2015-02-04 FINAL.pub

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Country Courier
Volume 26, Issue 7
Serving the King William and King and Queen Communities since 1989
Wednesday, February 4, 2015
Happy 25th Anniversary Mattaponi & Pamunkey Rivers Association!!
Everyone in attendance posed for a picture on the group's 25th Anniversary.
By Gene Campbell The MPRA (Mattaponi & Pamunkey Rivers Association) celebrated its 25th Anniversary on January 23 with a pot luck dinner at the King William Fire
Department in Aylett. After a delicious meal MPRA President Eugene Rivera and Board Member Dawn Shank gave the approximately seventy-five people in attendance a slide
show of the organization's 2014 activities and planned activities for 2015. The group then elected its 2015 officers. Brad Davis was elected President for 2015.
Please see MPRA, on page 5.
Terry Stone to Lead King William Supervisors
By Gene Campbell
Newly elected Chairman Terry Stone
History was made January 26 at the monthly
meeting of the King William Board of
Supervisors. Fourth District Supervisor Terry
S. Stone was elected Chairman of the Board
for 2015 and thus became the first woman to
hold that position. Third District Supervisor
Stephen K. Greenwood was elected Vice
Chairman. The Board adopted a meeting
schedule of two meetings a month, one a work
session (second Monday of the month) and the
other a regular meeting (fourth Monday of the
month). The Board's next meeting will be
February 9 at the Administrative Building.
Social Services Director Anne Mitchell (left) and Social Services Board
Chairman Brenda Clements (right) presenting a Resolution of Appreciation to retiring staff member Patricia Previs (center).
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Flying Tigers Presentation
Despite the threat of bad weather a nice crowd
attended the presentation by author Larry
Pistole regarding the Flying Tigers (AVG /
American Volunteer Group) Monday night,
January 26th at the King and Queen Library
(old Marriott School). Not in Larry's book, The
Pictorial History of the Flying Tigers, c. 1981,
are numerous stories from the days when Larry
was traveling the United States to find these
famous men and women, some of which he
shared during the talk. He met 117 of the then
living 119 members of the AVG during his
travels in the late 70's and early 80's.
A special treat was viewing the original AVG
footage taken by pilot Tommy Haywood
showing the recruits on the ship as they went to
China and then showing the crewmen and pilots
arming their planes, taking off, landing, etc.
Some of the footage is even in color for a true
glimpse of the coloring of the planes, decals,
logos, etc.
If you want to know more about this
wonderful group a great place to start is with
Larry's book. His research was extensive and
accurate and there are hundreds of original
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Publisher’s Message
Peg Babyak learns more about the AVG from
Larry Pistole
photos taken by the members of the AVG. It is
available by calling him at 804-769-0092 or via
emailing him at [email protected] or on
ebay.com or amazon.com.
It is also in the library system for you to check
out! If you want to be more informed about the
programs held by the Friends of the Library
please like us on facebook at https://
www.facebook.com/KandQFriends. We hope to
see you next time!
The Winter months are moving pretty fast. To break up cabin
fever from time to time, go out to eat or visit with some friends.
February is the shortest month, only 28 days. Before you know
it the first day of Spring (March 20th.) will be here with lots of
sunshine and warmer days. Keep a positive attitude and enjoy
each and every day. All of us here at the Country Courier
appreciate you, our readers, and the many advertisers that help
us bring our paper to you.
Take care until next time,
Attentive crowd at Flying Tiger program
Don’t Miss Another Issue!
If you are not receiving
The Country Courier welcomes letters from
our readers, which will be published with
the writer’s signature and county of
residence. We accept calendar items at no
charge for 50 words or less. The Country
Courier reserves the right to edit letters and
calendar items and print when space is
Serving King William and
King and Queen Counties
Since 1989
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Physical Address:
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STAFF Danny Clark, Publisher
Julie Clark Minor, Editor
Gail Clark, Bookkeeper
Florence Cooke, Contributing Writer
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Ryan Lumpkin, Distribution Technician
Dean Collings, Advertising Sales
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Tradition of Caring
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Bennett Funeral Home was established in 1897 to serve the needs of
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This tradition of excellence can be seen in the four beautiful chapels located throughout the Richmond area: centrally located on Cutshaw Avenue in the
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In a time of need, you can turn to Bennett Funeral Home with trust and
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One way in which Bennett cares for families, is by offering a convenient
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Call Bennett Funeral Home at 746-8665 to schedule a pre-planning consultation.
funeral home
Caring Since 1897
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Business owners and managers meet at
C o ur i e r
By Danny Clark
Area business owners and managers met last
week at Don Pedro’s restaurant for lunch and
to network with each other. The meeting was
sponsored by the Country Courier newspaper.
Those attending the meeting were: King William Sheriff Jeff Walton, Jeff and Jeremy York
with the York Agency in Mechanicsville,
Brenda Flippen with K.W. Radio Shack, Kathy
Holliday and Allen Brintley with Twin Rivers
Realty, Stan Crews with Red Barn Furniture
Outlet, Greg Noel and Chris Wilson with EVB
Bank, Rick Rozell of Rozell’s Marine and
Andy Pierce of Andy’s Automotive.
The next meeting is planned April 13th and
will be hosted by EVB Bank here in King William. The Country Courier will have more
information on that meeting in coming issues.
All business owners and managers are invited,
if you need more information contact, Dean
Collings at the Country Courier, 804-7690259.
Fish Fry Benefits King William Football Player
By Armistead Saffer
On Saturday, January 31st, a benefit Fish
Fry supporting Camajae Peatross was held at
Elite Force Athletics in Manquin. Camajae is a
senior at King William High School and a running back on their football team. He has received an offer to represent King William
County in the NUC Texas vs. The World Football Game this year on February 16th. Receiving an offer to participate and play in this event
is a very high honor and is only extended to
athletes who meet exceptional standards.
The Peatross family would like to thank everyone for coming out and supporting Camajae
Peatross this past weekend at the “Support
Camajae Fish Fry Event”. The fundraising
event was to support the cost for travel and
registration fees (approximately $1,400). The
event this weekend was able to raise $778.
Special thanks to our event sponsors: Elite
Force Athletics who donated their facility, time
and funds to make this event successful, as
Jeremy York of The York Agency, introduces himself to the group.
p a g e
Camajae frying the fish
well as The Floor Trader of Richmond for their
continued sponsorship. Thank you to everyone who donated their time to making this
event successful. If you would like to assist
Camajae in reaching his goal of $1,400, please
reach out to Chantell Peatross @ 804-9928102 or see the GoFundMe site:
King William High School Wrestling
Contributed By Tiffany Sawdy—Elite Force Ath- Browning, Kevin Overstreet, Kyle Harley, Brenon
Sawdy, David Jones, William Cockrell and Tyler
Gilbertson, King William took the title again deThe Tidewater District Wrestling Tournament feating King & Queen 70-6 and Middlesex 51-19.
came together again this year at King William The Cavaliers will host the Conference 33 TourHigh School. Mathews High School did not at- nament on February 7th with wrestling starting at
tend so Middlesex, King & Queen, and King Wil- 12:00 noon. Come and see if your Cavaliers can
liam vied for the title. Receiving pins from Eian hold on to the title for the second year in a row!
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Equine Talk Sponsored by:
360 Hardware and T-Town Tack
A Doctor’s Visit
By Allen Brintley and “Pip”
Did the groundhog see his shadow
or not? Are we going to have 6 more
weeks of winter or not? We have had
some cold temperatures at times but
only a couple of light dustings of
snow or ice. We may still get a good
snowfall yet so be prepared and make
sure your animals have plenty of hay
and water.
The vet came out the other day for
Pip’s shots twice a year and I was
thinking how wonderful it is that they
still make house calls. Regular doctors haven’t made house calls for
people in a long time. You have to
wait so long to get in and see them. I
thought of a story about a guy going
to the doctor’s office.
There was a guy named Bubba that
stopped by the doctor’s office and
went in to the counter. The receptionist asked “So Bubba, what have you
got?” He said “Shingles.” She told
him to have a seat and fill out all this
paperwork and someone would be
with him shortly. After 20 minutes, a
nurse’s assistant came out and took
him back and weighed him, checked
his height, etc. and told him to have a
seat in the examining room. Another
20 minutes went by and a registered
nurse came in and asked him “Bubba,
what do you have?” He said
“Shingles.” The nurse took his pulse,
blood pressure, temperature and told
him to get undressed and sit on the
examining table and the doctor would
be with him shortly. After about 30
minutes, the doctor finally came in
with his file and saw Bubba sitting on
the table and asked him “Hi Bubba,
what do you have?” Bubba said
“Shingles.” The doctor said “Well
let’s have a look. Where are they at?”
Bubba said “In the back of my truck.
I’m just a delivery driver.”
You can call me at 690-7870 or
email me at:
[email protected].
I’ll see you on the trails.
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Letter to the Editor
Dear Editor,
Thank You
As a member of Mizpah United Methodist Church, I would like to thank the citizens and business of King William and
King and Queen counties especially the
Walkerton Volunteer Fire Department for
their support of the MUMC Annual dinner
and auction held at the Walkerton Fire Department on Thanksgiving weekend. Without this support, our small church would
not be able to provide assistance to those in
need in our two wonderful counties.
MUMC is an active giver in the area by
hosting the delivery of Food Bank supplies
to the area needy, MUMC collects furniture and household items to donate to families that have endured the misfortune of
having their homes destroyed by fire,
The Mizpah United Methodist Women
provide back packs and school supplies to
offset parental expenses for school supplies. This organization also prepares
prayer blankets for those who are ill and in
need of Blessings. The women knit caps
for new born children and make blankets to
donate to local ASPCA.
If you have a spiritual void in your life,
MUMC would like to welcome you to join
us on Sundays for worship and fellowship
in the lovely community of Walkerton, just
behind the Fire Department. If you already
have a church home, we would like to invite you to come support our activities as a
volunteer. Our Sundays start at 9:00, Worship Service at 10:00 with fellowship to
follow. Come join our small but dynamic
Best Regards,
Dan Jensen
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King & Queen Family Practice Celebrated
Twenty-Years of Service
By Dean Collings
King & Queen
Ce l e b r a te d
Twenty-Years of
Service Dr.’s Pamela and Brooke
Gwathmey have
dedicated twenty
years of care and
commitment to the
Dr. Brooke
greater King and
Queen Community. Easy going country
doctors committed to their patients and the
community. Dr. Brooke Gwathmey said,
“The best part of our practice is the patients.”
Dr. Brooke Gwathmey was born and
raised in the area. He calls King & Queen
his home. He is a graduate of West Point
High School. His mother taught for the
school system. Brooke played soccer in
high school. When he was looking for a
college to attend he had two basic criteria.
The college needed to have a strong science program and an opportunity to play
soccer. He found his match at King College in Bristol, TN. He not only found a
perfect match for his college search but he
also discovered his life mate, Pamela.
Pamela was from Grundy, VA. Pamela
became his wife and partner in medical
The Gwathmey’s have three children.
Their children all live outside Virginia
ranging from North Carolina, to Maryland
and on up to Canada. They have four
grandchildren living in Canada and a fifth
grandchild on the way.
They attended the Medical College of
Virginia and then did their residency in
Roanoke, VA. Dr. Brooke’s first practice
was with a group of doctors in Galax, VA
where he served for two and a half years
but his heart was still in his boyhood
home. So, he joined the Tappahannock
Family Practice with Dr. Jim Ledwith. He
worked there for a year and a half before
venturing out on his own.
The Gwathmey’s worked with Riverside
hospital to establish the practice in King &
Queen County but after five years they
were able to become an independent practice in 1999. The practice is an independent practice today, which is rare in the
new medical environment. The Doctors
enjoy having an independent practice in a
rural area but find it challenging. Dr.
Brooke said, “We are not planning on
going anywhere.”
Thank you Dr. Pamela and Dr. Brooke
for the twenty-years of faithful dedicated
service to the greater King & Queen area.
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MPRA, continued from front page
MPRA member Dawn Shank(left) presenting outgoing President Eugene Rivera (right) with a
plaque/picture thanking him for his leadership as President from 2011 to 2014.
Since it was the group's 25th Anniversary, some of the founding members
spoke about the organization's beginning. Randy Shank, one of the founding
board members, told the group when
Newport News announced their intention
in the early 1990's to draw water from the
rivers and form a reservoir, there was no
one speaking for the rivers. Randy along
with Billy Mills (who is now deceased and
worked for the Alliance to Save the
Chesapeake Bay) and Walkerton resident
Jerry Walker (the association's first President) formed the MPRA. Sally Mills
(who is Billy's widow) and Jerry Walker
then spoke and reminisced about Billy's
many tireless efforts promoting and protecting the Rivers. Their efforts along with
other members of the group paid off.
Their efforts along with many others in
the group paid off. After twenty years and
spending over 50 million dollars, Newport
News "threw in the towel" and gave up
on the reservoir idea in 2009.
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By Florence Cooke
Colosse Baptist Church celebrated its
annual Fire and Rescue Service on
Sunday, January 25, 2015 at the 11 a.m.
worship service. This celebration was
started several years ago by the pastor,
Steve Smith to honor the sacrifices of our
local volunteers. Pastor Smith invites the
local departments to come and worship
and fellowship with the congregation and
be recognized for their dedication. The
church members get a chance to thank the
organizations for their service to the local
Personnel from Walkerton Fire
Department, Mattaponi Rescue Squad and
King William Fire and Rescue Squad
attended the service and joined the church
members for lunch.
Rev. Smith stated, “We celebrate this
occasion to express appreciation and
thanks for all the fire and rescue personnel
do during the year to keep our community
safe. We like to show our love and
support and we even feed them chicken.”
Last seen December
16th on Commins Rd.
4 years old.
Please Call
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By Florence Cooke
Landre Toulson, Agricultural Natural Resources Agent for King and Queen County,
resigned as of January 30, 2015 to take over
ownership of his father’s trucking business in
the Northern Neck. His emphasis was teaching
people about hydroponics. Hydroponics is a
type of hydroculture and is a method of growing plants using mineral nutrient solutions, in
water, without soil.
Other agents will be filling in to help with
questions on farm problems, pesticides, 4 – H,
homeowner and lawn and gardening problems
until a new agent is appointed. For information
or questions, please call the King William Office at 769 – 4955 or the King and Queen office
at 785 – 5979.
Tina Vencill, a coworker of Landre, stated, “I had the pleasure of working with
Landre for less than a year but he will be greatly missed. We wish him the very best
in his new venture. I am very happy for him but I am very sad that King and Queen
is losing someone as dedicated as he was. He will be volunteering with the agency
by helping with future hydroponic projects and Community Pride Day.”
Mr. Jim Rice, Head of School at Aylett
Country Day School, is pleased to
announce the names of students in grades
four through eight who have shown
outstanding academic achievement for the
2nd quarter of the 2014-2015 school year.
Students earning Honor Roll status, all A’s,
for the 2nd quarter are:
Grade 5: Krista Carlton
Grace 6: Nan Garrett and Laila Gwathmey
Grade 7: Jaden Ellis, Carter Krusz, and
Channing Pitts
Grade 8: Katie Villanueva and Abby
Merit Roll (A’s and B’s) students for the
2nd quarter are:
Grade 4: William Ambrose, Davis Ball,
John Ball, Katie Carlton, Silas Gwathmey,
Lizzie Owens, Samantha Pitts, Nicholas
Reynolds, and Ella Trible
Grade 5: Tyler Clark, Autumn Courtney,
Lewis Ginn, Gianna Fischetti, Saylor Gray,
Brayden Lewis, John Cason Rennolds,
Reid Stanley, and Evan Williams
Grade 6: Madisyn Carson, Art Neal, Anna
Pierce, Grace Pierce, and Rebecca Pope
Grade 7: Regan Allen, Lily Fischetti,
Delaney Loving, Chatham Murray,
Charlotte Quinlan, and Matthew
Grade 8: Tyler Garrett, Tyler Hamilton,
Tommy Owens, Sammie Pierce, and
Catesby Ware
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King William School Board Members
Attend Conference
William County School Board members
Kathy Morrison, Bryan Major, Lindsay
Robinson, and Division Superintendent
Dr. Mark Jones attended the Virginia
School Boards Association’s Capital
Conference on January 26 and 27 in
Richmond. The event brought together
school board members, superintendents,
state delegates and senators, and others to
consider the major education issues facing
the 2015 General Assembly.
Attendees heard from Governor Terry
McAuliffe, Secretary of Education Anne
Holton, State Superintendent of Public
Instruction Steve Staples, and Virginia
Chamber of Commerce President Barry
DuVal. They also received information
on a variety of topics, including the everchanging political scene in Virginia, state
budget issues, and legislation being
considered that will have an impact on
public education and school board
operations. Participating school board
members were encouraged to visit with
their respective legislators and attend the
General Assembly session on day two of
the conference.
School Board member Kathy Morrison
commented, “This conference is one of
the most valuable in educating us on the
bills put forward in the General Assembly
so that we can communicate our priorities
and concerns to our representatives.”
According to Gina Patterson, VSBA
executive director, “The VSBA Capital
Conference is grassroots lobbying at its
best. It gives Virginia school board
members the opportunity to share
important information with legislators
about the future of education in Virginia.”
About the Virginia School Boards
Virginia School Boards Association, a
voluntary, nonpartisan organization of
Virginia school boards, promotes
excellence in public education through
advocacy, training and services. The
Association offers conferences,
information, training, and counseling
designed to meet the needs of the
Commonwealth’s educational leaders.
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Hamilton Holmes Middle School Welcomes Celeste Kellogg
Hamilton-Holmes Middle School is excited to
welcome Celeste Kellogg on February 24th. Ms.
Kellogg is an actress, songwriter and Nashville
recording artist. Ms. Kellogg was part of the Radio
Disney tween pop group, RD7. This group opened
for Raven, The Jonas Brothers, Miley Cyrus and the
Cheetah Girls. They also performed an hour
long show at the Kelly Clarkson, Addicted To Love
When Radio Disney came to an end, Ms. Kellogg
decided to start her own group, No Limit. The name
of the group was based on the message that Ms.
Kellogg wanted to send…”If you work hard, stay true
to yourself, there is No Limit to what you can do."
In 2011, Ms. Kellogg released her debut CD,
Gibson Guitars. I Heart Radio, said she was an
artist to watch, and
Ms. Kellogg did
television and radio
appearances, filmed
a TV Pilot, and did a
the Country Network.
mission is to share
Celeste Kellogg
her music while
taking a stance against bullying. In October, her
Teen Nation Tour moved through North Carolina and
reached more than 30,000 students. Ms. Kellogg’s
current tour, Operation M.A.C (Making a Change), is
sending the same anti-bully message to students in
Call to Order your new High Speed Satellite Internet from EXEDE that
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Virginia Tech Honor Band
King & Queen Central High SchoolCongratulations to Philip Lucas-Trombone and
Precious Jackson-Trumpet for being selected to
participate in this years Virginia Tech Honor
The performance was held on the Virginia
Tech Campus January 23-25. Every year
Virginia Tech selects high school band students
to participate in the honor band. Students
selected are from Virginia and 6 other states.
They performed on Sunday, January 25, 2015
and had a great performance.
Congratulations Philip and Precious!
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KING & QUEEN– Hunter Richardson of
King & Queen County was among 71
Farm Bureau members from Virginia who
attended the 2015 American Farm Bureau
Federation Annual Convention Jan. 11-14
in San Diego.
The convention theme was “Tradition,
Perseverance, Vision: Farm Bureau
Proud,” and the event included presentations on improving field applications with
technology, dealing with consumer skepticism over farming practices and using
unmanned aerial vehicles to manage resources. Among key speakers was author
and Navy SEAL commander Rorke Denver.
The convention concluded with a meeting of voting delegates, who worked to
shape AFBF policies for 2015, concentrat-
ing on issues related to promoting and
marketing agricultural products, immigration reform and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency mandates on water and air
King & Queen County Farm Bureau is
one of 88 county Farm Bureaus in the
Virginia Farm Bureau Federation. With
more than 128,000 members, VFBF is
Virginia’s largest farmers’ advocacy
group. Farm Bureau is a nongovernmental, nonpartisan, voluntary organization committed to protecting Virginia’s farms and ensuring a safe, fresh
and locally grown food supply. For more
information and to find out how you can
get the Membership Advantage call (804)
785-9431 or (804) 769-2580.
Fatal head on collision in King & Queen
KING AND QUEEN – a two-vehicle
crash that claimed the life of a King and
Queen man around 8 a.m. on Monday,
January 26th when he collided head-on
with another vehicle.
Demond Harris, 38, of Mascot, was
driving north on Elsom Mascot Road in
King & Queen County. According to the
sheriff's office, a motorist came upon the
scene after the accident and called 911.
Harris was pronounced dead at the scene
by emergency responders.
The other driver, Kristin Jessie, 23, of
Church View, was taken by helicopter to
Norfolk General Hospital where she is
currently being treated for non-life
threatening injuries. The crash is still
under investigation. Drugs, alcohol or
excessive speed are not believed to be
contributing factors in the crash.
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“Evelyn Noel Godman history writing contest”
Essay submitted by: Katie Carlton (winner
1st place) of Aylett Country Day School
Imagine that you are a young girl on a farm
in the 1700’s. What do you think your life
would be like? How big was your family?
Do boys and girls wear the same thing?
Would life be hard or easy? Would you go
to school? What was it like to eat with your
family? Would you have to help in the house
or the fields?
My name is Virginia and I lived on a small
family farm in the 1700’s. I lived in a small
house without electricity or a bathroom. My
family was average size, and everyone had a
job to do for the family to survive. I had
eight brothers and sisters and we had to share
our bedroom. My brothers and sisters wore
the same thing until we were six, then we
wore similar clothes as our parents. When
girls got older, we wore hats or hoods to
cover our hair.
My mama taught my sisters and me how to
write our names, letters, and read the Bible.
Girls rarely went to school. If girls went to
school, they were often treated badly. Girls
were not allowed to go to college as we were
expected to get married and have children.
At dinner we had to stand until mama and
daddy told us to sit down. We were not
allowed to throw bones under the table, and
we had to eat everything we were given. We
could not ask for more or look at someone
else’s plate. We could not say anything
unless we were asked. We also had to eat as
fast as possible and then leave the table.
My life on the farm was very, very hard.
My mother taught my sisters and me at a
very young age how to clean the house, wash
the dishes, and cook. We helped make
candles to light the rooms at night and also
helped make soap using animal fat. I was
one of the oldest girls and had the chore of
washing the clothes in the washtub using lye
soap. It was a long, tiring process. We had
to make our own clothes. The girls learned
how to comb wool, knit stockings, weave
shoelaces and belts, spin yarn, and fix torn
There were no stores, and we had to grow
and raise our own food to survive. Mama
Katie Carlton
taught the girls how to garden, gather the
fruits and vegetable, and how to preserve
food for the rest of the year. One of my
favorite chores was picking apples, because
we got to climb the trees and eat as many of
the juicy, delicious apples as we wanted! My
younger sisters milked the cows twice a day,
churned the butter, and gathered eggs from
the chickens. Some of us were taught by our
brothers or dad how to work outside in the
field plowing the land, mending the fences,
and fixing farm tools. Summer days were
hot and miserable! Winter was cold and I
thought my fingers would freeze off! We
were given guns at an early age and learned
how to shoot and hunt for rabbit, deer, and
other small animals. After we killed the
animals, we had to skin them and dress the
I was taught at a young age how to be a
mother, wife, and caretaker. In the 1700’s a
girl was expected to know how to keep a
house, take care of children and cook
because she usually got married at fourteen.
When daughters got married, they usually
received farm animals for their husbands to
start a farm. Then, we moved into our own
house and started our own family. So now
you know what life for a girl on a farm in the
1700’s was like. Would you have wanted to
be me?
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Paul, Julia Adams, 96, went to her heavenly
home on January 6,2015. Preceded in death
by her husband, Everett Seth "Buddy" Paul,
her parents, brothers, sister, and son-in-law
Victor "Buddy" Taylor. She was a lifetime
member of Colosse Baptist Church
serving over 50 years serving as treasurer of
the Cemetery Assn. and on the Social
Committee. She is survived by her daughters
Charlotte Taylor, Pat Sperry (Steve) and Dale
Dabney ( Wayne). Her grandchildren Terry
Taylor (Kellie), Donna Peele (Larry), Kay
Gammon, Vicky Mitchell (Greg) and Seth
Sperry. Great Grandchildren Jennifer Blanton
( Jay), Mandy Stover ( Josh), Jessi Jukes
(Jason), Jarred Gammon, Ryllee Mitchell,
Stephen Taylor, Fallon Moore and Jake
Duresky. Great Great Grandchildren Kyla and
Delana Blanton, Maddie, Emma and Brody
Stover, Dylan and Chase Jukes. She will be
greatly missed by her family and friends , in
which she blessed them her smile, strength and
Christian Love. The family received friends on
Wednesday from 2 to 4 and 6 to 8 pm at
B.W. White Funeral Home Rt. 360 Aylett.
Funeral services was held 2 pm Thursday at
Colosse Baptist Church with interment in the
church cemetery. In lieu flowers, please make
contributions to Colosse Cemetery Assn. C/O
Pickett Upshaw 23945 King William Rd, West
Point, VA 23181
husband; W. Emmett Garber. Sisters; Lucille
Shepard and Mildred Langford. She is
survived by her 2 sons, Mike Garber, Chris
Garber, and Daughter, Cheryl Mitchell (Bob),
6 grandchildren; Rose Pitman (Danny), David
Atkins (Candace) Phillip Atkins, Emmit
Atkins, Elaine Atkins, and Jimmy Tetrault
(Courtney). Great grandchildren; Annika,
Teagan, Anthony, Jameson, James, and
Destiny. Sisters; Elizabeth Reeves, Alice
Bradley, Nell Winn. Brothers; Charles Smith
Jr, Donald Smith, and Ross Smith, as well as
many other family and friends. Cathy was a
mother, housewife, and gardener. She loved to
care for children over the years for many area
King William families. She was always able to
find the good in everyone she met. Visitation
was held at B.W. White Funeral home on Rt.
30, Thursday January 29th from 6 pm to 8 pm.
A Funeral service was held at St. James
Presbyterian Church on Rt. 30 just east of
King William Court House Friday January
30th, 3 pm, with internment following at the
Church. In lieu of flowers donations can be
made to the Alzheimer’s Association or St.
James Presbyterian Church.
Elloitt, Beatrice Beadles, 89, of St. Stephens
Church, Va., passed away on January 26,
2015. She is preceeded in death by her
husband, James C, and daughter Marjorie
Searles; she is survived by her sister Jean
Mitchell; her daughter Charlotte Jones (Bill),
GARBER, Catherine Smith of King William son, Nelson Elliott; grandchildren, B. W.
Va. went to be with the Lord on January 26, Dunn, Michelle Jamison, Jennifer Jones,
2015. She was preceded in death by her Kevin and Doug Elliott, Dana Camden,
Deborah Agee and Tammy Searles; numerous
great and great great grandchildren. She was a
loving caring person who always had a smile
and time to visit with anyone who came to see
her. She was the matriarch of a family that she
loved unconditionally and who loved her with
all their hearts. Visitation was at B.W. White's
funeral home, Aylett, Va., on Thursday
January 29th from 6 to 8 pm. Graveside
service at Bruington Baptist Church Cemetery
on Friday, January 30th at 1 pm.
GARIS, Jane Cyphers, 69, of King William,
went to be with Jesus on Saturday, January 24,
2015. She was preceded in death by her
parents, Ronald and Helen Cyphers; and sister,
Mary Lynn Riffe. She is survived by her
loving husband of 49 years, Robert I. "Bob"
Garis Sr.; three sons, Robert I. Garis Jr.
(Mary), Ron Garis (Kate) and James Garis
(Rachel); five grandchildren, a sister, and
numerous nieces, nephews and cousins. The
family will receive friends on Wednesday
from 6 to 9 p.m. at the B.W. White Funeral
Home, Rt. 30, King William. Services will be
held 2 p.m. Thursday, at King William
Wesleyan Methodist Church, with interment in
the church cemetery.
Oscar Dale Stewart (Mule Skinner) of the
Richmond, Va. area, passed on January 26,
2015, to be with our heavenly father. He was
born in Person County, N.C. May 22, 1938
and is preceded by 6 children, Dana Trader,
Vincent Stewart (Rebecca), Christopher
Stewart (Amy), Gus Carroll, Jr., Barbara
Bowker (Steve), Robin Carroll, Sr. (Tammie)
18 Grandchildren, 6 Great Grandchildren, and
many friends. Dale loved horses, mules, trail
riding, singing, playing music, dancing, and he
never met a stranger. He was loved by many
and always had a good story to share. A
memorial is planned in his honor on February
7, at Walnut Grove Baptist Church, 7046 Cold
Harbor Road, Mechanicsville, Va. 23111 at
11:00 am with a reception to follow. In lieu of
flowers the family asks for donations to be
made to Memorial United Methodist Church,
11000 Courthouse Road, Charles City, Va.
23030or Walnut Grove Baptist Church, 7046
Cold Harbor Road, Mechanicsville, Va.
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Editors note: The following article was published in our January 21st issue without the accompanying photo. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
Thank you to my friends, family and community
Remembering Ryan Gallaher 7-18-68 - 1-23-09
Dear Friends, Family and KW Community:
have learned to
Six years ago, nothing could have been more of a compartmentalshock than when I lost my husband, best friend, and ize—something
father to our children, in an instant. One moment we I didn't underwere making plans to take the kids hiking, and the stand before
next, I was planning his funeral. He was just gone, you died, Ryan.
literally before our eyes. That horrific day was indeed Also, nothing
that: horrific. Over these years since Ryan’s death, I was and is
have done a lot of writing, privately, which has more powerful
proved to be therapeutic. Today, however, I write than knowing
publicly to honor and remember Ryan. It has also you are alive in
been on my heart to pen my thoughts and formally heaven and are
say “thank you.” So, I do thank you, folks of King not suffering.
William, family, friends, and others.
Knowing you
That January afternoon in 2009, God placed a are in His
confident rescue squad team on the scene that tried hands brings
everything humanly possible to revive Ryan. Al- great comfort to us. This world is broken, but you are
though I was in shock, I will never forget how they not now. Ryan, our children are thriving and oh, how
treated us with such compassion under the dire I wish you could be here to see them grow and hear
conditions. I have thanked a few of the Squad mem- their giggles! I firmly believe, though, you somehow
bers in person, but I wanted to make sure the entire were a part of the process when God handpicked
team and community knows how much I appreciate Dave to "carry the torch." I am so very blessed to
the King William Fire and Rescue Squad.
have an amazing new husband and an amazing
Thank you also, neighbors and friends. Those early father for our children. What some might call coinciyears were, by far, the darkest days of my life—with dences, I call God at work. I believe you know that,
two small grieving children and my own grieving even better than me. Ryan, thank you for showing
heart. Through our tragedy, though, I saw a kind- your love for Christ while you walked this earth so
ness and love emerge in others, not only through my my faith would grow stronger. I believe Cooper and
family and friends, but also in strangers—a love that Colleen will always keep that faith and love close to
I didn't know existed. Though my eyes were blurry their heart. That is a priceless gift you left us. We
with tears, I saw clearly that God did not leave us love you forever, Ryan!!
alone. I felt pain, but I also truly felt strength through
God's grace and all the prayers that were said, some
of which, I'll never even know were Friends, thank you all again for the love you gave
prayed. My prayer today is that our little town never to our family in those initial dark days as well as
gets too big or our calendars too full, so we will thanks to the new folks I met later on who also
always have time to take care of each other, espe- picked me up and helped me heal. I am remarried to
cially through prayer. God bless you all from the a fantastic man and it truly is as if Ryan did help
bottom of my heart.
handpick him! It's not an easy job to step in as Dave
That first year, after I lost Ryan, I wrote a letter "to" has done. The children have an incredible father on
him that was published in this very paper. Six years this earth again that they so proudly call "Daddy." It
later, I now continue that letter:
is such a joy to see them hug him every morning and
every night! Dave loves them like any daddy loves
Dear Ryan,
his kids. I thank God every day for him.
You took a piece of our heart when you left this
What I know now: We all are broken and we all
earthly life. While I know you are resting with Jesus,
grieve, albeit differently. The Lord will see you
you hold that broken piece of our heart until God
through any storm: I am proof. He can weave happireunites us. There isn't a day that goes by that you
ness back into a life that is shattered. I also believe
aren't missed. We have grieved for the life and future
Ryan's life-journey didn't end when he left this earth;
together we will never know, the promises cut short,
instead, it continues on. As a wise pastor once said,
and I have even grieved the loss of our joint identity.
“For all we know, his 40 years is just the prologue to
The list is long and goes on.
his story!” So, I wish you a "good read" with your
Six years later, we haven't moved on; we have
own story in 2015! Thankfully, God plants the seeds
moved forward. The kids and I have chosen to be
of hope and faith so that we may know the pages of
happy, which I know makes you happy. God has
our narratives don’t end here. We all have holes in
blessed us with a chance to find peace and be joyful
our hearts from broken dreams and lost loved ones,
again, and we are. How? I have no answer, other
but we can rest knowing, the story continues.....
than through The Lord's grace. I believe His fingerWith sincere love,
prints are all over the journey we have been on. I
Kara (Cooper and Colleen)
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Smith Receives Certificate of Appointment
from Farm Service Agency
Hugh B. Townsend, III, (on
right) Chairman of the Essex/
King & Queen/King William
Farm Service Agency County
Committee, is shown presenting
a Certificate of Appointment to
H. Logan Smith, Jr, as Advisor
to the County Committee.
The County Co mmittee
implements federal farm
programs on the local level.
February 7, 2014 One Year Ago
Our hearts are still hurting for the loss of our son, brother, daddy, uncle, cousin,
nephew, close friend Toledo Ortez Hayes
(House-Tee DJWHAT).
It’s hard why certain things happen, we
think about you everyday. A joke or a
kind word is said. We know you’re
watching down from Heaven “We love
you” “Miss You So”. But there is a
reason for it all, we’ll see you again some
sweet day.
The Family
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Church Calendar
Calendar entries are Non Profit Only, free up to 50
words. Over 50, will be charged 40 cent a word.
Corinth Christian Church
9153 Dabneys Mill Rd, Manquin invites
you to worship and fellowship with us at
one of our services. Sunday School10am, Worship Service-11am. Wed.
Bible Study-7:30pm.
New Mount Olive Christian Center
Founder and Pastor is Rev. Ulric L Eley,
Jr. Join us each Sunday morning at
9:30AM for Spiritual Growth Institute
and Morning Worship begins at
11:15AM. We are located at 109
Commons Park Circle, Suite F Manquin
VA 23106. (next to Jo’Jo’s) For more
information please call 804-769-3332.
Bethlehem Baptist Church located
4389 The Trail (Rote 14) Burlington.
23023. Call 804-363-1167 for additional
moved to, 7753 RichmondTappahannock Hwy, Aylett, on Sundays
@10:00 a.m. We want to invite you to
our exciting worship experience. COME
JOIN US! For more information,
contact: Pastor Gus Agostino (804)
769-2534 www.visitfamilylife.com
Mattaponi Baptist Church
Pastor: David Anthony, (804)725-2863
13468 The Trail, King & Queen C.H.,
Sunday School (10am) Worship Service
(11am) Prayer Meeting Second
Thursday, 7pm Bible Study Third and
Fourth Wednesdays, 7pm
Commins Road, Aylett
The MSBC family, are pleased to invite
you to our Black History Month
Celebration, on Sunday, February 22nd
at 10:00 a.m. Deacon Emeritus Mary B.
Johnson, the matriarch of our church
family, will be sharing her life
experiences. A family member from
Johnson’s Grill (Richmond, VA) will
reflect on being a business owner in the
1970’s. For more information call Pastor
Dabney at (804) 769-4879.
Fry to benefit New Mt. Zion
Baptist Church Restoration, to be
held in the church's annex, located
at 3110 Rosemount
Rd,. Walkerton, Va., on February
28, 2015, 12 noon-5:30 pm. The
cost is $8.00.
Sharon Baptist Church
located at 901 Sharon Road across
from King William High School. Sun
morning coffee & doughnuts at 8:45am,
followed by Sun School all ages at
9:15am. Morning Worship Service
10:30am. Nursery provided. Sun
Evening Bible Study at 6 pm. Additional
Bible Study 10am on Tues; 7pm on
Wednesdays prayer meeting. Youth
(7 th – 12 th graders) 7 pm on
Wednesdays. Office hours 9am to 2pm
Mon – Thur. 769-2320 Spaghetti
Dinner - to benefit family of Vicky
Harrison. Youth will host dinner on Sat.,
Feb 14th, 5–7 p.m. 901 Sharon Road.
Tickets $10 adults, $5 children. See Joe
Brown or Bobbie Bohr for tickets or by
calling the church at 769-2320.
St. Stephens Baptist Church
All are invited to visit our historic
church, serving God and community
since 1842. Sunday school at 10 and
worship service at 11. Bible Study on
Wednesdays at 7:30 PM. We’re easy to
find, right off Route 360 at the St.
Stephens Church stoplight. Go ¼ mile
south on Route 14 (The Trail) and you
can’t miss us! Telephone 804-7698833
Upper King & Queen Baptist Church
1693 Bradley Farm Rd· will celebrate
WMU Focus Week with a program of
music be HOMEWARD BOUND on
Sunday February 15th at 6 PM· Come
and join us·
Epworth United Methodist Church
invites you to join with us for our church
service on Sunday at 9:00 am followed
by a time of fellowship and refreshment.
Sunday school classes for all ages
begins at 10:30. For info please contact
office 769-1949.
McKendree United Methodist Church
Come join the fellowship every week
4347 Manfield Road, Manquin; Pastor
Chad Beck 804-769-2798or434-9077202, [email protected]. Sunday
Worship @9:30am, Sunday School
@10:45am located at 4347 Manfield
Road (Rt 605) in Manquin, Va. Please
join us.
Shepherd's UMC Please join us
on Sundays for worship service at 9:30
am and Sunday school at 11:00 am.
Shepherd's UMC, A Church For All
New Mount Olive Christian Center
Men & Women's Ministry Workshop
Session For Youth Please Come Join
Us Every Sunday Morning @ 9:30AM
for Spiritual Growth Institute and
Worship Service @ 11:30AM. Our
Address is 109 Commons Park Circle,
Suite F Manquin (Located in the King
William Commerce Park Commons
Saint James Presbyterian Church
(the little church next to King
William Courthouse) 411 Courthouse
Lane. Our regular service is held on
Sundays at 10:30 AM. Communion held
on the first Sunday of every month.
First Assembly of God
“Focusing on your family” is this year’s
theme. Ea. Sun @ 11am we will be
teaching vital principles from the Bible.
Biblical counseling is available by appt.
call 785-5683 or email
[email protected] 4 mi. east of
W.P. 3976 Lewis B. Puller Mem. Hgwy.
(Rt. 33)
Saint David’s Episcopal Church
“To Know Christ Jesus and to make
Christ Known” All are welcome to our
11am Worship Service and Children’s
Sunday School. 1st Sundays of the
month are Youth Service & Morning
Prayer, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sundays are
Holy Communion. 11291 West River
Rd. Aylett (next to public boat landing)
St. Paul's Episcopal Church
Lunch/dinner sales Thursday, February
12$9.00 and $10.00. You may call 804843-3587 to place your order or see any
member of the church. Orders may be
placed by 9:00 a.m. the day of the
lunch/dinner sales by calling 8432933. 15th & F Street,
St. Paul's Episcopal Church Men
Fellowship is vacationing in Cape Cod,
Massachusetts including Chatham,
Plymouth and Boston. The dates are
August 23 - 27. If you have any
questions call Charles at 804-843-7497
or Clarence at 843-4643. located at
15th & F Streets, West Point.
Sunday mornings 10:30AM. You will
experience a message that you can
understand and people that you can
relate to. Come casual, dressed up,
barefoot. TRCC is located at 694
Sharon Road, King William, 23086
(right next to the King William Library).
Donations needed for our Community
Closet! Please donate canned goods to
be given to neighbors in need. Call 2215641 for info.
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Community Calendar
Calendar entries are Non Profit Only, free February 6, 13, 20, and 27 Family, 10:30 a.m.,
up to 50 words. Over 50, will be charged 40 all ages Call 804-843-3244 or visit the library at
cent a word.
721 Main Street for more information
Free Afternoon Off for Caregivers!
INSIDE Yard/Craft Sale February 28th Bring your senior loved ones to a special event
7:30-12:30 at the Twin Rivers Building on the third Thursday of every month!
(Upstairs). $10 donation /spot to benefit Caregivers get an afternoon off (1:00-5:00
Relay For Life of King William. Call p.m.) while their seniors enjoy fellowship in a
Ellen Otey for info. 241-4314
safe environment with fun-filled activities
King William Wrestling Conference planned especially for them. For information
and registration, call 804-296-0315. Sponsored
Saturday, Feb. 7 at King William H.S. by United Methodist Women, McKendree
Wrestling starts at 12:00, cost $5. Come UMC, 4347 Manfield Road, Manquin.
support your Cavalier Wrestling Team as they Compassion Closet, located on Sharon Road
defend their title of Conference 33 Champions next to King William Library, offers clothes,
furniture and food when available. Donations of
for the third year in a row!
Calling all Cancer Survivors and Caregivers these items and money are always welcome
Please call Ann Garner at (804)296-4026 to and needed. Hours are Monday from 12 – 3
register and come on out and support King p.m. and Thursday from 10 – 12. Other times
William Relay for Life at KWHS on May 9th by appointment. For information call 221 –
from 3-10pm. Lets STAMP OUR CANCER 4341.
American Legion Post 314 Members MPNN CSB ON-GOING NURTURING
Welcomes ALL veterans from ALL branches of pm - 8:30 pm MPNN CSB King William
the military for coffee, conversation & Counseling Center, 1041 Sharon Road, King
camaraderie to our monthly Veteran’s Coffee William, 23086 Cost: $20 Per/Session + $20
Café`. Held every 3rd Friday each month Handbook The 15-week On-Going Nurturing
beginning at 10AM. 6250 Rich/Tapp Tpk. 229- Parenting Program takes place year round and
parents can enroll in the classes at any time.
Pre-registration is required. To register please
Pancake Breakfast
K.W. American Legion Post 314 welcomes call us at: 1-888-PREV-550 or 804-642-5402
ALL to our monthly pancake breakfast held or email us at [email protected]
every 4th Saturday each month. Starting PETS
promptly at 8AM. ALL You Can Eat for $6.6250 Good Homes Needed For Good Pets
Regional Animal Shelter, 20201 King William
Rich/Tapp Tpk. 229-9529.
Road, King William 804-769-4983. Kennel
King & Queen Branch Library
Storytimes Thursday, February 5, 12, 19, and visiting hours Mon.–Fri. 11a.m.-4p.m., Wed.
26 Family, 10:30 a.m., all ages Call 804-769- eve. until 6pm., Sat. 11am.-2pm.
1623 or visit the library at 396 Newtown Road w w w . p e t f i n d e r . c o m
[email protected]
for more information.
10-Week GED® Prep Class
Upper King William Branch Library
Storytimes Wednesday, February 4, 11, 18, Register for free GED® Prep class with MP
and 25 Family, 10:30 a.m., all ages Call 804- R.A.C.E. Adult Education class runs from
769-3731 or visit the library at 694-J Sharon 3/2/15 – 5/14/15. Must register in advance.
Contact MP R.A.C.E. at 888-769-1151 or print,
Road for more information
complete, and mail in class registration form
West Point Branch Library
Game Day Saturday, February 7, 12:30 – 1:30 from www.mprace.org.
p.m. Ages 3-10. Join us for a fun day of Help Wanted!
exciting games to play! Family Movie Matinee If you love animals please consider becoming
Saturday, February 14, Noon - 2:00 p.m. a foster parent. You provide a safe and loving
Movie Night Thursday, February 26, 6:00 - home, Indian Rivers Humane Society will
8:00 p.m. Ages 13 & up. Storytimes Friday, provide food and medical. Please call 804-885-
3109 x2 for further information. Someone will
call you back. You can help save lives!
Three Rivers SWCD Board of Directors
Monthly Board of Directors meetings on third
Monday ea. month. Public invited. If you would
like to attend, please contact us at (804)4432327 ext. 101.
Three Rivers SWCD Board of Directors
The Three Rivers Soil & Water Conservation
District will hold its monthly Board of Directors
meetings on the third Monday of each month.
The public is invited. If you would like to attend,
please contact us at (804)443-2327 ext. 101.
The Electoral Board of King and Queen County
will hold a meeting on February 10, 2015 at
9:00 AM. Meeting will be held in the Registrar’s
Office, 232 Allens Circle, King and Queen
[email protected].
Support Group for Family Members of
People with Mental Illness
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI),
Mid-Tidewater affiliate, is offering free family/
caregiver support group at King William
C o u n s e l i n g C e n t e r 1 0 4 1 S h a ro n
Road. Meetings held 3rd Thursday ea month
from 7–8:30p.m. For more information, contact
Diane at [email protected]
King William County On-Going Nurturing
Parenting Program
Every Monday 6:30pm - 8:30pm King William
Counseling Center, 1041 Sharon Road,
KW. $20 Per/Session + $20 Handbook. 15week On-Going Nurturing Parenting Program
takes place year round parents can enroll any
time. Pre-registration is required. To register
please call us at:1-888-PREV-550 or 804-6425402 or email us at [email protected]
Frog Level Volunteer Fire Dept. Auxiliary
Drive-Thru Chili Sale Feb. 21 3-5pm. Pre-order
King William T.E.A. Party, 7 to 8 PM
Thursday, February 12th at Upper King
William Library
America is in serious trouble and both of the
dominant political parties are at fault. Come
and take part in discussions of strategies to
deal with local, state and national issues in
2015. Meetings of KWTP are open to all
citizens of good will. Usually held on the
second and fourth Thursdays each month.
Location is the Upper King William Library,
694-J Sharon Road - Central Garage, in the
Sharon Office Park, ¼ mile past King William
High School. For more information visit
Boy Scout Troop/Venture Scout Crew #531
is having a spaghetti dinner on Friday
March 6th Immanuel Episcopal Church, 3263
Old Church Road. 6:30 pm until 8:00 pm.
Tickets can be purchased in advance or at the
door. $7.00 for ages 12 thru adult, $5.00 for
ages 5-11, free for children 4 & under. Call
Jennifer at 804-769-1203 to hold or purchase
for our 8th annual Casino Night on Saturday
March 21st 7-11pm at the KW Fire Station in
Aylett. Games of chance, great prizes, hors
d'oeuvres and a cash bar await you. All
proceeds raised benefit IRHS and
K W F D .
C h e c k
o u r
website www.indianrivershumane.org for more
information and tickets.
King William County Branch NAACP
Black History Program Sat. Feb. 21 at 3:00pm.
At Pamunkey Baptist Assn. center. Guest
speaker Dr. Warren Neale Holmes, a 1968
graduate of Hamilton Holmes hs. Rev. Robert
Brown, St. Paul Baptist church Aylett pastor.
And New Mt. Zion Baptist church Walkerton
will render the music. Light refreshments
served. In case of inclement weather the event
will be on Feb. 28.
Is hosting their 28th BLACK HISTORY
Plymouth, Virginia
FEBRUARY 7, 2015 TIME: 9:00 A.M.
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High Speed Internet
Order the High Speed Satellite Internet
that is now available in King William
and King & Queen! Speeds up to 12Mbps down and 3-Mbps up.
Starting at $50/month.
Order now by Calling 874-3294
Computer Services & Repair
Home or Business
Call Armistead @ 874-3294
Call Armistead.com
Norman’s Tree Service: Tree removal,
topping, trimming, stump grinding,
brush chipping, storm damage and
tractor work. No job too big or small, 75
ft. bucket truck.
Free Estimates,
reasonable prices. Licensed & Insured.
Locally owned & operated. Call 7697197
Steven’s Handyman Jr: Reasonable,
quality work, well experienced, any
type yard work, painting, mulching,
tree work, grass cutting, power
washing, etc.
Free Estimates &
Insured. Call 852-8403 (c)
Pollard’s Landscaping, Trees trimmed
and removed. 60ft. Bucket Truck,
Asphalt Repair & Sealing, Mulching,
Grass Cutting, Fertilizing, Seeding,
Power raking, Tree Pruning, Driveway
Repair , Fine & Rough Grading, Lot
Clearing, Trash Removal, Demolition,
Drainage Problems, Install and Repair
Septic Systems, Top Soil, Fill Dirt,
Pressure Washing, Painting, Staining.
We transport auto’s, boats, farm
machinery, mobile homes & misc.
freight. Call 445-1063 Licensed &
S. A Dunbar Construction 804-4025019. ALL your Home Improvements
and Repairs! Decks and Handrails
Custom Tile Work Replacement Interior
and Exterior Doors Custom trim
Custalow’s Piano Service: Tuning and
Repairs! Call 769-9234
TREE SERVICE: Over 30 years
experience, removal deadwooding,
trimming, storm cleanup. Firewood also
available. Fully Insured. Free Estimates.
L o c a l l y
o w n e d
Please call 804-763-9173
Auto Glass Installed: Bullzeye Glass,
Windshield replacement, rock chip
repair, same day mobile service. Direct
billing for Insurance. Locally owned.
Call 804-335-4807
P.C. Lurry Home Painting & Repairs:
Interior & Exterior. Gutters, Roofing,
Siding, Decks and other home repairs.
Affordable Rates, Licensed & Insured.
Call 804-769-2253 or cell 804-994-3128
Residential and Commercial electrical
service and installations Also generator
installations. Licensed and insured. Fiscal Clerk/Bookkeeper-Parent Child
BBB. Call 746-4350 for a free estimate Development Corporation is seeking
or visit mallory-electric.com
qualified individuals for full time and
Lamp Repair & Restoration: Do you part time Early Head Start teaching
have a sentimental lamp that’s not positions. Early childhood experience
working? FEAR NOT. Excellent service preferred. Minimum credential of a
Available! Call DOC Anytime at Child Development Associate or must
be willing to pursue Child Development
Associate. This institution is an equal
opportunity provider and employer.
Mail Resumes to PCDC, P O Box 799,
Seasoned firewood for sale, all Oak West Point, VA 23181 or email resumes
a n d H i c k o r y w i t h d e l i v e r y . to [email protected].
Call 769-7197
Head Start Lead Teacher: Minimum
Dry Firewood, All OAK, Split and AA in Early Childhood. Early
R e a d y F o r D e l i v e r y . P l e a s e Childhood experience preferred.
Call: 804-763-9173
Position is FT with benefits. This
institution is an equal opportunity
provider and employer. Mail resume to
Part Time Seasonal Truck Driver CDL. PCDC, P.O. Box 799, West Point, VA
drug test DMV Records required. 2 3 1 8 1 o r e m a i l r e s u m e s t o
Retired person welcomed. Please apply [email protected]
in person E.O.E Crop Production Receptionist/Office Administrator: Full
Time Dental Office. Computer
Services. Aylett 804-769-9200
Full Time Fertilizer Applicator CDL knowledge a must. Experience with
preferred. Drug test DMV Records dental billing, collections and insurance
required. Please apply in person E.O.E preferred. Offices located in West Point
Crop Production Services, Aylett 804- and Williamsburg. Fax 804-843-3030 or
s e n d
r e s u m e
t o :
[email protected]
Early Head Start Family Advocate
Now Hiring Part time Cashiers, Kitchen
Parent Child Development Corporation
staff & Dishwashers. Apply in Person at
is seeking a qualified individual for the
Chillin & Grillin Shack 12134 King
position of an Early Head Start Family
William Rd. Tues-Sat 5-8.
Advocate. This position is a full time
position with benefits. Bachelor’s
Degree in Human Services, Psychology
or related field required. This institution APARTMENT FOR RENT - Aylett is an equal opportunity provider and Brick 2 Bedroom, large eat-in kitchen,
employer. Mail resume to PCDC, P O washer-dryer, excellent location, From
Box 799, West Point, VA 23181 or $735. per month.
“Rent Special”
e m a i l
r e s u m e s
t o 7
[email protected].
Head Start Part Time Family Home for rent near Central Garage
Advocate Parent Child Development area. Available March 1st. 3 bedrooms
Corporation is seeking a qualified 2 baths fenced in back yard and large
individual for the position of a Head deck. Contact Karen at 804-310-7054
Start Family Advocate. This is a part Homes For Rent: King William~3
time position. Bachelor’s Degree in Bedroom, 2 Baths--$1,050/month.
Human Services, Psychology or related Available January 20th. Or Marle Hill- 3
field required. This institution is an bedrooms, 2 1/2 bath three story home
equal opportunity provider and for $1350/month. ~~First months Rent
employer. Mail resume to PCDC, P O & Security Deposit due up front. $35/
Box 799, West Point, VA 23181 or adult application fee for credit and
e m a i l
r e s u m e s
t o background check. No Pets, No
[email protected].
Smoking. Call Ellen Otey, Twin Rivers
Early Head Start Teaching Positions Realty, Inc. 804-241-4314
Parent Child Development Corporation is
House for Rent $800/mo. 2 bdrm, 1 bth,
seeking qualified individuals for full time
and part time Early Head Start teaching Quiet Area, Heatpump, Washer/Dryer 2
positions. Early childhood experience miles south of KW Courthouse on Rt
preferred. Minimum credential of a Child 30, NO PETS, Excellent credit a must
Development Associate or must be willing Deposit & First Mo. Rent to move in
to pursue Child Development Associate. Feb 1st Call 804-339-2395
This institution is an equal opportunity W A L K E R T O N R I V E R T O W N
provider and employer. Mail Resumes to HOUSE: Within a glimpse of the
PCDC, P O Box 799, West Point, VA Mattaponi River, tall white Victorian
2 3 1 8 1 o r e m a i l r e s u m e s t o with rain-tapping tin roof, heartwood
[email protected].
pine floors recently refurbished...new
lazer heater...in center of a tiny, quaint,
town but within a doable commute to
Richmond.. And close to
geesegeesegeese overhead..boat landing
below...$1000 a month 804-769-2080
TOP CASH PAID -We’re buying
antiques, old tools, old guns, swords,
guitars, old trains, military items, old
toys, glassware, clocks, nautical things,
other old items. If you're cleaning out a
house, shed, attic, garage, basement,
etc., Call 804-337-5329 Friendly Service
and Fair Prices Paid!
FREE PICK UP: Looking to haul away
your unwanted junk. Will pick up
broken refrigerators, appliances, scrap
metal, car batteries, etc. Let me save
you a trip to the dump. Call 804-8400682
Waterfront Lot for Sale in Walkerton$45,000~~ Land Parcel 29.25+/- Acres
for sale-$99,950~~219 Mill Stream Ave.
Walkerton- $149,950 3 Bedrooms, 2
baths~~161 Field View Lane-3
Bedrooms, 2 baths, very private-Price
Reduced! $90,000~Call ELLEN OTEY
with Twin Rivers Realty, Inc. to SELL
YOUR HOME OR LAND. 804-2414314
Critter Care Pet Sitting: We offer
affordable and professional care for your
pet in the comfort of their home. We
also offer walking programs. Call 804339-7265
Boarding, Twin Ponds Kennels,
Indoor/Outdoor runs, heated & air
conditioned. Obedience Training & Gun
Dog Training. Call Patty or Danny
Waltman 769-3095 or 370-8793
DOG BOARDING: Indoor, outdoor,
private runs, individual attention.
Conveniently located 1/4 mile off 360
near Rt. 30. Reservation suggested.
Edgewood Farm 769-4838
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