7 February 2015 Family Service YOUTH EVENTS Youth Club: 11 am Join in games, sports, and social time from 7:30-9:30pm this evening. For secondary school age and up. Friday Youth Meeting – 7:30pm Invocation: Roger Murphy For Bible Study and discussion based on Luke. Open for parents, youth, and young adults. Welcome To Stanborough Park Church Preliminaries He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Isaiah 40.29 Meditation: Proverbs 3:1-6, Kavit Shah Hymn NAH 159: 'Lift Up The Trumpet' Tithes & Offerings ‘The Holy City’ Paul Cooper/Daniella Bernard Family Prayer: Yetunde Bright Children's Story: P Yunuen Carrillo Development Offering: Eustace Anthony Presentation of Certificates, Pins: Florence Allen Investiture Charge: Caroline Kamara Musical Item: ‘O The King Is Coming’ Adventurers/Pathfinders Bible Reading: Matthew 28:18-20, Samuel Gil Lizarazo Sermon: ‘Even so, Believe!’ Pastor Jacques Venter Hymn NAH 454: ‘We Are Marching To Zion’ Benediction CONTACTS Pastoral Team Jacques Venter [email protected] / 07868 546 941 Sam Neves [email protected] / 07522 088 007 Mary Barrett [email protected] / 07961 777 446 Stanborough Centre Office Michael Swain [email protected] / 07962 320 372 Church Clerk [email protected] / 07905 620 080 Bulletin Deadline WED 3pm [email protected] Pastoral Team: Jacques Venter; Mary Barrett; Sam Neves Stanborough Park Seventh-day Adventist Church 609 St Albans Road SUNSET TIMES Elder: Terry Menkens Pianist: Tina Brooks Today: 5.01pm Next Friday: 5:12pm Watford WD25 9JL 01923 894664 www.stanboroughchurch.org www.spsda.co.uk/watch Sabbath School 9.45am Welcome: Mirian Keshishian Hymn NAH 316: ‘Lord of the Sabbath hear us pray’ Prayer: Eileen Hussey Mission Report: Aarinola Ayo-Ipaye Praise in Music: Jefferson Samuel Lesson Study: ‘What you get is not what you see’ Memory Text: ‘There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death.’ Proverbs 14:12 Mission Offering: Jacqueline Deane Hymn NAH 6: Praise to the Lord the Almighty' Prayer: Adebukola Ayo-Ipaye 9am Service Introit: 'Holy, Holy, Holy' Welcome and Opening Prayer Hymn NAH 25: 'Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise' Tithes & Offerings Offertory and Family Prayer Scripture Reading: Romans 8:24-39 Hymn NAH 414: ‘My hope is built on nothing less’ Sermon: ‘Even so, Believe!’ Hymn NAH 713: ‘Will your anchor hold’ Benediction Announcements Announcements PRAYER CORNER. Let us pray for Kish and his supporters who, through S.T.O.P. International - Save The Orphans Please - are raising the quality of life of children in several orphages in India. BARN DANCE. The great Stanborough barn dance is returning! Have fun, make new friends and keep fit. Feb 14th 7.30pm, ticket price includes light supper. See Pat, Estelle, Alix, Dan or Diana for tickets. FAMILY MINISTRY PRAYER BASKET Family Ministry Prayer Basket is with Hatten family we invite the church to pray for Kirsty Hatten. 'My prayer request is that I will rediscover God and really experience the depth of His love over my time in Cambodia and the following challenging months.' "Because He loves me, says the Lord, " I will rescue him; I will protect him for he acknowledges my name. He will call on me and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him." Psalm 91:14-15 FREE LITERATURE WILL BE AVAILABLE IN THE NORTH PORCH AFTER THE SERVICES TODAY. Please help yourself and give the items to your friends, work colleagues, relatives and your neighbours. FAMILY MINISTRY Today at 4 pm Family Ministry presents Paediatrician Dr. Leo Thanikkel with the following topics: ADHD and Vaccination. Come and invite your friends. THE SOUP RUN 13 February will be led by Stanborough Park Youth Department – Rachel Lunan. The driver is Brian Davison. We are in urgent need of blankets and sleeping bags plus men’s clothing. TUESDAY TALKS, 10 FEBRUARY, 8PM. Speaker Pastor Patrick Boyle ‘Everybody has a right to happiness’. Light Supper served at 7pm. THE SPC PRAYER On a Wednesday about 40 people receive a prayer list and pray for the needs of the church and our members. If you would like to be a part of this group please contact Pastor Mary. If you have a prayer request that you would like to be put on the list, could you also let Pastor Mary know by Sunday evenings. PATHFINDERS There is no Pathfinder meeting on the 8 th of February. The next meeting is the Pathfinder Induction on the 28th of February. DEVELOPMENT OFFERING will be collected today. Please donate prayerfully. All offerings, large or small, are greatly appreciated. PASTOR MARY would like to speak with the person who put an anonymous card through her door on Wednesday 28th January whilst she was out at prayer meeting. She would like to speak to the person about the contents of the card. The money enclosed with the card, will be sent to the Re-development funds. INDIAN MEAL AND AUCTION last Saturday night raised £2,000 for STOP – Save the Orphans Please. Many thanks to all those who supported this event. NEXT HEALTH LECTURE will be on Thursday 26th February. WOMEN IN PRAYER 14th FEB, AT 1-3 PM, Oak & Beach rooms. We kindly remind you that we will be serving light refreshments before the meeting. Please come and bring a friend who you know will benefit from our prayer session. "Pray without ceasing" I Thes. 5:17. WEDDING Chloe Lewis, who was a Student Missionary here in 2010/2011, is getting married on 22 Feb 2015. Maritza Sabatier has a card to send to her and will be happy for anyone to sign it. If you would like to send a short greeting, please see her after the service today and during Fellowship Lunch. Thank you!
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