term *With each Customized Solutions Service, there are four aspects to the program. Exhibit 1 is an overview of the components involved. ! ! ! ! EXECUTIVE BIOGRAPHIES EXECUTIVE$BIOGRAPHIES Brooke& Farley& has$ been$ in$ the$ investment$ industry$ for$ over$ 25$ years.$ She$ spent$ a$ number$ of$ years$ with$ Brooke Farleya$has been in the investment industry for over 25 years. She spent a number of McKinsey$ &$ Company,$ leading$ research$ and$ consulting$ organization$ to$ Fortune$ 100$ companies$ and$ Wall$ years with McKinsey & Company, a leading research and consulting organization to Fortune 100 Street.$companies Her$ leadership$ skills$ were$ fully$ utilized$ during$ her$ affiliation$ with$ McKinsey$ &$ Company$ where$ she$ and Wall Street. Her leadership skills were fully utilized during her affiliation with McKinsey worked$ with$she various$ at$ the$ management$ level.$ Her$ extensive$ & exclusively$ Company where workedclients$ exclusively with executive$ various clients at the executive management level. assignments$ included$ organization$ and$ leadership.$organization Brooke$ also$and has$leadership. extensive$Brooke management$ and$ Herstrategic$ extensivemanagement,$ assignments included strategic management, research$experience$with$Mitchell$Hutchins/Paine$Webber,$working$in$consulting$and$portfolio$management$ also has extensive management and research experience with Mitchell Hutchins/Paine Webber, activities$ and$ has$ worked$ and with$portfolio asset$ managers$ in$ raising$ for$ private$ equity,$ mezzanine,$ working in consulting management activitiescapital$ and has worked with asset managers in and$ growth$ raising capital for private equity, mezzanine, and growth equity firms. Brooke holds a B.A. degree from equity$firms.$Brooke$holds$a$B.A.$degree$from$Manhattanville$College$with$honors$and$a$Master’s$degree$in$ Manhattanville College with honors and a Master’s degree in of$ International Business/International International$ Business/International$ Relations$ from$ the$ School$ International$ &$ Public$ Affairs$ at$ Columbia$ Relations from the School of International & Public Affairs at Columbia University. University.$ $ Charlotte Luer has over 25 years of experience in financial marketing, branding strategy and consulting. Her expertise includes educational and thought leadership roles and expansive, on-going marketing campaigns for Fortune 500 companies, multi-billion dollarbranding$ hedge funds, private equity Charlotte& Luer& has$ 25+$ years$ of$ experience$ in$ financial$ marketing,$ strategy$ and$ consulting.$ Her$ funds, trust companies, asset management firms, banks and family offices. Her consulting work on expertise$includes$educational$and$thought$leadership$roles$and$expansive,$onRgoing$marketing$campaigns$for$ behalf multi-family offices and otherdollar$ high profile financial industry clients has led them trust$ to significant Fortune$ 500$ofcompanies,$ multiRbillion$ hedge$ funds,$ private$ equity$ funds,$ companies,$ asset$ revenue growth. She holds a B.S. in Journalism and an M.A. in Communications, both with Honors, management$firms,$banks$and$family$offices.$Her$consulting$work$on$behalf$of$multiRfamily$offices$and$other$ at the University of Florida. high$ profile$ financial$ industry$ clients$ has$ led$ to$ significant$ revenue$ growth$ and$ earned$ her$ a$ high$ level$ of$ respect$in$the$financial$services$industry.$She$earned$a$B.S.$in$Journalism$and$an$M.A.$in$Communications,$both$ with$ Honors,$ at$ the$ University$ of$ Florida.$ She$ is$ an$ accredited$ member$ of$ the$ Public$ Relations$ Society$ of$ America$ and$ is$ a$ member$ of$ the$ New$ York$ Junior$ League,$ The$ League$ Club$ of$ Naples$ and$ Greater$ Naples$ Leadership.$ ! ! CONTACT CONTACT ! ! To receive more information on specific services or to setup an appointment, please contact: To'receive'more'information'on'specific'services'or'to'setup'an'appointment,'please'contact:' Brooke Farley ' Partner Program & Office Manager [email protected] [email protected] 203.588.0012 203.622.5851 Rosa'McCoy' Program'&'Office'Manager' rmccoy@imi?ct.com' 203.622.5851 ! Rosa McCoy Customized Solutions Practice “A comprehensive and integrative approach comprising all requirements for effective strategic leadership.”
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