MINISTRY MATTERS FEBRUARY 2015 From the Pastor’s Desk… I’ll bet most, if not all of you, have a “junk” drawer in your house—a place to catch the random paraphernalia that accumulates in a household. Sometimes, however, even a junk drawer gets too full and needs to be sifted through. When this happens, I find the only truly effective approach is to empty the entire thing and start from scratch. For the fact of the matter is, the junk drawer is a mixed bag of contents—some items I need; others should be thrown; still other things call for my attention and follow up. Lent, the forty day period of preparation prior to Easter, begins with Ash Wednesday on February 18. It is a time to contemplate the meaning of Jesus’ sacrifice on our behalf; our transience and mortality, and our utter dependence upon God. It is also a time to give attention to our spiritual “junk” drawer, emptying ourselves before God in order to be filled with God’s will for us. This is not a cursory, surface glance; Lent is the time for a complete overhaul on the mixed bag of contents that is our lives—maintaining practices that draw us closer to God, jettisoning thoughts and actions that diminish our faith, and following up on those promises we have yet to fulfill. By taking such spiritual inventory, we create space for God’s Holy Spirit to work within us, and allow us to see God’s claim on our lives more clearly. There are myriad ways to engage the season of Lent at Christ the King. A list of midweek and special worship opportunities is included in this newsletter; participating in these along with Sunday worship can enhance your Lenten journey. We will celebrate Communion at both services every Sunday. The final week of Lent, Holy Week, leads us to the glorious announcement on Easter Sunday, He is risen!, when festive worship services are held at 6:30am (outdoor sunrise), 9am and 11am. (note the special times). Blessings of the season, Pastor Katie February Marks the Beginning of Lent The following are important dates to remember in this season of preparation for Easter. Shrove Tuesday, February 17 The night before Lent begins, CTK gathers at 6:30 pm for the annual Pea Soup and Pancake Supper which includes a short service with Holy Communion at the table Ash Wednesday, February 18 There are worship services with imposition of ashes at noon and 7:30pm in the sanctuary. In addition, CTK offers drive-by, “Ashes Along the Way” to the community from 7am to 9am. People can turn in on their way to work to receive ashes and join in a prayer. There will be free coffee, and all who come will receive a daily devotional for the season. Midweek Lenten Suppers and Worship The five Wednesdays following Ash Wednesday—February 25, March 4, 11, 18, and 25—there will be supper in Ludder Hall at 6:30pm for a nominal charge, followed by a brief worship service in the sanctuary at 7:15pm. The theme is You Shall Love The Lord Your God. You will be on your way home by 8:00pm. Holy Week, March 29-April 4 Palm Sunday is March 29 and palms will be distributed at 8:15 and 10am. There will be a procession of palms at the beginning of the 10am service. Maundy Thursday is April 2 and there are worship opportunities at noon and 7:30pm. We remember the institution of the Lord’s Supper on this day. Good Friday is April 3, and a Tenebrae service of shadows will be held at 7:30pm. The Adult Choir will perform a special choral work. Easter Sunday is April 5 as we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus! Worship services will be held at 6:30am (outdoor sunrise), 9am and 11am. .. WELCOME, New Members The following new members were received this morning at Christ the King: Keith and Lourdes Berman; Katerina & Christian 13301 SW 99th Street Miami, FL 33186 305-385-9567 Emily Shelton McElfresh 7625 SW 167 Terrace Palmetto Bay, FL 33157 305-345-6821 Sandra Lee Edie Matthew and Emily Bielen 6065 SW 28 Street 5825 SW 107 St. Miami, FL 33155 Pinecrest, FL 33156 305-666-8146 786-414-0951 Please greet them warmly and help them to get involved. Thank you WELCA The Order of St. John thanks WELCA for their loving care in cleaning and repairing the OSJ garments in time for Christmas Eve services as well as for their generous donation of new hangers. Thank you ladies – your support means so much to the youth! Pea Soup & Pancakes This year, Shrove Tuesday is on February 17. This day, sometimes called “Pancake Day”, is a day of celebration and feasting, prior to the fasting of Lent. Historically, households would gather all of the meats, baking goods and sweets that they had, to be eaten on this night. At Christ the King, we have come to celebrate this day with Pea Soup & Pancakes. This is truly a family event, and we invite all to come share in this delicious meal and the brief service to follow. The members of the Order of St. John will assist with the distribution of communion during the service. The Fellowship Commission, led for this event by Cathy & Jay Sockwell, will prepare the wonderful meal and invite you all to participate. Sign-ups for attendance will begin on February 1st and continue through Sunday, February 15th. The cost is $5 for adults, including children over 12, $3 for children aged 5 to 12, with children under 5 and members of the Order of St. John at no charge. Dinner will be served at 6:30 p.m. and the service should be over before 8. Please make plans to join us! Martha’s Mondays A lively book group for women meets occasionally throughout the year on the third Monday of the month. The next gathering will be Monday, March 16 at 7:30pm. The group will discuss the fiction book Glorybound by Jessie Van Eerden. The author won a book award for this debut novel about a drought ridden town in West Virginia where two sisters, Aimee and Crystal, set out to become prophets where their father was preacher. The book is readily available on Amazon and via ereaders. See Pastor Katie if you have questions or email her at [email protected]. Greeters needed...sign ups begin February 8, in Ludder Hall. Pastoral Acts Deaths Rod Wellens Fred Fisher 12/17/2015 01/01/2015 Serving This Month 8:15am service Greeter: Ushers: Altar Guild: Assisting Ministers: Debbie Witherspoon Paul Bronson, John Imbert, Barrie Reed Susan Grigg, Paul Bronson, Barbara Imbert Roberta Stokes, Kim Derr, John Imbert, Kim Derr 10:00am service Assisting Ministers: 02/01 - Janice Russell, Vicky Sfalanga 02/08 - Amy Whitley and Phil Whitley Ushers: 02/01 02/08 02/15 02/22 - Altar Guild: Karla Mergenthal Sanctuary Care: 02/01 02/08 02/15 02/22 - Don Greenleaf, Jay Sockwell, Bob Schroer, Ed Russell Bill Quesenberry, Steve George, Al Stoker, Wolfgang Haber Patrick Griffith, Orlando Velez, Braden Moll, Walter Flinn Paul Hanson, Richard Middagh, Lloyd Hood, John Knight Charlotte Stoker Ruth Baal Lily Iverson Lois Martin Adults Want to Grow in Their Faith, Too… The Diakonia program is a wonderful opportunity for adults to learn about the church and the Bible, shape spiritual practices, and think critically about what it means to share God’s love. The program is a pretty serious commitment of time as classes meet weekly (during the school year) for a two-year cycle, but students from across the synod report that they enjoy the program so much they cannot imagine not being involved. One of the program’s current students reports, “It has deepened my faith beyond my dreams. I love this course, my classmates, and all those who taught the courses. It has been a blessing.” Historically, classes have met most Saturday mornings from 9:00 am to noon, although the location and time of the classes can be changed to better fit the students participating. Registration information and a schedule of classes will be released soon. If you are interested in more information about the program please talk to any of our current students or contact Callie at [email protected]. Wonder of Christmas Celebration Party and Review All are welcome to join in a celebration party for another successful year for the Wonder of Christmas. Come with your constructive criticism and ideas for 2015—it’s how we can make a great ministry even better! The details are as follows: When: Friday, February 13 Time: 6:30pm Where: Adelaida and Lange King’s home, 5805 SW 111 Terrace—across the street from CTK! Bring: Appetizer or dessert to share RSVP: [email protected] or call 305-467-0663 Highlights of regular and special congregational minutes: December 7, 2014 Both meetings were opened by Council president John Kelso. The first special meeting was opened at 11:07 and was called for the single purpose of voting on issuing a call without term limit to Pastor Katie. A quorum was established. Brenda Lans, chairperson of the Miami-Dade/ Monroe conference and this meeting’s Synod representative, was introduced. She brought greetings from the Bishop’s office and offered the opening prayer. John explained that we would be voting on the single issue of extending to Pastor Kathryn Carroll a call without term limit and including her compensation package. As per Synod regulations, the voting was by written ballot, with counting conducted by the Synod representative plus two others from the congregation and overseen by three additional people. He opened the floor to discussion and questions; there were none. Motion to issue a call without term limit to Pastor Kathryn Carroll: Ballots on the motion were passed out and collected for counting. The motion was approved unanimously. Synod representative Brenda will take the results to the Bishop’s office for final approval, at which time the call will be official. The meeting was adjourned at 11:20. The regular congregational meeting was opened immediately afterward at 11:21. Election of 2015 Congregation Council Members: John introduced and thanked all current 2014 Council members for their service to the church. Scott Simmons, Debbie Witherspoon, and John Kelso are at the end of their Council terms; Karla Mergenthal is at the end of her first Council term and will be running for re-election. This means there are four seats open, plus the youth seat, which is a one-year term; Jordan Whitley filled the youth seat this year and will be running for re-election. Pastor Katie also recognized and thanked council members, with special thanks to outgoing members John, Karla, Scott, and Debbie, whom she presented with individual gifts. She applauded their models of discipleship and leadership. John introduced and thanked this year’s nominating committee of Bethany Sands, who was last year’s outgoing Council member. The candidates running for election to the 2015 Council were introduced: adult candidates Dee Lear, Bill Quesenberry, Karla Mergenthal, Judy Weger, and youth candidate Jordan Whitley. The floor was opened to nominations; there being none, the nominations were closed. Motion was unanimously passed to close nominations. Motion was unanimously passed that, since the slate of candidates running for the 2015 Council included the same number of candidates as positions open, the ballot voting process be eliminated, and the candidates be approved by acclamation. Results of the 2015 council elections: Elected to the 2015 Congregation Council by unanimous voice acclamation were adult candidates Dee Lear, Bill Quesenberry, Karla Mergenthal, Judy Weger, and youth candidate Jordan Whitley. 2014 Budget Proposal: John turned over the floor to Petra Rodzewicz, church treasurer, to present the proposed 2015 budget, as prepared by the Support Commission and Petra, and unanimously approved by the Council. Petra reported that for the first time in many years, we are meeting budget, and she projected that by the end of the year we will exceed budget by an amount depending on December’s income; and again for the first time in many years, we will not need to move money from dedicated accounts to balance the year-end budget. She applauded Pastor Katie’s ministry for our growth in income and attendance. Since each year’s budget is prepared according to the current year’s actual income, the 2015 budget of $646,800 was accordingly prepared and increased only minimally over this year’s budget of $645,450. Budget sheets were available for all to see. She opened the floor to questions. Motion was unanimously approved by voice vote to approve the proposed 2015 budget. Pastor’s Report: Pastor Katie thanked everyone for our trust in her and shared her excitement and conviction that the Spirit is alive and active at Christ the King. We are financially stable and showing growth. We now face the challenge of reaching out to one of the fastest-growing groups in our country, which is the spiritual yet unchurched. President’s Report: John confirmed that we have been in a more harmonious position this year than in the past, especially with the completion of the process that started in 2012 of calling Pastor Katie as our pastor without term limit. We are also nearing the end of the arduous and time-consuming journey to get a pre-school, and he gave special thanks and recognition to Pastor Katie, Doug Kraft, and Alan Krinzman, who have been instrumental in getting us through the process. The school will hopefully generate enough income to call additional clergy to give Pastor Katie some much-needed assistance. He further thanked all present in the congregation for their involvement in helping to keep our church home such an active place. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 12:03 p.m. with the Lord’s Prayer. Respectfully submitted by Virginia Nugent, Council recording secretary. Christ The King Lutheran Church 11295 SW 57 Ave. Miami, FL 33156
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