FEBRUARY 2015 Life Line News PASTOR GEORGE SPICER – email: [email protected] Associate Pastor: Pastor Marcus Breitbarth – email: [email protected] Church Office email: [email protected]; [email protected] 14802 N. 75th Avenue – Peoria, AZ 85381 Phone: 623-773-1234 Website: www.licl.org Our Mission Statement: Live & Grow in Christ ~ Encourage and Reach Others! JUST A THOUGHT . . . from Pastor Spicer Friends in Christ Jesus, Mother Teresa once said, “I am God’s pencil and I let Him write however He chooses.” This was a statement of faith, reflecting her desire that God’s will be done in her life in whatever way God chose. As I reflected on Pastor Darling’s life yesterday, I had this strong feeling that if I were writing his story, I would have written a different ending. My story would have included a miraculous recovery for Pastor Darling from his serious injuries. It would have seen him enjoying a lengthy retirement with his beloved Tina, a continuing of teaching on Tuesday mornings at LICL, meeting people for prayer at the altar rail on Sunday mornings and a dozen other ways in which Pastor Darling might be used by the Lord to spread the love of God to others. God chose to end this chapter of Pastor Darling’s life differently than I would. And that’s good. God’s will is perfect. God’s timing is perfect. He sees and knows what we do not see and know. While we might not understand some of His ways and purposes, we know that God is good and that everything He does is designed for our good. Thanks be to God! Like all of you, I was filled with deep sorrow and sadness upon learning of Pastor Darling’s passing. But that sorrow has given way to great joy. That’s because of all the preceding chapters of Pastor Darling’s story here at LICL. Pastor Dave and Tina came to Life in Christ because they were frustrated with their previous church’s drift from recognizing the Scriptures as God’s pure, infallible Word. His feeling was so strong that he ultimately resigned from the pastoral roster of the ELCA and went to the certification process to be added to the pastoral roster of the LCMS. I remember working with Pastor Darling on the application and the whole process was lengthy and time consuming. It was a happy day when that certification finally arrived. Anyone who attended a single Bible class of Pastor Darling’s recognized his great love for God’s Word. He taught the Word with enthusiasm and humor. Whether it was on Tuesday morning, Sunday morning or at his Small Group, Pastor Darling loved opening up the Scriptures for eager learners. He loved to talk about the “Ahha” moments that many of you had in making some discovery in the Bible. Those moments gave Pastor Darling great, great joy. How many of us appreciated those times when Pastor Darling stopped to say hello to us before or after (Cont. on page 2) How many of us appreciated those times when Pastor Darling stopped to say hello to us before or after services? Didn’t the twinkle in his eye telegraph to us that he had a funny joke or a “shaggy dog” story to tell? Weren’t we blessed to be able to go up to the altar and have Pastor Darling offer a prayer for a special need or concern of ours? Didn’t we feel lifted up after Pastor Darling came to visit us in the hospital, to pray with us and bring us communion? And then there were those prayer crosses. How many prayer crosses did Pastor Darling distribute during his ministry here? Only he could tell us and he probably lost track of the number. But what a comfort to hold that cross in our hands, a reminder that in our illness or struggle the One who died on that cross, Jesus Christ, was near and would not leave us in our time of suffering. You know the story…it was on the cross that Jesus died, suffering God’s punishment for the world’s sin. By dying on the cross, Jesus redeemed us from the guilt of sin and the power of death and the threats of the evil one. Through His sacrificial death on the cross and His resurrection from the grave, Jesus won our salvation. We are justified by grace, through faith, and hold the promise of eternal life in heaven. That is the wonderful news that Pastor Darling loved to preach and to teach and he blessed us all greatly. This is the wonderful news that Pastor Darling staked his eternal life on. And it was this same Jesus, the Good Shepherd of the sheep, who came for Pastor Darling yesterday, led him through the valley of the shadow of death, and granted him the peace and rest from all the troubles of this world. How blessed we all have been to have had a part in the story God wrote, using Pastor Darling to extend His kingdom of grace in this place and to bring comfort and hope to all who are part of our church family. It’s not the way that I would have written the story. Thank goodness that the story is not mine to write. Never could I have written such a moving story, so full of blessings, that was the life of Pastor Dave Darling among us all. Even more comforting to know is the fact that the last chapter of Pastor Darling’s life has not been written. There is coming a day, known only to God the Father, when Jesus will come again. The unbelievers will be sentenced to everlasting punishment. Believers will be gathered together by Jesus to receive everlasting life. On that great day Pastor Darling’s soul will be reunited with a brand new, glorified body. All the aches and pains of this life will be gone. And we’ll know Pastor Dave again. We’ll enjoy the twinkle in his eye and his boisterous laugh. We’ll be with all those we loved in this life and together we’ll gather around the throne of the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world to offer our everlasting thanks and praise. So, yes, I’m glad that God writes our stories. He wrote Pastor Darling’s story and for that we give the Lord our heartfelt praise. May He do the same with each of us. May we give ourselves over to the Lord so that He might write with us whatever He chooses, trusting that the story He does write will be for our good and for His glory. We have Pastor Darling’s story as our encouragement. May God write with us as He did with His faithful servant, Pastor Dave Darling. To God be the glory! Pastor George Spicer 2 Lent is just around the corner! Lent Is a 40 day Christian festival beginning Ash Wednesday and concluding on Easter (Sundays are not counted). The word "Lent" comes from the old Anglo-Saxon word lengten, which means "springtime," named so for the time of the year in which it occurs. What we now call Lent was originally a period of fasting and study for catechumens who were to be baptized on the Saturday before Easter. The 40 day fast was said by Athanasius in 339 AD to be celebrated the world over. The 40 day fast of Jesus in the wilderness was responsible for the number 40 being chosen. The purpose of this extended fast was to practice self-denial and humility. This was to prepare oneself for receiving God's grace and forgiveness in baptism, given on Easter Saturday or Easter Sunday. The liturgical color for Lent is purple (or blue)the color of repentance and sorrow for sin. Lent prepares us for the observance of Jesus Christ's suffering, death, and resurrection for us. It is a season of repentance and sorrow for sin. Lent is a time of self-examination in light of the Ten Commandments; it is a time of giving up of sinful behavior, a time of personal housecleaning. It is a time of commitment to the new life of Christ begun in baptism. It is a time of disciplined study of Scripture and a time of growing in faith. In recent years Lent has become a time to remember our baptisms. It is a time to reflect on the impact of baptism on our lives, and to ask ourselves how we are doing. Most of all, it is a time of renewal and new beginnings, as we through faith apply the complete forgiveness won by Christ's death to our lives. Lent heightens our awareness that we desperately need Jesus Christ. As someone has said: "Lent is the Church's springtime. Out of the darkness of sin's winter emerges a people the Church--reborn through baptism into their Lord's death and resurrection from the grave. "Lent is an opportunity not an obligation. It is not commanded by our Lord, nor is it even mentioned in the Bible. Those Christians who observe it do so because they find it a helpful opportunity for repentance and renewal, for the strengthening of their faith. Christians are free to observe or not observe Lent. The beginning of what we call "Ash Wednesday," is difficult to date with certainty, though it probably began around 600 A.D. Ashes are applied to the forehead of Christians in the sign of the cross (throughout the Middle Ages ashes were sprinkled on the head) as a symbol of humility and repentance. The ashes are a reminder that we are "dust and to dust you shall return" (Genesis 3:19). Thus, they are a reminder of our mortality cursed as it is by sin. Moreover, the ashes remind us of our limits, of what we are, and how greatly we need God's mercy in Christ. 3 Come join us for Lenten Services and Suppers! Our Lenten theme this year is Restored in Christ. The season of Lent is a time for us to face together the brokenness of our lives and our world, and then turn that brokenness over to Christ so that we can be restored by Him through the cross. Each week we will examine an area of brokenness and see how Christ brings us restoration and life as His new creations forever. Come and be uplifted by the peace, comfort and joy we have in Christ! Also, please come to our Lenten Suppers starting at 5:30pm in the Education Building. Wednesday Lenten Services — 7:00pm A ● ASH WEDNESDAY — Feb 18 — 12:00pm & 7:00pm COmmunion Service with Distribution of Ashes — Broken Hearts s ● Feb 25 — Broken Vessel s ● March 4 — Special Deaf Ministry Service with Pastor Thomas Dunseth s ● March 11 — Broken Bread ● March 18 — Broken Promises ● March 25 — Broken Justice s s Come join us for Holy Week Services! Holy Week is when we closely reflect on Jesus’ institution of the Lord’s Supper, His arrest, trial, suffering, crucifixion, death, rest in the tomb, and resurrection Easter morning. These historical events are the foundation of our faith! We are God’s people now and forever because of what Jesus has done for us! ● April 2 — 7:00pm — Maundy Thursday Communion Service ● April 3 — 7:00pm — Good Friday Tenebrae Service ● April 4 — 5:00pm — Easter Vigil s s s Easter Sunday Celebration Services! April 5 — 6:30am, 8:30am, 10:30am And all the festivities … Pancake Breakfast & Easter Egg Hunt! 4 Please plan to attend the Retirement Reception for Pastor John F. Pope Sunday, February 22 Starting at 9:00am with a cake reception Followed by a time of Remembrance & Thanksgiving in the sanctuary at 9:20am In Reflection of Pastor Pope’s Ministry at LICL … by Pastor George Spicer "He had time for everyone." That sums up the ministry of our former pastoral assistant, John Pope. Pastor Pope retired at the end of 2014 (Retired, of course, is a loose word among pastors. Really, what pastor ever fully retires?). His ministry at Life in Christ, serving primarily in the care ministry of our church, lasted about six years. In that time, Pastor Pope made hundreds of visits to residences, hospital rooms, hospice facilities and rehab centers. Our people valued the time they had with Pastor Pope. That was the gift he gave them - time. I appreciated the fact that Pastor Pope never seemed to be in a hurry. Oh, he was effective and he got things done. But he did his work in such a way that left people feeling like he had all the time in the world - for them. If you needed a minute of Pastor Pope's time, he gave you five. If you needed an hour, he gave you every bit of that and more. Our people found him to be a very good listener. They also relied on his wisdom and good common sense. And they appreciated the fact that he kept pointing them to Jesus - for peace, for hope, for salvation. He was (and is) a very effective pastor. But mostly people appreciated the fact that Pastor Pope had time for them. That is the best compliment a pastor can receive. 5 Pastor Spicer Celebrates 10 Years at Life In Christ Lutheran PS, We Love You! Friends in Christ, Thank you for making my 10th anniversary as pastor of LICL so memorable. Everything was perfect – the food, the decorations, the music, the program – everything! It was a humbling experience and yet one for which I am very grateful. Sherri and I received many cards and gifts and we are so very appreciative of you all. Also, thank you for the gift of two new stoles. They are beautiful and I can’t wait to wear them during worship. I praise the Lord often for the privilege of serving here at LICL. It is a joy to work with you in showing and sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with our community and world. May the Lord continue to bless you and keep you in His care and love. Pastor Spicer Thank You PS! 6 PS, We Love You! 7 February 14, 2015 The LICL Youth would like to invite the Life in Christ Family to our Valentine’s Day Dinner starting at 7:00pm. We will be transforming the sanctuary into a romantic restaurant serving a meal put together by our own Chief Mark H. and prepared and served by our youth. The menu for the dinner is as follows: Grilled Pork Medalions with Balasmic Glaze, Roasted Potatoes, Roasted Vegetables, Mixed Greens with Strawberry Vinagrette and Cream Puffs with Chocolate Sauce. Tickets will go on sale Sunday, Feb. 1, at a cost of $15 per person We will also have child care available for a nominal fee. This event is a fundraiser for our youth to attend the National Youth Gathering in New Orleans in the summer of 2016 Pastor Trahms The Tuesday Morning Bible Class had a wonderful idea! They have asked that the members of LICL send a card) to Pastor Trahms by Valentine’s Day (Feb. 14), to let him know how we much we care and appreciate him. As most of you know, Pastor Trahms had a stroke in September of last year and now continues his recovery in Las Vegas, NV, near his family. This would certainly be a day brightener for him. Please call the church office for Pastor Trahms address. 8 Lutheran Women in Mission “Daughters of the One True King”, Romans 8:17 Our next monthly meeting will be on Saturday, February 14, at 9:00am. We will have a speaker from The 100 Club of Arizona. For more than 40 years, he 100 Club of Arizona provides benefits to over 50,000 public safety officers, firefighters, all sworn and/or certified police, corrections, probation/parole officers, firefighters, federal agents and their families who are serving and protecting the citizens of Arizona. This includes all city, county, tribal, state and federal levels. Benefits include financial assistance when a serious injury or death occurs, emotional support training, safety related stipends and scholarships for immediate family members. These benefits are also extended to officers and firefighters who are called to active duty military while still employed by a qualified public safety agency. LWML Bake Sale and Craft Raffle Sunday, February 8th during coffee time Bake Sale - If you signed up to donate baked goods please bring them to the church on Saturday, February 7 between 10:00am and 12:00 noon. We will also be collecting the homemade cookie donations for the Peoria Police and Fire Departments. If you have signed up to bake cookies even if you did not and would still like to donate homemade cookies, please bring them on February 7 as well. Craft Raffle - All items are handmade crafts. Tickets will be sold now through Feb. 8 on the patio during coffee time. 1 ticket = $5.00 5 tickets = $20.00 Please join us on February 14, for our monthly meeting. Serve the Lord with gladness! Psalm 100:2 9 Master, Did We Fail You? A Moving Drama About Our Lord’s Last Supper March 30 & 31—7:00pm Many of you will recall from last year this inspirational drama depicting our Savior’s last supper with His twelve disciples. LICL is again scheduling this most appropriate drama for the Easter season on Monday and Tuesday evenings, March 30 and 31. This Biblical based drama depicts the reactions of Christ’s disciples when He informed them that one of them would betray Him and also instructed them to take, eat of His body and drink of His blood in remembrance of Him. This drama reveals their astonishment and reactions to this great moment just before Christ is crucified and forgives each of us of all our sins. All members who attended this past year as well as everyone who was unable to attend is invited to witness this spiritually inspiring presentation. An Opportunity to Serve Members are needed to participate in the production of Master, Did We Fail You? We need volunteers to step forth and serve in the role as one of Christ’s Apostles as well as in supporting areas to include working with set and prop set up, working with costuming, re-organizing the Sanctuary for the actual performance evenings, and to assist with the evening suppers for all who are involved. We also need previous drama participants to again indicate their willingness to participate. Parts to be memorized are only 3 to 5minutes in length. Please, sign up on the sheets in the Narthex. Remember, you have from now until March 25 to memorize and perfect your role – with Ruth and Mel’s, our directors, assistance. You will find this a most rewarding and satisfying experience. 10 TAX TIME! LICL YEAR END FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ARE NOW AVAILABLE! Year-end statements are ready to be picked up in the narthex. Please help us save on postage by picking your statement up today. HELP! HELP! SOUND BOARD HELP NEEDED! We need help with the Sound Board & working the PowerPoint during our Sunday morning services. Can you help out once a month, a few times a year or more? Please sign up in the narthex if you are interested in doing this. For more information, see Todd B. or Steve B. FEB. 8 is SCOUT SUNDAY! All former Scout leaders, all current Boy /Girl Scouts and Leaders are encouraged to wear their uniforms to church on Sunday, Feb. 8, and assist with greeting and ushering duties. For more information, please speak with Kirk B. Lutheran Thrift Shop 10737 West Peoria Ave, Sun City We’ve come a long way, baby! After another strong year at the shop, we’ve now settled in to 2015! It’s always fun to look back at some of the accomplishments of the past year and of the last twenty years. It’s hard to believe, we started with one suite in the Sun Bowl Plaza for the purpose of “extending” American Lutheran’s annual yard sale to benefit more people throughout the year. Now we occupy more than 13,000 sq. ft. and are the largest shop in the plaza. We’ve come a long way since 1994! We’re definitely not your grandma’s thrift shop anymore! This past year we welcomed more than 350 volunteers who generously worked more than 50,000 hours. Our net sales of over $700,000 allowed us to pay over $443,000 in grants to deserving organizations. Come by and visit soon. While you’re here, check out our large selection of Valentine’s Day items. If you think you would like to be a part of the Lutheran Thrift Shop, ask for a tour and a volunteer application. 11 The Fellowship Committee would like to thank all those who helped with the Pizza/Bingo Party to bring a fun evening of Fellowship to LICL. If you love to host events please consider joining the Fellowship Committee. We looking for new leaders for our team tobring new ideas and fun to our events. Please join us Saturday, Feb. 7, at 9:00am, the Ed. Bldg. We will be planning our next church event. Everyone is welcome. Please join us! Deaf Ministry Week is Coming Soon! March 1-8 Pastor Dunseth, pastor for the deaf, will be our guest speaker and leader during this special week. There will be many exciting events for all! Bible Classes! Introductory Sign Classes available for all members! Presentation of the Deaf Ministry in China! Contributions to the Deaf Ministry Fund to help fund this event would be most appreciated. Please look for the upcoming schedule in the coming weeks! LICL LUNCH BUNCH Deaf Bible Study Join the fun! Everyone’s invited! Wednesday, February 18 — 10:00am Thursday — February 12— 11:30am At Apache Trails, ASL Black Angus 2428 E. Apache Blvd — 7607 W. Bell Rd—Glendale RSVP with Mary M or the church office by Feb. 11 Contact Gerald L or Karla D’ for more information Tempe, AZ 85281 Deaf Coffee Hour MEN’S NETWORK meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month at Culvers (83rd Ave just north of Thunderbird) SATURDAY, February 14 9:00am—Room #1 Bring your Bible and See you there! be prepared for great discussion! 12
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