Coast to Coast Exotics, 124 North Road, Darlington, County Durham, DL1 2EJ. TEL; 01325 283756. FAX; 01325 255060 E-MAIL; [email protected] Lots of new animals in this month, as ever some animals do sell quickly so please remember to contact the shop to check availabilities! If there is anything you are looking for and can’t find please just ask and we will search for it for you! Don’t forget we are always looking for good quality captive bred stock, contact us with details! If you want to see pictures of the stock find us on Facebook! These are the animals we had in stock in our shop in Darlington on the current date. Please remember we only sell animals (apart from inverts and spiders) to customers that can collect from the shop. Please visit this page often - we endeavour to update frequently. If you have a specific wants list contact us and we will do our best for you. Although this list is compiled with care and vast herpetological experience we accept that mistakes and errors can happen, especially when busy with shipments coming and going! We welcome any suggestions. Current 2nd February 2015 Snakes Boas and Pythons (Boidae) Amazon Tree Boa LTC (Corallus hortulanus) Long term captive female. Great addition as future breeder, or quite a tame amazon just for a pet! Male Het Clown Royal Python CB (Python regius) Extremely well grown on, potential pair with below! Female Het Clown Royal Python CB (Python regius) Extremely well grown on. Adult Female Royal Python CB (Python regius) Great sized females, either for potential breeders or a nice sized pet. Royal Python het Albino. Great way of getting the albino gene into your breeding projects! Males and females available Lesser Royal Python CB14. Stunning lightly coloured youngsters! Mojave Royal Python CB14. A very popular morph at the moment! Baby Royal Python CB14 Normal colour phase. Great pet species! Only young females left in stock! Royal Python Double het Lavender and piebald CB14, fantastic genes for a breeding project! One male only. Proven male Orange Ghost Royal Python CB (P. regius) gorgeous young male. 840g Pastel Royal Python CB (P. regius) young male. 1285g Golden White Lipped Python CB (Leiopython albertisii) Adult male! Stunning! Bubblebee Royal Python CB These are very pretty. Females available, 300g Calico Royal Python CB (Python regius) Limited amounts, photos to follow if required! PRICE £110 £95 £110 £120 £120 £120 £130 £65 £165 £175 £120 £249 £600 £550 male RATSNAKES (Elaphe and related) Corn snakes and Corn Hybrids; Sub Adult Anerytheristic Corn Snake CB Great as a pet or a future breeder! Male! Adult Carolina Corn Snake CB (Pantherophis guttatus) a nice mixture of sizes and shades! £59.95 £59.95 Adult Amel Corn Snakes, gorgeous oranges! Males and females available. Adult Snow Corn Snakes, Male available. Proven breeder, great chance to prepare for next season! Grown on Amel Corn Snake CB Past the tiny size, nice oranges! Snow Corn CB14 Gorgeous, white and pinks! Motley Hypo Corn Snake CB14 Nice clean bellies! Hatchling Fantasy Corn Snake CB (P. guttatus x P. obsoleta) grow into a large and stocky looking corn snake! Snow Fantasy Corn Snake CB14 (P. guttatus x P. obsoletus) Will grow into beautiful large looking corn snakes Reverse Okeetee Corn Snake CB14 Stunning contrasts between orange and white! Hatchling amelanistic corn Snake CB14 Beautiful Orange examples! Butter Corn Snake CB14 Great yellow species! Ultra Anery Corn Snake CB14 Great Ruby Eyed snakes! Ghost Corn Snake CB14 Stunning little snakes! Amel Fantasy Corn Snake CB14 (P. guttatus X P. obsoleta) Will grow into a nice larger sized amel Corn Snake! Hatchling Carolina Het Hypo/Lavender Corn Snake CB (P. guttatus) Great chance to get the lavender genes into your breeding program. CB14 Grown on Hypo Corn Snake CB (Pantherophis guttatus) beautiful snakes, growing nicely! Grown on Anerytheristic Corn Snake CB (P. guttatus) well past the delicate sizes now! Lovely black and silvery grey snake! Sub adult Pearl Corn Snake CtCB (P.guttatus x P. obsoletus) Corn crossed with a leucistic texas rat snake, these are fantastic coloured snakes! Last few! Grown on Anery partial banded corn snake CB (P. guttatus) very unusual patterned snake. Hatchling Mega Corn Snake CtCB (P. guttatus X P. emoryi) Rootbeers ready now, great stocky snakes as adults! Hatchling Jungle Rootbeer Corn Snake CB (P. guttatus x L. getulus x P. emoryi) What can I say a fantastic mixture of genes and beautiful snakes! Grown on Hypo Root beer Corn Snake CtCB (P. guttatus X P. emoryi) a nice twist, prettier than standard hypos in our eyes. Hatchling Fantasy Jungle Rootbeer Corn Snake CB (Pantherophis guttatus x emoryi x obsoleta x L. getula) A real mix of genes, interesting snake locally bred….. Hatchling Anery Corn Snake CB2013 Beautiful locally bred babies! Hatchling Carolina corn Snake CB (P. guttatus) the commonest corn morph Hatchling Aztec Corn Snake CB (P. guttatus) Great patterned little snakes at the moment! Hatchling Carolina Motley Corn Snake, gorgeous clean belly. Hatchling Hypo Corn Snake CB (P. guttatus) lacking black pigment around the saddles and chequer board, very pretty! £59.95 £59.95 £39.95 £39.95 £39.95 £39.95 £49.95 £49.95 £34.95 £49.99 £39.95 £39.99 £39.99 £34.95 £49.95 £39.95 £79.95 £120 £34.95 £49.95 £49.95 £59.95 £34.95 £34.95 £44.95 £39.95 £44.95 Ratsnakes: Striped Leopard Snake CB (Zamensis situla) Stunning youngsters, very sought after snake! £150 2.0 available Thai Bamboo Rat Snake CB (Oreocryptophis porphyraceus coxi) Stunning deep orange snakes! In stock now, ask to see them when you come in WOW!!! £140 Mexican Night Snake CB (Pseudoelaphe flavirufa flavirufa) Fantastic young snakes, rarely offered these days! £130 each Grown on Everglades Rat snakes CB (P. obsoleta rossaleni) grow into lovely deep orange snakes! £49.95 Adult Baird’s Rat Snake CB (Pantherophis bairdi) beautiful metallic snakes, adults available! £69.95 KINGSNAKES AND MILKSNAKES (Lampropeltis) Kingsnakes; Adult Hypo Speckled Kingsnakes CB (Lampropeltis getula holbrooki) Rarely offered snakes, fantastic opportunity! One male available! Adult Albino Prairie Kingsnake CB (Lampropeltis calligaster) fantastic small species of king snake, one male available, cycled and ready to breed! Grown on Coastal Abharent Californian King Snake CB (L. getulus californiae) well started! Females. £120 £150 £79.95 Milks, Mountain Kings and others; Spotted Sinaloan Milk snake CB (Lampropeltis triangulum sinaloae) Slight twist on the normal sinaloans, but pretty all the same! Ghost Honduran Milk Snake CB (Lampropeltis triangulum hondurensis) Extremely well grown on snake now. Young male available. OTHER SNAKE SPECIES Santa Cruz Garter Snake CB (Thamnophis atratus) Nicely grown on young pair! False Water Cobra CB (Hydrodynastes gigas) Fantastic sized youngsters, limited amounts! Chequered X Red Sided Garter Snake CB (Thamnophis marcianus x T. parietalis) gorgeous little babies! Madagascan Golden Hognose LTC (Leiheterodon modestus) Adult settled pair available, fantastic opportunity to get hold of LTC adults! Bull Snake CtCB (Pituophis catenifer sayi) Fantastic huffy little youngsters, great chunky display snake as adults! Lake Quitzeo Garter Snake CB (Thamnophis eques cuitzeoensis) Gorgeous babies of this rarely offered species. Pair available. Tricolour hognose CB (Lystrophis pulcher) I love these guys, they are stunning! Only males left in stock! Green Phase Western Hognose Snake CB (Heterodon nasicus) Nicely grown on snakes of this sought after morph! Hatchling albino hognose CB (Heterodon nasicus) Babies of these stunning snakes! £89.95 £150 £120 the pair £185 £29.95 £550 the pair £39.95 £79.95 each £140 the pair £175 £150 £165 Olive House Snake CB ‘hobby’ olives, UK Bred last one of the beautiful babies! Sub Adult Mexican Black Bellied Garter Snake CB (Thamnophis melanogaster canescens) young pair available, rarely offered for sale. £49.95 £85 each £155 the pair GECKOS (Geckonidae) Leopard geckos; Albino Snow Leopard Gecko Adult female, perfect as a breeder or a pet! Adult Snow Leopard Gecko (Eublepharis macularius) males available! Adult Male Chocolate Albino Leopard Gecko (Eublepharis macularius) Big boy, wow! Hatchling Chocolate Albino Leopard Gecko (Eublepharis macularius) Nice baby albinos! Female Leopard Gecko CB (Eublepharis macularius) Nice sized females a mixture of colours available! Adult male leopard geckos CB (Eublepharis macularius) young males!! Other Geckos; Bibron’s Gecko LTC (Pachydactylus bibroni) adult female, very long term captive! Baby Crested Gecko CB (Correlophus ciliatus) Beautiful youngsters – nice mixture of colours available! Standing’s Day gecko CB (Phelsuma standingi) Bred from our adult pair, these babies are ultra cute!!! Petri Dune Gecko WC (Stenodactylus petri) Fairy Geckos finally back in stock, very limited amounts so best be quick! Kimhowell’s Dwarf Day Gecko WC (Lygodactylus kimhowelli) small yellow headed species. Frog Eyed Wonder Gecko WC (Teratoscincus roborowski) Why doesn’t more people try to breed Wonder Geckos, they are a fascinating family of geckos! Striped Gargoyle Gecko (Rhacodactylus auriculatus) CB Not had them for a while, nice chunky babies! Reticulated Gargoyle Gecko (Rhacodactylus auriculatus) CB Nice chunky youngsters! Adult male Buckskin Crested Gecko CB (Correlophus ciliatus) Not quite adult but almost Baby Hi-Red Crested Gecko CB (Correlophus ciliatus) Beautiful youngsters – minus their tails unfortunately! Standing’s Day gecko CB (Phelsuma standingi) Stunning large species of day gecko! Nice change to Giant Day Geckos! Chinese cave gecko LTC (Goniosaurus hainanensis) Stunning red Eyes! A sought after species at the moment, freshbloodlines for breeders! Golden gecko LTC (Gekko ulikovski) Fantastic looking species for all you Tokay Lovers! Bauer’s Chameleon Gecko CB (Eurydactylus agricolae) A nice change for Rhacodactylus keepers as this is another New Caledonian Species! One young male available! SKINKS (Scincidae) Giant Hispanolian Galliwasp CB (Celestus warreni) Rarely offered species! Very nicely sized lizards! £69.95 £69.95 £59.95 £34.95 £59.95 £49.95 £15.95 £49.95 £59.95 £17.99 £19.95 £34.95 £69.95 £69.95 £49.95 £44.95 £59.95 males £69.95 females £59.95 £17.95 £195 £120 each £200 for 2 AGAMIDS (Agamidae) German Giant Bearded Dragon CB (Pogona vitticeps) Gorgeous hi orange and yellow youngsters, some have imperfect tails. Asian Water Dragon CB (Physignathus cocincinus) Gorgeous green babies! Beaver Tail False Uromastyx CB11 (Xenogama batilifera) Adult female available! fantastic opportunity to breed something other than bearded dragons! £44.95 £39.95 £175 IGUANIDS (Iguanidae) Plumed Basilisk CF (Basiliscus plumifrons) half grown youngsters, potential pair available of this fantastic display lizard! Collared Lizard CB (Crotaphytus sp.) Eastern X Western, gorgeous tame youngsters Big Headed Anole LTC (Anolis cybotes) A great change in the planted vivs for all you anole keepers out there, a big bigger and more boisterous than the greens and browns! Pair available and breeding as we speak! Club Tailed Iguana CB (Ctenosaura quinquecarinata) Has a deformity on its foot due to a healed injury, but perfectly healthy and would make a fantastic captive for a rocky display vivarium! Brown anole LTC (Norops [Anolis] sagrei) As above but get a little stockier, and look cuter when they display at each other! Settled and breeding trio available Eastern Fence Lizard LTC (Sceloporus undulatus) A nice species to keep in a smaller vivarium, one female available!! Zebra Tail Lizard LTC (Callisaurus draconoides) Fast but stunning desert species! Well settled male available! Jewelled Curly Tail Lizard LTC (Leiocephalus personatus) The males of this species are absolutely gorgeous! £49.95 each £49.95 £24.95 each. £45 the pair. £69.99 £11.95 each £30 the trio. £24.95 £24.95 £24.95 CHAMELEONS Yemen Chameleon CB (Chamaeleo calyptratus) Nicely sized youngsters of this hardy chameleon species! Pygmy Leaf Chameleon WC (Rhampholeon sp.) Fantastic little chameleons, great for planted terraria! £69.95 £39.95 OTHER LIZARD SPECIES Giant Plated Lizard WC (Gerrhosaurus major) Fantastic large pet species!`` Spiny Tailed Monitor CB (Varanus acanthinurus) Ever popular, these fantastic lizards should be more popular than Bearded Dragons! Peter’s Ornate Keeled Cordylid LTC (Tracheloptychus petersi) Now these really are a pretty and rarely offered lizard! Potential pair available, Madieran Lizard CB (Teira dugesi) 1 left available! available of these lizards, never had them before look like a Teiid (Tegu) crossed with a lacerta! Italian Ruin Lizard CB12 (Podarcis sicula) Always popular and no wonder they are beautiful! Not very commonly offered in the hobby nowadays! Pair available! Caiman Lizard CB (Dracaena guianensis)Growing £49.95 each £85 for 2 £140 £59.95 each £100 for 2 £79.95 £59.95 Each £100 for the pair! £1250 exceptionally well at the minute on snails, pop down and have a look, a rarely offered lizard! Both feeding on rodents as well now!! CHELONIA Spur Thighed Tortoise CB (Testudo graeca) Nicely sized youngster Herman’s Tortoise CB (Testudo hermani) Nice species for beginner’s, limited amounts! Horsfield Tortoise CB (Agrionemys horsfieldi) fresh youngsters of this nice smaller species! Marginated Tortoise CB (Testudo marginata) UKCB13 Fantastic youngsters, limited amounts available! each. £2250 pair! £175 £150 £120 £199 INVERTS AND SPIDERS (we can mail order inverts and spiders, call on 01325 283756) Tarantulas and spiders (Note: Breeders we often have male tarantulas of listed species available at cheaper prices please enquire). Mexican Red Knee Tarantula CB (Brachypelma smithi) slings of this ever popular species! Chille Rose Tarantula CB (Grammostola porteri) babies, grow your own Chille Rose! Chille Rose Tarantula CB (Grammostola rosea) Nicely sized, watch this space for sexed girls in the near future Haitian Brown Tarantula WC (Phormictopus Sp.) Gorgeous large species, nicely sized now!! Costa Rican Tiger Rump Tarantula CB (Cyclosternum fasciatum) 1cm but colour up to being one of my favourite small tarantula species! Mexican Red Rump tarantula CB (Brachypelma vagans) Nice natured species, lots of growing left! 1cm Cobalt Blue Tarantula CB (Haplopelma lividum) smaller than last time, but still as feisty!! Chilean Dwarf Copper Tarantula WC (Paraphysa manicata) Gorgeous laid back smaller species! Himalayan Earth Tiger CB (Haplocosmia himalayana) Stunning as adults! Another great feisty species! 1-2cm African Black Trapdoor WC (Cyphonsia sp.) Great grumpy species! Limited amounts! Curly Hair Tarantula CB (Brachypelma albipilosum) about 3cm at the minute, but grow into a fantastic pet species! Bolivian Dwarf Beauty Tarantula CB (Cyriocosmus perezmilesi) Very attractive smaller species of arachnid! Pumpkin Patch Tarantula CB (Hapalopus sp.) Columbian large form, youngsters at the minute, lots of growing to do! Trinidad Chevron Tarantula CB (Psalmopeous irminia) Beautiful fluffy legged spiders! Mature male!! Thick Legged Baboon WC (Eucratoscelus pachypus) Excellent fat legged terrors! Indian Ornamental Tarantula CB (Poecilitheria regalis) Sub adults, very well grown on. Scorpions/Centipedes Olive Banded Flat Rock Scorpion Captive born (Hadogenes paudicens) Babies, rarely offered for sale! Emperor Scorpion CB (Pandinus imperator) juveniles of this popular species! Vietnamese Centipede WC (Scolopendra dehaani) £9.95 £4.99 £19.95 £34.95 £8.95 £8.95 £39.95 £24.95 £14.99 £14.99 £8.95 £24.95 £24.95 £10 £24.95 £29.95 £6.99 £24.95 £29.95 Experienced keepers only, Large ‘Characterful’ species! Thai Whip Scorpion WC (Thelyphonida sp.) Nice smaller Vinageroon species! Asian Jungle Scorpion WC (Heterometrus spinifer) Nice black feisty beasties! Tri-Coloured Burrowing Scorpion WC (Opistophthalmus glabifrons ) These are one of my favourite species, not as easy to get as they once were though! East African Long Clawed Scorpion WC (Iomachus polimatus) nice easy to keep species, usually quite nice temperaments. African Yellow Legged Burrowing Scorpion WC (Opistophalmus carinatus) Nice grumpy species! Millipedes Giant Train Millipede WC (Archistreptrus gigas) Gorgeous sized adults! Mali Super Giant Millipede WC (to confirm species) These are fantastic long millipedes, limited amounts in stock again! One pair left in stock! £14.99 £17.95 £39.95 £19.95 £19.95 £13.95 £24.95 each Stick Insects/Katydids/Grasshoppers Jungle Nymph CB (Heteropteryx dilatata) young pairs available of this imposing stick insect! Black Beauty Stick Insect CB (Peruphasma schultei) golden eyes, red wings and black velvety bodies, whats not to love! Giant Thorny Stick Insect CB (Trachyaretaon brueckneri) Nice sticks, great if you struggle to get bramble, as these will eat ivy Harlequin Locust CB (Zonocerus sp.) Beautiful multi coloured pet locust species! Borneo Wood Nymph CB (Haaniella echinata) Rarely offered species and quite long lived as well! Indian Stick Insect babies, a few weeks old. The most popular stick insect species! Beetles Malaysian Giant Rhino Beetle Larvae CB (Xylotrupes beckeri) these larvae are huge! Great to grow on for kids! Namibian Flower Beetle Larvae CB (Eudicellia heteroensis) Can be cannibals so house separately, grow into beauties! African Sun Beetle CB (Pachnoda marginata) Great as pets, tubs of larvae available, grow your own colony! £14.99 per pair £3.99 each £6 per 2 £2.99 each £5 for 2 £4.99 each £8 for 2 £4.99 £1 £14.99 £3.99 each £3.99 Mantid More coming soon! Other Invertebrates Assasin Bug CB (Platymeris biggutatus) Creepiest creature I’ve ever stocked! I love them!!!! Purple Pincher Hermit Crab WC (Coenobita clypeatus) Deep purple claws! Hissing cockroach CB Great youngsters of this noisy species! African Land Snail CB (Achatina sp.) Great pet species available now! Jadatzi Albino Land Snail CB Stunning youngsters, White body and shell! £2.99 £4.99 £3.50 each £6 for 2 £4.99 £3.99 AMPHIBIANS Treefrogs and similar; Red Legged Running Frog WC (Kassina maculosa) Gorgeous bright thighed frogs! £24.95 Costa Rican Gliding Tree Frog CB (Agalynchis spurrelli) As seen on Domonic Monaghans Wild Things last week, gorgeous relative of the Red Eyed Tree Frogs! £54.99 Reed Frog WC (Hyperolius sp.) mixed species, will try and key them out as the week goes on! £11.95 Green and Golden Bell Frog CB (Litoria aurea) Stunning frogs, these get up to 4.3”! Beautiful! £29.99 Bird Poop Tree Frog WC (Theloderma asperum) This species definitely deserves as much attention from breeders as its cousin the Mossy Frog! £29.95 Surinam Clown Tree Frog WC (Dendropsophus leucophyllatus) My favourites, these are breathtakingly colourful little characters! £29.95 North American Green Tree Frog WC (Hyla cinerea) Nice hardy easy to keep species, great for a first time or as a breeding project for the more experienced keepers! £11.95 Amazon Milk Frog CB (Trachycephalus resinifictrix) CB Locally bred beauties. These are stunning little chunky creatures! £24.95 each £45 for 2 Leaf Folding Banana Frog WC (Afrixalus fornasini) Beautiful little frogs! Hieroglyphic Reed Frog CB (Hyperolius riggenbachi) Beautiful little frogs!! Amani Forest Globe Eyed Tree Frog WC (Leptopelis vermiculatus) Beautiful camouflage greens! Other Frogs Golden Mantella CB (Mantella aurantiaca) adults available. Beautiful frog, great alternative to dart frogs! Albino Pacman Frog CB (Ceratophrys cranwelli) Nicely sized youngster about 2” across now. Brown Mantella CB (Mantella betsileo) Silly name for a frog with vivid blue spots on its belly! Dwarf African Bullfrog LTC (Pyxiecephalus edulus) Only males left! Toads Cane Toad WC (Rhinella marinus) youngsters with plenty of growing left in them! Panther Toad WC (Amietophrynus regularis) Great species of Toad, Also known as the Square Marked Toad. 1 adult male available! Oriental Fire Bellied Toad WC (Bombina orientalis) fantastic pet species! Surinam Toad LTC (Pipa pipa) look like roadkilled £11.95 £23.95 £29.99 £49.95 £49.95 £34.95 £49.95 £19.95 £12.95 £11.95 £69.99 toads, but a great aquatic display species, and well worth a go at breeding. Young male available Salamanders and Newts Barred Fire Salamander CB (Salamandra salamandra terrestris) One of the most popular species of Salamander! Lesser Siren CB (Siren intermedia) Fantastic aquatic species, look like eels with front legs! £39.95 £95 EXOTIC MAMMALS (Please remember we don’t courier mammals out – collection only) African Dwarf Hedghogs CtCB (Atelerix albiventris). To enquire about availabilities please ring 01325 283756 and we will let you know when we will next have availabilities! African Pygmy Hedgehogs young males available now Enquire!! £120 We would like to bring the following points to your attention: 1. In this world of political correctnessit is often frowned upon to sell wild caught reptiles. Whilst we fully accept that selling easily obtainable captive bred species as wild caught is unacceptable (such as Corn snakes, Leopard geckos etc etc), our herpetological enthusiasm cannot be squashed with regards to species that are currently either infrequently captive bred or not at all. Breeding projects can only be started from WC, and for this reason we offer the experienced herpetologist the chance of these WC species to start from the bottom! In other words we offer the beginner CB Leopard geckos, Corns and the like and the more experienced, a challenge with wild caught breeding groups to establish the captive bred easy species of the future. There is lots of talk of tightening regulations on exporting animals, and its possible that species not being bred in captivity wont be available any more in the future unless we start captive breeding from available WC stock now. Worth mentioning!! 2. Colour morphs in reptiles have now got to a level, way beyond what could have been comprehended a few years ago. Presently there are thousands of morphs, and as the majority are man-made they are very subjective. Some of the differences are also very small. What one person describes as a particular colour morph, another person will see something very different. Also, many hatchlings look so radically different to when they are adult it is sometimes impossible to judge what they will look like later in life. For this reason we only describe the different morphs to the best of our ability and suggest that you firstly visit to make sure that you are buying what you require, and secondly keep in mind that when he/she grows up there may be some variation from the “perfect” example banded around on the various internet sites and in books.
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