Welcome to Peterculter Parish Church. A special welcome
to any visitors joining us - please sign the visitors’ book. A
crèche for children aged under three is available in the small
hall. Please remember to pass on any information/requests
via the cards available on every chair. Tea and coffee will be
served in the large hall after the service.
The Holiday Club takes place again this year for all primary
school age children from August 11th – 15th, 10.00 am – 12
noon, large church hall.
Please stand when the Bible is carried into church
Sunday August 10th 2014, 10.30 am
Hymn 189: Be Still (sung seated, unannounced)
Welcome Call to Worship (see screen)
3. Visit of Malawians: We are looking for volunteers to host
the Rev Baxton Maulidi, the former minister at our partner
church St Paul’s, who is coming to visit Aberdeen along with a
small group of Malawians. We are seeking hosts for around one
week each. The dates are Friday August 29th – Tuesday
September 2nd inclusive. f you can help, please contact the
minister or Mrs Wilma Angus on 734796.
4. On Sunday August 17th at 11.00am (note later time) we hope to
hold our Outdoor Summer Service, weather permitting. The
service will take place at the Glebe. Chairs will be provided.
Transport will be available from the church from 10.30am
onwards. The service will be followed by a barbecue. If the
weather is poor the service will take place in the church at
11.00am. Please bring your own drinks.
5. There will be a debate on the Scottish Independence Referendum
on Thursday August 28th at Cults Kirk Sanctuary, Quarry Road,
at 7.30 pm.
You can submit questions to ask on the night to
[email protected] The following are the
panellists: No campaign: Anne Begg MP, Alan Savage, Orion
Group, Hugh Andrew, Birlinn Publishing House. Yes campaign:
Maureen Watt MSP, Kenny Anderson, Anderson Construction,
Rev Emsley Nimmo, Scottish Episcopal Church.
6. The August issue of Life and Work is available at the church
Visit our website:
Hymn 169: Praise the Lord with the sound of trumpet
Prayer and Family Prayer (see screen)
Children’s Talk
Hymn 164: God gave me eyes so I could see
(Children leave)
Readings: Psalm 105, 1 – 7, page 607
John 14, 22 – 36, page 981
Hymn 154: O Lord my God! When I in awesome wonder
Prayer for others
Hymn 96: You are before me, God, you are behind (Highland Cathedral)
Offering and Prayer of Dedication
Hymn 182: Now thank we all our God
Benediction and Threefold Amen
Please remain standing for the Bible being carried out of church
Hymn 786: May the God of peace go with us (seated)