Special notes about this term’s work: Class Visit to be confirmed. MANIFOLD CE (VC) PRIMARY SCHOOL Learning to Love Loving to Learn HEDGEHOG’S CLASS Year 1 SUMMER TERM 2014 How you can help your child this term: This term’s topic is: Please hear your child read at home and talk about the story or information content. Encourage your child to bring in information or objects related to our topic. Please support your child to learn their spellings and sight words. Continue to support your child with reading, as parents who can show an interest in their child’s work really do make a difference. Kings and Queens What we will be learning this term Geography Linked to History topic – where are the Queen’s homes? Linked to Science topic – different habitats of animals. P.E. Swimming. Ball skills, throwing, catching, bouncing. Games skills, passing, jumping, taking turns. Practise for Sports Day events. SCFC Sports Coaching. History Investigate life and times of Queen Elizabeth II. Timeline of monarchy in British history. Music Specialist Music Teacher covers percussion, singing, rhythm and beat. Maths Multiples of 2,5,10 within the 2,5,10 times table. Solving 2 step problems with real life contexts. Use diagrams, pictograms, block graphs, lists and tables to present collected data. Follow and give instructions involving position, direction and movement. Literacy To write about fantasy worlds. To use poems with pattern and rhyme to investigate rhyming words. Letters and sounds – daily phonics to support reading and spelling skills. To write clues about an animal or object. Weekly spelling. Art/D&T Choose materials to make crowns. Design a coat of arms for my family. Explore some royal family portrait artists. Create own portraits. Design clay butterflies. Plant and care for a variety of plants and vegetables. R.E Why did Jesus tell stories? What are good rules and choices? I.C.T. Use software and the internet to find out information to support our topics. Science Look at a range of living things to investigate how they grow. Carry out experiments with various plants, fruit and vegetables. Identify and name common animals, birds, mammals, reptiles, fish. Link to geography topic habitats.
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