LAKE-GEAUGA TRAINING COMMITTEE PRESENTS AN EDUCATIONAL ENSEMBLE TUESDAY, MARCH 10, 2015 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM 6 HOUR SESSION “An Introduction to Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment: Methods and Practices” Ellen Augspurger, MAT Ohio Substance Use Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment Project Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services Prior to reaching the level of dependence, moderate or high risk substance use often results in psycho-social or health related problems. Universal screening coupled with brief interventions (SBI) for those who are at risk can result in dramatic changes in substance use choices and behavior. This presentation will provide participants with the evidence base for this innovative practice, define the conceptual framework for addressing substance use as a public health problem, explore successful screening practices and tools, and provide an overview of the clinical practice (motivational interviewing) that is the foundation for successful behavioral change. Participants will also learn the fundamental steps of Brief Intervention to engage patients in change or in referring them to treatment. TUESDAY, MARCH 10, 2015 8:30 AM - 11:45 AM “Social Media and the Social Worker: A Beginning Conversation” Susan Hull, MSSA, LISW-S, ACHP-SW Manager, Care Coordinator Lake Health As social media continues to evolve and expand social workers must examine the use of this technology, within the realm of professional practice and ethical decision-making, when using technology to provide services to clients. The purpose of this presentation is to explore some of the ethical challenges and considerations, while highlighting best practice guidelines which are grounded in the NASW and ASWB Technology Standards and Code of Ethics. TUESDAY, MARCH 10, 2015 12:45 PM - 4:00 PM “Wounded Child, Healing Home for Professionals: The Impact of Traumatized Children Ann Bagley, LSW on the Adoptive or Foster Family, School and Others Who Care for Them” Trauma Aware and Trauma Informed Curricula Trainer When a child has a history of abuse, neglect, and trauma, this child will be transformed. The issues and challenges of maintaining the child in the home, classroom, or day care can seem insurmountable. This interactive workshop addresses key issues: What does a traumatized child look like? What behavioral challenges do parents, teachers and childcare workers face most often? How can workers be prepared to support and guide families and teachers from the pain to the other side? This workshop tackles tough and realistic issues faced by families but not often recognized by the professionals who work with them. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, 2015 8:30 AM - 11:45 AM “Hearing Voices that are Distressing” Julie Kalina-Hammond, MSSA, LISW-S Program Manager of Forensic and Crisis Services Beacon Health This interactive training features a guided simulation experience of hearing distressing voices. Participants will prepare for the simulations by becoming familiar with this symptom and hearing first-hand testimony about what it is like to be a person who hears distressing voices. During the simulation, participants undertake a series of tasks including social interaction in the community, a job interview, a psychiatric interview, cognitive testing, and an activities group in a mock treatment program. The simulation experience is followed by a debriefing and discussion. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, 2015 8:30 AM - 11:45 AM “Enlightened Communications – Over 85% of Our Success Today is Still Based on Our Ability to Connect in a Real Way when we Communicate Heidi Welker, MSSA, Life Coach and Stress Resilience Specialist CIMN Spherica LLC Join this lively, fun and interactive session to take an innovative look into connected communicating. We’ll tackle the top ten essentials needed to craft clear, quality, action-oriented, and meaningful messages. We’ll explore fun ways to engage, verbally and non-verbally, and to bring our communication to life in a purposeful way. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, 2015 12:45 PM - 4:00 PM “Long Term Stress as Slow Poison – Toxic for Our Bodies, Brains and Hearts” Heidi Welker, MSSA, Life Coach and Stress Resilience Specialist CIMN Spherica LLC The news is sobering. BUT – it’s not too late! Join this intensive exploration into the physiology of stress, our need to respond effectively and challenge our thinking patterns as we do. Learn how to take command, combat the toxic effects of stress and negativity and apply a vast array of tips, tools and methods to build resilience and boost positivity. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, 2015 12:45 PM - 4:00 PM “Eating Disorders: Signs, Symptoms and Interventions” Melissa Daniele, M.Ed., PCC-S Associate Teacher Counselor Positive Education Program This presentation will discuss how to identify signs of eating disorders which may not always be as apparent as gaining or losing weight. It will provide an understanding of eating disorder symptoms and how to provide basic interventions for referral to proper treatment. A list of treatment referrals and treatment centers will also be provided. THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 2015 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM 6 HOUR SESSION “Skills for the Management of Suicidal and Self Injurious Behaviors” Deanna Brant, M.Ed. Chief Operating Officer of Intensive Services Ravenwood Mental Health Center Working with self-injurious and suicidal individuals is often the most anxiety producing practice area for the helping professional. Staff who work with individuals who self-injure or consider/attempt suicide need to better understand the symptoms, treatment protocols and management of this population. This workshop will provide practical skills to differentiate clients at risk of suicide from those who self-injure, but may not be suicidal, to understand the overlap between those client groups, to assist clients in acquiring skills to manage feelings without self-harm, and to understand the standards of practice for treating this client group. THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 2015 8:30 AM - 11:45 AM “Drug Update 2015 - The Prescription Era” George “Pat” Willis, M.Ed., OCLEO Attendance Officer/Home Schooling Coordinator Geauga County Educational Service Center This workshop will provide information on prescription drug abuse, especially the rise in pain medication abuse. How has Ohio dealt with the prescription abuse phenomenon? Raising awareness of the benefits of naloxone, and the prescription of naloxone to individuals at high risk of an opioid overdose will be addressed. Synthetics including cannabimimetric agents (CMA’s) and Bath Salts will be discussed. Additional drugs timely to today’s abuse issues will be discussed. THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 2015 12:45 PM - 4:00 PM “Marijuana – The Ins and Outs of Legislation and Policy” George “Pat” Willis, M.Ed., OCLEO Attendance Officer/Home Schooling Coordinator Geauga County Educational Service Center This workshop will help participants understand the issues regarding Marijuana Legalization/Medical Use by understanding how the amendment proposals are written. We will look at other States to see how marijuana is impacting them. In the process of discussing whether “medical” marijuana should be a voter initiative we will discuss recent scientific research and the medical reports indicating marijuana’s benefits verse contradictions. Registration Form Your workshop FEE depends on the number of sessions you* attend. Sessions Attended 1 2 3 4 5 6 Fee $ 40 $ 60 $ 75 $ 90 $ 105 $120 *These fees are based per registrant, NOT per group/agency registrations. The 6 hour sessions are considered 2 three hour sessions for pricing purposes. NAME _______________________________________ ORGANIZATION ______________________________ ADDRESS ___________________________________ CITY/ST/ZIP __________________________________ PHONE ______________________________________ EMAIL _______________________________________ *We are trying to move to electronic registration. Your Email address is valuable. Morning sessions are from 8:30am - 11:45am and Afternoon sessions are from 12:45pm - 4:00pm. Built in 15 min. break. A $25 administration fee charged for nonattendance or cancellation after the workshop registration deadline of March 3rd. For each session attended 3 Counselor/Social Worker/Marriage and Family Therapist CPE hours (Provider No. RCS071203). No additional cost. For each session attended 3 RCH hours for Chemical Dependency Professionals. (pending) No additional cost. Teachers – PDU’s may be available through your school. Participants who leave the workshop before its completion may sign out noting their time of departure. Your certificate will be mailed to you with clock hours adjusted accordingly. A certificate of attendance will not be awarded if a participant fails to sign out. WEATHER - If weather is questionable check the web site at after 6:00AM for cancelation of your session. If weather turns bad during the day cancellations will be posted on the website as soon as possible. I wish to register for the following Session(s) 6hr Introduction to SBIRT … (Tues.AM/PM) Social Media … (Tues.AM) Wounded Child… (Tues.PM) Hearing Voices … (Wed.AM) Enlightened Communications … (Wed.AM) Long Term Stress … (Wed.PM) Eating Disorders... (Wed.PM) 6hr Skills for the Management of S&SIB... (Thur.AM/PM) Drug Update 2015 – Prescription Era … (Thur.AM) Marijuana… (Thur.PM) Please make checks or PO’s payable to: Lake Geauga Training Committee P.O. or Full Payment required with registration and mailed to: Steve Roos, P.O. Box 431, Chardon, Ohio 44024 Check enclosed Purchase Order # REGISTRATION DEADLINE – Mar. 3, 2015 Registrations filed after midnight March 3rd and Walk-ins will have a $10 late fee added to their registration fee. Join us for Lunch We are making available to all attendees the opportunity to purchase a box lunch from Great Harvest Bread Company delivered to the workshop as specified below: Participants will be able to order a box lunch each day of the Educational Ensemble. Orders will be taken each morning during registration and morning break. Menu available at registration or go online to Lunch available for purchase. You will be required to make payment at the time you order your lunch. No advanced lunch payments accepted. Payment is due with order (cash or check). Beverages provided by Lake Geauga Training Committee. Lake/Geauga Training Committee is Represented by THE FOLLOWING ORGANIZATIONS: Mary Alice Bell – Ravenwood Mike Buzzelli – Lake Geauga Recovery Center Rae Grady – Lake County ADAMHS Board Cathy Iannadrea – Signature Health Lynn Kempf – Retired, Geauga County Educational Service Center Carol Leikala – Ledgemont Schools Linda Miller – Prevention Consultant Stacy Noyes – Family Planning Association of Northeast Ohio Beth Ranally – Retired, Lake County Juvenile Court Steve Roos – Beacon Health Jennifer Vittek – Lake County General Health District Paulie Velotta – Crossroads George “Pat” Willis – Geauga County Educational Service Center Terri Worthington – OSU Extension, Geauga County LAKE-GEAUGA TRAINING COMMITTEE P.O. BOX 431 CHARDON, OH 44024 I 90 Rt 615/Center Street Rt 84 Rt 20 Tyler Blvd. Rt 2 Mentor High School Civic Center N Directions: Mentor Civic Center, 8500 Civic Center Blvd., Mentor, OH 44060 Exit Rt. 2 at Rt. 615 (Center Street). Turn north, remaining on Center Street past Mentor High School to Civic Center Blvd. on your right. Turn right onto Civic Center Blvd. and proceed to the stop sign. Turn right at the stop sign and follow the roadway curving around to your left. The entrance to the parking lot of the Civic Center is on your left. The directions MAY NOT be correct on your GPS.
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